All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Two Palestinian Authority security services members were killed this morning near the Huwara checkpoint as they shot at the soldiers there.

Whenever incidents like this happen, before a terror group takes responsibility, Palestinian media (and even other terror groups) first respond by claiming that the IDF shot innocent civilians in cold blood.

Islamic Jihad called it a "cold blooded execution."

PA prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh called it "a heinous field execution committed by the occupation forces."

Then as more information started coming out that they were involved in an attack, the tenor of the responses changed.

The PFLP was cautious, saying they"were martyred in a new crime committed by the occupation" but implying that they were attacking at the time by saying "our people's response to the occupation and its aggression and the escalation of resistance against it proves the determination of our people to continue the confrontation until freedom and victory are achieved."

Then the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades took explicit credit for the attempted attack, saying they shot at the IDF soldiers at point-blank range at 1:05 AM, a "zero-distance clash with the Zionist enemy at the Hawara checkpoint in the city of Nablus, and that all the usurpers and settler herds are targets of the battalion fighters, and that the battle is open with this usurper occupation."

So now the responses change from "innocent victims" to "heroic martyrs."

Hamas praised '"the two martyrs of the armed clash with the Zionist occupation forces."

The narrative changed on a dime.

Note that two members of the Palestinian Authority security forces were also terrorists for the Fatah Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Either Mahmoud Abbas is too weak to enforce that his own security forces are not terrorists, or he supports it. Either way, negotiating with him for peace is impossible.

Last year, during the May 2021 fighting in Gaza, an IAF missile destroyed an apartment in Gaza City, killing a mother and two of her children - Rima Telbani(31), Zeid(4) and Maryam(2).

Israel was blamed for targeting civilians. The New York Times published a photo of the children.

Today, another victim of that attack succumbed to his wounds. His name is Muhammad Ouda Yousef Al-Telbani.

He was a Hamas terrorist.

In fact, in the building at the same time were two other senior Hamas terrorists who were killed - who were not mentioned by PCHR.

Which means that the building was almost certainly a command and control center - and the cute Telbani kids were human shields for Hamas, including for their father.

That changes the story a bit, doesn't it?

While Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas might call himself the president of “Palestine,” most mainstream media outlets have rightfully refrained from recognizing Ramallah’s claim of independence. After all, the territory under Abbas’ control currently does not meet the formal criteria for statehood outlined in international law.

As the Associated Press makes clear in its authoritative stylebook: “Use Palestine and Palestinians in the context of Palestine’s activities in international bodies to which it has been admitted… Do not use Palestine or state of Palestine in other situations, since it is not a fully independent, unified state.” [Emphasis added]

CNN, in its reporting on the Arab-Israeli conflict, has likewise referred to Abbas as the “Palestinian Authority President” (see, for instance, here, here, and here).

Until yesterday, that is.

In a piece on the IDF’s counterterrorism operation in Nablus, titled “Several dead after Israeli joint security forces raid in West Bank,” Jerusalem reporter Kareem Khadder noted: “Palestine’s President ‘is making urgent calls to stop the aggression on our people in Nablus,’ said a presidential spokesperson, speaking on Palestinian television early on Tuesday.” [Emphasis added]


CNN’s apparent nod to Palestinian statehood can hardly be dismissed as a mere typo or figurative slip of the tongue, considering the significant role that PA unilateralism plays in the continuation of the conflict. Indeed, Abbas’ unilateral moves — a clear breach of international agreements to which the Palestinians are a party — have made peace more elusive than ever.

In “Fact-checking The New York Times: There Is No Palestinian State,” HonestReporting explained that there is a path to Palestinian independence. The Oslo Accords forged in 1993 between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority the following year. The agreement was based on a promise by the Palestinian leadership to renounce terrorism and resolve all outstanding issues with Israel via bilateral negotiations.

To date, the Palestinian leadership has failed to live up to its obligations under the Oslo Accords that lay out a path to possibly establishing a “State of Palestine.” Accordingly, the current status of the West Bank and Gaza is not that of a sovereign country, as evidenced by Palestinian leaders who have said as much.

(full article online )

For obvious reasons in light of the more significant news dominating the headlines at the time, the story about Mosa’ab Elshamy went largely unnoticed as media watchdogs like HonestReporting focused on countering the deluge of misinformation that was published by the mainstream international media throughout the conflict (see here, here and here).

Elshamy, who works for the global news agency’s Morocco desk, posted numerous antisemitic tweets over the years, such as one in which he labeled Zionists “filthy pigs.”

Other bigoted social media ramblings from Elshamy that were uncovered included:

  • In November 2010, he tweeted to a since-deleted account that, “the filthy pigs theory was, surprise surprise, a joke as well
  • I think it should only be applied to Zionists (and their women).”
  • In 2011, he slammed Jewish children and their families in two separate tweets that made light of the Holocaust, with one asserting that Jews play “the holocaust card” to “distract you from the slaughter [they] commit daily.”
  • Later in 2011, he invoked ancient, antisemitic blood libels when he responded to a tweet that asked what Twitter users would ask an Israeli soldier, claiming he would ask, “How many babies do you eat for breakfast?”
  • In 2011, he falsely accused Israel of upholding a system of apartheid and claimed he had burned Israeli flags on numerous occasions.
When the disturbing messages posted by Elshamy, whose images have been seen in TIME Magazine, The New York Times, and Rolling Stone, were brought to AP’s attention, the agency responded by saying that it was “unaware of such tweets” and said it had immediately taken steps to ensure they would be deleted.

“The tweets do not reflect the views of the AP, which strives to cover the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fairly and factually,” the wire service added.

Associated Press also acknowledged its own strict set of social media guidelinesthat its journalists are required to follow — rules, it was apparent, that Elshamy had flagrantly broken during his antisemitic diatribe.

AP’s rather muted response to such serious charges against Elshamy seems all the more inadequate today in light of how other news organizations have reacted to similar revelations about their own staff and contributors.

This month, for example, the Thomson Reuters Foundation (TRF), which is the charitable arm of Reuters, rescinded an award that had been conferred upon Palestinian journalist Shatha Hammad after HonestReporting discovered numerous tweets praising Hitler and expressing support for the genocide of Jews.

Both the TRF and the Kurt Schork Memorial Fund, which had chosen Hammad as the recipient of the 2022 Local Reporter Award, sprang into action immediately following the worrying revelations and released a joint statementconfirming robust action had been taken.

In August, the New York Times, VICE News, the BBC, The Guardian, SBS Australia, and ABC News Australia all severed ties with a Palestinian freelancer and fixer, Fady Hanona, after HonestReporting put a spotlight on his horrifying social media history that included describing Jews as the “sons of dogs” and calling for killing every “Jew, Israeli or Zionist, or anyone else who speaks Hebrew.”

In September, we also revealed how two other freelancers working for the NYT, Soliman Hijjy and Hosam Salem, had lauded Hitler and Palestinian terrorism in multiple chilling Facebook posts.

The fact is, compared to competitor news outlets that found themselves in similar positions, AP’s response to Elshamy’s social media posts was insufficient. It appears that nothing — bar asking him to delete the offending tweets — was done in the way of disciplinary action.

We have since reached out to AP to ask why this was — why did AP not distance itself further from Elshamy’s antisemitism and did the agency not think any further measures should be taken against him?

For the sake of credibility, it is critical that AP answers these questions.

(full article online)

As CAMERA has already exposed, Human Rights Watch (HRW) – under the imprimatur of the American branch of the International Law Association (ABILA) – was recently allowed to organize a panel on “Racism and the Crime of Apartheid in International Law” during ABILA’s annual International Law Weekend. The panel, held on October 22, featured four anti-Israel partisans, all on record accusing Israel of “apartheid,” and just one late addition, opposing panelist (Barrister Josh Kern). Despite continued inquiries and expressions of concern, no additional effort was made by the organizers to foster a more balanced, serious discussion.

A screenshot of the language originally used in the program’s description of the panel, accusing Israel of “systematic oppression of Palestinians.”
There was even a late addition in the form of law professor Milena Sterio as a moderator, which is where some irony is introduced. Sterio’s background includes writing favorably of the infamous Goldstone Report that accused Israel of atrocities.

As luck would have it, Richard Goldstone, the former South African judge who chaired the commission which authored the report, was participating in the conference as a keynote speaker. Though his speech was sharply critical of the United States, it is Goldstone’s position on the charge of “Israeli apartheid” that is relevant.

While HRW goes to great lengths to create a false impression of a “growing consensus” that Israel is committing “apartheid,” such as through organizing one-sided panels, Goldstone serves as an example of how there isn’t even consensus in HRW’s own ideological circles

In addition to famously disowning his own report against Israel, which Sterio nonetheless described as an “invaluable contribution,” Goldstone has also openly opposed what he calls the “apartheid slander” against Israel. Had HRW or ABILA President Leila Sadat actually been interested in balance, perhaps they simply could have invited Goldstone to stick around for another hour.

The Panel

As expected, Israel was the major focus of the panel, which was attended by perhaps 50-75 academics, legal professionals, and students. The United States and Myanmar were the only other two situations raised by the panelists. China’s horrifying treatment of the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims was briefly addressed only after being prompted by an audience member. Issues like modern-day slavery in Mauritania and Iran’s continued repression of minority groups were left unmentioned.

Panelist Mia Swart, who Leila Sadat had claimedwas brought on to “assuage” concerns of one-sidedness, lamented that South Africa hasn’t pursued “strategic litigation” on apartheid to “help the Palestinians.” Swart also made a point to note that Nelson Mandela once visited with Yasser Arafat. Given Arafat’s prolific role in murdering Jews of any nationality and his regular use of antisemitic tropes, he hardly seems an ideal figure to reference positively at a panel on racism.

United Nations “expert” E. Tendayi Achiume, who largely avoided the framing her comments in the context of the law, notwithstanding the fact that she was at a law conference, suggested that apartheid is a “technology of settler colonial domination” being practiced by Israel.

(full article online)

Albania, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechia, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Liberia, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Uruguay were among the countries defending Israel’s position, along with the European Union, which issued a statement against the COI. It was a rare showing of strong vocal support from a wide range of countries at the U.N., including notably from Australia, whose government this month rescinded its recognition of west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The Palauan representative questioned why the three members of the commission had been appointed, given “the numerous outright anti-Israel public statements made by the members both before and during their tenure.”

Hungary’s envoy said that her country was “outraged by the recent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments made by a member of the COI,” calling them “unworthy of the U.N.”

The U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva created the three-person commission last year following an 11-day conflict between Israel and terrorist groups in Gaza. The COI was given a unique open-ended mandate. It is charged with investigating any Israeli human rights violations both inside and outside its sovereign territory.

(full article online)

The PLO tweeted:

As with everything else in Palestinian history, look beneath the surface and find antisemitism.

The Catholic Advance wrote about this conference:

Moslems and Christians - but no Jews. The Palestinians claim that Jews at the time were an equal minority but Jews were not invited to supposedly Palestinian nationalist conferences.

And notice that the resolutions are ultimately about attacking the Zionist community, not about promoting Palestinian nationalism.

Also notice:

The Catholic Advance, as we will see later, clearly didn't think that Jews have any business living in Palestine. The Jewish Agency allowed women to vote way before 1929, but they don't count.

The Women's Congress was scheduled right before the All-Palestine Arab Congress, which featured this:

"All the natives of Palestine, irrespective of creed" - except for Jews.

That's pretty much the definition of antisemitism right there (and one that this Catholic newspaper embraced.)

The PLO tweeted:

As with everything else in Palestinian history, look beneath the surface and find antisemitism.

The Catholic Advance wrote about this conference:

Moslems and Christians - but no Jews. The Palestinians claim that Jews at the time were an equal minority but Jews were not invited to supposedly Palestinian nationalist conferences.

And notice that the resolutions are ultimately about attacking the Zionist community, not about promoting Palestinian nationalism.

Also notice:

The Catholic Advance, as we will see later, clearly didn't think that Jews have any business living in Palestine. The Jewish Agency allowed women to vote way before 1929, but they don't count.

The Women's Congress was scheduled right before the All-Palestine Arab Congress, which featured this:

"All the natives of Palestine, irrespective of creed" - except for Jews.

That's pretty much the definition of antisemitism right there (and one that this Catholic newspaper embraced.)

Interesting that they called the Palestinians natives.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The PLO tweeted:

As with everything else in Palestinian history, look beneath the surface and find antisemitism.

The Catholic Advance wrote about this conference:

Moslems and Christians - but no Jews. The Palestinians claim that Jews at the time were an equal minority but Jews were not invited to supposedly Palestinian nationalist conferences.

And notice that the resolutions are ultimately about attacking the Zionist community, not about promoting Palestinian nationalism.

Also notice:

The Catholic Advance, as we will see later, clearly didn't think that Jews have any business living in Palestine. The Jewish Agency allowed women to vote way before 1929, but they don't count.

The Women's Congress was scheduled right before the All-Palestine Arab Congress, which featured this:

"All the natives of Palestine, irrespective of creed" - except for Jews.

That's pretty much the definition of antisemitism right there (and one that this Catholic newspaper embraced.)

Interesting that Palestine was called their country.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
There is one overarching rule that both the antisemitic Right and Left share: everything is always the Jews' fault.

A truly absurd example can be seen in an article in The Intercept today, accusing Israel of "weed apartheid" because Palestinians under Palestinian Authority rule have different laws than Israelis under Israeli rule.


In the dusty occupied hills west of the Jordan River, segregation shapes the smoking experience of Palestinians as much as every other aspect of Palestinian life. For Israelis, the police’s relaxed attitude toward weed carries over to the occupied West Bank. Rather than face military justice, Israelis living in Jewish West Bank settlements are protected by an entire legal system built on inequities so rife that it has contributed to Israel being accused of the crime of running an “apartheid” system.

The disparity in treatment for Palestinians and Israelis when it comes to cannabis constitutes a facet of this system that might be called weed apartheid. A Palestinian and Israeli breaking the same law in the same place in the West Bank, for instance, will be dealt with by different security forces and processed in different legal systems.

This is of course not true. A Palestinian in Area C lighting up with an Israeli will not have to worry about going to Palestinian jail, because Israel is responsible for security there. Writer Jesse Rosenfeld spends a lot of time fudging the truth, by comparing Palestinian laws in Areas A and B with Israeli laws - both military and civil - in Area C.

The deception given in this article is remarkable. It emphasizes that Israeli citizens in the West Bank are subject to Israeli civil laws while Palestinian non-citizens are subject to military law - a mainstay of the "apartheid" charge that ignores that every country on Earth treats citizens and non-citizens differently.

But when it talks about draconian anti-pot laws for Palestinians, it suddenly pivots to Palestinian laws, not Israeli laws. You have to carefully parse the article to see how deceptive it is. For example, the article makes clear that Israeli military law doesn't give a damn about Palestinian pot use unless they are major dealers, smuggling drugs to Israel. But Palestinian laws are much harsher for minor offenses.

And The Intercept blames Israel for that!

To show how this analysis is ultimately antisemitic, let's pretend that Israel does what the article pretends it wants.

If Israel applies the exact same laws to Palestinians in the territories as to Israeli citizens, and therefore cannot be accused of "weed apartheid," that would mean that Israel is annexing the entire West Bank. This is the very definition of annexation - applying the same laws to a new area.

No matter what Israel does, short of national suicide, Israel is oppressing Palestinians!

Nowhere in this article is there any criticism of the Palestinian Authority for their anti-marijuana laws and strict enforcement. Somehow, this is all Israel's fault. Just as the Left blames Israel for Palestinian men beating their wives, every dysfunctional part of Palestinian society is ultimately blamed on the Jews.

Because to these bigots, Palestinian Arabs are not mature enough to be responsible for their own actions.

UPDATE: I hadn't noticed it first, but the "Jewish Israelis" in the headline is another way to know that The Intercept is functionally antisemitic.

Because "Muslim Israelis" and "Christian Israelis" have exactly the same laws as "Jewish Israelis."

A further examination of the letter signed by more than 300 Palestinian and Arab reporters in support of several journalists who posted pro-Hitler messages on their social media accounts has — perhaps unsurprisingly — revealed that a number of the signatories share their antisemitic beliefs.

The missive, which was published on the website of left-wing outlet Mondoweisson October 23, blasted HonestReporting’s so-called “oppressive scrutiny” in response to an exposé of Palestinian journalist Shatha Hammad who had posted a number of violent and antisemitic remarks on her Facebook profile.

Our investigation prompted the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the Kurt Schork Memorial Fund to strip Hammad of a prestigious journalism award and an associated cash prize, as well as the opportunity to have her work showcased by the charitable arm of the global wire service.

(full article online)

On October 29, AP reported:
The U.N. Mideast envoy said 2022 is on course to be the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank since the U.N. started tracking fatalities in 2005, and he called for immediate action to calm “an explosive situation” and move toward renewing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Tor Wennesland told the U.N. Security Council that “mounting hopelessness, anger and tension have once again erupted into a deadly cycle of violence that is increasingly difficult to contain,” and “too many people, overwhelmingly Palestinian have been killed and injured.”

What Mr. Wennesland, and the media at large, ignores is that the overwhelming majority of those killed were in the midst of violent actions at the time, and most were members of armed terrorist groups.

Adin Haykin has been maintaining a huge Twitter thread of those killed this year, with photos and documentation. The real story isn't the record number of Palestinians killed, but the number of Palestinian attackers.

Nearly all those killed were either in the midst of attacking or were members of known terror groups.Out of 121 killed (one died of a heart attack,) I only count six who might have been innocent - killed while the IDF was going after attackers, or one killed when he ignored warning shots and kept approaching the soldiers, for example. As his documentation shows, even most of the women and children killed this year were in the midst of attacking Israeli soldiers or civilians. (Reporter Shireen Abu Akleh is very much an anomaly in this list.)

This is a year of attacks unprecedented since the second intifada. And Israel has no need to apologize for killing the terrorists before most of them manage to reach Israeli civilians.

One other data point: before May 2021, the number of attacks using small arms were quite small, only a couple a month. The number of shooting attacks tracked by the Shin Bet have dramatically increased since then; here are the statistics over the past 12 months:

And here's the trend of Palestinian pipe bombs tracked by the Shin Bet:

This is what the UN and the media are not telling you.

Here is Adin Haykin's thread:

1. Bakir Muhammad Musa Hashash
opened fire on IDF troopsImage
2. Falah Musa Shaker Jaradat
attempted a stabbing attackImage
3. 'Omar Muhammad 'Abd al-Majid As'ad
reportedly died of a heart attack hours after being released from detentionImage
4. Adham Jamal 'Abd a-Rahim Mabrukah
5. Ashraf Muhammad 'Abd al-Fatah Mbaslat
6. Muhammad Raed Hussein Dakhil
A cell of the Islamic Jihad that was eliminated on the way to a terrorist attackImage
7. Muhammad Akram 'Ali Abu Salah
was a military operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

(full article online)

  • Fatah:
    “We demand that you [Palestinians] carry out the [general] strike in honor of all the Martyrs, wounded, and prisoners, and [in honor] of our heroic Martyr Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja’abari who inflicted pain on the occupation and killed and wounded those in its ranks”

  • Terror organization PFLP “expressed its pride in the heroic operation in Hebron”
  • Terror organization DFLP “praised the heroic shooting operation”
  • The terrorist was suffering from cancer. By killing Israelis and dying as a “Martyr” the terrorist guaranteed the financial future of his family.
On Saturday night, Oct. 30, 2022, Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja’abari murdered 50-year-old Israeli Ronen Hananya and injured 5 others. Now the question is whether this was an ideologically motivated attack or just sound financial planning? Was the attack the result of intensive incitement and calls for terror or was it a product of the Palestinian Authority’s “Pay-for-Slay” policy? Or rather both!

On the one hand, Al-Ja’abari comes from a family of Hamas terrorists. His brother Wael, a member of Hamas, was convicted for murdering 2 Israelis. He was released from prison in October 2011 as part of the deal to secure the release of Israeli solider Gilad Shalit, who had been kidnapped and was held captive by Hamas.

The murder in Hebron last night came at a time of a continuing terror wave, a chain of lethal Palestinian terror attacks that have claimed the lives of 27 Israelis and others since the start of the 2022, alone. It comes at a time when Fatah, the party of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, is openly calling on its social media pages for “an escalation against the … settler herds”:


Posted text and text on image: “Fatah’s Ramallah branch declares a general strike and mourning over the Martyrs’ souls, and calls for an escalation against the occupation army and the settler herds at all the points of friction.”
[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Oct. 25, 2022]​
Following Al-Ja’abari’s lethal attack, Fatah’s Hebron branch celebrated the land “that has been perfumed by the blood of thousands of Martyrs” and called for a general strike “in honor of all the Martyrs, wounded, and prisoners, and [in honor] of our heroic Martyr Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja’abari”:

(full article online )

  • Fatah:
    “We demand that you [Palestinians] carry out the [general] strike in honor of all the Martyrs, wounded, and prisoners, and [in honor] of our heroic Martyr Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja’abari who inflicted pain on the occupation and killed and wounded those in its ranks”
  • Terror organization PFLP “expressed its pride in the heroic operation in Hebron”
  • Terror organization DFLP “praised the heroic shooting operation”
  • The terrorist was suffering from cancer. By killing Israelis and dying as a “Martyr” the terrorist guaranteed the financial future of his family.
On Saturday night, Oct. 30, 2022, Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja’abari murdered 50-year-old Israeli Ronen Hananya and injured 5 others. Now the question is whether this was an ideologically motivated attack or just sound financial planning? Was the attack the result of intensive incitement and calls for terror or was it a product of the Palestinian Authority’s “Pay-for-Slay” policy? Or rather both!

On the one hand, Al-Ja’abari comes from a family of Hamas terrorists. His brother Wael, a member of Hamas, was convicted for murdering 2 Israelis. He was released from prison in October 2011 as part of the deal to secure the release of Israeli solider Gilad Shalit, who had been kidnapped and was held captive by Hamas.

The murder in Hebron last night came at a time of a continuing terror wave, a chain of lethal Palestinian terror attacks that have claimed the lives of 27 Israelis and others since the start of the 2022, alone. It comes at a time when Fatah, the party of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, is openly calling on its social media pages for “an escalation against the … settler herds”:


Following Al-Ja’abari’s lethal attack, Fatah’s Hebron branch celebrated the land “that has been perfumed by the blood of thousands of Martyrs” and called for a general strike “in honor of all the Martyrs, wounded, and prisoners, and [in honor] of our heroic Martyr Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja’abari”:

(full article online )

Trope city.

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