All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The school board of Newark, New Jersey is drawing attention from Israel advocacy and education organizations as well as parents for adding an anti-Israel book to its mandatory curriculum.

The book A Little Piece Of Ground by Elizabeth Laird was included in the sixth-grade English curriculum for the 2022-23 school year. The book, targeted at young adults, is accused of pushing anti-Israel propaganda and conveying a biased view of Israel to impressionable children.

According to the book’s Amazon description, A Little Piece Of Ground “explores the human cost of the occupation of Palestinian lands through the eyes of a young boy.”

Critics charge that the book portrays Palestinians as victims and Israelis as hostile oppressors.

In letters to the superintendent of the Newark Board of Education, Roger Leon, last month, the Zionist Organization of America demanded that the book be removed from the curriculum.

“The book is filled with misleading anti-Israel statements and outright lies,” wrote ZOA’s National President Morton Klein and Susan Tuchman, director of the ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice. “Instead of building understanding of a complex subject, fighting prejudice and encouraging tolerance, this book will poison impressionable children—with little if any knowledge about the complicated Middle East conflict—to hate Jews, Israelis and the State of Israel.”

“On the surface, Laird’s book is a story about Karim, a Palestinian Arab child living in Ramallah, a city located in what is commonly referred to as the West Bank. Readers see the world through Karim’s eyes and experiences,” ZOA wrote. “But Laird is clever, repeatedly sending the false and outrageous message to her young readers that Israelis are heartless and cruel, that their goal is to humiliate Palestinian Arabs and make their lives a misery and that Jews are stealing other people’s land.”

The letter quotes several passages from the book that critics claim are problematic, including, “[T]he Israelis won’t be happy until they’ve driven us all out and grabbed every inch of Palestine for themselves,” and that Israeli soldiers are “playing with us. They’re the cats and we’re the mice.” It adds that Israelis are described as “the enemy,” “occupiers” and “animals.”

“After reading the book, students will wrongly believe that Jews and Israelis are monsters, that they are interlopers, stealing the land of others when, in fact, Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel,” ZOA wrote. “Students will also come away thinking that terrorism and violence against innocent Jews and Israelis are legitimate and even desirable; Laird repeatedly refers to terrorists who have harmed and murdered Jews and Israelis as heroes and martyrs.”

When asked about the addition of A Little Piece of Ground, the district’s Communications Director Nancy J. Deering said the curriculum is periodically reviewed as required.

(full article online)

And so Western audiences continue to be deceived. The media outlets and reporters who engage in this deception no longer adhere to a code of journalistic ethics where truth and objectivity are paramount. Instead, they practice a sort of advocacy journalism where the search for truth is both unnecessary and undesirable and where superficial narratives with predetermined roles of villain and hero are unalterable, no matter what the real story is.
IOW, they do not play all of the terrorist cards that Israel wants.
“But Laird is clever, repeatedly sending the false and outrageous message to her young readers that Israelis are heartless and cruel, that their goal is to humiliate Palestinian Arabs and make their lives a misery and that Jews are stealing other people’s land.”
OK, so what is not true about that?
OK, so what is not true about that?
You would not be able to prove that any of it is true if your life depended on it. ESPECIALLY as you do nothing, nothing but hide in your house, your city, your State and your country and like a coward, accuse Israel like all the other cowards out there.

You continue to say NOTHING, based on NOTHING.
You would not be able to prove that any of it is true if your life depended on it. ESPECIALLY as you do nothing, nothing but hide in your house, your city, your State and your country and like a coward, accuse Israel like all the other cowards out there.

You continue to say NOTHING, based on NOTHING.
You continue to say NOTHING, based on NOTHING.
Other than thousands of news reports.
IOW, they do not play all of the terrorist cards that Israel wants.

Exactly, if you value objectivity,
your argument would be for report on any
conflict, to include various opposing narratives.

Which is why I think only the Knesset can contain such
a discourse, as between Ben Gvir and a Muslim Brotherhood.

And nothing is more suited for reality than the Knesset cafeteria...
OK, so what is not true about that?

The resort to hasty generalization of an entire ethnicity,
instead of discussing the detail of what is actually
taking place - as an excuse to your race bias.

Israel is an object to you,
you can't even address
Israelis as people.
Other than thousands of news reports.

Becuase you don't think for yourself, and have nothing original to say.
Only spam the forum with vulgar bloodlibels, and repeat something
written on a placard - to evade any honest discussion.

Anti-Israel activists aren't allowed to be individuals?
Becuase you don't think for yourself, and have nothing original to say.
Only spam the forum with vulgar bloodlibels, and repeat something
written on a placard - to evade any honest discussion.

Anti-Israel activists aren't allowed to be individuals?
I am just a neutral observer. I am not Jewish or Israeli. I am not Muslim or Palestinian. I am just a mid western guy from rural Ohio. I knew nothing about Israel or Palestine.

About twenty years ago I heard a British politician say that Israel was a shitty little country. I watched a documentary about Palestine. I have been reading both sides ever since.

I have found that Israel has tons of recognition (mostly due to money) but I cannot find any legitimacy.
[ Yes, really !!! WHY. ???

There are lots of proofs that the Palestinians don't really want their own state, and that the entire point of Palestinian nationalism is just to destroy Jewish nationalism.

Examples include how they have rejected every peace plan that leaves Israel as a viable state, their insistence on the "right to return" where their own people would live in their enemy's land rather than their own, and the contradiction between telling the world they want a two state solution while none of their own maps show Israel. Not to mention how Palestinian Arabs showed no interest in their own state in the West Bank when Jordan controlled it: when the Jews don't control it, they no longer covet it.

Here's another proof.

This week was the Arab Summit in Algeria, and the Crown Prince of Jordan gave a speech. He said, "As for Jerusalem, it is the center of our unity and our common defense of the identity of the entire nation, and Jordan, under the Hashemite custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in it, will continue, in cooperation with you and our brothers in the Palestinian National Authority, its historic role in protecting and caring for holy sites."

I have never seen the Palestinians say a single word against Jordan taking the role of custodian for the holy sites in what they consider their capital.

What kind of nation voluntarily cedes control of part of its capital city to an entirely different country? No self-respecting national movement would ever do that!

Even though Jordan insists that its agreement with Israel leaves it with custodianship over the holy places, the text doesn't say that - just that Israel will respect the Jordanian wishes but not that Jordan has any decision-making ability over any part of Jerusalem. Israel has not ceded a square centimeter of Jerusalem to Jordan, despite Jordan's claims.

But the Palestinians have said directly that they intend for Jordan to control the holy sites in any fantasy peace deal that gives the Old City to the Palestinians.

The Palestinians don't want sovereignty. They only want to deny Jewish sovereignty. And I challenge you to find a single decision the Palestinian leadership has ever made that contradicts this assertion.


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