All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The COP27 conference in Egypt has the usual comedy that we see at all major international conferences.

Israeli delegates say that they met, or talked with, or were in the same room as Arab enemies, and the Arab delegates are forced to deny or downplay it, as best they can.

In this case, as AP reports:

Israel's environmental protection minister attended a regional meeting Tuesday alongside Iraqi and Lebanese leaders at the global climate conference taking place in Egypt, the minister's office said, where the group pledged to work together to tackle climate change.

According to a statement from the office of Israeli Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg, the meeting took place as part of a regional forum of eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries.

The agreement by the member countries said the parties would work to “strengthen regional cooperation" and “act in a coordinated way” on climate change.

“The countries of the region share the warming and drying climate and just as they share the problems they can and must share the solutions. No country can stand alone in the face of the climate crisis,” Zandberg said in the statement.

In photos provided by her office, she is seen seated behind a small Israeli flag. Two seats away from her is Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid and across the room is Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, each behind their countries' flags.

The Lebanese caretaker prime minister was upset:

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Tuesday denied “any communication with any Israeli official,” after the website of Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a photo showing him and Israel's environmental protection minister along with several world leaders and officials at the U.N.’s COP27 climate summit in Egypt.

“The objectives of the noise that the Israeli media fabricates at such conferences have become known,” Mikati’s office said.

There was also angst at this photo of Zandberg shaking the hand of Palestinian prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh:

This screenshot from a video of President Isaac Herzog seen joking with Tunisia’s Prime Minister Najla Bouden, both smiling, has also caused upset in the Arab world.

It is a little childish on both sides - Zandberg's announcing that Israel and Lebanon and Iraq are cooperating when there were lots of other nations represented in the room, as well as Israel's Arab enemies getting bent out of shape over any reports of treating Israeli representatives as human beings.

What Israeli officials should do is attempt to shake hands with their enemies with a big smile. If the Arabs reciprocate, wonderful; if they refuse the handshake the Israelis can shake their heads, still smiling, and call out "Have a nice day!" or "No, my hands are really clean, see?" or some other joke, for the cameras.

Even better, calling out to the Arab leader loudly and laughingly, "How wonderful it is to see you! We'll catch up later, OK?" or "Send my best regards to your wife!" or "Meet you at the bar tonight!"

It would instantly turn the supposed Arab honor at refusing to treat Israelis as humans into a bigger embarrassment. And the fear of shame is the major motivating factor in the Arab world.

Suspected murder in Taybeh: a young man shot dead near a mosque

Sand Masarwa, 28, was shot dead in the city. He was taken to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where he was pronounced dead. His brother was also injured in the incident, and his condition is stated to be moderate. Two suspects were arrested.


The report was received at 16:56 at MDA's 101 center in the Yarkon area about a "violent incident in Taybeh". MDA medics and paramedics treated the two injured, who suffered from penetrating injuries. One of them was pronounced dead at Meir Hospital as mentioned.

The police opened an investigation following the shooting, and officers searched the area until the two suspects, residents of Taybeh, were arrested. The forensic investigators also arrived at the scene and security cameras were collected.

The murder was apparently committed against the background of a criminal dispute within the family. At the end of a special situation assessment in the area that exists by the Central Police Department, Chief Avi Biton, he determined that the investigation will be conducted by the Special Crime Fighting Unit (ILF) of the Sharon Region.

The young man is the 92nd victim of violence in Arab society since the beginning of 2022.

Last week Ahmed Deka, 23 years old, was shot dead by an unknown assailant on Yafet Street in Jaffa. The young man, who was initially moderately to seriously injured, was taken to the Wolfson Hospital in Holon, and a few hours later he was pronounced dead.

The rocket fire from Gaza: skirmish between Hamas and Islamic Jihad

The firing of the rockets last Thursday toward villages surrounding Gaza led to an internal skirmish between Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, which carried out the launch.

Hamas was outraged by the shooting that was carried out without its knowledge nad approval. The main anger of the terrorist organization was over the timing - during a change of government in Israel.

Also, Israel's military response, which destroyed a large and central factory for the production of rockets, dealt Hamas a very heavy and disproportionate blow in relation to the shooting.

Unusually, Hamas even confirmed that the site that was attacked belonged to its military arm. Following the shooting, Hamas arrested the Islamic Jihad members involved in the shooting.

The Islamic Jihad organization carried out the shooting due to the assassination of the organization's top operative, Farooq Salama, in the Jenin refugee camp that day, but has not officially claimed responsibility for it. Four rockets were launched in the shooting - only one of them made it outside Gaza and was intercepted.

During the past few weeks, Israel's Channel 13 has been showing a five part documentary, "Shtula" ("Double Agent") It features a young Swedish woman who came to Israel as a tourist, fell in love with the country, and eventually was recruited by the Ad Kan organization to infiltrate Palestinian "human rights" groups.

With multiple hidden cameras, the woman captured 3000 hours of footage that was turned into this documentary series. Much of it is in English.

The woman eventually becomes one of the activists aboard the "freedom boat" that tried to go to Gaza in 2018. She meets with "human rights' activists who admit that they would love to kill all Israelis.

On the way, she meets with Hamas members, including even the one-armed head of Hamas in Europe, Amin Abu Rashid. In an almost unreal sequence, Rashid drive her to his office, describing how he lost his arm in Lebanon. At the office, she witnesses someone give him a wad of cash, and he describes how Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood raises millions of euros from mosques all over Europe to send to Gaza. She even films some of the paper receipts.

Rashid was not only involved with this "freedom boat" but also was behind funding the boats in previous Gaza flotillas, which he freely talks about with his new, attractive Swedish friend.

We know well about the connections between so-called human rights groups and leftist groups like the PFLP. NGO Monitor describes the links between the leaders of the 2018 "freedom boat" that this operative was on and various Palestinian socialist groups.

However, the connection between Hamas and the leftist "human rights groups" in Europe is little told. After all, Islamist groups would seem to have little in common, philosophically or politically, with the Left.

Clearly, this is not the case - Hamas and the PFLP have something in common that cuts across ideological lines.

They hate Jews.

I haven't watched the whole series yet - it is five hours long - but it looks amazing. I hope that it gets English subtitles.

During the past few weeks, Israel's Channel 13 has been showing a five part documentary, "Shtula" ("Double Agent") It features a young Swedish woman who came to Israel as a tourist, fell in love with the country, and eventually was recruited by the Ad Kan organization to infiltrate Palestinian "human rights" groups.

With multiple hidden cameras, the woman captured 3000 hours of footage that was turned into this documentary series. Much of it is in English.

The woman eventually becomes one of the activists aboard the "freedom boat" that tried to go to Gaza in 2018. She meets with "human rights' activists who admit that they would love to kill all Israelis.

On the way, she meets with Hamas members, including even the one-armed head of Hamas in Europe, Amin Abu Rashid. In an almost unreal sequence, Rashid drive her to his office, describing how he lost his arm in Lebanon. At the office, she witnesses someone give him a wad of cash, and he describes how Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood raises millions of euros from mosques all over Europe to send to Gaza. She even films some of the paper receipts.

Rashid was not only involved with this "freedom boat" but also was behind funding the boats in previous Gaza flotillas, which he freely talks about with his new, attractive Swedish friend.

We know well about the connections between so-called human rights groups and leftist groups like the PFLP. NGO Monitor describes the links between the leaders of the 2018 "freedom boat" that this operative was on and various Palestinian socialist groups.

However, the connection between Hamas and the leftist "human rights groups" in Europe is little told. After all, Islamist groups would seem to have little in common, philosophically or politically, with the Left.

Clearly, this is not the case - Hamas and the PFLP have something in common that cuts across ideological lines.

They hate Jews.

I haven't watched the whole series yet - it is five hours long - but it looks amazing. I hope that it gets English subtitles.

Unreliable source. Here is what they do.

Let's say that a person is the member of a church. He is also a member of a union. That would be reported as an affiliation between the church and the union.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Wrong as in just plain factually inaccurate, to the point where a correction is warranted. Friedman claims, “You have not seen this play before, because no Israeli leader has ‘gone there’ before.” Writing about Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, Friedman writes, “Netanyahu has increasingly sought over the years to leverage the energy of this illiberal Israeli constituency to win office, not unlike how Trump uses white nationalism, but Netanyahu never actually brought this radical element… into his ruling faction or cabinet.”

It isn’t actually true that Netanyahu “never actually brought this radical element…into his ruling faction or cabinet.” In fact, Smotrich was Minister of Transport in Netanyahu’s government from 2019 to 2020. The sky did not fall. Friedman doesn’t tell readers this, perhaps because it would undercut his thesis that “The Israel We Knew Is Gone.”

What makes it funny is that Friedman and the New York Times have been proclaiming the death of the Israel they supposedly once loved for forty years now. In the 1992 collection of essays With Friends Like These: The Jewish Critics of Israel, a chapter by Jerold Auerbach described Friedman in the early 1980s as watching “an Israel he had deeply believed in while in high school and college recede from gilded, heroic mythology to the shadows of bleak reality.” And, as Auerbach notes, Friedman’s disillusionment with Israel even predated the 1980s Lebanon War. “By the time he graduated from Brandeis University in 1975, he had already identified himself with the Palestinian national cause, with apologies for PLO terrorism, and with the single organization so reflexively critical of Israel that it quickly became a pariah group within the American Jewish Community.”

Friedman writes basically the same falsehood-riddled column after every major or minor news development in Israel. He predicts that this time this latest event — whatever it might be — is going to lead the world and American Jewry to shun Israel. Each time, Friedman’s fear turns out to be wrong. In 2017, for example, Friedman claimed, “the foundations of Israel’s long-term national security are cracking… Under the leadership of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Israel is … drawing a line between itself and the Jewish diaspora, particularly the U.S. Jewish community that has been so vital for Israel’s security, diplomatic standing and remarkable economic growth.” Five years on, Israel’s economic and diplomatic standing is stronger than ever, thanks to the Abraham Accords and to Netanyahu’s leadership, and Friedman looks foolish.

(full article online)

A senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official close to PA President Mahmoud Abbas confirmed to the Tazpit Press Service that Ramallah has acceded to a request by the U.S. and Israel to end efforts to refer Israel’s “occupation” to the International Court of Justice.

The International Court of Justice, based in The Hague, offers legal opinions on questions referred by either the United Nations Security Council or General Assembly. Jerusalem regards the court as biased and fears that a ruling would give a legal imprimatur to the Boycott, Divestment Sanctions campaign against Israel.

Although the US has veto power in the Security Council, the PA has wider support in the General Assembly.

The source also confirmed that PA leadership is sticking to its positions for the end of “attacks by the Israeli occupation,” settlement activity, Israel’s so-called “assault” on the Al Aqsa Mosque, and the return of tax money Jerusalem is withholding from Ramallah over the PA’s controversial stipends for PA terrorists and the families of “martyrs.”

He also said the PA particularly wants Israel to end to Operation Breaking the Wave. Near-nightly arrest raids, mostly in the areas of Shechem (Nablus) and Jenin, have foiled hundreds of Arab terror attacks. The operation was launched following a spate of deadly Arab terror attacks in the spring.

The source stressed that while US President Joe Biden has previously opposed unilateral PA measures, Jerusalem and Washington refuse to respond to Ramallah’s demands.

After more than 20 years since the Israeli government decided to establish Dror, a Jewish settlement of 2,500 families or 10,000 residents, and the defeat of countless Bedouin lawsuits against the plan, work has begun this week to finally turn the plan into reality.

In the area where the settlement was planned stood the illegal Bedouin village of Umm al-Khiran, which the state wanted to evacuate. In 2004, representatives of Umm Al-Khiran appealed to the Magistrate’s Court in Be’er Sheva against the decision to establish the settlement, claiming that the state was the one that established their village in the 1950s.

(full article online)

  • Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip live under two regimes that crack down on critics, and imprison and intimidate journalists, human rights activists and political opponents. Those who dare to criticize the Palestinian Authority or Hamas often face various forms of punishment, including torture and incarceration.
  • The situation under the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is not any better. There, Palestinian security forces continue to arrest, harass and intimidate political activists, university students and academics.
  • In the past week, the Palestinian Authority security forces arrested and threatened a number of Palestinian political activists who called for reforms.
  • There are two reasons why, under the current circumstances, the Palestinians cannot hold elections.
  • First, the split between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing dispute between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. The PA fears that Hamas will not allow a free election in the Gaza Strip, especially in light of Hamas' crackdown on its opponents there. Similarly, Hamas fears that the PA will not allow a free election in the West Bank, especially in light of the continued security crackdown on Hamas members there.
  • Second, the high probability that Hamas would win.
  • While one can understand why it is not a good idea to hold elections that would help Hamas extend its control to the West Bank, there is no reason why Palestinians should be arrested and intimidated for demanding freedom of expression and an end to corruption.
  • Unsurprisingly, violations committed by Palestinians against Palestinians are virtually always ignored by the Western media and the international community. Such abuses are of no interest to Westerners because they cannot be blamed on Israel. By turning a blind eye to the violations, the international community and media effectively incentivize the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to continue their repressive measures against their own people.
  • Sadly, it does not look as if the Palestinians are coming any closer to freedom of speech or freedom of assembly -- unless it is to denounce Israel. Rather, as their corrupt and incompetent leaders clearly do not care about their well-being, it looks as if they are going in exactly the opposite direction.
  • While, literally across the street, the Israelis have free debate in newspapers, quarrelsome programs on television and protests, the Palestinians continue to find themselves arrested, silenced and terrorized for daring to demand the freedoms they see every day next door.

(full article online)

The Samaritans have lived in the Land of Israel for 3,600 years. Some may be familiar with references to them in the New Testament, but few know who they really are.

A new multi-faceted project by the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies introduces the Samaritans to a wide and varied audience, and explores how they have managed to survive for millennia despite efforts by conquering powers to erase them. Crucially, the project asks how the Samaritans plan to continue to survive into the future when today they number a mere 862.

The Samaritans are a distinct religious group descended from the northern tribes of biblical Israel, specifically the tribes of Ephraim, Menashe, and Levi. They are not —and have never been — Jewish, Muslim, or Christian. They hold both Israeli and Palestinian citizenship.

(full article online)

Unreliable source. Here is what they do.

Let's say that a person is the member of a church. He is also a member of a union. That would be reported as an affiliation between the church and the union.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

So you don't deny Hamas militants among Europe's Left activists.

What if the church and the union declared Africans illegal,
and their members translate the ideology into action?
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