All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Zionist lobby bullshit.

However, the February 2022 probe by the university found that there was insufficient evidence to terminate Abusalama’s employment with the institution.

Abusalama announced on social media at the time that she had been “wholly exonerated of the false charges of antisemitism, brought under the not-fit-for-purpose IHRA [International Holocaust Remembrance Association] definition.

"Victory for free speech!" interview with Shahd Abusalama​

"However, the February 2022 probe by the university found that there was insufficient evidence to terminate Abusalama’s employment with the institution.

Abusalama announced on social media at the time that she had been “wholly exonerated of the false charges of antisemitism, brought under the not-fit-for-purpose IHRA [International Holocaust Remembrance Association] definition."

And now she's out.

Both of you have to get diagnosed.

Selective reading, or Islamist degeneracy?

The professor met with Leila Khaled in 2020, calling her “a symbol of the Palestinian revolution in her glory, hijacking airplanes and shaking the Zionist entity and the world.”

Additionally, Abusalama praised Dalal Mughrabi, a Palestinian terrorist who participated in the 1978 murder of 38 people on a bus, including 13 children.

Talk about sociopaths and Islamist degeneracy...

"Palestine was established in a bus"

Abusalama said that Mugrhabi “managed to establish a republic of Palestine in a bus, and their republic lasted four hours. It doesn’t matter how long this republic lasted, the important thing is that it was established.”
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For a short time Thursday night, Twitter users could see a post that would confuse anyone plugged into the world of Israel advocacy.

“We love apartheid,” tweeted an account with the handle AIPAC, the acronym for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The account’s profile picture was the same red-and-blue Jewish star that the organization has long used on the social media platform.

The message was shocking because AIPAC is a vociferous defender of Israel against criticism, including the argument that the country perpetuates an apartheid system through its treatment of Palestinians. But it was also fake: The group had fallen victim to a wave of spoofs, falsification and abuse unleashed by Elon Musk’s recent acquisition of Twitter.

Only by looking closely could a user see that the account belonged to “AIPAC_USA,” not “AIPAC,” where the group has long posted. The impersonating account was deleted but not before the tweet had been seen and amplified thousands of times. It even got engagement from accounts impersonating other prominent figures. “Totally agree,” responded @KariLakeAZ, a fake account purporting to belong to the far-right Republican candidate for governor who is lagging in Arizona’s vote count.

The spoof was one of countless instances of impersonation meant to provoke reactions or sow chaos that have unfolded since Musk paid $44 billion to buy the platform two weeks ago. He has swiftly made steep layoffs and abrupt changes to moderation and authentication rules, all while tweeting crass and controversial content himself. The turmoil has sent users, advertisers and employees packing, while opening the floodgates to bad actors on the site.

(full article online)

In the TV documentary series Shtula, at one point members of the ISM tell the woman posing as an anti-Israel activist that, by the way, she can expect to be sexually harassed by Palestinian men.

It's just part of the job.

(vide video online)

This is well known in the anti-Israel activist community.

In 2010, a Palestinian convinced a group of female Western activists to let him stay in their guest house in an Arab village because, he claimed, the IDF was trying to arrest him. He then attempted to rape one of the American women - who was the only Muslim. The Palestinian Authority then convinced her not to press charges, because it would be too damaging to the anti-Israel cause.

This was not an isolated incident.

An Israeli peace activist was "severely sexually assaulted" at Sheikh Jarrah. The victim tried to complain, but "after heavy and unfair pressure from the [Western] organizers of the Sheikh Jarrah protest, she withdrew her complaint." And then these "progressives" warned all Western women to cover their hair and bodies in Sheikh Jarrah.

And other incidents slowly leaked out. One activist admitted to an Israeli reporter, “I know of such rape cases from women who are not Jewish: a female European leftist activist, a female Red Cross volunteer and a young Arab woman from Yafo. I met the three of them during reserve service. I met with each of them afterwards… they told me what happens there, in the Palestinian villages, far from any observing eye.” That activist claimed that some of the female activists became unwilling wives and virtual slaves in Palestinian villages.

Haaretz published a similar article about sexual harassment of leftist activist women in 2012.

Apparently nothing has changed.

AlQuds (UK - Arabic) has an article on the gap between Jews and Arabs in health statistics in Israel. It starts off saying:
A new study based on official medical data revealed that the rate of common diseases among Palestinians of the interior is many times greater than that of Jews, as a result of several factors, including external factors related to poverty and racial discrimination between Arabs and Jews...

For death from heart diseases, the percentage of Arabs is one and a half times higher than among Jews, and in death as a result of diabetes, the percentage of Arabs increases by two and a third of times compared to Jews. Vascular and kidney diseases cause two and three-quarters of deaths in Arabs more than Jews, and the rate of death rises to twice as high as a result of respiratory diseases.
One has to read much further to find out that the main reasons for the gaps aren't because of poverty or discrimination - but lifestyle:
16.5% of Jews are obese, compared to 23.5% among Arabs. The percentage of older Jewish women (ages 55-74) who are obese is 41%, compared to 70% among their Arab counterparts.

The percentage of smokers is 22.9% for Jewish men and 35.5% for Arab men. In the category in which the individual smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day among Arab men and women, there are twice as many Arabs as the Jews.

Wouldn't that explain the differences in diabetes and heart related diseases far more than any difference in poverty?

Also, if poverty causes illness and shorter life expectancy, then one would expect that the Haredi (ultra-religious Jewish) community in Israel would have shorter life expectancies as well. The truth is the opposite - they generally have better health than their non-religious counterparts. One reason offered is that they have much higher "social capital" than others, and less feelings of loneliness. But it is also significant that haredi men (unlike their stereotype) are much less likely to smoke than most Israeli men - i 2010, only 13.4% smoked, compared to 23.9% of all Jewish men at that time. (However, haredi Jews are seven times as likely to be obese than all Israelis. )

Again, we see how statistics can be easily manipulated for anti-Israel propaganda purposes, and most people don't know enough to recognize how they are being brainwashed.

Honest Reporting is an Israeli propaganda organization.
:bs1: :bs1: :bs1:


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Since 2004, HonestReporting has been organizing trips to the Jewish state, providing you with the opportunity to observe the real facts on the ground. You will discover the beauty and complexity of Israel and receive insights that go beyond the headlines during exclusive closed-door briefings with top officials and academics.

Nazi ideology lives on in the islamic terrorist psyche.

Fatah Fighters Train At Ein Al-Hilweh Refugee Camp In Lebanon: We Are Ready To Liberate Palestine, The Al-Aqsa Mosque; We Follow In The Footsteps Of Yasser Arafat
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Surprising no one, it's still stomach-churning to see the Islamic terrorists rattle on with religious appeals to their depravity.

PA: Marrying 72 Virgins in Paradise is better than marrying in life and having a real family​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Nov 14, 2022
  • What is “more precious”: When your son dies a Martyr and weds the 72 Virgins in Paradise or when he marries his intended bride on earth?
  • PA about the mother of a “Martyr”:
    “The Martyr’s mother pushed her way between his friends in the hospital halls, and with a smile that did not leave her face called out: ‘Our groom is handsome…’This is an ability that is inherited by the Martyrs’ mothers. They deviate from the rules of farewell and demonstrate such endurance while bidding farewell to their sons
There is “nothing more precious” than when your son dies “a Martyr for the homeland.”

This is what the PA expects parents to feel when their children are killed during their terror attacks, and this is the message the PA expects parents to publicly declare and pass on to others.
“The mother of Martyr Salameh, like all the mothers of the Palestinian Martyrs, looks at her son for the last time. She holds on and considers her son a Martyr for the homeland, which there is nothing more precious than it.
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 6, 2022]​
The IMEU brings back one of our favorite stories of the Zionist Attack Zoo: that religious Jewish settlers raise (decidedly unkosher) wild pigs and release them to attack Palestinians and their fields.

Their Twitter thread:

Israel is using wild boars to strengthen its colonial hold on Palestinian land. Yes, you read that right.But how?

Palestinian farmers have long documented the impact of wild boar populations, which dig up crops and destroy farmland. This has only worsened in recent years, thanks to the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority intentionally dumping large numbers of pigs onto Palestinian land.

Aggressive wild boars have caused significant damage to Palestinian livelihoods, and have injured and killed many. This is the outcome of Israel’s colonialism, which endangers Palestinian lives by causing irreparable damage to their environment.

Even Israeli settlers have been found to release wild boars onto Palestinian farmland as a form of abuse. These illegal settlers use the boars to pressure and intimidate Palestinians, hoping to drive them away from their lands and vacate it for illegal settlement growth.

Thanks to Israel, Palestinians have been left with no way to protect themselves from the wild boars. Though Israel has no right to control the West Bank, it has turned large swathes of Palestinian land into nature reserves, making boar population control a crime.

Israel not only causes environmental harm to Palestinian land, but is also weaponizing nature against Palestinians, turning the land itself into a source of destruction and violence for the indigenous population.

Palestinians deserve to live free and to cultivate the land that their families have lived on for centuries. But under Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism, their connection to their land is under attack.

Believe it or not, IMEU stands for the Institute for Middle East Understanding,

But then for additional reading, they link to a story this past week on Mondoweiss!

That article is just as ridiculous, and perhaps more so.

In 2005, in a village north of Nablus called Sabastia, the family of Jawad Ghazal was shocked by the murder of his 84-year-old father. Jawad and his father were picking olives when a wild boar attacked them, killing Jawad’s father and severely injuring Jawad.
It was....MURDER!
In the past, wild boars have never been a problem in Palestine. Renowned Palestinian historian Mustafa Murad Al-Dabbagh mentioned in his seminal encyclopedia, Palestine, Our Home, that in 1943 there were around 12,145 wild boars in Palestine, located in Jabal al-Tur near Nazareth, as well as in the Jordan Valley, al-Hula, and Wadi Araba.
Um, 12,145 sounds like a problem.

It took me about two minutes to find that wild boars were damaging vineyards in Palestine in 1862:

This 1855 account discusses the wild boars in Palestine and surrounding lands, and notes that the Muslims would call the boars "Christians" by way of insult of that faith.

Thanks, Mondoweiss, for helping us document historic Palestinian Arab intolerance!

This isn't the end of Mondoweiss' litany of lies. Not even close.
Another significant reason for the spread of wild boars in Palestine is Israeli colonial practices — recent reports have indicated that settler-owned boars are being intentionally released into Palestinian villages, even though solid documentation has lagged behind. Others claim that the Israeli military is releasing the boars with the purpose of destroying crops, the main source of income for many rural communities.
Yes, professional soldiers are rounding up wild boars and releasing them in Palestinian fields. They must put them in bulletproof settler buses.

Mohammad Hassan from Salfit has indicated to the Land Research Center (LRC) that he personally sawIsraeli colonists unload wild pigs in the area of al-Ashara located between the city of Salfit and the village of Iskaka. Some of those I interviewed in the village of Aboud near Ramallah said they witnessed settler trucks unloading wild boars in the village’s nearby mountains.
Palestinian eyewitnesses are amazing. They see such cool things like settlers and the army trucking wild pigs throughout the West Bank, but somehow they keep forgetting to take out their mobile phones and take photos and video. Maybe they are hypnotized by Joo-Rays.

Notably, hunting wild boars is out of the question for Palestinians. The use of firearms by Palestinian civilians is strictly forbidden by the Israeli colonial regime.

Yeah, it is real difficult for Palestinians in the West Bank to get weapons.

And the rare times they manage to find M16s, they use them for shooting at Jews and shooting in the air at weddings, so there is no ammunition left for the boars.

The half-measure of constructing a fence or wall has also proven ineffectual, as pigs have demolished or jumped over them. ....Israeli settlements, of course, are mountaintop fortresses, and hence shielded from the boars.
The boars can apparently distinguish between Jewish and Arab fences.

Using wild boars is part of an older Zionist imperative to colonize nature.
Yes! Colonizing nature has been a Zionist imperative since Herzl. Or perhaps from the time of earlier Zionists like Choni HaMe'agel.
The article then repeats the lie that JNF planted non-indigenous trees that, this article claims, turns the ground to acid to destroy all other plants. It doesn't mention the name of the trees - the Jerusalem (or Aleppo) pine, which are indeed indigenous to the region. Whoops.
There is a lot of competition, but this may be the dumbest Mondoweiss article yet.

Today, according to Arab websites, 60,000 Muslims visited the Al Aqsa Mosque complex on the Temple Mount.

If you walk there on a weekday, it is far less crowded, but there are always hundreds of Muslims that can be seen there.

Here's what it looked like on Thursday, August 11, 1960, under Jordanian rule.

The visitor, a Christian, noted a few people inside the Al Aqsa mosque, saying that more would show up at prayer times. He was told that the mosque could hold as many as 5,000 people.

Even if we assume on holidays that 5,000 people showed up - okay, double it and make it 10,000 - there is no way that there were ever 60,000 people on the Temple Mount at any time under Muslim rule. If there were so many visitors, there wouldn't be weeds between the pavement stones.

During Ramadan, Muslim authorities sometimes claim as many as half a million Muslims on the site, although I don't think it can fit more than 150,000. Either way, it is indisputable that far more Muslims have visited Al Aqsa under Jewish rule than ever did under Jordanian, Ottoman or any other Muslim (or British) rule. (The entire Muslim population of Jerusalem was 54,000 in 1967.)

If the Jews are oppressing Muslims so much, then please explain why far, far more Muslims visit the Temple Mount on an average Friday under Jewish rule than ever visited before 1967?


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