All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Azerbaijan is set to become the first Shi’ite Muslim-majority state to open an embassy in Israel, following parliamentary approval on Friday.

The new embassy, which The Jerusalem Post reported was in the works last month, will be in Tel Aviv, where the country already has a Tourism Office and a Trade Representative Office. Israel and Azerbaijan have had relations for 30 years, and there has been an Israeli embassy in Baku since 1993.

(full article online)

Over the last week, the IDF detained one Palestinian suspected of arms trafficking near the city of Nablus.

“The soldiers located and confiscated an illegal M-16 rifle which was found in the suspect’s vehicle,” the IDF said. In another incident, military ammunition was stolen from an IDF base in northern Israel. Recent clashes with armed Palestinians in the West Bank have revealed the presence of numerous illegal weapons, including a large number of M-16s pictured in photographs of the Palestinian gunmen or in videos of armed men gathered in places like Jenin and Nablus.

The presence of illegal firearms in the West Bank among Palestinians is not a new phenomenon. Terrorists use rifles and pistols in terror attacks and armed groups or gangs of various types use them to exert pressure or to show off. However, the last year has illustrated how the presence of weapons in the West Bank can lead to an increase in clashes.

n reviewing the last several months of incidents it became clear that many Palestinian gunmen use M-16s and they often pose with this type of rifle. This appears to be a pattern. For instance, a photo of Farouk Salame, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad member who was killed in early November, shows him posing with thirteen M-16s. He staged the photo to make it look like the throne from Game of Thrones, adorned with rifles instead of swords. In another photo Wadi al-Houh is also seen with a similar style rifle.
It’s difficult to quantify how many illegal firearms there are in the West Bank or how prevalent they are with terror groups or other armed men. The photos may show a tip of an iceberg or they may disproportionately show men who have access to rare weapons. What is clear is that in most of the recent photos of Palestinian gunmen, the weapons are common. The men also often pose with numerous rifles. During nationalist parades, such as funerals, the weapons are also common. One man killed in mid-October is seen in a photo with five M-16s.

The types of rifles matter.​

This is because photos from more than a decade ago of Palestinian terror groups don’t show such a prevalance of the kinds of rifles we see today. In fact, AK-47s, for instance, are more common in older photos and also in photos of gunmen in the Gaza Strip. For instance photos of Zakaria Zubeidi, the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade member, show him greeting supports in 2004 and the supporters have a mix of weapons.

There also doesn’t appear to be an attempt to hide these weapons. A photo of the clothes that Salame was supposed to have worn on his wedding day-a week after he was killed-shows an M16 hanging from a window. A photo of a 15-year old Palestinian killed on November 9 show him with three M-16-style rifles.

The photos of the rifles lead to many questions. One obvious question is where do the weapons come from? The IDF releases details on detaining illegal weapons. In early November three suspects, two men from southern Israel and one Palestinian from the West Bank, were arrested attempting to smuggle handguns from Jordan. Weapons were also seized on November 9. These included pistols and pieces of AK-47s, as well as an old shotgun. On November 10 more weapons were seized, including an M-16.

(full article online)

Over the last week, the IDF detained one Palestinian suspected of arms trafficking near the city of Nablus.

“The soldiers located and confiscated an illegal M-16 rifle which was found in the suspect’s vehicle,” the IDF said. In another incident, military ammunition was stolen from an IDF base in northern Israel. Recent clashes with armed Palestinians in the West Bank have revealed the presence of numerous illegal weapons, including a large number of M-16s pictured in photographs of the Palestinian gunmen or in videos of armed men gathered in places like Jenin and Nablus.

The presence of illegal firearms in the West Bank among Palestinians is not a new phenomenon. Terrorists use rifles and pistols in terror attacks and armed groups or gangs of various types use them to exert pressure or to show off. However, the last year has illustrated how the presence of weapons in the West Bank can lead to an increase in clashes.

n reviewing the last several months of incidents it became clear that many Palestinian gunmen use M-16s and they often pose with this type of rifle. This appears to be a pattern. For instance, a photo of Farouk Salame, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad member who was killed in early November, shows him posing with thirteen M-16s. He staged the photo to make it look like the throne from Game of Thrones, adorned with rifles instead of swords. In another photo Wadi al-Houh is also seen with a similar style rifle.
It’s difficult to quantify how many illegal firearms there are in the West Bank or how prevalent they are with terror groups or other armed men. The photos may show a tip of an iceberg or they may disproportionately show men who have access to rare weapons. What is clear is that in most of the recent photos of Palestinian gunmen, the weapons are common. The men also often pose with numerous rifles. During nationalist parades, such as funerals, the weapons are also common. One man killed in mid-October is seen in a photo with five M-16s.

The types of rifles matter.​

This is because photos from more than a decade ago of Palestinian terror groups don’t show such a prevalance of the kinds of rifles we see today. In fact, AK-47s, for instance, are more common in older photos and also in photos of gunmen in the Gaza Strip. For instance photos of Zakaria Zubeidi, the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade member, show him greeting supports in 2004 and the supporters have a mix of weapons.

There also doesn’t appear to be an attempt to hide these weapons. A photo of the clothes that Salame was supposed to have worn on his wedding day-a week after he was killed-shows an M16 hanging from a window. A photo of a 15-year old Palestinian killed on November 9 show him with three M-16-style rifles.

The photos of the rifles lead to many questions. One obvious question is where do the weapons come from? The IDF releases details on detaining illegal weapons. In early November three suspects, two men from southern Israel and one Palestinian from the West Bank, were arrested attempting to smuggle handguns from Jordan. Weapons were also seized on November 9. These included pistols and pieces of AK-47s, as well as an old shotgun. On November 10 more weapons were seized, including an M-16.

(full article online)

The IDF releases details on detaining illegal weapons.
At the end of Oslo, the PLC passed a law stating that the Palestinians could have arms. Also that Palestine could import and manufacture weapons.
The BBC has broadcast folksongs that glorify attacks on Jews and call for bloodshed, the JC can reveal.

One of the songs, aired on its Arabic language service — which has 36 million viewers — is addressed to Palestinian militants.

Translated by Media Watchdog Camera Arabic, the song says: “The force in your hand is your right. Don’t leave your weapon in its sheath… From the Jerusalem mountains and from the plain, your blood, should it be shed on the earth, would make red freedom bloom.”

A BBC presenter can be seen in the studio, nodding and filming the bloodthirsty performance on his phone, which was aired on the BBC Xtra series to mark “Nakba Day” in May.

In an interview before the rendition, musician Ashraf Sholi made it clear that his song was intended to energise the “resistance” movement, undermining those who “lean towards a blind peace” or “anyone who normalises [with Israel].”

The smiling BBC presenter made no serious attempt to challenge Mr Sholi’s statements.

Another song, which tells the story of a militant knocking on his mother’s door before he launches an attack, was broadcast in October on an Arabic version of Loose Women called Dunyana, or “Our World”.

The guest presenter, Mira Sidawi, who sang the song as guests clapped along, was billed as being from “Palestine”, a highly politicised move that contravenes BBC guidelines, as there is no such state.

In January, Ms Sidawi had presented a segment on Middle Eastern cooking in which she claimed that Israel had no cuisine or culture apart from what it “takes from the original peoples”.

The government’s former anti-terror czar, Lord Carlile, said the material was likely to “give succour and encouragement to extremists”, raising further concerns about the role of BBC Arabic in fomenting unrest across the Middle East.

Neither of the songs or the statements, all of which appeared to openly contravene the publicly-funded broadcaster’s guidelines on impartiality and accuracy, were challenged on air.

After being contacted by the JC, the BBC removed the offending episodes from its social media accounts, though despite ongoing conversations, the corporation has not admitted that guidelines were breached.

It comes after Ofcom slammed the BBC culture of “defensiveness” as it ruled last week that the corporation had “failed to observe its editorial guidelines on due impartiality and due accuracy” in its notorious Oxford Street Chanukah coverage.

A JC petition demanding a parliamentary inquiry into the corporation’s coverage of Jews and Israel passed 9,000 signatures this week. It can be signed and shared by visiting

The controversial BBC Arabic broadcasts that glorified violence were aired in this year between January and October.

The most striking example was aired in May to mark the “Nakba”, or “tragedy” of the foundation of the state of Israel. Watched by a presenter on BBC Xtra, Palestinian oud player Mr Sholi was invited to perform a folksong that addressed Palestinian militants.

Speaking to the presenter, he laid out his aims in singing a song promoting violence. “There are youths who work on aspects that are love-specific, that are land-specific, but on the matter of resistance and focusing on the resistance… there are people who try to make it forgotten,” he said.

When the presenter asked who those people were, Mr Sholi replied: “Anyone who leans towards a blind peace, for example. Anyone who — the normalisers [with Israel], of course.

The Arab normalisation which happened recently is a saddening, unfortunate thing. These are among the things that make us forget.”

The presenter then pointed out: “Some people, Ashraf, say this conflict will end once there will be peace between the two states.”

The musician replied that peace would only be achieved when there was “a Palestinian state which consists of all”, with no “Zionist state which builds its state on a religious basis”.

He was then invited to perform the song. “Who else, other than you, would stop the arrogance of the oppressor of my country’s land, and stand against him?” he sang.

(full article online)

Islamic terrorist groupies never seem to learn that the internet never forgets.

CNN producer who covered Israel is axed over anti-Semitic '#TeamHitler' tweet and praise of Palestinian terror group Hamas​


Hamas police forces continue to raid the homes of activists in the Gaza Strip who expose the corruption of Hamas figures and members.
Palestinian journalists protest in Gaza City against attacks on journalists in the Palestinian territories, Aug. 28, 2007.

[ WHAT ????? ]

Al Haq issued a statement about Israel's participation at COP27, "Cooperation with Israel on Climate without Palestinian Self-determination Entrenches Colonial Climate Vulnerability of Palestinians."

It is a very interesting document. It looks at everything Israel agreed to with other countries to help the environment - and denounces them.

For example,

The Abraham Accords are not only a shameful, dangerous acceptance and endorsement of Israel’s settler-colonial and apartheid regime, they also violate third states’ legal responsibilities under international law not to recognise the illegal situation arising from Israel’s violation of peremptory norms of international law.
Essentially, they are saying that any agreement with Israel is illegal.

The EuroAsia Interconnector, an EU infrastructure project that aims to connect the national electricity grids of Israel, Cyprus, Greece and wider Europe, is denounced because...
...the electricity grid receives electricity from illegal settlement solar panel fields. Under the rubric of cooperation to address the climate crisis, the implementation of this project would in fact, contribute to the further entrenchment of grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Conventions, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the violation of peremptory norms under customary international law against the Palestinian people.
Yes, solar panels in Judea and Samaria are crimes against humanity!

The East Mediterranean Gas Forum, a cooperative group that includes Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, is denounced as "a political smokescreen which enables Israel to perpetrate the exploitation and pillage of Palestinian gas resources." But why is this bad if it includes the Palestinian Authority? "Al-Haq warns that Palestinian Authority presence at the East Mediterranean Gas Forum table, does not qualify as consent for the exploitation of Palestinian gas resources by Israel, whose ownership vests in the occupied Palestinian population."

Essentially, if the PA makes any deal with Israel, that makes the PA illegitimate as well!

The only common denominator in the examples of things Al Haq condemned at COP27 was anything that treated Israel like a normal nation. The deal between Israel and Jordan to provide desalinated water from the Mediterranean in exchange for electricity was twisted into somehow taking away Palestinian water rights. An agreement for Israel's water carrier to provide expertise to Bahrain is condemned for the same reason, even though ISrael has signed agreements with the PA on water and is adhering to them.

What this press release proves is that when anti-Israel groups pretend to care about other social justice issues like the environment, it is only meant to either recruit more dupes to their cause or to hijack it. Because when it comes down to it, they clearly don't care in the least about the environment - not as long as Israel is part of the solution.

Palestinian media is very happy at videos of football fans in Qatar who insult Israeli reporters.

But one writer sees that Qatar and the other Gulf countries only pretend to support Palestinians. This article shows that Palestinians see the difference between real support for Palestinians and the Arab version of virtue signaling.

Hosting the World Cup Qatar cost the Gulf states 220-240 billion dollars. Housing projects for two million Palestinians in the Palestinian territories and two additional power plants would cost $10 billion...

The splendor of the World Cup marks the demise of what little concern other Arab and Muslim countries had for the fate of the Palestinians over the past two decades. This attention will go down in the history of the Middle East as a clear sign of the oil-rich Arab states turning their backs on their Palestinian brethren.

They justify their unwarranted self-interest with the absurd pretext that such aid to the Palestinians amounts to interference in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on behalf of the Jewish state. The hypocrisy in this statement stinks to the high heavens.

These wasteful people should go to the refugee camps in Gaza and tell their inhabitants that they are not ready to help them because their poverty, neglect and suffering are the best card in the Arab world against the “occupying Zionists”.

Try to say that the lack of aid is part of a clever political plan to help the Palestinian people politically. Try to explain to them how you build museums, malls, and stadiums in your countries at a cost of billions of dollars each year.

There was a lot of bitterness in Palestinian media after the Abraham Accords, but I have only rarely seen something this caustic towards the Gulf countries.

The ironic part if that Qatar has shown more genuine interest in giving aid to Gazans than any other country.

Al Jazeera has become considered a trustworthy news source in the West - but in Arabic, it is just as disgusting and supportive of terror as it was in the years after 9/11.

It published an article about the terrorist attack in Ariel last week where it describes his bloody spree in terms of sports, saying that Muhammed Souf "scored goals" with his stabbings and car rammings. Describing his murderous attack in poetic terms, the article says, "he decided alone, like a falcon flying in the expanses of pride, to play his match solo."

Written by Palestinian Muhammad Khair Musa, the article praises the murderer:
History will record for a long time that on Tuesday the fifteenth of November of the year 2022 AD, a young man named Muhammad Souf, at the age of eighteen, ... executed an epic triple in the face of a heavily armed army, and he had nothing but a knife in his hand and a heart in his chest that did not fear death.

Even worse, the article explicitly calls on other Palestinian youth to follow in his footsteps and attack Jews. It compares Souf with Mohammed's young companions, and urges Palestinians to use Souf as a model.

This is Al Jazeera - not the airbrushed, carefully edited Western version of Al Jazeera English, but the real, terrorist supporting media empire from Qatar.


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