All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

A controversial pundit that the BBC insists on featuring despite his support for terror has sparked fury by calling Wednesday's bombings in Jerusalem the "Palestinian World Cup".

Politicians and high profile cultural figures have condemned the national broadcaster for repeatedly hosting Abdel Bari Atwan, who has previously praised terrorists as “martyrs” and called an atrocity a “miracle”.

The Palestinian journalist has repeatedly appeared on flagship show Dateline London and BBC Arabic.

Writing on Twitter in Arabic, Mr Atwan said: “Bombings with explosive devices in occupied Jerusalem, one Israeli dead and many injured. And al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade seizing the body of a settler in Jenin, this is the beginning of a very different Palestinian World Cup," translations provided by CAMERA Arabic reveal.

Mr Atwan's comments appeared to refer to twin blasts in Israel’s capital that killed two and injured more than 19 civilians.

Explosive devices at bus stops had reportedly been packed with nails to maximise their impact and detonated from afar by mobile phone.

abdel bari atwan

'The beginning of a very different Palestinian World Cup': Abdel Bari Atwan's shocking tweet

Public figures previously expressed their "concern" over the BBC's flawed coverage of Jews and Israel in an open letter.

Addressing BBC Director General Tim Davie, the 36 politicians and stars said: "Our alarm was heightened this month, when the BBC invited the controversial commentator Abdel Bari Atwan onto its Dateline London programme, during which he appeared to express sympathy for the man who attacked Salman Rushdie in New York."

"Mr Atwan is not a right and proper person to be given a BBC platform, and it is shocking that the corporation continues to invite him to appear on its flagship programmes, despite your being well aware of his history and the concerns about it," they added.

In response, Mr Davie said inviting Mr Atwan onto the nation’s airwaves was in “the public interest”.

In a letter responding to critics sent before Mr Atwan's latest tweet, he said: “We will sometimes include in our output people whose views may cause serious offence to many in our audiences, but where we do so the potential for offence must be weighed against the public interest.

“Such judgments should be made carefully. In this case, Abdel Bari Atwan appeared on Dateline London primarily to give his view on Saudi Arabia’s dealings with Donald Trump, but it was also important to cover the attack on Sir Salman Rushdie.”

Mr Atwan has previously endorsed terror attacks and written in defence of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s use of the term “Holocausts” to describe killings committed by Israel.

The latest revelation comes as a JC petition demanding a parliamentary inquiry into the BBC over its coverage of Jews and continued use of Mr Atwan hits 10,000 signatures.

It registers “deep concern” in the Anglo-Jewish community regarding the Corporation’s output over Jews and Israel.

A spokesperson for CAMERA, who monitor Arabic language media, previously said: “We have been documenting Abdel Bari Atwan’s praise of terrorists for some years. Despite this, the BBC still hosts Atwan on air and refuses to pledge it will stop featuring him as though he is an impartial observer.”

A BBC spokesperson said: “Careful judgements are made about the guests we invite on and the context in which we hear from them.”

Mr Atwan has been approached for comment.

(full article online)

A controversial pundit that the BBC insists on featuring despite his support for terror has sparked fury by calling Wednesday's bombings in Jerusalem the "Palestinian World Cup".

Politicians and high profile cultural figures have condemned the national broadcaster for repeatedly hosting Abdel Bari Atwan, who has previously praised terrorists as “martyrs” and called an atrocity a “miracle”.

The Palestinian journalist has repeatedly appeared on flagship show Dateline London and BBC Arabic.

Writing on Twitter in Arabic, Mr Atwan said: “Bombings with explosive devices in occupied Jerusalem, one Israeli dead and many injured. And al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade seizing the body of a settler in Jenin, this is the beginning of a very different Palestinian World Cup," translations provided by CAMERA Arabic reveal.

Mr Atwan's comments appeared to refer to twin blasts in Israel’s capital that killed two and injured more than 19 civilians.

Explosive devices at bus stops had reportedly been packed with nails to maximise their impact and detonated from afar by mobile phone.

abdel bari atwan

'The beginning of a very different Palestinian World Cup': Abdel Bari Atwan's shocking tweet

Public figures previously expressed their "concern" over the BBC's flawed coverage of Jews and Israel in an open letter.

Addressing BBC Director General Tim Davie, the 36 politicians and stars said: "Our alarm was heightened this month, when the BBC invited the controversial commentator Abdel Bari Atwan onto its Dateline London programme, during which he appeared to express sympathy for the man who attacked Salman Rushdie in New York."

"Mr Atwan is not a right and proper person to be given a BBC platform, and it is shocking that the corporation continues to invite him to appear on its flagship programmes, despite your being well aware of his history and the concerns about it," they added.

In response, Mr Davie said inviting Mr Atwan onto the nation’s airwaves was in “the public interest”.

In a letter responding to critics sent before Mr Atwan's latest tweet, he said: “We will sometimes include in our output people whose views may cause serious offence to many in our audiences, but where we do so the potential for offence must be weighed against the public interest.

“Such judgments should be made carefully. In this case, Abdel Bari Atwan appeared on Dateline London primarily to give his view on Saudi Arabia’s dealings with Donald Trump, but it was also important to cover the attack on Sir Salman Rushdie.”

Mr Atwan has previously endorsed terror attacks and written in defence of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s use of the term “Holocausts” to describe killings committed by Israel.

The latest revelation comes as a JC petition demanding a parliamentary inquiry into the BBC over its coverage of Jews and continued use of Mr Atwan hits 10,000 signatures.

It registers “deep concern” in the Anglo-Jewish community regarding the Corporation’s output over Jews and Israel.

A spokesperson for CAMERA, who monitor Arabic language media, previously said: “We have been documenting Abdel Bari Atwan’s praise of terrorists for some years. Despite this, the BBC still hosts Atwan on air and refuses to pledge it will stop featuring him as though he is an impartial observer.”

A BBC spokesperson said: “Careful judgements are made about the guests we invite on and the context in which we hear from them.”

Mr Atwan has been approached for comment.

(full article online)

Despite this, the BBC still hosts Atwan on air and refuses to pledge it will stop featuring him as though he is an impartial observer.”
There are hundreds of good Palestinians who would be delighted to speak on their program. Why do they always invite someone who makes the Palestinians look bad?

Is there a motive there?
[ Frustrating ]

I have driven down the long, winding road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in the western Binyamin region countless times. It is one of the most beautiful routes in the country. This time, however, was different. Instead of enjoying the incredible, breathtaking view of the Binyamin hills, I spent it looking at electricity poles. They carried signs that I had never noticed before: The walls of the Old City of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock and the universal symbol for high voltage, a lightning bolt. Underneath the image, in English and Arabic, were the words “Jerusalem District Electric Company” (JDECO).


I've seen lots of articles in Arabic extolling how Israelis are being abused by many Arabs at the World Cup in Qatar. This one from Ma'an - an independent Palestinian news source not associated with any terror group - is typical:

"The majority of Arab peoples do not like our presence here, even though we signed 4 normalization agreements." Israeli Channel 12 correspondent, Ohad Hemo.

The words of this reporter summarize what is happening on the ground here, but the expression is inaccurate, as the reporter used the term “do not like” to mitigate the burden of meaning on the settlers’ ears, but the appropriate term is “hate”, “despise”, “reject”, “disdain”. There are many terms suitable for this context, but what is certain is that the Arab peoples have recorded a clear position in relation to "Israel" since the beginning of the World Cup in Qatar.

The Israeli media is experiencing a crisis of transportation and presence at the World Cup. News of Israeli reporters getting insulted and rejected all the time tops people's fondest stories about the World Cup. With every talk of expelling an Israeli reporter from a café or street, Palestinian flags increase in the streets and World Cup stadiums, and there is much talk about Palestine.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says in Article 2:

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination similarly says that discrimination based on national origin is considered racial discrimination - on par with discrimination based on color.

Even if Israel really was the worst human rights violator on Earth, even if you don't consider Israel to be a legitimate country whatsoever - Israelis must be treated with respect like any other human being, under international law. And under international law, this is racism.

Apparently, the Arabs in Qatar do not accept that section of the UDHR.

I have not seen one Arabic article in Palestinian, Jordanian, Lebanese or other media that defends the right of Israeli reporters and fans to visit Qatar without harassment.

But to Palestinians and their allies, these incidents of harassment are points of pride. Racism is a feature, not a bug, to the anti-Israel crowd.

Where is Amnesty? Where is Human Rights Watch? Where are the hundreds of NGOs who spend thousands of hours trying to dig up (or make up) dirt about Israel, who claim that they are not biased, that they speak truth to power, when we have on video lots of examples of Israelis and people who are assumed to be Israelis being harassed in Qatar?


I've seen lots of articles in Arabic extolling how Israelis are being abused by many Arabs at the World Cup in Qatar. This one from Ma'an - an independent Palestinian news source not associated with any terror group - is typical:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says in Article 2:

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination similarly says that discrimination based on national origin is considered racial discrimination - on par with discrimination based on color.

Even if Israel really was the worst human rights violator on Earth, even if you don't consider Israel to be a legitimate country whatsoever - Israelis must be treated with respect like any other human being, under international law. And under international law, this is racism.

Apparently, the Arabs in Qatar do not accept that section of the UDHR.

I have not seen one Arabic article in Palestinian, Jordanian, Lebanese or other media that defends the right of Israeli reporters and fans to visit Qatar without harassment.

But to Palestinians and their allies, these incidents of harassment are points of pride. Racism is a feature, not a bug, to the anti-Israel crowd.

Where is Amnesty? Where is Human Rights Watch? Where are the hundreds of NGOs who spend thousands of hours trying to dig up (or make up) dirt about Israel, who claim that they are not biased, that they speak truth to power, when we have on video lots of examples of Israelis and people who are assumed to be Israelis being harassed in Qatar?

Has nothing to do with racism.
The Islamic terrorists have a cradle to grave grooming program. That program is relentless, starting from early childhood.


A Palestinian teacher and three school children were directly involved in the recent spate of terror attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The young terrorists have been brainwashed by Palestinian leaders and "scholars" spewing hate against Israel and Jews on a daily basis. (Image source: Palestinian Media Watch)
NPR writes:

Ben-Gvir has called for tougher policing of Palestinians. Here's what he told reporters earlier this week after a rare bomb killed an Israeli teenager in Jerusalem.
Are Palestinian bombs rare?

Not according to Shin Bet, which keeps track of them. Assuming pipe bombs (not firebombs/Molotov cocktails) here are the number of bombs they so far counted this year:

These are not "rare" events. There are an average of more than one pipe bomb every day this year.

If NPR was doing its job, it would have known this information and reported on it way before deadly bombs exploded in Jerusalem.

And it is pretty obvious that the "rare" statement was meant to downplay Palestinian terror, and to avoid mentioning that this has been the bloodiest year for Israelis since 2015, and second deadliest since 2009.

Earlier today I wrote about how Arab media ia celebrating Arabs in Qatar refusing to speak with Israeli reporters.

I want to emphasize that Arabs have every right not to be interviewed by whomever they want, that isn't a human right. But the stories coming out of Qatar include Arabs kicking Israelis out of taxis and ganging up on/bullying (presumed) Israelis. That is what I am pointing out as a violation of Israeli human rights. (And let's be honest - lots of Arab Israelis came to Qatar and we haven't heard any issues with them.)

It turns out that it isn't only Arabs cheering and justifying Arabs ganging up on Jews.

Sarah Leah Whitson, formerly of Human Rights Watch and who now runs her own "human rights" organization, tweeted, "A good reminder that Israel's 'peace' with dictatorships (aka Abraham Accords) is not peace with the Arab people. And yeah, no justice, no peace."

Besides the idiocy of saying that Israel shouldn't make peace with dictatorships (who, exactly ,is eligible in the Arab world?) her "no justice, no peace" is a flippant way to justify treating Israeli Jewish professionals as subhuman. Which is a curious thing for a human rights expert to say.

Daoud Kuttab tweeted this justification for Arab antisemitism, heartily endorsed by Peter Beinart:

"Every action has a reaction?" Really? So Israel is justified in fighting back when Hamas shoots rockets? Israel can try to arrest those who kill Jews and try to hide in Area A? Please. Israel is never justified in protecting its citizens when Palestinian Arabs attack according to these masters of creating rules for Israel that do not apply to anyone else. You will never hear Kuttab or Beinart justify Israeli defensive moves to protect the lives of her citizens, saying "every action has a reaction."

The hypocrisy is obvious to everyone except for those who aren't already stuck in the mire of hate towards Israel, where Arabs have no responsibility for their actions yet Israel must be compared to a "turn the other cheek" ideal that literally no other country is expected to come close to reaching.

These hypocrites - all of whom swear up and down they are not antisemitic - always somehow manage to find the one exception to their own stated moral codes. It's awful that gays want to visit the World Cup must stay in the closet, but Israeli Jews who visit should expect abuse.

It's their own fault - for being Israeli.

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Being Unresponsive
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I do not understand your response. Did you answer the question posed by Sixties Fan? (NO!)
Excerpt from Posting #2813.png

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's a good one.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:


So, what is the point of this presentation?


Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Being Unresponsive
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I do not understand your response. Did you answer the question posed by Sixties Fan? (NO!)
View attachment 731853


So, what is the point of this presentation?


Most Respectfully,
Israel can't "fight back." Israel is the aggressor.

False question.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Being Unresponsive
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is simply wrong.

Israel can't "fight back." Israel is the aggressor.

False question.

When it comes to the Gaza Strip, Israel withdrew in 2005. It can not be the aggressor. Any action against Israel from that quarter is a criminal act on the part of the quasi-Leadership.

Israel can not be the aggressor in any action against a terrorist organization. HAMAS and associates are listed as Terrorist entities.

The Organizations like the PLO can not assume control of territory through the acts of terrorism they have embarked upon since the conclusion of the Six-Day War. Acts by the HAMAS, PLO, PIJ, PFLP, etc are not to be rewarded through acts of terrorism, no matter the political position they hold.

It is simply NOT the case that Israel should be considered the Aggressor for taking defensive action.

This nonsense about the Hostile Arab Palestinian Low-Intensity Conflict being legal when it disrupts the Peace Treaties (with Jordan and Egypt) holding some sort of legitimacy is completely ridiculous.


Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Being Unresponsive
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is simply wrong.


When it comes to the Gaza Strip, Israel withdrew in 2005. It can not be the aggressor. Any action against Israel from that quarter is a criminal act on the part of the quasi-Leadership.

Israel can not be the aggressor in any action against a terrorist organization. HAMAS and associates are listed as Terrorist entities.

The Organizations like the PLO can not assume control of territory through the acts of terrorism they have embarked upon since the conclusion of the Six-Day War. Acts by the HAMAS, PLO, PIJ, PFLP, etc are not to be rewarded through acts of terrorism, no matter the political position they hold.

It is simply NOT the case that Israel should be considered the Aggressor for taking defensive action.

This nonsense about the Hostile Arab Palestinian Low-Intensity Conflict being legal when it disrupts the Peace Treaties (with Jordan and Egypt) holding some sort of legitimacy is completely ridiculous.


Most Respectfully,
When it comes to the Gaza Strip, Israel withdrew in 2005.
You area hoot.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Unfounded Perception
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Gaza Disengagement said:
“If Israel would simply leave the ‘Occupied Territories’ then there would be peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”
There is no substantial evidence to support this conjecture.

You area hoot.

While there will be a few Neutral Arab Palestinians (NAP) - a vast majority of the population provides tacit approval and material support to the politically corrupt government. There are very few Arab Palestinians that contribute to the maintenance of regional peace and territorial security. There are even fewer that undertake to provide positive cooperation in protecting their society.

The vast majority of the Arab Palestinian population can NOT be considered operating in good faith and clearly NOT intending to meet the obligations assumed by them in the international community. And again, the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) pass off propaganda for open conflict, the nonviolent sector of the Arab Palestinian advocate, and racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, and violence.

Most Respectfully,

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