All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

"Palestine" is nothing more than a weapon

During the UN partition negotiations in 1947, the Arab side said they wanted a single Arab state. When that didn't fly, they said they wanted am Arab state that would protect Jewish rights. And when the partition vote passed, within hours, Arabs attacked Jews on the streets, showing how much they would have respected those Jewish rights.

Meanwhile, as I reported this morning, the Arab states had no interest in a Palestinian Arab state - they were planning to divide up Palestine as soon as they could after the British left.

And also, as always, the Palestinians themselves want their "refugees" not to help build their state - but to "return" to what they consider a criminal, apartheid, racist state.

Of course, these same Arab states didn't say a word about an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza when they controlled those areas.

If the goal of Palestine is to have an independent state for Palestinian Arabs, why didn't they do it then? If the goal is to give Palestinians rights, then why do Arab states not give them rights today? Why did they pivot between the ideas of a Palestinian state and none, and back again in 1968?

If we take the Arabs and Palestinians at their word, none of this makes sense. Their claims as to what they want - independence, freedom, justice - do not fit with their actions. Especially since they have rejected every plan that would have given them exactly that.

There is only one consistent thread that explains all of this - the unifying theory of Arab attitudes towards Israel. And that is antisemitism.

The goal has never been to build a Palestinian state. Even the Palestinians don't want that. They have had more time between Oslo and today than the Zionists had between the Mandate and 1948 to build the functioning apparatus of a state - and unlike the Zionists, they have had lots of aid and EU consultants to do exactly that. Yet today their government is a joke, a dictatorship under the control of one person, with institutions that are corrupt or incompetent. It is all window dressing, not a serious attempt at building a real government.

Two recent cartoons in Felesteen illustrate a great truth, especially on the 75th anniversary of the UN Partition resolution.

"Palestine" is not meant to be a state, and it never was. It is meant to be a weapon, a means to end the Jewish state. That's what it was in 1947 and that's what it is today.

That's how Palestinian leaders look at it. That's how Jordan and Egypt and Syria still look at it.

Some nice news for a change.

JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, published a video of a portion of a Jewish wedding ceremony celebrating the bridegroom according to Syrian Jewish tradition that occurred in New York City.

I'm not familiar with this responsive chant, but apparently this part is nearly identical to a traditional Syrian Muslim wedding ceremony (with mentions of "Mohammed" replaced with "Moses").

According to STEP News, Syrians have been sharing this video, amazed that Syrian Jews have kept these traditions: "The video sparked a wide interaction among the Syrians, who expressed their admiration for them and their preservation of the heritage, as one of the commentators said: 'It is unfortunate how our country lost them as it lost us.'"

Syrians congratulated the couple on Twitter.

1) NGO Monitor has published a reportDocumenting HRW’S “Apartheid” Fabrications’ which were amplified by the BBC at the time.

“In April 2021, Human Rights Watch (“HRW”) released a 217-page publication titled “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution.” HRW asserted that Israel is an apartheid state both within its pre-1967 territory as well as in the West Bank and Gaza. […]

As documented below in great detail, the HRW publication is fundamentally flawed, using lies, distortions, omissions, and blatant double standards to construct a fraudulent and libelous narrative demonizing Israel. A careful examination of the text shows that HRW conducted almost no primary research. Rather, the text is bloated with cut-and-paste phrases, and quotes and conclusions taken from third-party sources – notably, other political NGOs participating in the same “apartheid” campaign against Israel.”

2) WINEP hosted a panel to discuss ‘Hezbollah and its regional impact as the terrorist group turns forty’.

“This year marks four decades since Hezbollah first appeared on the regional stage, where it has gradually morphed from a Lebanese resistance movement into a global criminal and terrorist syndicate under Iran’s close tutelage. How have the organization’s evolving activities shaped Lebanon’s political scene, its Shia community, and its relations with neighbors during this long history? And what implications do its latest military and economic shifts hold for U.S. policy?”

(full article online )

Israel has offered numerous peace deals, all of which have been rejected by Palestinian leadership. When peace is offered, like in 2000 at Camp David, Israel is instead met with increased terrorist attacks.If any of these offers had been accepted, there would be no conflict today

[ Satire ]

THE INTERNET — On Thursday evening The Mideast Beast sat down for an interview with Dr. Ye Rashida-Cortez, Director of the Anti-Israel Addicts Anonymous group, who has developed a 12-step program not just for “Israel = apartheid” addicts but specifically tailored for addicts who get every. fucking. thing. wrong. about Israel. Ye Rashida-Cortez noted, “At least drunks can be fun and a potential source of hook ups, whereas netizens who have become meme-educated historians are factually annoying. We believe that this carefully-designed 12-step program may help with their serious affliction.”
  1. Admit you are an addict, and that “apartheid”, “Zio-Nazi”, and out-of-context map memesturn you on more than alcohol and porn. This is something that may cause you to feel shame…but you’ll eventually get over it. Probably. Possibly.
  2. Admit that you’ve never stepped foot in Israel. (*Having an Israeli or Palestinian friend doesn’t count.)
  3. Confess that you don’t really understand what Zionism means or the difference between the varying types of Zionism, and of course that you don’t understand the difference between the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. It’s probably best to be totally honest and confess that you don’t understand the Middle East at all.
  4. Admit that when you think of Israel you imagine white people. This is applicable for the far-right and far-left. (*Majority of Israelis are of Middle Eastern and Middle East-North Africa descent.)
  5. Do not put your faith in a delusional and failing idea to remove your addiction. Speak to a doctor about the right pills for you.
  6. Make amends with those whom you have pissed off. Take your time; we know the list is long.
  7. Know that these ‘defects of character’ will never truly leave you, but with hard work, you can learn how to read books and dive into archival material; or you could always learn the art of ‘STFU’.
  8. Learn to say, “I was wrong”. We’re actually ROTFF right now, but just go with it.
  9. You will heal but not through prayer and meditation but rather medication.
  10. Do not expect a spiritual awakening, but do expect a feeling of “wow, now that I’m less of an asshole, I have friends again!”
  11. Do not ask a higher power to remove your weaknesses. If you’re trolling, you are weak. The best you can do is fight it, and the right meds will help.
  12. Think about all the people you’ve annoyed the shit out of with your ‘newsfeed-education’. Other people’s welfare, not yours, comes first. Your welfare is way, way down the list.
The internet is counting on you!


The Islamic terrorists may have made their situation far worse by firing at IDF peace keeping forces.​

Hamas fires at Israeli jets as air force hits terror group following rocket attack​

Armed wing Qassam Brigades confirms shooting missiles at Israeli jets, which targeted rocket manufacturing center, tunnel in overnight sortie, possibly heating up Gaza tensions​

  • A ball of fire and a plume of smoke rise above buildings in southern Gaza as Israeli warplanes strike the Palestinian enclave on December 4, 2022. (AFP)
[ No, it is not the Arab Homeland. And it does not belong to the Arab Nation ]

“I’m not managing to recover from the lynching attempt I endured yesterday,” he posted Saturday, along with pictures of his car’s smashed windows. “The images of young Arabs with rocks in their hands who only want to hurt and kill just because I’m a Jew, keep flashing back in my mind.”

The attempted murder took place on Route 505, near the town of Migdalim. Lobaton suddenly found his way obstructed by a bunch of tires that had been set alight, and stopped his car.

“Suddenly, I looked to the side and saw a group of youth dressed in black, with their faces covered, starting to fling rocks at me and get right up close to me,” he wrote. “They broke the back window. Within a second I understood what’s happening and escaped through the burning tires and all the rocks that were being thrown at me.”

(full article online)


A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab an Israeli couple in their car, then stabbed an Israeli soldier in his face, stabbed and lightly wounded an Israeli officer who then shot and killed him

PA Presidency libel about the terrorist:

He was “executed in cold blood” - “a heinous crime”

UN embraces PA libel:

“Horrified by today’s killing of a Palestinian man during a scuffle ... My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family... those responsible[must be] held accountable.” [Tor Wennesland, personal Twitter account, Dec. 3, 2022]


PA policy is to glorify the "heroic" terrorists while simultaneously accusingIsrael of executing innocent Palestinians. The cartoon above illustrates one expression of this PA libel that was already being spread in 2015 by the PA: The baseless claim that Israel plants knives near “innocent” Palestinians after they “execute” them.

While for years Palestinian Media Watch has exposed this as one of the many PA libels, the libel has not been condemned by the international community. On Friday this willful blindness reached new dimensions when the UN representative Tor Wessenland actually disseminated the PA libel as fact and called for the “investigation” of the Israeli soldier who in defense of his own life and that of others shot and killed the terrorist:


"Horrified by today’s killing of a Palestinian man, Ammar Mifleh, during a scuffle with an Israeli soldier near Huwarra in the o. West Bank. My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. Such incidents must be fully & promptly investigated, & those responsible held accountable.”
[Tor Wennesland, personal Twitter account, Dec. 3, 2022]​
What actually happened was that a 22-year-old Palestinian released terrorist prisoner, Ammar Mefleh, attempted to stab an Israeli couple by breaking into their car near Nablus on Dec. 2, 2022. The driver, an off-duty Israeli soldier, shot and lightly wounded Mefleh, who then stabbed an Israeli border police officer in the face. Another officer tried to arrest Mefleh without shooting him, but Mefleh resisted, stabbed the officer, and tried to steal his gun. The officer then shot and killed him.

The PA presidency presents the attack and the Israeli soldier’s response as a “cold-blooded killing of a Palestinian youth at the hands of an Israeli soldier” as if this was unprovoked. The PA presidency further described this as “part of the series of crimes committed daily against the Palestinian people” and an expression of “official policy” – completely ignoring the series of daily Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis. And the UN representative gives credence to the libel by expressing his horror at the killing of this terrorist and sending condolences to the family. Here are the PA lies:

(full article online)

A report in Amad says that, somehow, the "Israeli occupation" has the biggest violent effects on Palestinian women.

But then, in a distant second place, it mentions real statistics on violence against Palestinian women - from Palestinian men.

In 2015, 15 killings of Palestinian women and girls were monitored and documented, while 18 other killings were documented during 2016, and in 2017, the Women’s Center recorded 30 killings. In 2018, 24 Palestinian women were murdered.

In 2019, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey showing that about 59.3% of married or ever-married Palestinian women / girls in the age group (15-64 years) have been subjected to violence (including psychological and economic) by their husbands: 70.4% in Gaza compared to 52.3% in the West Bank. The highest percentage, 66.9%, were in the 20-24 age group. More than half of ever married girls and young women aged between 15 to 19-years-old have been exposed to violence by their husbands.

For physical violence 18.5% experienced it in the previous 12 months from their husband, and 9.5% suffered sexual violence from him. An astounding 12% suffered from sexual violence in the Jericho area not from their husbands.

15% of married women in Gaza experienced incidents of sexual abuse by husbands over the previous year. More than half of these experienced it repeatedly (3+ times).

As long as Palestinians pretend that all problems are from Israel, Palestinian women are not ever going to get the help they need.

In the 15 years since Hamas seized control of Gaza, 12 percent of the Strip’s population has fled, according to a study released by an organization associated with the terror group. The report appears to mark the first time Hamas is acknowledging — indirectly — widespread Gazan emigration since it violently seized control of the Strip in 2007.

The report, written by the Hamas-affiliated Council on International Relations, was published in September and recently seen by the Tazpit Press Service. It claims that over 60,000 Gazan residents have migrated from the Gaza Strip in recent years to escape poverty and war.

The Palestinian Authority has no data on the scope of migration from the Gaza under Hamas rule. Till now, Hamas hid the data, making accurate numbers difficult for human rights organizations to gather. The CIR’s chairman of the board is Basem Naim, who is also a senior figure in Hamas.

Various estimates in the past year shed some light on the Gaza exodus.

Between 2007-2021, approximately 236,000 Gazans left the Strip, the Palestinian Authority’s official news agency, WAFA, reported during the summer. That number is also about 12 percent of the total residents of the Strip.

Based on those numbers, it appears that an average of around 17,000 Palestinians have left Gaza every year since 2007.

Gaza’s unemployment rate stands at 74%. Those who manage to find a job earn an average yearly salary of $250. That puts 80% of Gaza’s population under the poverty line. The CIR report also noted a significant increase in suicide among youth.

The motivation to emigrate is very strong and a 2019 survey conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics revealed that 37% of young people in Gaza want to emigrate. “Gaza is turning into a swamp of the desperate and the poor,” an Arab researcher told TPS. “Those who can leave, leave.”

Some Gazans depart for medical treatment without returning. Others pay bribes of thousands of dollars to Hamas police at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

Sums as high as $10,000 dollars and more are paid to smugglers who take Gazans by boat to Spain via Egypt and North Africa, or to Greece or Turkey, which are closer.

Turkey is popular destination because the cost of a visa is only $150 and Turkey has a large PA Arab community of around 30,000. It is estimated that 30% of Gaza emigres arrived in Turkey, even though PA Arabs hold a passport that allows them to enter 37 countries without a visa.

The trips are fraught with danger. Since 2014, more than 360 PA Arabs have drowned in Greek and Turkish waters.

In 2020, a TPS investigation revealed that 70,000 PA Arabs live in Belgium alone, of whom 50,000 had come from Gaza between 2012-2016.

(full article online)

In the 15 years since Hamas seized control of Gaza, 12 percent of the Strip’s population has fled, according to a study released by an organization associated with the terror group. The report appears to mark the first time Hamas is acknowledging — indirectly — widespread Gazan emigration since it violently seized control of the Strip in 2007.

The report, written by the Hamas-affiliated Council on International Relations, was published in September and recently seen by the Tazpit Press Service. It claims that over 60,000 Gazan residents have migrated from the Gaza Strip in recent years to escape poverty and war.

The Palestinian Authority has no data on the scope of migration from the Gaza under Hamas rule. Till now, Hamas hid the data, making accurate numbers difficult for human rights organizations to gather. The CIR’s chairman of the board is Basem Naim, who is also a senior figure in Hamas.

Various estimates in the past year shed some light on the Gaza exodus.

Between 2007-2021, approximately 236,000 Gazans left the Strip, the Palestinian Authority’s official news agency, WAFA, reported during the summer. That number is also about 12 percent of the total residents of the Strip.

Based on those numbers, it appears that an average of around 17,000 Palestinians have left Gaza every year since 2007.

Gaza’s unemployment rate stands at 74%. Those who manage to find a job earn an average yearly salary of $250. That puts 80% of Gaza’s population under the poverty line. The CIR report also noted a significant increase in suicide among youth.

The motivation to emigrate is very strong and a 2019 survey conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics revealed that 37% of young people in Gaza want to emigrate. “Gaza is turning into a swamp of the desperate and the poor,” an Arab researcher told TPS. “Those who can leave, leave.”

Some Gazans depart for medical treatment without returning. Others pay bribes of thousands of dollars to Hamas police at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

Sums as high as $10,000 dollars and more are paid to smugglers who take Gazans by boat to Spain via Egypt and North Africa, or to Greece or Turkey, which are closer.

Turkey is popular destination because the cost of a visa is only $150 and Turkey has a large PA Arab community of around 30,000. It is estimated that 30% of Gaza emigres arrived in Turkey, even though PA Arabs hold a passport that allows them to enter 37 countries without a visa.

The trips are fraught with danger. Since 2014, more than 360 PA Arabs have drowned in Greek and Turkish waters.

In 2020, a TPS investigation revealed that 70,000 PA Arabs live in Belgium alone, of whom 50,000 had come from Gaza between 2012-2016.

(full article online)

Gaza’s unemployment rate stands at 74%. Those who manage to find a job earn an average yearly salary of $250. That puts 80% of Gaza’s population under the poverty line.
The best reason to move.
Al Resalah, which is a Hamas news site, is upset over Israeli President Isaac Herzog visiting Bahrain - not so much for the visit itself but for all the terrible things they predict will happen in its wake.

The headline says that Bahrain is opening up a loophole for Israeli espionage in all Gulf states, and here's how.

The main part of the scheme is based on a rumor that Bahrain was creating a Jewish neighborhood. As described last September:

In an interview with Lebanese radio station Al-Nour on 4 August, Yousef Rabie, a member of the Bahraini opposition party Al-Wefaq, reiterated his warning to the people of Bahrain about the kingdom’s plans to change the country’s identity.

Rabie accused Al-Khalifa of attempting to “Judaize Bahrain” in light of the surge in employment of recently naturalized Jewish foreigners or locals in administrative jobs.

Moreover, Rabie highlighted the increase in land purchases by international Zionist organizations in Bahrain, which was echoed by the spiritual leader of Al-Wefaq, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassem, in his sermon on 4 August.

Bahrain Mirror has reported that the project for the Jewish “quarter” or “neighborhood” in Manama is being carried out by the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, and will be complete within the coming two years. As a result, 40 percent of Manama’s national Muslim identity will be compromised in order to make way for the Jewish portion of the capital, which will become a major tourism destination for Israelis.

Ayatollah Qassem called on Bahrainis not to sell land to Jews, stating “whoever sells land or a house is not selling soil and stone, but rather a homeland, a people, a nation, history and dear sanctities. He is betraying Islam.”

After the Jews buy the land, they will attempt to become Bahraini citizens. Then all hell will break loose, because when the Jews obtain a Bahraini passport, they will be allowed to travel to all Arab countries.

Not only that, but these Jews and Israelis will then be able to invest, trade and sell land in other various Gulf countries, according to the rules of trade in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

This could represent a security loophole for Israelis to enter different countries, specifically Iran and Lebanon, taking advantage of the social and sectarian ties that unite a number of Bahraini residents with these countries.

So Bahrain can be the Trojan horse that allows Jews to infiltrate and take over the entire Gulf!


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