All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Brother of Arab groom who was seriously injured in shooting says there was 'no quarrel,' shooters 'didn't go according to Bedouin law.'

Ahad al-Sana'a, a 26-year-old resident of Laqiya, was shot and seriously injured Friday as he traveled on Route 60 with his wedding entourage to collect his bride, Israel Hayom reported.

According to his brother, the police's belief that the shooting is part of a quarrel between relatives is not true.

"There is no quarrel, there are those who say that my brother is connected to the murder of their mother last October. They say that he is the murderer. It's not him, they did not go according to Bedouin law. They didn't clarify or anything else," he told Israel Hayom, adding that there were "more than seven people, I saw them and I know who they are."

MK Smotrich - "I believe in an economic policy that says 'In my laws you shall walk' (Vayikra 26). If we apply the Torah, we merit financial abundance."

The new Muslim prayer direction?

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On the occasion of its 35th anniversary, Hamas has announced that it will give out $2 million in aid to needy Gazans.

Aid will include repairs to 100 homes of the poor at a value of $5,000 each, and changing the roofs of 200 homes of needy families at a value of $300 per family. Also they are giving money to older groomd to pay for weddings.

Hey, if they can replace roofs for $300, they can make a fortune in the US.

A Hamas spokesman said that these projects are a "thanks from Hamas for the steadfastness of our people and their preservation of the resistance project."

They said that the recipients were chosen based on need. From past experience, one can be sure that they are all also members of Hamas. (The spokesman denied this.)

Hamas and other terror groups often also engage in "charitable works" in order to help their public relations and to help recruit more members.

Sometimes it pays off, as the PFLP has graduated from being a terror group to being just a political movement and a founder of human rights NGOs, according to Human Rights Watch, despite still being very involved in terror.

The suit that Al Jazeera has filed in the International Criminal Court could shine an embarrassing spotlight on the network itself.

(JNS/Jewish Journal) The Al Jazeera media network has filed suit against Israel over the accidental shooting of its reporter Shireen Abu Akleh. The history of extremists suing prominent Jews suggests that Al Jazeera may regret what its lawsuit will reveal.

The suit that Al Jazeera has filed in the International Criminal Court could shine an embarrassing spotlight on the network itself. Those who do not regularly follow Al Jazeera might be surprised to learn that it is “a major exporter of hateful content against the Jewish people, Israel and the United States,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL points out that Al Jazeera “has sought to cast doubt upon the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people” (referring to it as “the alleged Holocaust”); “routinely glorifies violence against Israeli Jews”; and has ranted against what it calls “the control of the Jews over the pornography industry.” Al Jazeera also has a record of “providing a platform to all manner of virulent anti-Israel and even antisemitic extremists” in its commentary sections, the ADL notes.
The suit that Al Jazeera has filed in the International Criminal Court could shine an embarrassing spotlight on the network itself.

(JNS/Jewish Journal) The Al Jazeera media network has filed suit against Israel over the accidental shooting of its reporter Shireen Abu Akleh. The history of extremists suing prominent Jews suggests that Al Jazeera may regret what its lawsuit will reveal.

The suit that Al Jazeera has filed in the International Criminal Court could shine an embarrassing spotlight on the network itself. Those who do not regularly follow Al Jazeera might be surprised to learn that it is “a major exporter of hateful content against the Jewish people, Israel and the United States,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL points out that Al Jazeera “has sought to cast doubt upon the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people” (referring to it as “the alleged Holocaust”); “routinely glorifies violence against Israeli Jews”; and has ranted against what it calls “the control of the Jews over the pornography industry.” Al Jazeera also has a record of “providing a platform to all manner of virulent anti-Israel and even antisemitic extremists” in its commentary sections, the ADL notes.

Another question is whether Al Jazeera should be compelled to register with the U.S. Justice Department as a foreign agent, just as the Russian television channel RT was required to register as an agent of the Russian government. Al Jazeera was founded by the government of Qatar, receives funding from that government and maintains “extensive ties to the Qatari regime,” according to the ADL. Both Al Jazeera and the Qatari corporation for public broadcasting are overseen by the same government official, and the U.S. ambassador in Doha “determined a number of years ago that Qatar’s government uses Al Jazeera as a tool of Qatari statecraft,” the ADL reports.

Hearings before the ICC about the Abu Akleh case would enable the defense to ask uncomfortable questions about both the content of Al Jazeera’s reporting and the details of its relationship with Qatar.

Al Jazeera’s lawsuit against Israel is somewhat reminiscent of the legal actions initiated by the antisemitic agitator Benjamin Freedman against American Jewish organizations in the 1940s.

Freedman, a New York businessman who was born Jewish but embraced Catholicism, placed large advertisements in the American press in 1946 accusing Jews of trying to “drag [the U.S.] into a war to create a nationalist sovereign Jew state in Palestine.” The ads were signed by the “League for Peace with Justice in Palestine,” accompanied by the names of Freedman, as a “representative” of “Persons of the Jewish Faith”; R. M. Schoendorf, representing “Persons of the Christian Faith”; and Habib I. Katibah, on behalf of “Persons of Arab Ancestry.”

(full article online)

Palestinian Media Watch has extensively documented and repeatedly exposed to the public and to world governments, that the PA is abusing the Palestinian children by indoctrinating them to actively seek death as a “Martyr” (Arabic: Shahid) while attacking Israelis and Jews.

The Arabic Shahada, translated as “Martyrdom”, literally means to die for Allah. By telling Palestinian children that terrorists - including teenagers who murdered Israeli civilians and were killed - are Shahids, the PA is teaching them that killing any Israeli, even civilians, is something Allah desires and is a fulfillment of something positive in Islam.

In the coming days, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict Virginia Gamba is set to visit Israel. Every year the UN Secretary-General releases a “blacklist” of countries and bodies that breach the rights of children in the context of armed conflict. In his report for 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed concern about the number of Palestinian children killed during that year, and while referring to Gaza, added a warning that if the situation did not improve, he would have no choice but to add Israel to the blacklist:

“During the May 2021 escalation of hostilities, there were substantial air strikes by the Israeli armed forces, resulting in a significant increase the number of cases of violence against children. So far this year, we have not witnessed a similar number of violations. However, should the situation repeat itself in 2022, without meaningful improvement, Israel should be listed. Israeli authorities are engaging with my Special Representative and the United Nations to prevent any more violations against children and adopt clear and time-bound commitments.”
[Children and armed conflict, Report of the Secretary-General, June 23, 2022]​
Tragically for Palestinian children, the PA leaders seem to have identified the cautions of the UN Secretary-General as another opportunity to libel and defame Israel in the international arena, and have been very “successful” in sending Palestinian children to die.

Citing Palestinian parents’ testimonies, PMW has exposed a significant rise in Palestinian children who have been killed in 2022 while attacking Israelis for the purpose of dying as heroic “Martyrs”. See PMW Special Report: “How and why the PA kills its own children.”


In order to raise global awareness of the PA’s abuse of Palestinian children, PMW is asking our followers and anyone who cares about the lives of Palestinian children to use the hashtag: #SavePalestinianChildrenFromTheirLeaders, whenever they respond on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. - to claims that blame Israel for the dead Palestinian children. We hope that using this hashtag to remind the world that it is the PA leaders themselves, and not Israel, who are responsible for all the dead Palestinian children.

Make sure to follow us on our social media - Twitter: @palwatch; Facebook: Palestinian Media Watch; Instagram: @palmediawatch - and to share and retweet PMW’s posts to expand PMW’s impact on social media.

The following are recent PMW posts that use this hashtag. Please share and retweet (images link to Instagram posts):

Al Quds reports that Palestinian terror groups who depend mainly on funding from Iran are suffering from a financial crisis, which is affecting their ability to pay their salaries and operations.

According to the report, the cash from Iran dried up about three months ago - the same time that the current Iranian protests erupted.

The financial crisis affects Palestinian groups in the West Bank and even abroad, but especially factions in Gaza where there has been a clear inability to meet operational budgets, even at the minimum level, to meet the needs of these groups, including their media.

The article specifically calls out Fatah-linked groups and organizations in Gaza as being affected; for some reason it doesn't mention Hamas and Islamic Jihad which are known to receive large amounts of funding from Iran.

The US and Canada announced additional sanctions on Iran on Friday. Iranian currency hit a new low today vs. the US dollar.

Of course, the wild and baseless claims that Israel was and continues to clamp down on pro-Palestinian voices have echoes of antisemitism, specifically in the tacit suggestion that the Jewish state wields the strength and capacity to control even major corporations that are based in other countries.

Last November, Reuters and other major media outlets even reported the unsubstantiated accusations of Palestinian “digital rights organization” 7amleh that accused Facebook and Instagram, which is owned by the former, of removing and demoting political posts by Palestinians on the platforms. The group had claimed that Facebook was bowing to pressure from the Israeli government.

What has long been ignored by the mainstream media, however, is the silencing of pro-Israel viewpoints online.

Rarely acknowledged is the frequent and discreet censorship of Zionist activists and posts across all major social media platforms.

Investigative journalist David Collier, who works to expose the antisemitism that is pervasive within ‘anti-Zionist’ activity, has seen his Twitter access both suspended and restricted on several occasions, including once for posting an exclusive story that exposed a pro-Hezbollah and Bashar al-Assad-supporting extremist called Hadi Nasrallah.

Speaking to HonestReporting, Collier explained that after he uncovered images of Nasrallah posing with Syrian tanks and weaponry, he was suspended from Twitter for posting the publicly-available pictures in an exposé:

When I wrote a piece on him, Twitter suspended me for using the image on the tank. He was the person who took and shared the footage of [Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom] Tzipi Hotovely being harrassed outside a UK university. The footage went viral and so I wanted to expose who was behind it. Personally, I think it deeply in the public interest if a ‘human rights defender’ proudly posts images of himself with Hezbollah or Assad’s troops. They suspended me for this tweet. I was furious. I reached out to friendly NGOs and one handed me the UK Twitter contact for this, so I contacted her. First contact was friendly. Then it took a few days of her ignoring me, so I emailed again, at which point she said Twitter stood by their decision.”
In addition, Twitter’s repeated actions against Collier’s account have prevented him from obtaining official ‘verification’ on the platform, despite his profile having more than 85,000 followers. “Thing is, one of the conditions of having a blue tick is not having any penalties applied by Twitter. And one of the conditions of agreeing to delete your tweets is acceptance you have broken Twitter’s rules,” he said. “Every time an account gets suspended and is forced to delete the tweet, they destroy their chances of applying for verification – a process that would increase their standing on the platform.”

Similarly, Jackie Goodall, of the Ireland Israel Alliance, described being unable to access her Facebook account after organizing a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Dublin following the May 2021 Israel-Hamas war:

Hillel Neuer, the executive director of Geneva-based NGO UN Watch, which regularly exposes instances of the United Nations’ deep-seated anti-Israel bias, was forced to threaten legal action against Facebook after the firm threatened to delete his account after posting a joke about the Taliban.

Shortly after the Islamist terror group took over the Afghan capital Kabul earlier this year, Hillel referenced ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s controversial decision to boycott parts of Israel by commenting: “Prediction: Ben and Jerry’s will never announce a boycott of the Taliban.”

Bizarrely, Facebook moderators initially claimed the remark went against the platform’s “Community Standards on dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Meanwhile, US-based social media influencer Melissa Chapman has been among the pro-Israel voices to have her Instagram account ‘shadow-banned‘ — the stealthy practice of blocking a social media user’s account so that portions of the platform’s users cannot see the account in a way that is not obvious to the restricted person.

Earlier this year, several posts she wrote on the photo-sharing app about Eli Kay, a 26-year-old Israeli who was brutally murdered by a Hamas terrorist, were removed without warning on the grounds they were violent or dangerous.

She was warned she may lose access to her account altogether.

Despite having more than 100,000 Instagram followers, Melissa was unable to monetize her profile after she was penalized for posting an image of Jews praying in the spot in Jerusalem’s Old City where Kay was killed.

Even HonestReporting has borne the brunt of the pervasive culture of anti-Israel censorship online.

Our work as a media watchdog has resulted in our official Facebook page, which currently has close to 80,000 followers, being suspended without any explanation given on September 18 of this year.

Disturbingly, Facebook’s policies for appealing such decisions clearly stated that if the company did not address the appeal within 30 days, HonestReporting could have been permanently banned from the platform.

It was not until October 2 that the account was fully reinstated — and only after we circumvented their standard process by engaging outside help.

While the above are just a handful of examples of how those who voice support of Israel or condemn Palestinian Islamist terrorism are targeted online, they are a chilling reminder of how the war being waged against the Jewish state exists in the virtual as well as the physical sphere.

The late US President Ronald Reagan once described information as the “oxygen of the modern age” and predicted that the “Goliath of totalitarianism will be brought down by the David of the microchip.”

Reagan was, of course, correct. How sad that the David that is Israel is up against a new Goliath that comprises social media.

(full article online)

MK Smotrich - "The demand of my friend Itamar Ben Gvir, the designated Minister of National Security, to subordinate the police to the minister is the most just in the world"

Itamar is correct! What is incorrect is not his trivial requirement, but the fact that until today it has not worked that way.


Just as the army is subordinate to the political echelon - the government and the minister of defense, so the police should be subordinate to the political echelon - the government and the minister of national security. The anomaly that exists today between the army and the police is illogical and undemocratic.

The political echelon received the trust of the public and is responsible for it and will judge it for its successes or failures.

It is that, which is entrusted with the public interest and its preservation and it is that which should determine the policy, the priorities, and the manner of allocating the budget to the various tasks according to their importance and urgency. These are basic and necessary tools for realizing the responsibility. There is no responsibility without authority.

I am confident that Itamar will dictate a professional and responsible policy and I wish him great success in the important and difficult task he has undertaken - to restore personal security to the citizens of Israel.

The theft of the cables in the south, Zvika Fogel - "If we were in power, all the thieves and protectionists would shut themselves in their houses."

MK Zvika Fogel from 'Otzma Yehudit - "I can tell you with certainty that if we were in power all the thieves and protectionists would shut themselves in their houses. We will give immunity to the police and security personnel who will be able to use their weapons without taking other things into account."

He also added - "It's not that Ben Gvir will be the Commissioner, and the Commissioner will be a rag - forget it. Itamar pledged to the voter to bring governance, he won't be able to do that if he doesn't have the same powers as the Minister of Defense."

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A lesson in hypocrisy | Morocco's occupation that no one talks about

For nearly fifty years, Morocco "the noble, the pride of the Arab world, and the beloved of Ahmed Tibi" has been occupying a vast population and territory in violation of international law.

And for some reason, it doesn't bother all the beauties of the soul who have human rights in front of their eyes, and who endlessly sneer at the empty-nesters who wave the neo-Nazi flag on their side in every game they play in the World Cup.

The roots of the conflict over the large land of Israel, which houses only half a million inhabitants, began back in the 1970s, when Spain vacated its colony in the Western Sahara, which was then called the "Spanish Sahara". Even before that, the citizens began to rebel against the Spanish government and in 1976 the Polisario Front, which serves as the movement for the struggle for the independence of the Western Sahara, announced together with the residents of the Western Sahara the establishment of the "Democratic Republic of the Arab Sahara".

Morocco, which borders that region of land, saw this as an opportunity and arbitrarily decided to annex the region in question together with Mauritania, which further increased the unrest. The Mauritanians withdrew from the part they had annexed, but Morocco remained in it until today.

The annexation sparked a guerrilla war by that front supported by neighboring Algeria against the Moroccan authorities, a skirmish that ended in a ceasefire in the early 1990s. Since then, the international community and the UN in particular have been trying to try and bring about a settlement between the parties through a referendum on the fate of the territory, but none of them is ready to compromise, especially Morocco, and in recent years, conflicts between the parties have broken out more than once in the huge strip of land (266 thousand square kilometers) that also contains natural resources are important, which makes it difficult for Morocco to give them up.

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The Pakistani Noor Dahri talks about the discrimination against Jews on the Temple Mount

The theft of the cables in the south, Zvika Fogel - "If we were in power, all the thieves and protectionists would shut themselves in their houses."

MK Zvika Fogel from 'Otzma Yehudit - "I can tell you with certainty that if we were in power all the thieves and protectionists would shut themselves in their houses. We will give immunity to the police and security personnel who will be able to use their weapons without taking other things into account."

He also added - "It's not that Ben Gvir will be the Commissioner, and the Commissioner will be a rag - forget it. Itamar pledged to the voter to bring governance, he won't be able to do that if he doesn't have the same powers as the Minister of Defense."

Israel - The wild west of the Middle East.
While the Arab world is trying to claim Morocco's success at the World Cup is a victory for Palestinians, Moroccan media itself has remained pro-Israel, as it has been since the normalization agreement was signed.

Hespress, the most popular Moroccan news site, published an article today about Miss Morocco 2021 and her visit to Israel for the 2021 Miss Universe pageant.

Kawthar Benhalima, Miss Morocco 2021, discussed how there was a lot of criticism towards having the pageant in Israel on social media, and in Algerian media. Her grandmother came from Algeria.

Benhalima discussed her walking through Jerusalem, which she described as the city of peace despite the conflict, noting that there are houses of worship for all religions there, and expressing her hopes that only peace will prevail.

She explained that Moroccan Jews in Israel express their pride in their origins, and she received a special welcome from them, noting that this feeling prompted her to read about the history of Moroccan Jews.

Benhalima related that she was invited to a dinner party along with Miss Universe 2020, Miss USA, and Miss Israel, at the house of the mayor of Eilat, where the pageant was held. The mayor's wife was born in Morocco and she prepared a selection of Moroccan dishes for the meal as she discussed her childhood.

An article like this would have been unfathomable before the Abraham Accords.

While there are many anti-Israel comments on the article, we also see this:

I remember two years ago, when the name Israel was mentioned on this newspaper, commentators would come out insulting and cursing.
Glory be to God, the changer of conditions and the prank of hearts, the Moroccan has become a day that does not shy away from praising and enlarging the Zionist state.

Bravo, these are the Moroccan women, the beautiful movements, who do not pay any attention to the hatred of the racist Arabists and the extremist Islamists. I, in turn, and most Moroccans dream of visiting this brotherly country, and there is no consolation for the haters.

Bravo to you, you have honored your dear country, Morocco, despite the nose of envious people, haters and enemies. The proud Moroccan people know the friend from the enemy.

Hespress is not associated with the Moroccan government, so this is an independent news site that chooses to publish articles that praise Israel and Jews.


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