All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

[ Do Arabs take care of their garbage in the same way all over the Arab conquered world, or is it just in Judea and Samaria? ]

 THE WRITER stands on an illegal garbage dump near Dir Kadis. (photo credit: International Desk, Binyamin Regional Council)

THE WRITER stands on an illegal garbage dump near Dir Kadis.
(photo credit: International Desk, Binyamin Regional Council)

That is exactly what is happening in the heartland of the Bible, the cradle of Israel’s civilization. Under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority, its residents are damaging the environment and continuing the legacy of al-Qaeda and ISIS by damaging and destroying antiquities and archaeological sites. There is wholesale looting and destruction of remnants of the glorious history of the nation of Israel, an integral part of world heritage.

The polluting of the local air and water courses, as well as illegal waste management on a massive scale, are felt almost every day in one way or another by hundreds of thousands of Israeli residents who live in Judea and Samaria, and whose health and well being are directly affected by it. Residents of the PA have developed a cheap method to dispose of their local garbage – incineration.

The millions of dollars that the US and EU are transferring to the PA’s coffers are finding their way to the wrong places. Those funds should be being used to improve infrastructure, roads and waste treatment plants. Instead, their condition is only getting worse. There is an opportunity here “going to waste.”

(full article online)

The two smugglers were Bedouin residents of southern Israel.

The pair aroused the security guards’ suspicion on the Israeli side of the crossing, the Authority said. A search of their car revealed boxes containing about five thousand IDF bullets in four rectangular containers shoved under the seats of the vehicle.

The Ministry of Defense Crossing Points Authority said in a statement that the forces “thwarted an attempt to smuggle about five thousand 5.56 mm bullets” to the Palestinian Authority. The bullets were stolen from the Israel Defense Forces.

(full article online)

[ When will the P. A. come to an end to save all of these Christians and the Muslims who are forced to waste their lives and even just give it away ?
Time to return Judea and Samaria to its rightful owners. The Jewish People. ]

Anecdotal accounts attest to the anti-Christian bias and Muslim cronyism that characterize the Palestinian Authority. The Beit Sahour-based owner of a marble and granite factory in the adjoining city of Bethlehem told that after Israel withdrew in 2003, he sold $90,000 of stone floor tiles and countertops to a Muslim client. When the check bounced, the client taunted him to go complain to the police. Religion Unplugged is withholding his name to protect his safety.
Palestinian Authority tour guides whisper to their Israeli colleagues who have permission to work in PA-ruled Bethlehem that they wish Israel would return.
Compounding the Christians’ second-class status under the PA, they are also caught in the wider conflict between Muslim Palestinians and Israeli Jews. Jarayseh’s husband, Jamil, said that members of the Jarayseh clan — which since the 13th century has been divided between Beit Sahour and Nazareth, today in Israel — used to routinely attend each other’s weddings. Today the Israel Defense Forces’ military rule over the West Bank — euphemistically called the Civil Administration — rarely issues permits to travel to Galilee or Jerusalem, he said. As a senior citizen with a clean record with Israel’s General Security Service, Jamil may make the 150-kilometer (93.2-mile) long trip to Nazareth. Younger members of his family aren’t so fortunate.

Yasir Barham works in his olive wood handicrafts factory spraying crosses in Beit Sahour, governed by the Palestinian Authority. Photo by Gil Zohar.

Many of those interviewed for this article placed the blame for the continued emigration on what they called the Israeli occupation that resulted from the 1967 Six-Day War. Yasir Barham, who studied business administration and opened his souvenir and olive wood handicrafts factory in 2004, told that Yasir Arafat, the former president of the Palestinian Authority, was “good for every Palestinian.” An image of Arafat is conspicuously displayed in his workshop.

(full article online)

This year, the PLO created an "Anti-Apartheid Department" to make sure that they are important members of the NGO war against Israel.

On Sunday, their first conference was held in Al Bireh. The "National Conference against Apartheid" was organized with such objective groups as the BDS Movement, the UN Human Rights Council and the Palestinian Ministry of Justice.

Their final statement called for the establishment of an international coalition of legal and human rights institutions to create a global lobby attacking Israel in international and legal forums. They also want to start a campaign to have the Israeli political parties on the Right to be declared terrorist organizations.

As always, they make the decisions before they come up with the definitions.

One does not have to read too much between the lines of the PLO's description of the conference to realize that they have no idea what apartheid actually is - they are defining it as pretty much anything they accuse Israel of doing. The conference defined apartheid as a tool of Zionist colonialism.

Speakers included Shawan Jabarin, a PFLP terrorist who is also head of the Al Haq NGO, and Saleh Hijazi, who was a prominent pro-terror researcher for Amnesty (also Human Rights Watch) but now is the coordinator of the BDS campaign in Africa.

And of course there was some obligatory antisemitism baked in to the purportedly "anti-racist" conference.

Deputy head of Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, said that Jews consider themselves the chosen people, and everyone else must serve them.

Muhammad Baraka, head of a committee supposedly concerned with Israeli Arabs, said that the incoming Israeli government is as close as possible to neo-Nazism.

From Durban in 2001 to today, antisemitism has permeated the movement to label Israel as "apartheid." Sometimes it is more obvious than others, and the PLO's initiative, together with prominent NGOs, is one of the more obvious ones.

Israel - The wild west of the Middle East.

Arab supremacists really distrust Bedouins if they must blame them on Israel.

But only Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Singapore are safer.

How many Arab states are not at war with eachother?

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: How Gullible are Readers?
※→ et al,

[Contirubuted by: Sixties Fan]


When it comes to the Gazan-originating antiquities, the communities for such artifacts have known for decades that HAMAS, through various brokers of nefarious character, has been dealing in sale of archaeological objects and polluting the issue of provenance. This comes as no surprise to anyone. Media releases and topical publishers (
including the "Tweet") are just one of the means that the Islamic Resistance Movement decided to weaponize in 1988.

Excerpt • HAMAS Covenant said:
It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin).
Source: Article 15

This aspect of the Islamic Resistance effort and anti-Israeli strategy has been very successful with the judicial crowd in the Hague (
many of who have forgotten that the Jewish are the true victims), the international community (particularly at the UN), and the tainted Human Rights NGOs; most of whom have no idea what the meaning of Civil and Political Rights actually means (or what they are).


Most Respectfully,

Five Bedouins arrested for kidnapping an Arab man from Jerusalem


Police on Monday arrested five Bedouin residents of the Negev, on suspicion of having abducted a 22-year-old Arab man from Jerusalem the previous night.

As part of the rapid investigation, technological measures and special units were activated in order to locate the abductee as quickly as possible and end the incident without casualties.

The vehicle in which the abductee was held was located in the township of Abu Talul in the Negev. When the vehicle, along with another vehicle that was involved in the kidnapping, were located, roadblocks were set up and a chase of the kidnappers was carried out, during which the suspects hit a police car and lightly injured two police officers who were transferred for medical treatment.

Professional preparation led to the two suspected vehicles being stopped in a dirt area, when one of the vehicles overturned. During the arrest of the kidnappers, one of them was rescued from the overturned vehicle. He suffered minor bruises.

In recent months, terrorists in Jenin have developed a new practice according to which they plant side charges as traps for security forces who enter the town alleys. Such charges have already exploded near the security forces in the past, but did not cause any casualties.

This morning (Monday), after the security forces left Jenin, an unusual incident occurred - when one of the charges exploded on two armed Islamic Jihad terrorists and seriously wounded one of them.

Warzone Qatar 2022 - the "mysterious" casualties

3 journalists die "mysteriously" one after another during Qatar 2022...

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Like a silent classmate, mass murderer Dalal Mughrabi – who led the murder of 37 Israelis, among them 12 children – looks down at Palestinian kids participating in a course.

One of the walls in the room serves as a memorial displaying numerous pictures of Mughrabi, the female Palestinian terrorist who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, known as the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, in which she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70.


This memorial appeared in pictures posted on Facebook by Fatah’s Lion Cubs and Flowers children's movement, which highlighted a course for children held by the movement in the classroom under Mughrabi’s watchful eyes.


The wall displays 16 pictures of murderer Mughrabi

Such glorification of mass murderer Mughrabi is completely in line with PA policy, which, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, teaches Palestinians to view the terrorist murderer as their role model.

It also is in line with Fatah’s policy of brainwashing children to grow up to be terrorists. PMW exposed this policy in a recent report “Teaching Terror to Tots” on Fatah’s Waed magazine for children ages 6-15, a magazine which is published by Fatah’s same Lion Cubs and Flowers children’s movement that held the course under the gaze of terrorist Mughrabi.

Iran was expelled from the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), a UN women’s rights subsidiary, on Wednesday after the passage of a US-led resolution in response to Iran’s brutal crackdown on ongoing protests.

Speaking at the UN’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the 54 member body that the CSW is subsidiary to, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that removing Iran was the direct appeal of Iranian women activists. “Iran’s membership at this moment is an ugly stain on the commission’s credibility,” Thomas-Greenfield said.

After an educational meeting for coexistence Arab students threw stones at Jews in Acco
Coexistence or duel? 3 Arab students attacked Jewish students and staff members who came to their school as part of a joint venture. The attack occurred after an Arab student suspected that his Jewish friend had thrown the word "out of place" at him.

Three Arab students attacked with stones Jewish students from a middle school in Acco who came to the Arab school "Hilmi Shafei" in the city as part of a joint project to learn English at the beginning of last week. The educational meeting became violent when the Arab student suspected that his Jewish friend had thrown a word "out of place", and decided to wait for him outside the school with two friends at graduation and throw stones at him. One of the teachers was injured by the stone throwing and did not need medical treatment.

It is pretty obvious that this is no tank. The treads are not moving, for one. It is merely a truck with a covering - essentially, a parade float. It might be made of papier-mâché.

This isn't the first time Hamas tried to pull this stunt. In 2016, Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida tried to impress Gazans when he delivered a speech from a "tank" that they claimed they captured from Israel, but everyone could see the rubber tires underneath it.

(full article online)

The newspaper’s revelations about the internal recriminations and removal of Atwan from the network’s guest list follows BBC’s apologylast month for the “unacceptable” handling of complaints from CAMERA Arabic.

“We apologise for the unacceptable delay and will ensure formal responses are issued as soon as possible,” a BBC representative had said regarding the network’s failure to address most of the 26 complaints CAMERA Arabic submitted since May 2021.

In wake of the rare apology, BBC upheld and corrected every single one of the outstanding CAMERA Arabic complaints.

“Last month’s apology plus the tens of corrections, followed by this month’s revelations about internal warnings and the disengagement from the antisemitic Abdel Bari Atwan, are testament to the impact of CAMERA Arabic’s unprecedented work,” said Tamar Sternthal, director of CAMERA’s Israel office. “By exposing deeply flawed coverage that had previously been subjected to zero internal or external scrutiny, CAMERA Arabic is raising awareness within the media outlets’ English-speaking leadership.”

“CAMERA Arabic is instrumental in ensuring BBC accountability to the British license fee payer who fund this service,” said Hadar Sela, co-editor of CAMERA UK, said of the network’s Arabic coverage. “Beyond reminding the BBC that Arabic-language reporting is subject to the exact same editorial standards as English-language reporting, CAMERA Arabic successfully placed BBC Arabic’s biased coverage on the public radar.”

A bipartisan group of MPs and peers will undertake an investigation of BBC’s coverage of Israel and Jews, the Chronicle revealed.

(full article online)

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar is likely to be remembered as one of the more politicallycharged international sports competitions of recent decades. It seems that even Western news agencies are taking part in the political games, abandoning their professional role as impartial observers on the sidelines.

Thus, on two separate occasions since the commencement of the games, AFP’s Arabic reporting from Qatar significantly diverged from the agency’s coverage in English, French and Spanish. In both cases, the Arabic reports concealed facts that were unflattering to the competition’s Qatari regime organizers, namely the way fans and authorities treated foreign sports journalists.

The first Arabic report, from Nov. 28, completely whitewashed the abuse directed at Israeli journalists and fans in Qatar during the tournament. After quoting an middle-aged Israeli fan, who said he feels “like I’m watching the World Cup in disguise. The atmosphere towards us is hostile,” AFP then falsely reported: “But with the exception of refusing to speak to Israeli media, no incidents against Israelis during their stay in Qatar have been reported.”

The English, French, Spanish and Portuguese versions of the same report did not contain this fabrication intended to undermine the Israeli’s statement about the hostility hurled at Israelis.

World Cup fans direct antisemitic remarks at Channel 13 (Israel) reporter Tal Shorrer, Nov. 12, 2022 (Footage from Remee’s Twitter account, with translation by CAMERA Arabic)
In fact, Israeli journalists encountered, documented and reported fans’ attempts to disrupt their broadcasts and intimidate them, including with the use of antisemitic slurs. The Qatari security services’ tolerance of this harassment targeting Israelis stands in stark contrast to the widely-reported clamp down against peaceful fans publicly expressing political opinions unrelated to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

AFP’s Dec. 10 Arabic report covered the tragic death of American sports journalist Grant Wahl, who dropped dead during the Dec. 9 match between Argentina and the Netherlands.

Unlike the English, French, Spanish, German and Chinese versions of the same report, the Arabic edition completely omitted the fact that Qatari police had earlier detained Wahl because he sported a rainbow t-shirt supporting the LGBTQ community. The English text, but not the Arabic, had reported:

In their statement [regarding Wahl’s death, Qatar’s World Cup] organisers did not mention an incident just before the November 21 group match between the United States and Wales when Wahl was stopped as he entered the stadium for wearing a rainbow shirt in support of LGBTQ rights.
This information potentially assumes new relevance and urgency in light of Wahl’s brother’s claim that the sports reporter was killed because of his protest in support of gays.

Notably, an earlier, shorter version of the Arabic report did initially mention the incident in passing, but AFP’s later story ignored it completely, despite the fact that the follow up article was longer.

Other Arabic-language Western media outlets did report the noteworthy information about Wahl’s detainment, among them CNN, BBC, Alhurra and Independent Arabia (via Reuters Arabic).

Although CAMERA Arabic quickly contacted AFP regarding the shortcomings in both Arabic reports, the news agency failed to amend the articles in line with their own coverage in other languages.

AFP’s failure to address disparities between its Arabic coverage and its reporting in other languages became a pattern long before the current championship. Corrections are few and far between, with Arabic reports typically remaining uncorrected.


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