All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority carried out an extensive arrest operation of Hamas terrorists all over Judea and Samaria, some in Area C, which is under full Israeli military and civilian control, Kan 11 reported Saturday night.

According to the 1995 Oslo 2 agreement, Area C constitutes close to 61% of the Judea and Samaria territory, to be “gradually transferred to Palestinian jurisdiction.” But as long as the transfer of territory has not taken place––and it hasn’t––all PA activity, from construction to chasing after terrorists, must be coordinated with Israel.

Nevertheless, PA security forces on Thursday entered Area C without coordination with Israel and without giving any advance notice, contrary to the agreements signed between Israel and the PA, under Israel’s nose, using civilian vehicles and wearing civilian clothes, kidnapped the Hamas members and returned with them to Area A, which is under full PA control.

Earlier last week, the PA security forces launched an operation to prevent Hamas rallies in Judea and Samaria, ahead of the terrorist group’s anniversary last Wednesday. Activists were detained for questioning and warned that holding rallies or waving Hamas flags would lead to their immediate arrest. Although planned support demonstrations were canceled, rallies in support of Hamas were held on PA Arab campuses, as well as in some villages.

Hamas, an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, was founded in 1987, soon after the start of the first Intifada. Its co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin said in 1987, and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988, that Hamas was founded to “liberate Palestine, including modern-day Israel, from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.” The group has stated that it would accept a truce if Israel withdrew to the 1967 borders, paid reparations, allowed free elections in the territories, and gave Arab refugees the right of return.

Several national religious ministers who will take office this week have announced their intent to curb the presence and activities of the Palestinian Authority in Area C.

(full article online)

...but also by much of Palestinian rhetoric and symbolism, which invariably portrays the whole the Land of Israel, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, as constituting part of Arab Palestine.

Arab Palestine?

Arabs can't even pronounce that.
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Terrorism is a political not a legal designation.

Political views are not the subject of any criminal law.
It is common among criminals and their supporters
to manipulate people with lies and emotional
extortion to deny responsibility.

But if as you want, it's a political designation, then you admit
it's part of your political agenda to murder the chief Rabbi of Israel.

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Salah Hammouri, who was deported to France today, is a terrorist.

There is no doubt about that. He has admitted it.

While newspapers say that he denied having anything to do with a plot to assassinate Israel's Sephardic chief rabbi, and that he was even a member of the PFLP, he admitted to the plot in his plea bargain. Moreover, he essentially admitted to and justified the plot in this PFLP website, no longer online, from 2011, which also calls him a member of the group ("comrade.")

Moreover, this PFLP website listed him as one of their members, #8, who participated in a hunger strike only this past September (autotranslated):

But this would-be assassin is labeled a "human rights defender" by the UN, by the International Federation of Human Rights, and Amnesty International.

Which can only mean one of two things. Either these "human rights" organizations consider murdering Jewish Israelis to be a human right, or they don't believe that Jews in Israel are human to begin with.

Either way, calling Hammouri a "human rights defender" proves that the term "human rights" has lost all meaning, and indeed means the opposite of its original definition.

In this, they agree with the PFLP itself, which makes that equation between murdering Jews and "human rights' explicit, as one of their officials said ten years ago:

We reaffirm our commitment to our goals, principles, and inalienable Palestinian national rights. Some of which have been recognized and approved by international norms, principles, agreements, resolutions, international law and human rights.The first of these rights is the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all means and methods.

Every Palestinian understands "all means and methods" to include terrorism against civilians.

"Human rights organizations'" defense of Hammouri indicates that they agree.

[ I am still waiting for the day when terrorist family like this one is fully deported back to Arabia. One terrorist family at a time. Yes, that would eventually include the Abbas clan. Please, save these families future generations by deporting them]

Mass murdering terrorist Nasser Abu Hmeid died this morning of lung cancer in Israeli custody.

Abu Hmeid was a member of Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas' ruling party. His entire family is a family of terrorists; four of his brothers are in prison as well.

He was convicted of killing Israelis Eliyahu Cohen, Binyamin and Talia Kahane, Gad Rejwan, Yosef Habi, Eli Dahan and Salim Barakat. He also killed five Palestinian "collaborators."

If anyone deserved the death penalty, it was Hmeid.

But instead of that, for twenty years, Israel kept him in prison - allowing family visits, treating him according to international law.

Last year he started suffering chest pains, and Israeli doctors diagnosed him with lung cancer. It was spreading fast. Israel hospitalized him multiple times. Last October he refused a surgery because he didn't like the security measures in the hospital for a mass murderer. (He agreed to the surgery in November.)

Israel spent tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of dollars to keep this piece of subhuman garbage alive - even though the survival rate for lung cancer is a mere 16%.

Meanwhile, while Israeli prison officials spent so much time and money to keep this terrorist alive, the Palestinian Authority kept saying that his lung cancer was Israel's fault, and they are now blaming his death on Israel - as they do with every prisoner who dies in custody, even though statistically Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prison have a far lower death rate than people out of prison, and a much lower death rate than prisoners in European countries.

Al Manar is calling his death "medical homicide" - not just negligence, but claiming that Israel deliberately killed him!

And so is Mahmoud Abbas, while calling him a hero:

President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas announced to our people, the fighters, and the free people of the world the death of heroic Martyr, prisoner, and commander Nasser Abu Hmeid, who died as a Martyr today as a result of the policy of deliberate medical neglect, ‘slow murder’.
Here is a summary of Abu Hmeid:

* He is a mass murderer who was part of the ruling Fatah party, who helped found the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group during the Oslo process.

* He comes from a family of murderers, who have so far received over $1.5 million in payments from the Palestinian government.

* Palestinian children are taught to lionize and emulate him.

* Abu Hmeid is indeed a hero to Palestinians across the board. as well as to BDSers.

* Despite his villainy, Israel went above and beyond to treat him and keep him alive, spending Israeli taxpayer money for that purpose.

* Even so, the "moderate" Palestinian Authority president and prime minister portray him as a heroic role model for other Palestinians to follow.

* And they lie about his death, accusing Israel of "murder."

* You cannot find a single media outlet under the Palestinian Authority that will say anything negative about Abu Hmeid. And it would be very difficult to find even a single Palestinian from the PA in social media to condemn his murdering civilians.

This is the reality that Western media doesn't report. Palestinians are overwhelmingly in support of the most heinous murderers and terrorists, and their hate for Israel is so great that they will go to any lengths to lie about it.

This is several generations of people brainwashed to hate, taught this hate in their schools and media and by their own leaders. It isn't a situation of "two sides to the story." Only one side acts like this, without any dissent, without any debate even being allowed.

This is an entire culture that is conditioned, as their highest priority, to hate Jews.

Orient News reports:

Last Sunday, we published a documented report on the Assad regime's confiscation of Palestinian property in Al-Hajar Al-Aswad and Palestine camps as part of a general plan to establish a sectarian Shiite southern suburb similar to that of Hezbollah in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The documented report referred to the confiscation of Palestinian property under flimsy pretexts, including the failure of one of the homeowners to pay a sum of one million Syrian pounds, equivalent to approximately $200, as a fine.

It must be noted that the Assad-Iranian sectarian scheme is still in its early infancy, and the new step came after the courts affiliated with the regime in the past made mock charges against the Palestinians to confiscate their property, as the matter sparked widespread reactions and protests, so the regime resorted to another path that appears to be apparently civil, penal, procedural, far removed from politics, hidden as much as possible from the media and the limelight, and of course without following the legal administrative procedures as they are in an authoritarian regime that does not originally establish the judiciary and justice.

The report goes on to say that the Palestinian factions are not saying a word about this. The Palestinian Authority and Fatah want to stay on the good side of Iran which is part of this scheme.

One potential roadblock is that the Palestinian camps - which were largely destroyed during the civil war - are controlled by UNRWA, and UNRWA would need to approve any takeover. But no one is rebuilding the camps as they are now, so in the future Assad could offer UNRWA some more remote land in exchange.

[ They mean what they say, but Christians do not hear them, even if they say it in English ]


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