All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Bill: The waving of PA, enemy flags to be banned

In the explanation for the bill by MK Eliyahu Ravivo of the Likud, it was said: "There is nothing and half nothing between supporting the enemy and terrorism and freedom of expression. Expect the Zionist opposition factions to support"

Against many cases in recent years in which PA flags and flags of countries considered enemies have been flown in Israel, either during demonstrations in Israeli cities or hung on houses, MK Eliyahu Ravivo (Likud) submitted a bill according to which the flying of these flags would be prohibited throughout the country, including in universities and educational institutions.

Today the law does not prohibit such demonstrations nor the waving of enemy flags within the territory of the State of Israel. The police, who are authorized to approve or prevent the existence of demonstrations, are not required to prevent the waving of these flags.

In the explanatory notes to the law MK Ravivo wrote: "The State of Israel, as a democratic country, allows its citizens to protest on issues where they disagree with the decisions of the authorized authorities. However, the bill places a red line between a legitimate protest and a protest during which the flags of those who do not recognize the State of Israel or pose a threat to its existence are raised."


Ravivo added: "The Flag Law, which prohibits the flying of enemy flags and terrorist organizations in the sovereign territory of the State of Israel, is another important pillar of the state's governance. It is unthinkable that our enemies and their supporters will fly here the flags of those who seek to murder us and our children, and do everything to do so. I am in favor of freedom of speech, but there is nothing between supporting the enemy and terrorism and freedom of speech. I will insist that the law be passed as soon as possible, and I also expect the Zionist opposition factions to support this important law."

Difference of opinion is not allowed?

No, it's exactly because Israelis get to express their difference of opinions
on how to treat agitation for enemies seeking their destruction.

Do you prefer burning donkeys instead?

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To mark Christmas 2022, Israelโ€™s Central Bureau of Statistics released data about the 182,000 Christians who live in the Jewish state.

According to the data, as of Christmas Eve, Christians comprise less than 2 percent of the Israeli population. Of those 182,000 Christians, 75.8 percent were Arab Christians โ€“ who constitute 6.9 percent of the total Arab population of Israel.

The vast majority (70.2 percent) of Arab Christians reside in the Northern District or the Haifa District (13.6 percent). Additionally, 39 percent of the non-Arab Christians live in the Tel Aviv and Central Districts, compared to 36.3 percent in the Northern and Haifa Districts.

Nazareth โ€“ known as โ€œthe Arab capital of Israelโ€ โ€“ has the largest Arab Christian population, at 21,100 people. However, only 30.9 percent of its predominantly Arab population is Christian. The other localities with large Arab Christian populations are Haifa (16,700), Jerusalem (12,900), and the northern city of Shefa-Amr (10,500), which has a Sunni Muslim majority.

(full article online)

The problem with hyperbole is that it eventually loses its effectiveness - and to keep it going, one has to keep upping the ante.

The UK-based Al Araby, which publishes in English as "The New Arab," has an editorial whose headline declares that "The Zionist occupation is a threat to humanity."

Sounds ominous!

It starts off with the usual supposed crimes against Palestinians - "the ethnic liquidation of the people of Palestine," that somehow keeps growing; "destruction of the economy, cutting off livelihoods, and reducing job opportunities to a minimum" (even though record numbers of Palestinians have well-paying jobs in Israel,) "destroying the health sector and limiting the Palestinianโ€™s access to appropriate and urgent medicine," even though it is the PA that no longer allows Palestinians to be treated in Israeli hospitals - except for their own VIPs.

But that's hardly enough for an op-ed. So the newspaper editors have to add that Israel is trying to eliminate Palestinians from existence by "destroying the Palestinian environment, by uprooting trees, confiscating lands, and polluting water and soil."

Given that Palestinians burn Israeli lands, burn tires in protests and ruin the groundwater, this is as absurd as the previous accusations. But here is where the editorial makes its leap:

It is clear that the disastrous repercussions of the Zionist project/occupation affect all human, animal, plant and environmental life, which represents a threat to all of humanity, which struggles to survive in light of other environmental threats. Therefore, it can be said that the liberation of Palestine from this cancerous project is a human necessity as much as it is a Palestinian necessity.

Whoa! So Israel's supposed crimes against the Palestinian environment is threatening to destroy the entire world! Therefore, this mainstream, moderate UK-based paper says, every country must work together to destroy Israel in order to save the world!

Now, that's a new take!

Every bizarre accusation against Israel starts off just as fringe and as untethered to truth as this one, but in a couple of decades, with enough Big Lie type repetition, it is entirely possible that Amnesty and Human Rights Watch will adopt this narrative as well.

It's happened before.

Of course, the English language edition did not publish this editorial. Arabs know when they are spewing nonsense that would make them lose their friends if they were reading themselves. It will take a couple of years of conditioning from SJP and JVP, and then the New York Times congratulating itself for publishing such a provocative op-ed. Only then will this new narrative of Jews trying to destroy the world be mainstream enough to spread it without fear of looking like idiots.

Israel is the fourth-best-performing economy in 2022 among a list of OECD countries, according to a ranking compiled by The Economist.

The British weekly cited Israelโ€™s well-performing economy as one of the โ€œpleasant surprisesโ€ in 2022 โ€œdespite political chaosโ€ wrought by the governmentโ€™s collapse, which took Israelis to the polls for a fifth time in less than four years.

The Economistโ€™s ranking is based on an overall score measured by five economic and financial indicators: gross domestic debt (GDP), inflation, inflation breadth, stock market performance and government debt.

(full article online)

While cities like Jerusalem, Hebron and Jenin are well-known as frontlines of the Arab-Israeli conflict, North American college campuses are a theater of another type of war.

Anti-Zionist student groups and faculty members routinely use the language of โ€œsocial justice,โ€ โ€œliberationโ€ and โ€œresistanceโ€ to whitewash the heinous actions of Palestinian terror groups that vow to destroy the State of Israel and take the lives of Israelis in and out of uniform.

On Nov. 23, the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Georgetown University posted a carousel on Instagram that featured the profiles of 16 โ€œyoung Palestinians killed by Israeli forces.โ€
This isnโ€™t the first time SJP has engaged in such egregious deception. In March, the SJP chapter at UMass Amherst hosted a vigil that memorialized members of Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, presenting them as โ€œmartyrs.โ€ For context, these terror groups appear on the same list as Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

To whitewash the actions of these so-called โ€œmartyrsโ€ at Georgetown, UMass or any other campus is to deny and erase the darkest chapters of Israeli historyโ€”the first and second intifadas, which took place from 1987-1993 and 2000-2005. During these two Palestinian terror campaigns, thousands of Israelis were killed in suicide bombings, stonings, stabbings and shootings, including numerous women and children.

Georgetown SJPโ€™s โ€œactivismโ€ in defense of Palestinian terrorism is yet another example of the growing hostility and bigotry directed at Jewish and Israeli students on college and university campuses across the United States.

Such efforts are more organized than they may appear. As 2021-2022 CAMERA fellow Aidan Segal wrote, โ€œThe ideological heirs to the 20th centuryโ€™s eliminationist strain of antisemitism donโ€™t wear their predecessorsโ€™ jackboots and black shirts. They donโ€™t goosestep, nor do they โ€˜sieg heilโ€™โ€”at least not always. Instead, they wear the deceptively hospitable masks of civil rights activistsโ€”holding crude, modern imitations of the Wannsee Conference, airing out their genocidal fantasies under the politically appealing banner of Palestinian liberation.โ€

In a Jerusalem Post editorial published in May 2022, Segal exposed incidents in which chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and far-left group Jewish Voice for Peaceโ€”which maintained a chapter at Georgetown for some timeโ€”collaborated with Samidoun, an organization with ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.
Samidoun spreads propaganda with the same messaging as Georgetown SJPโ€™s Nov. 23 post. It attempts to justify acts of terrorism and dismisses them as a form of โ€œresistanceโ€ and โ€œmartyrdom.โ€ In a Dec. 20 post, for example, the group offered a โ€œsaluteโ€ to Nasser Abu Hmeid, a founding member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrsโ€™ Brigades, who was responsible for the deaths of seven Israelis during the second intifada.

Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia must address the bigotry espoused by anti-Israel student groups on campus. Ultimately, attempts by SJP to pass off individuals who commit acts of terror against Jews and Israelis as โ€œmartyrsโ€ isnโ€™t just disingenuous, itโ€™s a thinly veiled justification for a genocidal assault on Jews.

Is this the message that Georgetown wants its students to espouse?

(full article online )

From the official English translation of Mahmoud Abbas' Christmas message:

Today we are facing the policies and actions of our occupier with unity, commitment to our national values, steadfastness on our land, and with the world standing on the side of truth and justice. We will not accept the continuation of the occupationโ€™s colonial-settlement policies targeting the Christian presence and Christianity in our region, which is an integral part of the social fabric of our people and of our region, something we always affirm and will continue to encourage all to preserve the mosaic of religious heritage that Palestine is proud of.

On this occasion we commend the positions of the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, in which they accused extremist Zionist groups of carrying out continuous attacks on churches, intimidating Christians, attempting at expelling them and seizing their property.

We assure that we will continue to present our Palestinian narrative, refuting the false Zionist narrative, confronting any racist measures aimed at erasing our national identity, including our Christian and Muslim heritage. We will confront attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Holy Sepulcher, Mount of Olives, Jaffa Gate, New Gate, the Armenian Quarter and others and attacks on every inch of the homeland.

We will not accept the practices of the colonial-settlement occupation and will confront them with peaceful popular resistance, in all international forums and courts. On this blessed occasion we call upon the international community break its silence and take concrete measures to stop Israeli crimes, including colonial-settlement expansion and ongoing annexation, the consolidation of a racist Apartheid regime, attempts at changing the identity and the character of the city of Jerusalem, the desecration of its Christian and Muslim holy sites , the seizure of church properties and all Palestinian properties, the forcible displacement of Palestinians from their homes, demolitions, as well as murders and other crimes and violations of international law. The homeland is mourning its martyrs, and we shall do everything we can to hold the criminals accountable.

Our hearts are squeezed with pain and suffering due to the killings of the Israeli occupation that led to the martyrdom of hundreds during this year, including the martyr journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, as well as the recent martyrdom of the hero Nasser Abu Hmeid,who died denied of his basic human rights as he was in the last stages of his struggle with cancer. We insist in the need for the international community to assume its responsibility to protect our people.

We affirm that the only way for our people, and all peoples of the region, to enjoy security, stability, prosperity and good neighborliness is for Palestinians to fulfil their legitimate and long overdue rights in accordance with international law and resolutions, including the end of the Israeli occupation and the freedom of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, including our Muslims and Christian sanctities, the right of return of our people and living in our homeland in freedom and dignity.

I extend my greetings and congratulations to our people wherever they are, and I say to them, be proud of your history and identity, tell the world that Christmas is a Palestinian message of hope which our people continues to embrace with love and hope to achieve justice, freedom and peace in the Holy Land.

In short: Jews are criminals who have no business to live here, people who murder Jews are heroes and we intend to destroy the Jewish state via "return."

7 paragraphs that were anti-Israel, and only two that talked about the usual Christmas messages of peace on Earth, goodwill towards men,

This is what happens when you define your entire purpose - and the purpose of your people - as destroying the Jewish state.

PMW has reported extensively on the PA/Fatah using children as terrorists and brainwashing them to seek โ€œMartyrdom.โ€ Now a Palestinian mother of six terrorists, Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, has confirmed that it was Mahmoud Abbasโ€™ Fatah movement that brought her to son to terror when he was still a child:

โ€œTo the Fatah Movement I say: You took Nasser from me when he was a child, all I ask of you is to return him to me, so that I will be able to pay respects to him and bury him.โ€
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 26, 2022]​
Fatah launched Nasser Abu Hmeidโ€™s terror career when he was merely age 11 - the year he was first detained. He was arrested repeatedly for terror -related crimes, and eventually was sentenced to 7 life sentences for responsibility for 7 murders. He died of cancer last week in an Israeli hospital.

The use of children in conflict as soldiers or as terrorists, is prohibited and condemned internationally. This candid admission by the mother of the 6 terrorists that it was Fatah who took her son to terror already โ€œwhen he was a child,โ€ is an important confirmation of what PMW has been documenting to the international community for several years.

See PMWโ€™ recently released report: โ€œTeaching Terror to Totsโ€ for a precise description of the PA/Fatahโ€™s indoctrination of children to hate Israelis, justify killing them, and anticipate Israelโ€™s destruction, what the PA/Fatah education presents as the achievement of justice.

Also see PMWโ€™s recent report: How and why the PA kills its own children: Special Report for UN World Childrenโ€™s Day

Under Fatahโ€™s guidance: From child terrorist to convicted murderer

Confirming his motherโ€™s words that Fatah took him from her โ€œwhen he was a child,โ€ multiple Palestinian sources report that terrorist Nasser Abu Hmeid, born Oct. 5, 1972, was first arrested at age 11. At the age of 15, in 1987 he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for his participation in the โ€œIntifadaโ€ the Palestinian terror uprising that started on Dec. 9 1987. Released in early 1990, he was arrested again on May 28, 1990 and convicted of participating in the murder of Palestinians suspected of working with Israel, and sentenced to life in prison. He was released on June 10, 1994, as part of the implementation of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. He was re-arrested on October 26, 1994, for new terror offenses and sentenced to five years in prison. He was released on October 15, 1999. On January 1, 2001, soon after the start of the PA-initiated terror war, it was Abu Hmeid who announced the formation of Fatahโ€™s new terror wing, the "Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades". As a leader of the terror wing he was responsible for many terror attacks and eventually was convicted for the murder of seven Israelis.

To the West, Palestinians cry about the number of them - mostly terrorists - who were killed this year.

In Arabic, though, they brag about how many Jews they managed to kill - which is the entire reason the IDF was forced to respond to begin with.

This poster celebrates the attacks.

It says, "Palestine in numbers. 2022 was a year of resistance par excellence.

* 14,000 resistance acts during the year
* 31 Israeli dead
* 770 shooting operations

This graphic celebrates 31 Israelis killed, listing out each attack:

Here is the list of attacks from the Jewish Virtual Library; I didn't try to reconcile the two lists.

November 23Aryeh Shechopek (15), Tadese Tashume Ben Maโ€™ada (50)Two explosions at a bus station near the entrance to Jerusalem killed two and injured 22. Aryeh Shechopek died on the day of the attack, Tadese Tashume Ben Maโ€™ada, several days later.
November 15Tamir Avihai (50), Michael Ladygin (36), Motti Ashkenazi (59) Muhammed Soof, a cleaner in the Ariel industrial zone. stabbed seven people, killing three, in Ariel.
October 25Shalom Sofer (55)Died two weeks after being seriously wounded in a stabbing attack near Kedumim.
May 5Boaz Gol (49), Yonatan Havakuk (44), Oren Ben Yitfah (35)A terrorist attack in the city of Elad left three men dead and eight injured, one critically.
April 29Vyacheslav Golev (23)Two Palestinian terrorists murdered Vyacheslav Golev, a security guard, at the entrance to Ariel.
April 7Tomer Morad (28), Eytam Magini (27), Barak Lufan (35)A shooting at a downtown Tel Aviv bar left three people dead and seven others were wounded and hospitalized.
March 29Amir Khoury (32), Yaโ€™akov Shalom (36), Avishai Yehezkel (29), Victor Sorokopot (38), Dimitri Mitrik (23)Five people were killed during a series of drive-by shootings in Bnei Brak. The perpetrator was Diaa Hamarsheh who had been imprisoned in 2015 for charges of supporting terrorism as well as arms trafficking.
March 27Yezen Falah and Shirel Abukarat, both 19Two Border Police officers were killed by two terrorists believed to be supporters of the Islamic State.
March 22Doris Yahbas (49), Laura Yitzhak (43), Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky and Menahem Yehezkel, (67)Four people were killed and two more were injured during a stabbing and vehicle-ramming attack by an Islamic State supporter in Beโ€™er Sheva.

Here are some Felesteen cartoons this year that are either antisemitic or that glorify terror:

[ Generation after generation of Christian and Muslim children having their lives destroyed by learned hatred for Jews. Peace treaties be darned ]

"Daddy, why do you hate Israel?" "You see, honey, it's because it is filled with dirty, scheming Jews."

This article by Hussein al-Samnoudi in Egypt's El Ghad explains why Israel should be hated: because of Jews.

My daughter asked me this morning, why do you hate Israel?

I responded that we Arabs in general, and the people of Egypt in particular, do not like Israel. This is because every calamity that happened to us in Egypt was not devoid of their dirty fingers, which are always drawing and plotting to undermine that homeland on whose land we live.

And I began with her saying: There is no war waged on the earth since ancient times until today, except that these people have a hand in it. They are people of cunning, deceit, corruption and corruption. They are people who ignite wars, ruin and destruction. They love bloodshed and thirst for it.

They tried in the modern era when Adolf Hitler, President of Germany, besieged and killed them everywhere they were, because they sought to ignite wars and corruption that they sought everywhere.

Israel covets the land of the Arabs and wants to expand more than that to confirm its plan that its state is from the Nile to the Euphrates. .... Israel covets the occupation of the Sinai Peninsula.

In one aspect, this is the most antisemitic article I've ever seen in Arab media.

Not because of his Elders of Zion and "Hitler was right" worldview - there are plenty of articles that go into much more detail about how Jews are awful people.

But Samnoudi is proud that he is teaching his daughter hate.

Even though we know this happens all the time, usually the bigot has enough self-awareness to understand that it looks bad to teach hate to a little girl.

El Ghad is the newspaper of the El Ghad political party. You might think, based on this article, that El Ghad is an Islamist party, or perhaps a Nasserist party.

Actually, it is a centrist liberal secularist party, whose platform includes political and economic reform and the rights of the disabled.

This represents the most progressive of Egyptian parties.
โ€œI am proud to be an Arab, proud to be an Israeli, and proud to spread the Israeli truth across the world,โ€ says Yoseph Haddad, one of three winners of the Menachem Begin Heritage Centerโ€™s 2022 Begin Prize recognizing people or organizations making an extraordinary contribution to Israeli society.

Such a statement, unfortunately, often leads to ugly threats.

Yet threats do not deter Haddad and fellow volunteers in Together Vouch for Each Other from making that statement wherever they can โ€“ on social media, on hostile college campuses, even at Auschwitz.

(full article online)

Sixty years ago, Algeria declared its independence from France after a bloody war that is thought to have claimed over a million lives. In the course of throwing off the French colonial yoke, Algeria divested itself of 800,000 โ€œwhite settlersโ€ or pieds noirs. But along with the settlers went 130,000 native Algerian Jews.

There was a reason for this: Within a year of independence, it was clear that there would be no place for non-Muslims in the new Algeria. Indeed, the countryโ€™s constitution stipulated that only those with a Muslim father or grandfather could acquire Algerian citizenship.

The Jewish refugees, who held French citizenship, were โ€œrepatriatedโ€ to France, where they had never lived. One of them was Shmuel Trigano, then 14-years-old. Within two days and with two suitcases in hand, his life changed forever. Uprooted from the only home he had ever known, he was left permanently scarred.

However, it was only relatively recently, when he saw Palestinians brandishing the keys to homes they had left in 1948, that Trigano realized there was a political dimension to his trauma.

โ€œWe also had keys,โ€ he says of the 900,000 Jews forced to flee Arab countries. โ€œBut we were too modest. We did not make claimsโ€”and because we were silent, we allowed a false narrative to fill the vacuum.โ€

In order to counter what he calls a massive distortion of the facts, Trigano set about applying the tools of his trade as a professor of sociology. He constructed a conceptual framework to make sense of the post-1940s Jewish exodus from 10 Arab countries over a period of 30 years.

As Trigano points out, the words we use to describe this event lack rigor. For example, the expression โ€œforgotten exodusโ€ is often employed to describe this cataclysmic displacement. But forgotten by whom? Certainly not by the people who were displaced. โ€œLiquidationโ€ or โ€œethnic cleansingโ€ are more accurate than the passive term โ€œexodus,โ€ Trigano suggests.

The history of this period has still not been properly written, but Trigano has made a start by editing a book, La fin du Judaรฏsme en terres dโ€™Islam, that assembles data accumulated by 10 specialist historians.

For centuries, Jews were, along with Armenians and Greeks, a subject, second-class dhimmi people living under Muslim domination, principally in the Ottoman Empire. But after the Arab defeat in Israelโ€™s 1948 War of Independence, that oppression descended into outright ethnic cleansing.

This ethnic cleansing took two forms: Exclusion, a โ€œsofterโ€ form of oppression, in places such as Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon; and expulsion from places like Egypt, Iraq and Libya.

Trigano identifies several factors that afflicted all of these Jewish communities at various times: Denationalization (denial or withdrawal of citizenship), isolation (denial of passports and travel bans), sequestration, legal discrimination (Arabization, the state takeover of Jewish communal bodies), socioeconomic discrimination (forced business partnerships with Muslims and boycotts), dispossession (extortion, freezing of bank accounts, ransoms and seizures) and violence (riots and arrests on spurious grounds). All these measures recalled the statut des juifs, the set of discriminatory laws imposed by the pro-Nazi Vichy regime in North Africa during World War II.

The antisemitic nature of the measures taken by Arab states is clear for all to see: Whatever their political opinions, all Jews were punished for the โ€œcrimeโ€ of Zionism. According to Trigano, this collective punishment was derived from the antisemitic myth of the individual Jew as someone who hides behind his own emancipation in order to exercise secret power and control.

Although the Jews of then-Palestine suffered pogroms instigated by the Palestinian mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, and were targeted for extermination in the 1948 war, the facts have been turned on their head to suggest that the losing Arab side was targeted for ethnic cleansing.

According to Professor Trigano, the problem is that Israel has failed to speak the truth, allowing free rein to historical distortion and propaganda, to the extent that a perverse resolution condemning Israel as an โ€œapartheidโ€ state has been proposed in the French parliament.

Zionism is blamed for the plight of the Jews, and too many people believe in the myth of peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs before the establishment of Israel. Unfortunately, there has also been a tendency among Jews to gloss over inconvenient facts or sugarcoat the history of relations between the two groups.

Have the Abraham Accords altered the situation? The Accords must be celebrated, Trigano says, but not at the expense of history and memory.

On Sunday, the Acre Secondary Girls School in Khan Younis, Gaza, along with many other schools, hosted a Palestinian official over video link who spoke about the evils of normalization and the necessity of boycotting the "Zionist entity."

Afterwards the girls held up signs against normalization for their Facebook page.

Here's one of the photos.

Let's look at this in more detail.

Most of the signs say "No to normalization" and "don't pay for Israeli bullets."
Gaza stores are filled with products from Israel. Hamas controls Gaza. They could ban all Israeli goods - but they don't, because this is what Gazans want.

And since Gazans started working in Israel again, everyone is trying to get work permits.

Hamas itself isn't boycotting Israel, and every Gazan knows this. So what is this about? Why a school day wasted on having the girls make posters and pose?

Because the point isn't boycott. It is to instill hate for Israel. That hate has to be reinforced day in and day out, and "normalization" is another vector, along with whipping up anger at Israel in other ways.

Let's look closer at the people in the picture.

Front and center, we have a girl holding a sign that says, "Normalization is treachery."

With a dagger on her sign.

No one has a problem with a violent image.

Now let's look at the principals of the school in the background:

They look like they are in Afghanistan.

The heads of the school are teaching the girls that a burqa is the preferable way to cover up, not just a hijab. Students can barely read their expressions.

Finally, the name of the school itself - Acre, named after a city in Israel. The school's very name is meant to teach the girls that they will "return" to Acre and other Israeli towns, and they will get rid of the Jews there.

This is an ordinary photo from Gaza - but it teaches a lot, if you are willing to learn it.

A Gazan has just scammed anti-Zionists out of ยฃ1000s. Pete Gregson, the Scottish man who ran the campaigns has even just admitted it. The truth here is that this is a cycle; The lies of anti-Israel propaganda creates anti-Zionists, anti-Zionism embeds antisemitism, and antisemitism makes people targets for scams. And trust me on this, the people in Gaza and the West Bank are fully aware of it.

A Gazan scammer โ€“ the backstory​

Keeping this part short: Those who read this blog will know that throughout 2022, I ran several articles on the relationship between Pete Gregson, an active antisemite from Scotland, and a Gazan by the name of Mohammed Almadhoun. Gregson put out an endless stream of fundraisers to help Almadhoun and even ran the Gaza- Edinburgh twinning campaign alongside him. I went digging (as did one or two friends), tracking down Almadhoun and all his claims. It took a while, we had to dig deep โ€“ and I even ended up speaking to an Egyptian surgeon referenced in one of the campaigns (who denied ever operating on Almadhoun). My research showed beyond doubt that not only did Almadhounโ€™s family have ties to both Islamic Jihad and Hamas, but that the fundraising campaignswere a scam.

A Christmas Eve notice and the Boxing Day email​

Pete Gregson carried on with his campaigns, ridiculing my research and standing by his Gazan โ€˜friendโ€™. Until on Christmas Eve the latest campaign was suddenly closed. Then yesterday (Boxing Day), Pete Gregson personally sent an extraordinary email to all those that had contributed. It began like this (full email โ€“ see image) :

โ€œIt greatly pains me to admit to our having been victims of a humongous scam โ€œ
He even openly admitted that I had been right:

Gaza scammer Mohammed Almadhoun

(full article online)

The Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (JIIC) is published by the National Communication Association. JIIC says it "publishes original scholarship that expands understanding of international, intercultural, and cross-cultural communication" and that "articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including screening by the editor and review by at least two anonymous referees."

Its most recent issue featured the theme, "Writing occupied Palestine: Toward a field of Palestinian communication and culture studies." Of course, the articles in the issue have little to do with Palestinian culture and everything to do with demonizing Israel under the rubric of "communications studies."

Besides the introduction and forward, there are four articles in the issue on this theme.

"Boycott eurovision singing to the song of its own tune: Global boycotts as sites of hybridity" has a classic impenetrable abstract:

Following (Kraidy, M. M., & Murphy, P. D. (2003). Media ethnography: Local, global, or translocal? In P. D. Murphy & M. M. Kraidy (Eds.), Global media studies: Ethnographic perspectives (pp. 299โ€“307). Routledge; Kraidy, M. M., & Murphy, P. D. (2008). Shifting Geertz: Toward a theory of translocalism in global communication studies. Communication Theory, 18(3), 335โ€“355. 10.1111/j.1468-2885.2008.00325.x) call to look at global communication through lenses of translocalism and hybridity, I find that global boycotts are hybridized sites that facilitate translocal recognition. Using Boycott Eurovision as a case study, two locales are investigated: petitions and Globalvision. By uncovering the translocal recognition in each locale, global boycotts become crucial avenues of inquiry to understand how global social movements grapple with globalization. The essay describes the importance of understanding the vulnerabilities of international boycottsโ€™ hybridized status, calling forward analysis of structure, specific initiatives, and the enactments of hegemonic ideologies found in locales.
The article itself should not have passed even a cursory editorial review, let alone a "rigorous peer review." It is a polemic, not analysis. It deliberately uncapitalizes "Eurovision," it refers to the IDF as the "Israeli Occupation Forces," it fully accepts as truth that Israel engages in "settler-colonialist, apartheid, and military violence against Palestinians."

The author, Sarah Cathryn Majed Dweik, writes, "I focus on introducing vocabulary innate to Boycott Eurovision, heeding Lechugaโ€™s (2020) call to develop praxis-driven theory within rhetoric." In other words, she can write whatever she wants because she creates her own vocabulary.

An example is in how she calls Israel racist by defining it as "white:"
There are well over a million children in the West Bank. The vast majority live in Area A, under full Palestinian control where Israeli forces only rarely enter (as they did this year when the PA did not act to restrain the "Lion's Den" terrorists.) If they don't participate in demonstrations, they would only see Israeli soldiers at checkpoints, and the vast majority pass right through. Yet the study includes a very high number of kids who supposedly experienced Israeli forces invading their schools or homes, or even shooting them.

Statistically, this isn't close to a random sample. But the peer reviewers don't know that.

This issue, except for the last article on how Palestinian kids use Tiktok, shines no new light on Palestinians and communications. On the contrary, it is anti-Israel propaganda that hijacks an academic discipline for promoting hate - just as Palestinian academics do with other disciplines.

It is a shame that the social sciences are so susceptible to being manipulated and taking part in incitement disguised as academic studies.

(full article online)


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