All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

A shooting follows a shooting, Arab society counts 110th murder

Shooting near mosques and schools, it is difficult to grasp that this is the reality in which about 21.1% of Israel's residents live, and only recently - when the phenomenon had already reached monstrous proportions - did the state begin to address it.

In 2022, there is a slight decrease in murder cases in Arab society, but their proportion of the total population is still abnormal - and many citizens live in fear. Bloody conflicts can break out due to struggles for control and money or from a marginal confrontation on the road when just this morning a man was shot in front of witnesses in Rahat, and at night a 14-year-old was injured by a stray bullet in Taibeh. A family member of the victim of the conflict in Nazareth confidently says: "There will be more victims".


The numbers of those murdered in recent years point to the alarming trend, which was halted only slightly this year - following the government's declaration of war on crime in Arab society. In 2014, 51 Arab citizens were murdered, in 2015 the number rose to 58, in 2016 64 were murdered, in 2017 72 were murdered, in 2018 76 were murdered, in 2019 96 were murdered, in 2020 113 were murdered and in 2021 128. In 2022, for the first time in years, there is a decrease in the number of murdered people, which now stands at 110, a figure that is still significantly higher than the rate of murder cases in Jewish society.

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The final agreements are revealed - the legal reforms will be the government's priority and will precede any other legislation.

The reforms will include the superseding clause and the Basic Law of the Legislation.

The new government promises another half point of income tax credit
for working parents of each child advancing in free education age 0-3.
Soldiers' wages will increase by 20%

The government will aim to sign additional peace agreements and ending
of the Israeli-Arab conflict (without direct reference to the Palestinians)

Basic lines

Freezing the prices of electricity, water, and property tax.
A budget law not approved by the government will require 61 votes.

In the basic lines of the new government - the consent of 61 MK's will be required to approve a law that costs more than 50m NIS.

Soldiers' wages will increase by 20%, program 'From uniform to studies', for soldiers' studies will be 100% funded, Promotion of preference for military veterans in faculties such as law and medicine in universities.

All the factions pledged to support the sduperceding clause.
The legal adviser in government offices will be a position of trust.

In education

Free preschool education, the return of the delegations to Poland.
The board of directors will be abolished

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Arab crime in Israel: 47% of murders are committed by Israeli Arabs


Over a third of Israelis fear for their personal security, a new poll has revealed. This is three times the number of Israelis who are worried about threats from beyond the country's borders. The poll, conducted by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), was published in Israel Hayom on Thursday.

"Israel is swiftly turning into a violent country," Brigadier-General (Res.) Dr. Meir Elran, director of the Institute's internal affairs department, commented on the poll's results.

According to Elran, "We aren't there yet, certainly not on the scale of the United States, but incidents of serious violence, of bullying, are becoming more and more widespread. It wasn't in our lexicon in the past, certainly not to such a great degree, but now it's standard."

Violence in the Arab sector is far more of a problem than in the Jewish sector. Police data from the past year that has yet to be published shows that while Arabs make up only 21% of Israel's population, they are involved in 41% of crimes in general.

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Reactions from around the world to the establishment of the government

The Prime Minister of India -

The Deputy Prime Minister of Italy -

President of the European Union


Who is Amichai Chikli, the incoming Diaspora affairs minister?

He was raised by a Conservative rabbi as a father, established a pre-army leadership academy and was a "rebel" in the outgoing government. Here's everything you need to know -

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The Jerusalem Post reports:

During the Second World War, when Morocco was more or less under French rule, King Mohammed V defied the Vichy government and refused to deport the countryโ€™s 250,000 Jews to Nazi concentration camps.

Moroccan Jews therefore credit him with being their protector and their benefactor.

In a letter that President Isaac Herzog sent to King Mohammed VI last week on the second anniversary of Moroccoโ€™s accession to the Abraham Accords, he noted this fact and wrote: โ€œDuring some of the darkest hours of Jewish history, Morocco has served as a beacon of light and hope for the Jews. When expelled from Spain in the fifteenth century, many Jews found safe haven on the other side of the Mediterranean. And when millions of Jews faced the horrors of the Holocaust in the twentieth century, King Mohammed V provided a safe haven for his Jewish subjects.โ€

Who can object to an Israeli president complimenting an Arab leader?

Meet Moroccan writer Abdul Salam Benaisi, writing in Rai Al Youm.

He says that if Isaac Herzog has the audacity to compliment Morocco on how they treat their Jews, then he is also giving himself the right to insult Morocco some other time if he thinks that they mistreat their Jews. That shows that he is sticking his nose in Moroccan private business and illegally interfering with Moroccan state affairs.

That would be delusional enough, but Benaisi isn't finished.
The Zionist entityโ€™s eye is on the fertile Moroccan lands, it is working to turn it into a farmland in which it plants agricultural materials that can be exported to Europe, and which drains the water bed of the Moroccans, after they dried up the water in Palestine, and the entityโ€™s eye is also on the mineral resources that exist in the Moroccan subsoil. The Zionists have established giant companies that are now exploring for oil and gas in different regions of Morocco.

When Isaac Herzog sends a message to the Moroccan King Mohammed VI acknowledging the protection that his grandfather, King Mohammed V, provided to Moroccan Jews, he does not want to acknowledge how wonderful Morocco is....Herzog is, in fact, pursuing Morocco, seeking to consolidate and perpetuate normalization, and obtain with it a large share of the wealth in the country and plunder it. In clearer terms, the goal of Herzog's message to Mohammed VI is blackmail and then extortion, and this is behavior that the occupying entity is good at doing.

The conspiracy theories and paranoia one can see every day in Arab media is something to behold.


Al Jazeera's headline says it all:

The year 2022 is the worst in terms of occupation violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque.. More than 48,000 settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Remember, this isn't a Palestinian news site. This is Al Jazeera, trusted and praised throughout the world.

The article says,

The Director General of the Department of Islamic Endowments and Affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, described the year 2022 as the worst and highest in terms of violations by the Israeli occupation and extremist settlers of the Holy Mosque.

Al-Khatib said in a statement yesterday, Thursday, that "the intensity and pace of the raids increased during this year, bringing the total number of Jewish extremists who stormed from the Mughrabi Gate side of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque to 48,238 extremists."

He pointed out that the unprecedented provocative actions included prayers, prostrations, and the performance of public Talmudic rituals, chants, singing, and dancing inside the courtyards, in addition to raising Israeli flags inside the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jewish occasions and holidays during this year.

For context, the average Friday sees about 50,000 Muslims visiting the holiest Jewish site. Their provocative actions include multiple prostrations, raising Hamas flags, singing, summer camps, screaming at Jewish visitors, studying, playing soccer and volleyball, gymnastics, throwing stones and storing weapons.

But hey, we don't need to care about the feelings of Jews.

[ Muslims, doing to India the same they do to Israel. Lie ]

The Babri mosque is not the only mosque alleged to have been built over a Hindu temple. Historians have cited evidence that early Islamist invaders, and later Muslims who established rule in India from the early 12th to mid-18th centuries, destroyed close to 2,000 Hindu temples. Another 200 Hindu temples reportedly were destroyed in Jammu and Kashmir during the 1990s.

โ€œWe too denounce the violence that arose in the tearing down of Babri [mosque] and its aftermath,โ€ Suhag Shukla, executive director of the Hindu American Foundation, told the Investigative Project on Terrorism. โ€œYet it is telling that CAIR provides zero acknowledgment about the archaeological, documentary and testimonial evidence confirming the deeply sacred significance of that site to Hindus for millennia as well as the decades of legal deadlock over its status.โ€

Islamist terror and radicalization continues to rear its ugly head across India. But American Islamists falsely paint Muslims as victims of one-sided aggression by โ€œHindutva extremists.โ€ CAIRโ€™s Dec. 6 release is part of that campaign.

American Islamists describe Hindutva as โ€œa shameless ideology, a hateful ideology,โ€ and allude to its supporters as โ€œfascistsโ€ and โ€œNazis.โ€

โ€œThis ideology is very clear,โ€ Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) Advocacy Director Ajit Sahi said during a May Islamist convention. โ€œIt says that India is the land of the Hindus because their forefathers started out in this country and they created the religion of Hinduism thousands of years ago.โ€

Indiaโ€™s political leadership is โ€œsworn to the Hindutva theology of Hindu nationalism,โ€ Sahi added. โ€œTheir one goal, single goal is to convert India into a Hindu country.โ€

Sahi attributed the ideologyโ€™s origin to Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.

But historian Vikram Sampath, author of a two-part biography on Savarkar, who popularized the term, argues that Hindutva was โ€œa political pushback to political Islamโ€ and a โ€œcultural, national identity marker particularly during the time of the Khilafat movement where people were being led on a very dangerous path of identity politics based on religion.โ€

Sampath cites the example of Mahatma Gandhiโ€™s support for the Khilafat (โ€œCaliphateโ€) Movement that sought โ€œto re-establish the despotic Caliphate in Turkey that the British had deposed in World War I.โ€ Gandhi supported the movement in an attempt to forge Hindu-Muslim unity in the freedom struggle against British rule, disregarding the โ€œopen calls to violent jihad against kafirs ornon-believersโ€ at Khilafat conferences, writes Sampath. A tragic outcome of the movement, according to him, was the 1921 genocide of Hindu Nairs by MoplahMuslims in Indiaโ€™s south-west Malabar coast.

By drawing comparisons with โ€œNazismโ€ and โ€œfascismโ€ and calling Hindutva โ€œa hateful extremist ideology,โ€ American Islamists only seek to deflect attention from radical Islam and Islamist terrorism, in order to portray Indiaโ€™s religious strife as one-sided Hindu violence.

(full article online)


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