All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Nothing new here. The Mavi Marmara was a cruise ship. It carried the people. The aid was in the other ships.

If it's about aid, money wasn't wasted
on publicity stunts at a cruise ship party.

Kids of rich Western and Arab oligarchs were bored...
Got invited to Abu Dhabi Space Debate - INDIA, UAE & ISRAEL Are Teaming Up For SPACE DOMINANCE

Abu Dhabi Space Debate was one of the Biggest International Debates attended by representatives of 60+ countries and numerous Space agencies from around the world like NASA, ISRO, ESA, JAXA etc.

The debate took place to increase cooperation between countries and expedite space technology development and economics. Was really enlightening to listen to the fresh ideas of numerous thought leaders who are actively advancing our civilization.

Various posters glorifying Palestinian “martyrs” were found in Los Angeles on December 16.


The posters on Wilshire Boulevard were taken down on December 21.

Jewish groups denounced the posters in statements to the Journal.

“There is nothing wrong with mourning those who die from the tragic and ongoing violence between Palestinians and Israelis,” StandWithUs CEO and Co-Founder Roz Rothstein said. “However, this anti-Israel poster includes and glorifies terrorists, such as former Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander Farooq Salameh. It implies Israel alone is to blame, ignoring that groups like PIJ seek to destroy Israel and trap both peoples in an endless cycle of suffering and conflict. Hopefully one day Palestinian leaders will accept that Israel is in the region to stay, so both peoples can focus on building a better future together.”

Simon Wiesenthal Center Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action Agenda Rabbi Abraham Cooper also said, “Importing [a] culture of death where children are brainwashed to believe [that] martyrs are not mere cannon fodder for genocide-seeking Hamas and corrupt pay-to-slay Jews Palestinian Authority teaches youngsters here to hate Jews is a disaster in the making.”

“Their martyrs are our murderers,” Stop Antisemitism Executive Director Liora Rez said. “It’s always disturbing to see people idolizing terrorists like this.”

American Jewish Committee Los Angeles Regional Director Richard S. Hirschhaut said, “While Jews across Southern California draw strength and inspiration from the enduring power of Hanukkah, we are reminded of the darker forces that would deny us the right to our ancestral homeland. How unfortunate and sad that these young activists have shown their hand as uncompromising, rejectionist, and glorifying of violence. All too familiar a pattern for those who seek peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Still, we will wait for genuine voices of peace to emerge.”

The Palestinian Youth Movement did not respond to the Journal’s request for comment.

The boar conspiracy theory was first made popular by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who in 2014 insisted that “every night, [Israelis] release wild pigs against us.” Only two months ago, the libel resurfaced in English-language pro-Palestinian publications.

Aziz’s suggestion that Israeli Jews would be raising vicious, wild (and unkosher!) animals for no reason except to terrorize Palestinian kids is, of course, ridiculous. In fact, boar sightings have increased dramatically throughout both Jewish and Arab controlled areas of both the West Bank and pre-1967 Israel in recent years.

In 2019, the northern Israeli city of Haifa reported some 1,300 instances — almost 40 percent more than the 2015 total. According to local ecologists, the pig invasion is caused by humans leaving food in residential areas. COVID-19 lockdowns, which saw public life and movement reduced, exacerbated the problem.

Wild boars have attacked Arabs and Jews alike. In October 2021, a Jewish Israeli had to be evacuated from the West Bank by helicopter following a boar attack near a community in Samaria. Accordingly, even hostile anti-Israel NGOs like B’Tselem and Yesh Din have admitted that there is absolutely “no evidence” to back up the accusations by the likes of Mohammed Aziz.

Educate’s 350-word piece contains countless other errors.

For example, with regard to classroom sizes, the Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank is no exception. Last year, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that Israeli schools had an average of 26.3 students per classroom, compared to the OECD average of 21.1. Many Israeli children, particularly in religious schools, attend classes with 35, 40, or more students in them.

Moreover, Ramallah is not a “camp” — but a city of roughly 40,000, and the place of residence of the deep-pocketed PA leadership. The PA has been responsible for administering and funding education in cities like Ramallah since it signed the Oslo Accords nearly 30 years ago.

Aziz also misportrays Israel’s military justice system, failing to mention that defendants who do not speak Hebrew are appointed an interpreter.

The editors of Educate, which gets sent out to some 500,000 National Education Union members, clearly failed to check their facts when printing Aziz’s baseless libel. Perhaps this has something to do with the organization’s overt anti-Israel agenda: Two years ago, several Jewish teachers resigned from the NEU in protest over its “obsession” with the only Jewish state.

At the same time, Educate has shown itself open to criticism from the public. In September, following public pressure, the magazine retracted a book review, calling it “not consistent with the union’s policy on LGBT+ inclusive education.”

Therefore, we at HonestReporting call on our members to lodge a formal complaint with the National Education Union and, respectfully but firmly, demand that it withdraw “Children pay a terrible toll in Palestine” by Mohammed Aziz.

(full article online)

We recently were alerted to a Sky News broadcast for children which aired on May 13th, 2022 (“FYI: Special Report From Both Sides of The Wall”) which was introduced as “A special report on two young people from both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as they meet to discuss peace.”

However, before the program pivoted to the young people on ‘both sides’, the presenter presented a decidedly one-sided and ahistorical backgrounder on the origin of the conflict.

2:27 The presenter says that “an internet search tells me that this part of the world wasn’t always called Israel”.

In fact, a Jewish kingdom called Israel dates back to 1020 BCE (while the people known as the Israelites date back three centuries earlier). Though foreign conquests would eventually disperse the region’s indigenous Jewish inhabitants, asserting that “this part of the world wasn’t always called Israel” is a non-sequitur which obfuscates the Jewish history of, and ties to, the territory in what today is again Israel.

2:31 The presenter says Israel was “until 1948, known as Palestine” and that, “for centuries, Jews, Muslims and Christians fought for control of the region”.

It’s not clear what point the presenter is trying to make.

If she’s suggesting the existence of an independent Palestinian state or territory (in the modern sense of the word “Palestinian”) at any point in history, that’s a lie.

Most of the Middle East, including what is today Israel, prior to the establishment of the British Mandate, was under Ottoman Turkish rule for four hundreds years. Prior to that, the territory in question was controlled by Mamluk, Crusader, Arab, Byzantine, Roman, Persian and Greek rulers. Jews weren’t fighting “for control of the region” until they were forced to defend the re-birth of their state in 1948, the borders of which were determined by the UN partition plan of 1947 – borders accepted by the Jews, but rejected by the Arabs.

In the second century ACE, after putting down the final Jewish revolt, the Romans began using the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now commonly called, outside of Israel, the West Bank) in an attempt to minimise Jewish identification with the land of Israel. The modern understanding of the term “Palestinians”, as a distinct people, is only a 20th century phenomenon.

2:46 The presenter asserts that “After the end of WWII, during which six million Jews were killed, Britain and its allies decided to give Jewish people a country to call their own, within Palestine. And, they named it Israel.”

However, Israel wasn’t some consolation prize ‘awarded’ to the Jews as moral compensation for the Holocaust.

Though established a few years after the murder of two out of every three Jews in Europe by the Nazis and their allies, the state’s foundations lay in the fact that the land was the birthplace of Judaism, the Jewish people and the sovereign ancient Jewish state; that there was a continuous presence of Jews in the land through various foreign empires over 3,700 years; that, in the diaspora over thousands of years, Jews continued to pray and direct their spiritual aspirations to Jerusalem; that Jerusalem had a majority Jewish population since as early as the 1840s; per the League of Nations Palestine Mandate and the UN Partition Plan; and, finally, as a result of the tiny country’s defence against an Arab invasion on the day of its birth.

3:20 The presenter says that “Palestinians and Arabs who lived there thought that this [Israel’s establishment] was unfair, and this led to the one of the longest conflicts in history. In that time, many Palestinians have lost their land and their homes.”

The presenter omits that Palestinian Arabs were offered their own state in 1948, which they rejected, not because they objected to the particular boundaries, but because they objected to the existence of a Jewish majority state within any borders. If Arab states hadn’t started a war of annihilation against the nascent Jewish state, no Palestinians would have lost their land or homes. Finally, also omitted from the narrative are the 800,000 or so Jews who lost their homes, property and assets after they were expelled or forced to flee Middle Eastern countries during that time period.

6:12 The presenter falsely asserts that Israel’s security fence “surrounds” Bethlehem.

6:21 The presenter says that Israel’s security barrier has been called “illegal” by an “international court”, but fails to note that it was an advisory opiniononly, and obfuscates the five year Palestinian terror campaign which necessitated its construction.

7:47: The presenters refers to a Palestinian ‘refugee camp’ near Bethlehem (Dheishe), and asserts that “many Palestinians who live there were forced out of their homes by Israelis who took control of their land”.

First, the overwhelming majority (over 99%) of Palestinians declared as “refugees” by UNRWA are merely descendants of refugees from 1948, so aren’t refugees in any sense of the word, and didn’t lose any land. Further, viewers aren’t told that, between 1948 and 1967, the West Bank (including the area near Bethlehem referred to by the presenter) was illegally occupied by Jordan.

8:04: The presenter makes the completely unsubstantiated and highly specious claim that “hundreds of Palestinian children” have been killed while merely throwing rocks at soldiers. In fact, current regulations only allow for soldiers or police to open-fire at stone-throwers when “only in circumstances where a concrete and immediate danger exists and the stone-thrower will cause injury to the life or bodily welfare of a person”.

8:15: The Palestinian teen from Deheishe interviewed for the program, named Ibraheem, tells the presenter that his cousin was killed by Israeli soldiers for throwing stones when he was 14 years old. Here’s a still frame which shows a wall with a tribute to his cousin:

(full article online)

There is a Palestinian organization, "Maata," that keeps track of every Palestinian attack on Israelis. Their daily, weekly, and monthly reports are widely quoted in Palestinian media, but as far as I can tell, ignored in Israeli media.

Here is their graphic for attacks on Israelis and the IDF just last week:

It says that from 12/23 to 12/29 there was:

1 "Palestinian martyr"
5 Israelis wounded
29 shootings
1 car ramming attack
5 instances of destroying Israeli military equipment
18 "repelled attacks by settlers"
47 instances of stone throwing
4 Molotov cocktails
9 throwing explosive devices
4 "confrontations"
76 protests

Look at the graphics for"settlers:"

These statistics are meant to be points of pride.

It is important to examine two events in recent days, as they both severely limit the freedom of Westerners - and signal far worse things that could come.

The first is the visit by Israeli minister of security Itamar Ben-Gvir to the Temple Mount.

The second is the publicizing of the removal of an instructor at Hamline University for including depictions of Mohammed in his art history course.

In both cases, nobody did anything wrong by any reasonable metric:

- Even though many would say that he has the right to pray on Judaism's holiest site, Ben-Gvir did not. He did exactly what tens of thousands of Jews and hundreds of thousands of Christians have done in 2022 and earlier - he took a quiet stroll on the Temple Mount, without even reporters. There was no violation of the (illusory) status quo.

- In the case of Hamline University, the instructor told the class ahead of time - in both the syllabus and verbally - that two medieval images of Mohammed, painted by Muslims, would be shown to the class, and he gave any Muslims the opportunity to not look at them.

In both cases, there is no consensus that even Islamic law was violated:

- Noor Dahri, a religious Muslim and counterterrorism expert, tweeted, "The rule to allow only Muslims to pray in Makkah is conditioned by the Holy Quran, however such conditions dsn’t apply to the Temple Mount. Islam doesn’t forbid Jews to worship at the Temple Mount, [just a] political agreement which is called “Status Quo”. It is nothing but racism and religious discrimination against the Jewish people. Jews can freely worship at the Temple Mount according to Islamic rules because the land belongs to them, not Muslims - it’s only holy to Muslims."

- Muslims have included Mohammed in their own artwork for centuries, and Shiites do it today. And while mainstream Sunni Islamic law nowadays is against Muslims creating such depictions, it does not (and cannot) say that non-Muslims cannot create or view such pictures.

In both cases, ignorant Westerners who should be supporting freedom and equality are in the forefront of quashing that exact freedom in order to avoid hurting the feelings of irrational, potentially violent Muslims:

- State Department spokesman Ned Price repeatedly said in response to Ben-Gvir's visit that the US supports the "status quo," implying that the visit violated it and was "provocative:" "We oppose any unilateral actions that undercut the historic status quo. They are unacceptable.... it’s absolutely critical that all sides exercise restraint, refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric, and preserve that historic status quo at Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount, both in word and in practice....We’re deeply concerned by any unilateral actions because – precisely because they have the potential to exacerbate tensions, or worse. "

- Hamline University issued a statement claiming, falsely, that what the instructor did violated Islamic law: "Students do not relinquish their faith in the classroom. To look upon an image of the prophet Muhammad, for many Muslims, is against their faith." But it is not at all clear that Islamic law addresses viewing such depictions, only creating them. And as mentioned, the Muslim students could have chosen not to view them.

These are perfect examples of "proleptic dhimmitude," where Westerners act (often beyond what Muslims demand) in fear of anticipated Islamic responses that had not even occurred.

This illustrates the real unwritten law that has increasingly dominated the West: "Don't piss off the Muslims." All of the moral posturing about "tolerance" and "status quo" are fig leaves to obscure the fact that Westerners live in fear of Islamic terror, and are willing and even anxious to give up on our own freedoms to pander to the most extreme Muslim positions, human rights be damned.

By using the yardstick of banning anything that is "provocative," the West is allowing the most intolerant and violent Muslims to dictate Western behavior in all aspects of life. Because anything and everything can provoke Islamists.

Because in both cases the dhimmified Westerners are giving a green light for extremist, potentially violent Muslims to expand their demands ad infinitum:

- Palestinians do not only claim that Jews are violating their feelings by visiting the Temple Mount, but the Western Wall as well - which they also consider part of the "Al Aqsa complex." In fact, every single Jewish holy site, from the Tomb of the Patriarchs to Rachel's Tomb to Joseph's Tomb and scores of others - are all claimed by Palestinians to be Muslim shrines. If Israel gives in to western pressure on abandoning Jewish rights, it wouldn't be the end - it would be only the start of the bigoted, antisemitic demands that Jews have no rights in Israel altogether.

- The same Islamic law against creating depictions of Mohammed also apples toevery Muslim prophet. This includes Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus and, according to many, Mary. Beyond that, depictions of Roman and Greek gods would similarly violate Islamic laws against idolatry. The exact same logic that caused Hamline to cave to Muslim intolerance can eviscerate every single art history course in the Western world.

It isn't hard to picture that as only the beginning, not the end. Imagine a world where every website, every encyclopedia, every outing, every college course, every newspaper article and indeed every activity must be approved by extremist Islamic gatekeepers. We've already seen most Western media refuse to print the Mohammed cartoons from Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005, even though they are undoubtedly newsworthy and important to see to understand the story. But that and similar incidents are exactly what is driving today's cowardice: the fear of pissing off Muslims, because they might murder you.

Jews will only write angry letters, so offending them is "free speech" and "brave." Muslims might kill you, so submitting to their dictates is twisted into "tolerance."

Unless there is serious pushback by those who still value freedom, this is where things are going.


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