All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Cairo24 reports that Dr. Alaa Abdel-Hadi, head of the Egyptian Writers Union, stressed the union's firm position rejecting normalization with Israel, warning of the danger of this entity penetrating Arab culture.

What exactly does that mean? How can Israel "penetrate Arab culture?"

Perhaps we can get a hint of what this means from the steps being taken to expel three members of the union for the heinous crime of "normalization" with the "Zionist entity."

Alaa Al-Aswany, a prominent Egyptian writer, gave an interview to an Israeli radio station.

Youssef Ziedan, a scholar and writer of over 50 books, had said that he would like to visit Israel and lecture there.

Mona Prince, a lecturer in English literature at Suez University, had a photo taken with Israel's ambassador to Egypt.

All of these are bizarrely seen as threats to Arab culture.

If mere speaking to Israelis is a danger to Arab culture, then it sounds like Arab culture is not very strong.


The "Palestine in the World Cup" campaign has been launched • It will include giving out Palestinian shirts and flags in stadiums, the deployment of "Palestinian ambassadors" in the stands.​

Several campaigns were launched on social media, with the goal of raising international awareness to the Palestinian efforts against Israel during the Qatar 2022 World Cup games, which bring together fans from dozens of countries. For example, a campaign posted on Twitter, under "The Palestinian Dream," explained that during the World Cup Games, one should "support Palestine and make the Palestinian issue known to the world.

In addition, designed ads uploaded to the web under the title "How can you support Palestine during the World Cup?," suggested wearing scarves and fabrics with the Palestinian flag printed on them, together with a keffiyeh, as well as a bracelet and armband with the colors of the PLO flag.

The campaign calls on the Arab public and World Cup fans in Qatar to "cheer for Palestine" on the stairs and in the stands, in the plazas around the stadiums, and in the gathering points of the various teams and national leagues.

(full article online)

  • When he wants to, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas knows how to condemn terror.
  • Even while issuing ostensible condemnations of Palestinian attacks against Israelis, Abbas continues to promote, incite and reward terror.
  • While the international community was quick to condemn today’s attacks in Jerusalem, 8 hours later, Abbas is still silent.
  • While UNICEF is quick to condemn the death of Palestinian children, it shies from condemning the death of Israeli children from Palestinian terror.
This morning, two bombs exploded in Jerusalem. 16-year-old Canadian Aryeh Shechopek, was murdered, while another 23 were injured, some seriously. Among the injured was at least one American citizen.

While the attacks were widely condemned, two condemnations were significantly absent: The condemnation of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and the organizations he heads - the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization; and the condemnation of the UN Children’s Agency - UNICEF

When Abbas wants to condemn terror he knows exactly how to do it. Responding to the Nov. 13, 2022 terror attack in Istanbul, Abbas was quick to announce:

“Yesterday [Nov. 13, 2022, PA] President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the terror bombing that took place in Taksim Square in the center of Istanbul, which left 6 dead and 58 wounded (refers to bombing on Nov. 13, 2022, at least 6 dead and 81 wounded, which was reportedly committed by the Kurdistan Workers Party -Ed.).
In a condolences telegram to his Turkish counterpart [President] Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president said: ‘We received the news about the dead and wounded as a result of the bombing in Taksim Square in the center of Istanbul with great sorrow. We condemn this despicable terror attack and those who stand behind it, whose goal that has no chance of success was to destabilize the security and stability of sister Turkey.’
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 14, 2022]​
While Abbas has occasionally issued statements ostensibly condemning Palestinian attacks against Israelis, he has done so only when the nature of the attack or its circumstances forced him into a corner. Even then, the condemnations were never unequivocal, and always equated the Palestinian terror with Israeli actions to prevent terror. After issuing the ostensible condemnations, Abbas, the PA and the PLO, all continued their incitement of terror and their “Pay-for-Slay” policy, paying cash rewards to the same terrorists whose actions they had ostensibly condemned.

While Abbas remained silent regarding the double attack in Jerusalem, he did find time to send condolences to Chinese President Xi Jinping, for the deaths caused by a fire in China:

(full article online)

According to Tiran’s uncle, his nephew drove into Jenin to get something installed in his car. He got into a car accident and his injuries for too serious to wait to get an Israeli hospital, so they took him to the hospital in Jenin. Family members sent to see him at the hospital. They saw that he was hooked up and stable. As they were with him, a group of 30 terrorists came in, disconnected him from the machines and kidnapped him. He subsequently died of his wounds.

The family of the kidnapped Israeli Druze citizen asked the Israeli government not to risk the lives of Israeli soldiers to retrieve his body. Israeli Druze citizens, many who serve in the IDF and police, are trying on their own to get him out. Some Israeli Druze are threatening that if the body is not returned then they will kill “Palestinian” Arab workers who work near them in Israel.

It seems that the strategy worked.

(full article online)

I thought it was funny that the Islamic terrorist dictator representing the Fatah cabal believes there's a chance in hell of achieving peace and establishing an independent Palestinian state.

The Islamic terrorist franchises in the West Bank and Gaza have a pretty sweet welfare fraud syndicate to protect. The status quo makes them very wealthy.

The Palestinian Authority on Thursday warned that legalizing illegal settler outposts in the West Bank would undermine any possibility of achieving peace and establishing an independent Palestinian state
This may be true. The Islamic terrorists have a fresh supply of disposable yutes from the summer gee-had camp.

The U.N. Mideast envoy said 2022 is on course to be the deadliest year for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since the U.N. started tracking fatalities in 2005, and he called for immediate action to calm “an explosive situation” and move toward renewing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

As the pallys tell us, they breed for a purpose.

Mother of Palestinian “Martyr”: All Palestinian Mothers Should Urge Their Children to Wage Jihad; Death Is Inevitable, So Why Not Die as Martyrs?​


How long have we been trying to have the bodies of our soldiers returned from Gaza? The Druze needed 30 hours. Op-ed.​

Eight years ago I guided a group of Druze Israelis in Jerusalem .

When I asked the group leader which sites they would like to visit he said first of all Har Nof (mountain view).I thought he mistakenly said the name of that quiet Jewish neighborhood but meant the well known sites like Har Habayot or Har Zion.

He explained why they came from their Galilee village to Har Nof .It was there several years ago where one of their people was killed when as a policeman he rushed to the scene of an Arab terror attack in a synagogue. I had to catch my breath.

My cousin Aryeh Kupinsky was brutally murdered in that same attack.

As we drove onto the neighborhood, the group leader asked.meif Arabs still dare to enter it.

I told him, yes, of course.

He looked at me with what seemed to me an expression of surprise, pity and disdain.

I knew what he was thinking:

If that happened to one of ours no Arab would risk showing his face in our village.

I felt ashamed. We Jews who proudly returned to our own land and swore never again, have lost steam and pay the price daily.We live with the price. I thought to myself what if the Druze made security policy in Israel

Would its citizens be safer? I knew the answer.

In Jenin an Israeli Druze teen was killed cruelly and his body abducted by Arab terrorists.

The Druze community, as a COMMUNITY reacted.They did not form a lobby or give a press conference or hire a professional firm.They blocked the main road in Israel.The police did not brutally drag them away.

They began to organize an armed attack on Jenin posing for photos armed to the teeth. Israel and the PA spared no diplomatic effort to avoid the Druze invasion of Jenin.

The body was returned after 30 hours.

Imagine G-d forbid if a Jewish teen from Samaria was killed and his body abducted by the same Arab terrorists.Imagine if his community armed themselves and threaten to take the law onto their own hands:

What would be the official reaction and of the press? Fascist messianic religious extremists!There would be a brutal round up and maybe even torture to exact confessions.


Terrorists are holding the bodies of our sweet holy Jewish young men in Gaza for years

The family has been waging a private battle with Israel to return them.

It took the Druze 30 hours.

Is there something to be learned here?


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