All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Earlier this month, a Filipino Christian group rented out a hotel meeting space in Bethlehem and decorated it with cardboard cutouts that included a Star of David and a Temple menorah:

They were almost certainly visiting to join thousands of other Christians for the annual "Feast of Tabernacles" paradeand celebration in Jerusalem held during Sukkot every year.

The Filipino delegation probably had no idea that the Palestinians were antisemitic when they put up these decorations. After all, how much media coverage is there of systemic Palestinian hate of Jews? They are only anti-Zionist, right?

Here's what happened.

Shehab News Agency tweeted a video of the hall.

Rumors started flying that the hotel was hosting Israelis for a normalization conference.

Elias al-Arja, the owner of Bethlehem Hotel, told a Palestinian radio station, “I was surprised to see that they installed the Star of David. I removed it and told them that they are not permitted to hold the conference in my hotel. I don’t want any problems....We don’t allow Jews to come here."

A group of angry armed Palestinians threatened the hotel and reportedly shut it down.

Gunmen shot bullets towards the hotel; luckily no one was injured.

The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Tourism announced on Facebook that it closed the meeting hall and launched an investigation into how this terrible thing might have happened.

Needless to say, this is not "anti-Zionism." This is pure hatred of Jews and anything peripherally associated with Jews.

No matter how much the Palestinians insist that they have nothing against Judaism, only Zionism, this incident - the anger shown, the hate that surrounded all aspects of the incident - proves what everyone knows but few are willing to say out loud:

Palestinians don't hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews.

  • "Did you see ever a Christian attacked a Mosk [sic] in Christian majority towns in Middle East? Off course No. This shows difference of culture, faith, respect & recognition we hold" — Shadi Khalloul, prominent Christian rights advocate, Twitter, October 29, 2022.
  • As in previous instances, the Palestinian Authority has failed to take real measures to punish those who attack Christians or Christian holy sites in the Bethlehem area.
  • The attacks by Muslims on Christians are often ignored by the international community and media, who seem to speak out only when they can find a way to blame Israel.
  • Another disturbing situation is that the leaders of the Christian community in the West Bank are reluctant to hold the Palestinian Authority and their Muslim neighbors responsible for the attacks. They are afraid of retribution and prefer to toe the official line of holding Israel solely responsible for the misery of the Christian minority.
  • Sadly, it is safe to assume that the plight of the Palestinian Christians will only intensify in light of the silence of the international community and the all-too-justified fear of retaliation burdening their own leaders.

(full article online)

When Islamic terrorism happens, things go badly.

Then there was the blockade, No travel, no trade, no tourism. Factories were bombed. Farms were bulldozed. Homes and businesses destroyed. Farmers and fishermen were shot at.

Oh yeah, it is the Palestinians fault that they need aid.
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Then there was the blockade, No travel, no trade, no tourism. Factories were bombed. Farms were bulldozed. Homes and businesses destroyed. Farmers and fishermen were shot at.

Oh yeah, it is the Palestinians fault that they need aid.
The Islamic terrorist gee-had carries consequences.
[ Israel can stop this. It must ]

Do you know what a Palestinian terrorist who aided a suicide bomber who murdered 23 people received in prison? A generous salary and university degrees!

As Palestinian Media Watch has documented, the PA rewards imprisoned terrorists financially with monthly salaries from the day of arrest. In addition, the PA grants imprisoned terrorists several benefits, among them the possibility to earn university degrees. This is done in cooperation with the PA Ministry of Education and several Palestinian universities.

One imprisoned terrorist who has benefited from both is Hamas member Majdi Za’atri, who is serving 23 life sentences for transporting a suicide bomber to the bus the bomber chose for his attack and where he ultimately murdered 23, including children and babies, in 2003. Za’atri’s father proudly listed the degrees his murderer son has or will obtain while in prison:


Official PA TV host: We will talk about the dreams and ambitions of Majdi Za’atri (i.e., terrorist, involved in murder of 23)… He took advantage of the years in the occupation’s prisons. Has he obtained any certificates inside prison? …
Barakat Za’atri, father of terrorist Majdi Za’atri: “Allah be praised, he obtained a matriculation exam certificate, and after three years obtained a bachelor’s degree in social work. Now he is registered for a master’s degree, Almighty Allah willing, and within a year he will have a master’s degree.”
[Official PA TV, Good Morning Jerusalem, Sept. 23, 2022]
In addition to free education for his involvement in the murder of 23 people, Za’atri has received a steady salary according to the PA’s “Pay-for-Slay” program. By the end of December 2022 the PA will have paid him $306,972 (1,081,800 shekels):

(full article online)

This is something of a model for how to dismantle Islamic terrorist franchises.

The silly 'lion's den' buffoons were throttled before having a chance to cause widespread harm to Israelis. They were either killed, captured or forced to run and hide under the burqa of the PA.

Israeli security forces have gone on the offensive against the Lions’ Den terrorist group, carrying out operations deep in the Casbah of Nablus, where its gunmen feel most secure.
CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal reported on how CNN protected the terror group. Here’s how other media outlets similarly misled news consumers.

National Public Radio (NPR)

NPR heroized the terrorists and whitewashed their deadly mission and deeds, portraying them as “TikTok-savvy Palestinian fighters” who were “testing Israeli forces in the West Bank.”

Staff Sgt. Ido Baruch who was killed in a Lion’s Den drive-by shooting.
Never mind 21-year-old Staff Sgt. Ido Baruch who lost his life protecting participants in holiday festivities – an annual Sukkot march — when Lion’s Den terrorists targeted him in a drive-by shooting. Never mind the children riding a schoolbus targeted by the Lion’s Den group on Oct. 2 who would have been tragic casualties had the terrorists succeeded in their mission, or the children forced to duck behind parked cars as Lion’s Den terrorists aimed their gunfire at Israeli vehicles near the settlement of Elon Moreh. Never mind the Israeli taxicab driver who was injured when Lion’s Den terrorists fired at his car. And pay no heed to the men, women and children threatened by the group’s terrorist attacks that were thwarted by Israeli security forces.

None of this is of interest to the NPR reporter who conceals details of the Lion’s Den attacks, their ties to well-known terrorist groups, and their targeting of civilians. Correspondent Daniel Estrin instead seek a narrative that blames Israel and heroizes the Palestinian terrorists. He thus reverses the roles, decrying an Israeli counter-terrorism operation as “brazen” and “bloody” while heroizing the terrorists who seek to slaughter Israeli Jews as “a new renegade group of young armed men, many in their teens and early 20s” who are part of “a new generation of Palestinians who feel they have little to lose.”

Estrin ignores the group’s own filmed attacks and claims of responsibility, suggesting that its deadly shooting of an Israeli soldier is just a claim by the Israeli army even though the Lion’s Den group itself took credit for the fatal attack. He similarly depicts the Israeli operation’s elimination of the group’s explosive lab during the raid as a claim/excuse by the IDF, who he states “claimed to have blown up what it said was a bomb lab.” Likewise, he conceals the fact that those Palestinians killed in the counter-terrorism raid were armed terrorists who were shot in gun battles with Israeli soldiers.

Children duck behind vehicle with other civilians and Chairman of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan during a shooting attack by Lion’s Den terrorists on October 2, 2022. Credit: Samaria Regional Council
The correspondent essentially justifies the terrorist group’s deadly mission, saying “their aim is to confront Israeli soldiers when they operate in Palestinian areas – and to present an alternative to the behavior of the official Palestinian security forces, which do not clash with Israeli troops conducting arrest raids.”

But the terrorists do not confront just soldiers operating in Palestinian areas, but civilians driving on roads in the West Bank that both Israelis and Palestinians use.

However false and misleading NPR’s reporting is, it fulfils the aim of depicting the Lion’s Den as heroic fighters, rather than as terrorists intent on killing Israelis. One need just read the report’s conclusion:

“Though Israel is determined to stamp out the Lions’ Den, the real significance of the armed group is not its numbers, but the inspiration it sparks in Palestinians throughout the West Bank. Finally, Palestinians under occupation say, they have heroes they can rally around.”
Christian Science Monitor (CSM)

Like NPR, CSM’s Taylor Luck and Fatima Abdulkarim reverse the roles of terrorism and counter-terrorism to present Palestinian terrorists as heroic freedom fighters and Israelis as the villains. This is apparent from the headline, featured purpose of the article, and lede.

Headline: “In the Lion’s Den: What a new militia offers young Palestinians”

Why We Wrote This: “A new generation of youth-led and nonpartisan militias is tapping into the frustrations of young Palestinians disillusioned by poor prospects for peace and the economy, cut out of politics, and pressured by Israeli settlers and the military.”

Lede: “The Lion’s Den, a youth-led, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian militia based in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, is among several like it popping up across the occupied Palestinian territories. The groups are capturing the imaginations and tapping into the frustrations of Palestinian youths amid an uptick in settler attacks and an Israeli military crackdown that intensified further this week with a deadly raid against the Lions in Nablus.”

The rest of the article continues along the same lines. The details of the group’s terrorist acts are concealed while the terrorists are presented as youthful heroes fighting against a villainous Israel. For example:

“…young men and women with no political outlets and little memory of the second intifada’s carnage are demanding a “right to self-defense” from what they see as the encroachment of the Israeli military and settlers on their daily lives and communities.”
“The groups are capturing the imaginations and tapping into the frustrations of Palestinian youths amid an uptick in settler attacks and an Israeli military crackdown that intensified further this week with a deadly raid against the Lions in Nablus.”
Israel’s counter-terrorist operations instead are presented as the real crimes:

“Israel’s raid into the old city before dawn Tuesday targeted Lion’s Den leaders and what it said was a bomb-making factory, killing six people. It prompted a general strike across the Palestinian territories in protest. Yet even as Israel continues a stifling, 16-day blockade of Nablus and night operations to dismantle what it describes as “terrorist” cells, the militia continues to address viewers directly via Telegram and other apps.”
Members and supporters of the terrorist group are quoted extensively to support the reporters’ assertions. Ignored is the role played by Hamas and other larger terrorist group leaders in inciting and backing this group, as Palestinian security sources have reported.

And so Western audiences continue to be deceived. The media outlets and reporters who engage in this deception no longer adhere to a code of journalistic ethics where truth and objectivity are paramount. Instead, they practice a sort of advocacy journalism where the search for truth is both unnecessary and undesirable and where superficial narratives with predetermined roles of villain and hero are unalterable, no matter what the real story is.

(full article online)


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