All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Further complicating matters, these per-capita figures for the Palestinians may be too high because of possible double-counting. The OECD data set does not clarify whether the member states’ contributions include only bilateral aid to the West Bank and Gaza, or if they also include member states’ contributions to European Union institutions that are designated for aid to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
So we will stick with $398 per capita as a rough estimate for aid to the Palestinians. The only other source we found was the (admittedly dated) 2004 Palestinian territories Human Development Report, which calculated $310 per person, “considered one of the highest levels of aid in the world.”

Israel used to receive a lot of economic aid from the United States until Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut a deal in 2007 to convert it all to military aid. Using non-inflation-adjusted dollars, the Israelis received $34.2 billion in economic aid from the United States between 1946 and 2007, according to calculations by the Congressional Research Service. (Note: an earlier version of this article incorrectly described the CRS calculations as constant dollars.) A CRS spokesman said that in constant (inflation-adjusted) 2017 dollars, the figure would be $68.9 billion.
(Germany also has been a major contributor to Israel’s economy in the years after its founding, mostly in the form of reparations said to be worth between $32 billion and $60 billion to Israel and its citizens. But to keep it simple, we will focus on U.S. contributions.)

The Palestinians, meanwhile, have received about $37.2 billion in development aid (in constant dollars) between 1994 and 2017, according to the OECD. The U.S. share of that was about $8.2 billion, according to the OECD. (The State Department, under a broader definition of aid, recordsU.S. assistance to the West Bank and Gaza as totaling $9.1 billion since 1988.) Some Arab donations are included but the OECD database does not reflect, for instance, Qatar’s contributions to Gaza, which totaled $1.1 billion between 2012 and 2018 with the approval of the Israeli government.

The U.S. share of that was about $8.2 billion, according to the OECD. (The State Department, under a broader definition of aid, recordsU.S. assistance to the West Bank and Gaza as totaling $9.1 billion since 1988.
Tell us one thing the Palestinians contribute to the US with all the money they get, compared to the contribution the US gets from Israel.
Have there been any rockets fired from the west bank?
I gave you
I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist
You do prefer authoritarian dictators like Erdogan, Putin, Castro, North Korea's, Venezuela's, and many others who are in Muslim governments to the Democratically elected in a Democratic Country.

The reason: He is Jewish, as were all the ones before him, and will be after him.
"The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack."
Do you agree with this fascist?
You get that quote from Palestinian, etc sources. Share it with us.
Do you agree with it?
You like to play gotcha. You are a fan of anyone who will punish the Jews for not following Jesus.

In your mind, the Muslims are your heroes because they are doing exactly what Christianity has been doing for 3 centuries longer than Islam.
Jesus Was the First Protestant

Starting from Abraham, the Jews were already saved. Jesus was sent to save the rest of us. But the hereditary ruling classes, who also took over Christianity's hierarchy, needed a scapegoat to distract cowardly peasants from the lords' own crimes, so they blamed the Jews in general for the Crucifixion when it was really the High Priests and the Romans who should have been blamed.

"Anti-Semitism" has little to do with the Jews; it is a cover-up for Birth-Class Supremacy. It also shows the cowardice of the plebeians for not overthrowing the clear and present tyranny and transferring blame to invisible behind-the-scene conspiracies. Even the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are actually focused on discrediting democratic movements by simply saying that those are Jewish conspiracies and the ruled shouldn't believe their democratic merits are even worth discussing because "the Jews run them and any change will benefit only the Jews."
Over the past two years, Scientific Americanhas published a series of biased attacks on Israel, even accusing Israel of “vaccine apartheid and medical apartheid.” Such actions are not surprising considering that in 2021, a Senior Editor at Scientific American tweeted that “Israel is an apartheid state and Zionism is white supremacy. #FreePalestine.”

As I wrote last week in The Algemeiner, a June 2, 2021, column — titled “As Health Care Workers, We Stand in Solidarity with Palestine” — was removed from the Scientific American website just hours after the publisher received a letter signed by more than 106 scientists and physicians, including three Nobel Laureates.


(full article online)


COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Israel: Successes, lessons, and caveats
Israel is a world leader in the race to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine. In this Special Feature, Medical News Today look at why the vaccine rollout has been so successful in Israel and discuss the controversies and equity issues related to the campaign.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the United States has struggled to meet COVID-19 vaccine rollout goals, within just 2 weeks, Israel vaccinated almost 15% of the country’s population of more than 9 million.

As of January 19, 2021, 25.6% of the Israeli population have received their first vaccine dose, and 550,000 people have received both doses.

To give some perspective, Israel is vaccinating residents at a rate of 32.4 people per 100, compared with 4.8 people per 100 in the U.S., and 7 per 100 in the United Kingdom.

But why exactly has the rollout been so successful in Israel? And what can we learn from this early success? In this Special Feature, we review what is known about Israel’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Stay informed with live updates on the current COVID-19 outbreak and visit our coronavirus hub for more advice on prevention and treatment.

Early rollout successes
Israel’s success in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine seems to be due to several factors influencing the access to and distribution of the vaccine.

The Israeli government started searching early on for a way to secure vaccine doses.

In June 2020, Israel became one of the first countries to sign a purchase agreement for a vaccine supply from Moderna. In November, the country announced additional vaccine deals with AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

The first Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Israel on December 9, 2020, and vaccinations began on December 19, 2020. The country is still waiting for the other two vaccines.

Israel’s government also allegedly agreed to pay top dollar for vaccines and purchase millions of doses. Although the exact price is unknown, one official said that the price was about $30 per vaccine — double the average price abroad.

The makers of the vaccine that Israel is currently using — U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech — would not comment on the cost of the vaccine.

In exchange for an early, steady vaccine supply, the Israeli government also assured Pfizer that the country’s rollout would offer quick, large-scale results, promising to give the company detailed patient information on those receiving the vaccine in Israel.

Israeli officials expected Israel’s vaccine rollout to be successful because the country is small but has a vast healthcare infrastructure. The country also has a well-developed, universal healthcare system that connects all residents to a national digital health network.

All residents also have insurance from semi-private healthcare maintenance organizations (HMOs) that run services throughout the country, even in rural, remote regions.

Israel’s centralized, digitized system makes it easier to track and access information and roll out national healthcare agendas, such as vaccination campaigns.

“In a sense, Israel has become like a very large clinical trial,” Hadassah Medical Center virologist Dr. Rivka Abulafia-Lapid told The Times of Israel.

“Because everyone in Israel belongs to an HMO, and their records are kept along with their background data, this means we’ll get a good picture of responsiveness to the vaccine, in context of age, gender, and existing medical conditions,” Dr. Abulafia-Lapid added.

Distribution successes
Israel’s vaccine rollout success is also due in part to the handling of the vaccine and its delivery to citizens.

Those responsible for logistics have stored the vaccine doses underground near Israel’s main airport. They are in 30 large freezers, which are capable of holding 5 million doses.

Teams in Israel have also developed a way to repack doses from large, ultra-frozen pallets into insulated boxes roughly the size of a pizza box. Doing this has made it easier to distribute vaccine doses in smaller numbers and to remote sites.

Teams repack large vaccine pallets into bundles containing as few as 100 doses, which they then deliver to 400 vaccination centers. Healthcare professionals have also managed to obtain more vaccine doses out of each vial than Pfizer had initially advertised.

Pfizer have approved both of these processes.

Some 335 drive-through vaccination clinics also exist throughout Israel, allowing healthcare professionals to vaccinate larger groups of people quickly. On January 19, 2021, the country announced a new daily record of more than 210,000 vaccinations in 1 day.

Israel began vaccinating healthcare workers, teachers, people with medical conditions, and those over the age of 60 years. Now, the country is racing to vaccinate the entire population over the age of 16 years — equating to about 5.2 million people — by the end of March. As of January 20, Israel has started vaccinating residents over the age of 40 years.

At the time of writing, Israel has given at least one dose of the vaccine to more than 76% of the country’s inhabitants who work as teachers, are over the age of 60 years, or have health risks.


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Despite these achievements, some people in Israel are regularly demonstrating against the government’s handling of the pandemic.

Hailed as a way to restore normalcy — and save the economy — the government calls the COVID-19 vaccine rollout “Operation Back to Life.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that it will allow Israel to become the first country in the world to emerge from the pandemic.

However, it is less clear precisely how and when Israel will be able to revert to so-called normal life.

On January 19, the country reported a record high of more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day and a positivity rate above 10% for the first time in 3 months. Also, 30–40% of new cases are linked to the new COVID-19 variant that scientists first recognized in the U.K.

Israeli, currently in its third lockdown, also faces high levels of unemployment and a recession, but the authorities have extended the current nationwide lockdown until at least January 31.

Netanyahu’s political opponents also accuse the government of using the vaccine campaign for political gain before the upcoming election.

The country is on track to vaccinate everyone over the age of 16 years just 3 days before the election on March 23. In addition, the government is discussing postponing the election if infection rates stay high.

The government is also receiving criticism for not sharing enough details about what patient data it will share or how Pfizer will use the information.

Government officials only recently disclosed some terms of the deal, claiming that it will only share general data with Pfizer, such as data about the numbers of cases, serious cases, fatalities, and vaccinations, and each individual’s age and gender.

They also say that the data will help researchers assess and track herd immunity, with the results to feature in a recognized medical journal.

But Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, expressed her worries that anonymized patient data, including complete medical histories, will be shared.

Although they will not bear patient names or identifying markers, she said that it is possible to de-anonymize the files. Treating these personal data as though they belong to the government in this way is “not ethically, not legally, and not morally
,” she added.

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Health equity issues
According to human rights groups, Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip do not have access to the vaccine and will not for a long time. Under the 4th Geneva Convention, occupying forces must provide healthcare to the populations of the territories they occupy.

Yet Palestinian officials seem reluctant to make a formal request to Israel to provide the vaccine, likely because asking for help from Israel is politically sensitive.

Also, the Oslo Peace Accords of the 1990s, which were meant to be a temporary road map to develop a Palestinian state, gave Palestinians responsibility for their healthcare.

Israel’s health minister reportedly told Sky News that the Palestinians simply need to “learn how to take care of themselves.”

He said that Israel has provided advice, supplies, and medicine to its neighbors, adding that it is in Israel’s best interest to reduce Palestinian case numbers, as many Palestinians work in Israel.

But some international organizations condemn Israel’s failure to provide the vaccine equitably.

According to Saleh Higazi, Amnesty International’s deputy regional director:

“Israel’s COVID-19 vaccine program highlights the institutionalized discrimination that defines the Israeli government’s policy toward Palestinians. There could hardly be a better illustration of how Israeli lives are valued above Palestinian ones.”

The Palestinian government has arranged for vaccine shipments from four companies that should arrive this quarter. The state may also start receiving doses in February from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) vaccine schemeTrusted Source for low-to-middle-income countries.

Another issue complicating the vaccine rollout is the reluctance and fear among the country’s Arab and Orthodox populations regarding the vaccine and pandemic restrictions.

Vaccination rates are low among the Arab community in Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox communities are registering record high numbers of new cases of COVID-19. There are also reports of lax preventive restrictions in these communities, with some schools remaining open and multiple reports of large gatherings.

On January 20, the government announced the launch of a campaign to educate the Ultra-Orthodox community about pandemic risks and the importance of following the rules.​
All the billions given to the "Palis" and they can't get vaccines?
I presume you can count what we and the UN have given the "Palis" since the 50s.
How much aid does the U.S. give Israel?
The United States has given Israel a total of $146 billion in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding through 2020, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which provides nonpartisan research to lawmakers. That makes it the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II. (Other top recipients include Egypt and Afghanistan.
Israel has spent every penny building a state of the art nation that doesn’t need to beg for resources from other nations.
For your education:

U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

I agree.
I say let Israel do the same work and sell it to the US for 10billion rather than take the 3.8B and give over the specifications.
As usual, you're not making sense. Faced with the FACTS that WITHOUT America subsidizing Israel's military and basic economy via various items, it would have ceased to exist decades ago. So how in the world is Israel going to reverse the situation and do the postulated insanity that you are proposing when it doesn't have the resources to do so? My God, man! Is it too much for you to just act like a mature, rational adult and concede a point?
Jews represent an inordinate global percentage of billionaires and millionaires.
After the 2008 crash, even publicly self-hating Jews stopped giving money to every charity on earth and sent billions to Israel.
When it comes to technology the US needs Israel more than Israel needs US money.
You don't understand the Jewish mindset...each Jew has 1,000 opinions on every subject.
Imagine what happens when you fill a room with 100+ Jews who have to one-up the latest technology from a foreign threat.
Every Jew in the room is driven to outsmart every other Jew and to outsmart themselves.
That's one reason why I always wind up directing the software development at work.
Taming Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys

Jews are not ashamed of being intelligent, whereas High IQs in other groups are, by design, humiliated and insulted about it from childhood on. The ruling class parasites derive all their unearned wealth through manipulating people into treating creative geniuses like freaks and losers.
Mr. Troy is Professor of History at McGill University and the author, most recently, of Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady. He is a member of HNN's Advisory Board.

Jimmy Carter has appeared on “Meet the Press,” Larry King, Charlie Rose, and elsewhere making his latest book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, a best-seller. Apparently, Carter’s publisher postponed the publication date until mid-November so as not to distract Democrats with a campaign controversy about their ex-President’s anti-Israel prejudices. By alleging that Israel practices Apartheid, Jimmy Carter’s title reflects a sloppy and nasty form of historical analogizing seeking to delegitimze Israel and Zionism, perpetuated by pro-Palestinian groups on campuses and elsewhere.
Carter has defended his title, by using “Apartheid” as a synonym for “apartness” and saying the division is economic not racial. But he has repeated the South African analogy to drive home his rhetorical point. Using the “Apartheid” label without seeking to impute racism, would be akin to calling Carter a redneck and claiming it only has to do with his tanning habits. If Carter is so innocent as to be unaware of the resonance that term has, he is not the expert on the Middle East or world affairs he purports to be.

This unconscionable, inaccurate label insults anyone who supports the modern Jewish state of Israel as well as everyone who suffered under South Africa’s evil Apartheid system. Apartheid was a racist legal system the Afrikaner Nationalists dominating South Africa’s government imposed after World War II. The Afrikaners’ discriminatory apartness began with their racist revulsion for blacks, reflected in early laws in 1949 and 1950 prohibiting marriages and sexual relations between whites and non-whites. Apartheid quickly developed into a brutal system that tried to dehumanize South Africa’s majority nonwhite population.

Beyond the historical definition, international law emphasizes that Apartheid involves intentional, mandated racism. In 1973 the United Nations General Assembly defined Apartheid as “the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.” The fact that Israel’s Declaration of Independence – and founding document – promises to “uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex,” proves that Israel rejects racism and by definition cannot be accused of Apartheid.

Injecting “racism” into the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is absurd. It is a sloppy attempt to slander Israel with the accusation du jour, a statement as trendy and ahistorical as equating Zionism with European colonialism, another folly given Jews’ historic ties to the land of Israel. Since the Nazi attempt to annihilate Jews as a “race,” the Jewish world has recoiled against defining Jews as a “race.” Zionism talks about Judaism, the Jewish people, the Jewish state. The Arab-Israeli conflict is a nationalist clash with religious overtones. The rainbow of colors among Israelis and Palestinians, with black Ethiopian Jews, and white Christian Palestinians, proves that both national communities are diverse.

(full article online)

You forgot to answer the question, or I didn't see your answer: do you consider all Muslims to be predatory beasts? Most? A large percent?
A nice gotcha question.

Answer: Throughout the History of Christianity and Islam there have been those who have not accepted the idea that Jews are inferior and must pay for "killing Jesus", not accepting Allah, or any conspiracy theory invented by either religion to demean and mistreat any and all Jews.

Those have mostly been in the minority and not in Government roles where they could treat the Jewish people and religion with respect.


Do you not find the endless education in Islam (and in Christianity) that Jews are guilty of this and that .....and that too.....(Check the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written by Russian Christians and promoted all over the Muslim world, and avidly read by Hitler himself) capable of turning the minds of many Christians and Muslims to the point where throughout these religions history, members of each have incited and been participant in attacks, massacres, rapes, beheadings, expulsions, murders, in the name of Jesus or Allah?

Is that not the behavior of savages, of beasts who are incapable of stopping and realizing what they are doing and why......and in the end have always felt very proud of themselves for putting the Jews in their place by either humiliating them, stealing from them, expelling them, killing them.

The Inquisition which lasted centuries
More Pogroms

And when the Jews legally gain the right to re create their Nation on THEIR ancient homeland


All Jews must be killed

No, absolutely not. Some Muslims and Christians are not "predatory beasts.

They are MURDERERS, who have usually gotten away with it....because the victims were Jewish
The zionists did a pogrom to the palis. Those zionists are predatory beasts?
What pogrom. Make sense.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

Misfits need their myths. You act the same way about existential threats to America, which, as in Israel, are in-country. You don't belong here, any more than Liberal Democrat Jews belong in Israel or in the formerly United States either.
Mr. Troy is Professor of History at McGill University and the author, most recently, of Hillary Rodham Clinton: Polarizing First Lady. He is a member of HNN's Advisory Board.

Jimmy Carter has appeared on “Meet the Press,” Larry King, Charlie Rose, and elsewhere making his latest book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, a best-seller. Apparently, Carter’s publisher postponed the publication date until mid-November so as not to distract Democrats with a campaign controversy about their ex-President’s anti-Israel prejudices. By alleging that Israel practices Apartheid, Jimmy Carter’s title reflects a sloppy and nasty form of historical analogizing seeking to delegitimze Israel and Zionism, perpetuated by pro-Palestinian groups on campuses and elsewhere.
Carter has defended his title, by using “Apartheid” as a synonym for “apartness” and saying the division is economic not racial. But he has repeated the South African analogy to drive home his rhetorical point. Using the “Apartheid” label without seeking to impute racism, would be akin to calling Carter a redneck and claiming it only has to do with his tanning habits. If Carter is so innocent as to be unaware of the resonance that term has, he is not the expert on the Middle East or world affairs he purports to be.

This unconscionable, inaccurate label insults anyone who supports the modern Jewish state of Israel as well as everyone who suffered under South Africa’s evil Apartheid system. Apartheid was a racist legal system the Afrikaner Nationalists dominating South Africa’s government imposed after World War II. The Afrikaners’ discriminatory apartness began with their racist revulsion for blacks, reflected in early laws in 1949 and 1950 prohibiting marriages and sexual relations between whites and non-whites. Apartheid quickly developed into a brutal system that tried to dehumanize South Africa’s majority nonwhite population.

Beyond the historical definition, international law emphasizes that Apartheid involves intentional, mandated racism. In 1973 the United Nations General Assembly defined Apartheid as “the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.” The fact that Israel’s Declaration of Independence – and founding document – promises to “uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex,” proves that Israel rejects racism and by definition cannot be accused of Apartheid.

Injecting “racism” into the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is absurd. It is a sloppy attempt to slander Israel with the accusation du jour, a statement as trendy and ahistorical as equating Zionism with European colonialism, another folly given Jews’ historic ties to the land of Israel. Since the Nazi attempt to annihilate Jews as a “race,” the Jewish world has recoiled against defining Jews as a “race.” Zionism talks about Judaism, the Jewish people, the Jewish state. The Arab-Israeli conflict is a nationalist clash with religious overtones. The rainbow of colors among Israelis and Palestinians, with black Ethiopian Jews, and white Christian Palestinians, proves that both national communities are diverse.

(full article online)

You forgot to answer the question, or I didn't see your answer: do you consider all Muslims to be predatory beasts? Most? A large percent?
A nice gotcha question.

Answer: Throughout the History of Christianity and Islam there have been those who have not accepted the idea that Jews are inferior and must pay for "killing Jesus", not accepting Allah, or any conspiracy theory invented by either religion to demean and mistreat any and all Jews.

Those have mostly been in the minority and not in Government roles where they could treat the Jewish people and religion with respect.


Do you not find the endless education in Islam (and in Christianity) that Jews are guilty of this and that .....and that too.....(Check the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written by Russian Christians and promoted all over the Muslim world, and avidly read by Hitler himself) capable of turning the minds of many Christians and Muslims to the point where throughout these religions history, members of each have incited and been participant in attacks, massacres, rapes, beheadings, expulsions, murders, in the name of Jesus or Allah?

Is that not the behavior of savages, of beasts who are incapable of stopping and realizing what they are doing and why......and in the end have always felt very proud of themselves for putting the Jews in their place by either humiliating them, stealing from them, expelling them, killing them.

The Inquisition which lasted centuries
More Pogroms

And when the Jews legally gain the right to re create their Nation on THEIR ancient homeland


All Jews must be killed

No, absolutely not. Some Muslims and Christians are not "predatory beasts.

They are MURDERERS, who have usually gotten away with it....because the victims were Jewish
The zionists did a pogrom to the palis. Those zionists are predatory beasts?
What pogrom. Make sense.
I am not seeing a date and place which would show the zionists committing a pogrom on the Arabs.

But then, you do not want me to find out that it was in the middle of the wars, 1936-1939, or 1948, and that Jews had to defend themselves or be killed.

Oh, no. no, no. Let Stuart not show any details of the alleged pogroms.
Blatman quotes from Morris’s book The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947–1949:

The attacks of the Haganah and the Israel Defense Forces, expulsion orders, the fear of attacks and acts of cruelty on the part of the Jews, the absence of assistance from the Arab world and the Arab Higher Committee, the sense of helplessness and abandonment, orders by Arab institutions and commanders to leave and evacuate, in most cases was the direct and decisive reason for the flight—an attack by the Haganah, Irgun, Lehi or the IDF, or the inhabitants’ fear of such an attack
Do you know why the Arabs chose to follow the orders of their leaders to leave?

It was because in 1929, in Hebron, the Arabs mercilessly attacked, raped, dismembered and murdered many Jews in that city without any provocation from those Jews in that city.
The rest of the Jewish population was later expelled by the British to not "upset" the Arabs any more than they already were.

So, in 1948, when the Arab States were ready to invade Israel to destroy the newly Independent State....ONE day after its independence .........many Arabs thought that if they stayed around, the Jews would behave the way they were taught to behave towards the Jews. So, the Arabs in the South fled to Gaza.

The ones in the North stayed because the Israelis asked them to stay. And their descendants continue to live there to this day.

Arabs attack, murder, expel.

1920 Gaza
1921 Jerusalem
1925 TranJordan
1929 Hebron
1948 Judea, Samaria and the JEWISH quarter of Jerusalem, today known as "East" Jerusalem

Jews invite Arabs and Christians to live together, as they do to this day in Israel, with rights they did not have and will not have in any Arab/Muslim State or territory.

And now, for Stuart's newest memorex moment
With regard to Morris’s denial that what occurred fits the definition of “ethnic cleansing”, Blatman quotes the prosecutor in the trial of Radovan Karadzic, a Bosnian-Serb leader convicted for the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Bosnia:

In ethnic cleansing . . . you act in such a way that in a given territory, the members of a given ethnic group are eliminated. . . . You have massacres. Everybody is not massacred, but you have massacres in order to scare those populations. . . . Naturally, the other people are driven away. They are afraid . . . and, of course, in the end these people simply want to leave. . . . They are driven away either on their own initiative or they are deported. . . . Some women are raped and, furthermore, often times what you have is the destruction of the monuments which marked the presence of a given population . . . for instance, Catholic churches or mosques are destroyed
The Sponsored and Protected Enemy Within

Exactly what happened to the indigenee savages in the formerly United States. More proof that being anti-Israel derives from our dangerous misfits' hatred of the progress of plebeian White people and false comforting shame of being American.
Today, even though most of the original refugees are no longer alive, UNRWA provides health care, education, and other basic government-like services in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Not accounting for inflation, from 1950 to 2018, American taxpayers contributed more than $6 billion to UNRWA. The United States suspended funding for UNRWA in 2018.1 The Biden administration announced on April 7, 2021, that it would resume funding to UNRWA without any concrete plans for reform.

Unlike many UN agencies to which the United States provides large sums of funding, UNRWA has no board of directors to conduct oversight and steer the organization. The agency’s inefficiency and bloated bureaucracy is readily apparent. UNRWA serves a population of more than 5 million people with a staff of roughly 30,000, while UNHCR serves more than 20 million people worldwide with a staff of only 10,000.

While UNRWA asserts there are 5 million Palestinian refugees, then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in January 2021 that less than 5 percent of people registered with UNRWA meet the internationally recognized criteria for refugee status.7 Most are citizens of Jordan or residents of the West Bank or Gaza – that is, they are currently living in the territory they seek for a future state of Palestine.

UNRWA’s mandate and inaccurate labeling of people as refugees perpetuates conditions conducive to instability and violence in the Middle East. UNRWA raises generation after generation of Palestinian children to believe that they are entitled to occupy homes that do not belong to their families but that Palestinians claim should be part of a Palestinian state. Israel, of course, would never open its doors to several million individuals who see it as an enemy.

(full article online)

Today, even though most of the original refugees are no longer alive, UNRWA provides health care, education, and other basic government-like services in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Not accounting for inflation, from 1950 to 2018, American taxpayers contributed more than $6 billion to UNRWA. The United States suspended funding for UNRWA in 2018.1 The Biden administration announced on April 7, 2021, that it would resume funding to UNRWA without any concrete plans for reform.

Unlike many UN agencies to which the United States provides large sums of funding, UNRWA has no board of directors to conduct oversight and steer the organization. The agency’s inefficiency and bloated bureaucracy is readily apparent. UNRWA serves a population of more than 5 million people with a staff of roughly 30,000, while UNHCR serves more than 20 million people worldwide with a staff of only 10,000.

While UNRWA asserts there are 5 million Palestinian refugees, then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in January 2021 that less than 5 percent of people registered with UNRWA meet the internationally recognized criteria for refugee status.7 Most are citizens of Jordan or residents of the West Bank or Gaza – that is, they are currently living in the territory they seek for a future state of Palestine.

UNRWA’s mandate and inaccurate labeling of people as refugees perpetuates conditions conducive to instability and violence in the Middle East. UNRWA raises generation after generation of Palestinian children to believe that they are entitled to occupy homes that do not belong to their families but that Palestinians claim should be part of a Palestinian state. Israel, of course, would never open its doors to several million individuals who see it as an enemy.

(full article online)

Let the refugees return. Problem solve.

This isn't rocket science. :290968001256257790-final:
Today, even though most of the original refugees are no longer alive, UNRWA provides health care, education, and other basic government-like services in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Not accounting for inflation, from 1950 to 2018, American taxpayers contributed more than $6 billion to UNRWA. The United States suspended funding for UNRWA in 2018.1 The Biden administration announced on April 7, 2021, that it would resume funding to UNRWA without any concrete plans for reform.

Unlike many UN agencies to which the United States provides large sums of funding, UNRWA has no board of directors to conduct oversight and steer the organization. The agency’s inefficiency and bloated bureaucracy is readily apparent. UNRWA serves a population of more than 5 million people with a staff of roughly 30,000, while UNHCR serves more than 20 million people worldwide with a staff of only 10,000.

While UNRWA asserts there are 5 million Palestinian refugees, then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in January 2021 that less than 5 percent of people registered with UNRWA meet the internationally recognized criteria for refugee status.7 Most are citizens of Jordan or residents of the West Bank or Gaza – that is, they are currently living in the territory they seek for a future state of Palestine.

UNRWA’s mandate and inaccurate labeling of people as refugees perpetuates conditions conducive to instability and violence in the Middle East. UNRWA raises generation after generation of Palestinian children to believe that they are entitled to occupy homes that do not belong to their families but that Palestinians claim should be part of a Palestinian state. Israel, of course, would never open its doors to several million individuals who see it as an enemy.

(full article online)

Let the refugees return. Problem solve.

This isn't rocket science. :290968001256257790-final:
How solved?
Their Jihad against local Jews made them refugees.
And it isn't rocket science, they've made it into a business,
and the most invested in prolonging it than anyone, at the expense of all real refugees.
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How They Did It

Between 1967 and 2021, the enemies of the Jewish state and the Jewish people created in effect an army of anti-Israel operatives in key positions in Western societies, including Israel herself. These operatives are often opinion leaders who influence the behavior of their countries.

Here is how they did it.

The Arab nations failed to defeat Israel in major military conflicts in 1948, 1967, and 1973. At that point, they turned to cognitive warfare, the manipulation of information, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings, in order to weaken their enemy and deny it support from third parties. Thus there were two primary targets: the population of the State of Israel, and the Western nations that might become sources of financial, logistical, diplomatic, or other forms of help for the Jewish state.

The objective of cognitive warfare is to divide, disrupt, and isolate the enemy so that it be finished off more easily by military means. Terrorism is an important part of cognitive warfare, because frightened people are prone to Stockholm syndrome. But this discussion will be limited to the non-kinetic aspects of cognitive warfare.

The cognitive war began around 1967, initiated by the Soviet KGB as a propaganda campaign. The terrorists of the PLO – whose actual ideology was close to that of Nazi Germany – were presented as a national liberation movement, which found approval in the leftist student and antiwar movements that were part of the larger Soviet cognitive assault on the West.

By 1973, the challenges facing the cognitive warriors of the Arab world and their advisors were great. The Jews of Israel had lost the overconfidence of the post-1967 era. The USA had (finally) resupplied Israel with the weapons needed to reverse the advance of her enemies and – although she was prevented from achieving a crushing victory – she had clearly established her military superiority. But the militarily weak Arabs strengthened their cognitive warfare capabilities to include more than mere propaganda. They launched operations to fundamentally change important features of the social landscape of the West.

Cognitive attacks were aimed at the following Western targets:

International institutions; the UN and its agencies (easy targets because of the built-in Soviet/Third World majority).

(full article online)

Just to establish some groundwork to suggest how outlandish the report is. HRW’s position is so extreme, it goes beyond even the positions of some of Israel’s opponents, such as PA President Mahmoud Abbas, or critics such as the International Criminal Court. In a speech just weeks before the HRW report, Abbas made clear that Israel is not currently an apartheid state (though he did not rule out it “eventually” becoming one). The International Criminal Court has been investigating potential crimes by Israel for years, and yet the Office of the Prosecutor has never mentioned apartheid as part of its investigation.

Just a few months after the report was released, Israel formed a new government with not only numerous Arabs in it, but an ideologically Arab, Islamist party holding decisive power. Thus the supposedly apartheid state is one of the only one in the Middle East with a Muslim Brotherhood party in government, as opposed to repressed by the state.

Perhaps the fundamental methodological problem with the report – beyond its misstatement and distortions – is that it does not begin with any objective or measurable standard for what practices amount to apartheid. Extraordinary racist policies are pervasive around the world, with the genocidal treatment of Uighurs, Tibetans, and other minorities in China a compelling example. Yet while HRW has criticized particular practices of other governments as being apartheid in nature, it has never accused a government of being itself an apartheid regime.

(full article online)

Today, some 35,000 Muslims came for Friday prayers to the Al Aqsa Mosque and the surrounding courtyards of the Temple Mount.

This is pretty typical.

I think it is highly probable that when the Temple Mount was under Ottoman, British and Jordanian rule, the number of worshipers never or very rarely exceeded that number, even during major Muslim holidays.

When Israel recaptured Jerusalem in 1967, there were only 54,000 Muslims in the city - including the areas of Jerusalem that Israel expanded. In 1944, only 30,000 Muslims lived there - men, women and children.

While it is possible that on holidays there were tens of thousands who came from surrounding areas to visit, I still doubt that it reached 35,000. Accounts from newspapers in the first half of the 20th century would describe the crowds as being in the thousands, not tens or hundreds of thousands, for Muslim holidays, as in this April 1, 1934 NYT article.

(full article online)

As reported by the Times of Israel:

“Since the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians were signed in the early 1990s, Israel had granted residency or citizenship to an average of 12,000 Arab Israelis per year for family reunification, including children.

Among them was Shadi Tubasi, a Hamas member who had married an Arab Israeli woman. In March 2002, he killed 16 Israelis and wounded 40 more when he blew himself up at a Haifa restaurant. Tubasi had timed his brutal bombing with care: the tables were packed with diners celebrating the Passover holiday, making the attack one of the bloodiest of the Second Intifada.

Authorities saw Tubasi’s blue Israeli identity card as a significant asset in his ability to carry out the attack despite heightened security vigilance.

“Family unification has served terror groups many times due to the affinity of those involved [to terror groups], their access and the ability to exploit the mobility of those who’ve achieved family unification for terrorist purposes,” Adi Carmi, a former Shin Bet official who specialized in counterterrorism, told The Times of Israel.

In the aftermath of the bombing, the Interior Ministry immediately froze the reunification process, saying that they feared further attacks by naturalized West Bank Palestinians. A year later, the stoppage was codified into a temporary law with a yearly sunset provision. […]

In 2003, the state told the High Court that 23 Palestinians who had received citizenship or residency through family reunification had “provided meaningful assistance in hostile activity against state security” during the Second Intifada.” According to the Israeli government, 45 Israelis were killed and 124 Israelis were wounded in attacks in which those Palestinians were involved.”

That relevant context is completely absent from the BBC’s report, which goes on to unquestioningly promote a second-hand quote from a person affected by the law:

(full article online)

“Why does the Israeli-Palestinian conflict get so much more attention than any other conflict in the world?” Often, when Israelis ask this question, they are accused of “whataboutism”. However, I am constantly asked this by friends and colleagues who are genuinely puzzled.

As noted by Jonathan Freedland, this is certainly not the bloodiest conflict in the Middle East: hundreds of thousands have been murdered in Syria and Yemen recently. It is also not the only conflict that involves a democracy, though Nato involvement in Afghanistan has not received the same level of coverage.

While Former AP reporter Matti Freidman offered a plausible explanation in the Jewish component of the conflict, there are additional factors that might help us understand this media obsession.

Covering Israel is easy.

Covering Israel is free of risks.

Journalists love to come to Israel.

Israel is famous

The story of Israel means something to everybody

(full article online)

(full article online)

Over 800 academics and artists have signed yet another letter demanding that Israel be destroyed and replaced with yet another Arab-majority state.

Somehow, this Arab state will be "a democratic constitutional arrangement that grants and implements on all the inhabitants of this land equal rights and duties, regardless of their racial, ethnic, and religious identities, or gender preferences."

Like all the other Arab states!

We know that they want this to be another Arab state because the letter says the state will "give priority to the long deferred right of return of Palestinian refugees expelled from their towns and villages during the creation of the State of Israel."

The letter uses the word "apartheid" 17 times.

It should not need to be said that people who are obsessed with the destruction of the world's only Jewish state, who are silent about the scores of states that declare themselves to be Christian, Muslim, Arab or Buddhist, prove themselves to be antisemites. But just to make sure, they use the Nazi-era term of "Jewish supremacy."

The organization behind this letter is French - Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine - so it is not surprising that over 200 of the signatories are from France. As of this writing, 151 are from the US and 116 are from the UK.

While there are some Israelis on the list, only one identifies as living in Israel now - Emmanuel Farjoun, Emeritus Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who had called for boycotting Israel in 2002, before the BDS movement officially started.

The home page of AURDIP includes this photo, which almost certainly shows the results of a Gaza rocket that fell short in a school in 2014. This is exactly the pattern of Gaza terror rocket damage and not Israeli airstrikes. (If an Israeli rocket was shot at this school, there would be no school there.)

(full article online)

Today, even though most of the original refugees are no longer alive, UNRWA provides health care, education, and other basic government-like services in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Not accounting for inflation, from 1950 to 2018, American taxpayers contributed more than $6 billion to UNRWA. The United States suspended funding for UNRWA in 2018.1 The Biden administration announced on April 7, 2021, that it would resume funding to UNRWA without any concrete plans for reform.

Unlike many UN agencies to which the United States provides large sums of funding, UNRWA has no board of directors to conduct oversight and steer the organization. The agency’s inefficiency and bloated bureaucracy is readily apparent. UNRWA serves a population of more than 5 million people with a staff of roughly 30,000, while UNHCR serves more than 20 million people worldwide with a staff of only 10,000.

While UNRWA asserts there are 5 million Palestinian refugees, then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in January 2021 that less than 5 percent of people registered with UNRWA meet the internationally recognized criteria for refugee status.7 Most are citizens of Jordan or residents of the West Bank or Gaza – that is, they are currently living in the territory they seek for a future state of Palestine.

UNRWA’s mandate and inaccurate labeling of people as refugees perpetuates conditions conducive to instability and violence in the Middle East. UNRWA raises generation after generation of Palestinian children to believe that they are entitled to occupy homes that do not belong to their families but that Palestinians claim should be part of a Palestinian state. Israel, of course, would never open its doors to several million individuals who see it as an enemy.

(full article online)

Let the refugees return. Problem solve.

This isn't rocket science. :290968001256257790-final:
Firstly, ''refugees'' is a phony label. Secondly, who pays that welfare bill?
One might have thought the Hitler Youth was a relic of German fascism. That ideology lives on, however, in the territories occupied by the islamic fascists.

The scout sign – or the three-finger-salute – is usually made with the three middle fingers touching the brow while the thumb and the little finger are folded and the palm faces out. However, the Palestinian scouts at the ceremony in Lebanon stretched their arms diagonally into the sky, thus making the scout sign look like the salute used by the Nazis:


[YouTube Channel of Fatah TV (Lebanon), June 7, 2021]
Saudi journalist Dr. Amal Al-Hazzani compared the Palestinians to a sick family member who gets so much help, he is incapable of taking care of himself.

She blasted the Palestinian leadership for not showing more appreciation for Saudi support.

Al-Hazzani noted that Israel fought Hamas in the recent May conflict in retaliation for Hamas rockets, saying, “We must recognize who was in the wrong. We should not be blinded by our hatred toward Israel.”

(full article online)

Hamas isn't the only anti-Israel terror group that actively recruits child soldiers. Hezbollah has been doing this for years.

Hezbollah openly started recruiting children in 2014 when helping the Syrian army.

A 2016 interview with Al Monitor of a soldier recruited as a child shows that brainwashing them with religious justifications for wanting to be martyred is a large part of the training:

Al-Monitor: How old are you and how long have you been with Hezbollah?
Karbal: I am 18. I joined Hezbollah a year and a half ago.
Al-Monitor: Why did you want to join the organization?
Karbal: To wage jihad in Syria. It is my religious duty to fight there. It is the duty of every Muslim. It will also ensure my salvation after my death.
Al-Monitor: Why do you want to wage jihad?
Karbal: I have always been religious. As a child, I used to attend religious majlis [religion classes at the mosque], where they explained to us the duties of a good Muslim. I think I have been ready to die for a long time, and when the war in Syria broke out, it was clear to me it was a war of good against evil. The takfiris in Syria were attacking our holy sites, our Mouqadassat, which are our most sacred places, such as the Sayyida Zeinab pilgrimage site. We could not let that happen.
Al-Monitor: What type of training did you receive from Hezbollah?
Karbal: We are submitted to three trainings. The first is a religious training. We are taught about jihad and about the goal of the war in Syria, which is the protection of our holy sites.

Houthis also recruit child soldiers, so every group that Iran supports also recruits children for war.

Human rights groups seem remarkably unconcerned over this.

Hamas isn't the only anti-Israel terror group that actively recruits child soldiers. Hezbollah has been doing this for years.

Hezbollah openly started recruiting children in 2014 when helping the Syrian army.

A 2016 interview with Al Monitor of a soldier recruited as a child shows that brainwashing them with religious justifications for wanting to be martyred is a large part of the training:

Al-Monitor: How old are you and how long have you been with Hezbollah?
Karbal: I am 18. I joined Hezbollah a year and a half ago.
Al-Monitor: Why did you want to join the organization?
Karbal: To wage jihad in Syria. It is my religious duty to fight there. It is the duty of every Muslim. It will also ensure my salvation after my death.
Al-Monitor: Why do you want to wage jihad?
Karbal: I have always been religious. As a child, I used to attend religious majlis [religion classes at the mosque], where they explained to us the duties of a good Muslim. I think I have been ready to die for a long time, and when the war in Syria broke out, it was clear to me it was a war of good against evil. The takfiris in Syria were attacking our holy sites, our Mouqadassat, which are our most sacred places, such as the Sayyida Zeinab pilgrimage site. We could not let that happen.
Al-Monitor: What type of training did you receive from Hezbollah?
Karbal: We are submitted to three trainings. The first is a religious training. We are taught about jihad and about the goal of the war in Syria, which is the protection of our holy sites.

Houthis also recruit child soldiers, so every group that Iran supports also recruits children for war.

Human rights groups seem remarkably unconcerned over this.

Any of them in military service before 18?
Compared to an Arab population growth rate of merely 0.9% during Jordan’s rule – when the number of births was almost offset by net emigration – there was a 2.2% average annual population growth rate during Israel’s rule. Moreover, 1990 and 1991 featured a 4.5% and 5.1% population growth rates.

Arguably, the surge of the Arab population growth was misperceived by the demographic establishment, which projected a continued growth, ignoring the “pre-fall-surge” syndrome. The latter characterizes population growth rates of third world societies, whenever integrated into Western world societies.

When a Third World population is integrated into a Western population, it benefits from a considerable modernization of infrastructure, which triggers a surge in fertility rate ( and reduced infant mortality) and reduced emigration. But, the surge in population growth lasts for one generation, before falling due to modernization/Westernization, as evidenced in Judea and Samaria:

*Massive urbanization (from 75% rural in 1967 to 77% urban in 2021);
*Most girls complete high school and increasingly pursue higher education;
*Reduced teen pregnancy and substantial use of contraceptives (70%);
*Larger female participation in the job market;
*Rising marriage age of women from 15 year old to 22 and older;
*Shorter reproductive period from 16-55 year old to 23-45 year old;
*Higher divorce rate and youth emigration;
*Bottom Line: 9 births per Arab woman in the 1960s; 3.02 births in 2021.

(full article online)


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