All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

(full article online)

What do Jewish settlers teach their kids?

This is about Hamas teaching their children, not Israel. (Palm hits head)

He said the last year has seen “a marked rise in incidents of violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank” whereby “in many cases, Israeli forces, obligated to protect the Palestinian population under international humanitarian law, stand idly by while olive trees are destroyed, livelihoods are damaged, and even while people are injured or, at worst, killed.”

He said the events in the West Bank village of Al Mughayyir on 26 January were a “sobering example of this extremely troubling phenomenon, where a Palestinian villager was shot dead in the presence of Israeli settlers and soldiers. These incidents not only violate numerous human rights such as the rights to life, security of the person, and freedom of movement of Palestinians, but also serve to expand the area of land over which Israeli settlers have control,” Mr. Lynk stated.

When the UN comes out Neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, let me know

The UN is extremely pro-Israel, and has ignored Palestinian rights from the first day Truman created the UN just so that he could create Israel.
While Palestine is authorized by treaties, like the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Sevres, as well as the inherent rights of all indigenous people, Israel has no legal basis. There is no moral, contractual, historic, cultural, or any reason at all why Israel should exist in any way.
The children born in Israel after 1948 are the only reason why an Israel may have some reason to exist now.

The UN is extremely pro-Israel
You just proved you are psychotic.

(full article online)

What do Jewish settlers teach their kids?

This is about Hamas teaching their children, not Israel. (Palm hits head)

He said the last year has seen “a marked rise in incidents of violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank” whereby “in many cases, Israeli forces, obligated to protect the Palestinian population under international humanitarian law, stand idly by while olive trees are destroyed, livelihoods are damaged, and even while people are injured or, at worst, killed.”

He said the events in the West Bank village of Al Mughayyir on 26 January were a “sobering example of this extremely troubling phenomenon, where a Palestinian villager was shot dead in the presence of Israeli settlers and soldiers. These incidents not only violate numerous human rights such as the rights to life, security of the person, and freedom of movement of Palestinians, but also serve to expand the area of land over which Israeli settlers have control,” Mr. Lynk stated.

When the UN comes out Neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, let me know

The UN is extremely pro-Israel, and has ignored Palestinian rights from the first day Truman created the UN just so that he could create Israel.
While Palestine is authorized by treaties, like the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Sevres, as well as the inherent rights of all indigenous people, Israel has no legal basis. There is no moral, contractual, historic, cultural, or any reason at all why Israel should exist in any way.
The children born in Israel after 1948 are the only reason why an Israel may have some reason to exist now.

The UN is extremely pro-Israel
You just proved you are psychotic.


U.N. Resolution 1483. It was passed 14-0 by the 15-member Security Council May 22 (Syria abstained) to legitimize the U.S-led Iraqi occupation and smooth strained relations between the United States and nations, such as France, Germany, and Russia, that opposed the Iraq war. The Bush administration resisted giving the United Nations a substantive role in Iraq, and the resolution spelled out the U.N. role in vague and ambiguous terms

If I lived on the continent next to 1 billion Muslims I'd also vote with them.

The UN Human Rights Council (OHCHR) is discussing launching an investigation into the fighting between Israel and the militant group Hamas earlier this month.

Thursday's session, called for by the Pakistani and Palestinian delegations, convened to address "the grave human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem."

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet opened the special session by condemning Israeli airstrikes on Gaza and Hamas' rockets on Israel.

"If found to be indiscriminate and disproportionate impacting on civilians and civilians' objects, such attacks may constitute war crimes," Bachelet said.

"Hamas's rockets are indiscriminate and fail to distinguish between military and civilian objects, and their use, thereby, constitutes a clear violation of international humanitarian law,'' she added
All who wish to discuss about the US funding Israel, there is a thread already started on it. Continue your conversations over there

Folks, a reminder:


This thread will deal with news not only happening in Israel but around the world.

Read post #1 of the thread

This is current news not history.

Thread has been cleaned of 38 off topic posts made since my last warning yesterday. Multiple thread bans have been issued. Please try to respect the topic.
None of these facts stopped the relentless flow of claims that the majority of those killed by Israeli missile attacks in May’s Operation Guardian of the Walls were defenceless civilians.

Now, however, the evidence from the updated casualty figures in that operation reveals that, relative to Israel’s massive bombardment of Gaza with some 1500 strikes, the proportion of civilian deaths was astonishingly small.

With two million civilians — 60 percent of whom are children — packed into densely occupied Gaza, and given the Hamas strategy of using them as cannon fodder for air attacks, any Israeli airstrike would be expected inadvertently to kill thousands.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry says in fact that 256 Gazans were killed.

According to Israel’s Meir Amit Terrorism and Information Centre, which puts the figure at 234, nearly half of those were Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad combatants whom it has identified by name. Of the 95 of those killed who had no terrorist affiliation, 52 were children and 38 were women.

By international standards, this roughly one-to-one ratio of civilian to combatant deaths is amazing. In Afghanistan, Iraq or other theatres of war, British, American and other armies’ airstrikes usually achieve a ratio of about three civilians killed for every one combatant.

Moreover, a number of those Gazan deaths were caused by the Palestinians’ own rockets. Some 4,360 of these were fired at Israel, all aimed at killing civilians.

(full article online)

Harb was involved in Hezbollah activities in the Palestinian territories. He has also helped move large amounts of money from Hezbollah to its allies in Yemen since 2012. He was designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the US Treasury Department in August 2013, according to US counterterrorism rewards program Rewards for Justice.

The IDF said they will continue monitoring the Lebanese border as well as Harb's activities in order to protect Israeli sovereignty.

(full artilcle online)

Israel’s decision to evict all 53 Jewish families from the unauthorised settlement of Evyatar in the 'West Bank' (Judea\Samaria) this week should send a clear signal to the European Union (EU) that its days of financing and facilitating the building of unauthorised Arab structures in Area C of the 'West Bank'are over.

Area C comprises about 60% of the 'West Bank' and has been under Israel’s full security and administrative control since the 1995 Oslo Accords were signed.

The following Table shows the annual number of targeted structures funded by the EU and EU member states up to July-December 2019 including information about incurred financial losses:

(full article online)

Israel’s decision to evict all 53 Jewish families from the unauthorised settlement of Evyatar in the 'West Bank' (Judea\Samaria) this week should send a clear signal to the European Union (EU) that its days of financing and facilitating the building of unauthorised Arab structures in Area C of the 'West Bank'are over.

Area C comprises about 60% of the 'West Bank' and has been under Israel’s full security and administrative control since the 1995 Oslo Accords were signed.

The following Table shows the annual number of targeted structures funded by the EU and EU member states up to July-December 2019 including information about incurred financial losses:

(full article online)

Oslo was a 5 year plan.
Israel’s decision to evict all 53 Jewish families from the unauthorised settlement of Evyatar in the 'West Bank' (Judea\Samaria) this week should send a clear signal to the European Union (EU) that its days of financing and facilitating the building of unauthorised Arab structures in Area C of the 'West Bank'are over.

Area C comprises about 60% of the 'West Bank' and has been under Israel’s full security and administrative control since the 1995 Oslo Accords were signed.

The following Table shows the annual number of targeted structures funded by the EU and EU member states up to July-December 2019 including information about incurred financial losses:

(full article online)

Oslo was a 5 year plan.
The Israel–Jordan peace treaty excluded Pallys.

Hurt feelings?
Israel’s decision to evict all 53 Jewish families from the unauthorised settlement of Evyatar in the 'West Bank' (Judea\Samaria) this week should send a clear signal to the European Union (EU) that its days of financing and facilitating the building of unauthorised Arab structures in Area C of the 'West Bank'are over.

Area C comprises about 60% of the 'West Bank' and has been under Israel’s full security and administrative control since the 1995 Oslo Accords were signed.

The following Table shows the annual number of targeted structures funded by the EU and EU member states up to July-December 2019 including information about incurred financial losses:

(full article online)

Oslo was a 5 year plan.
The Israel–Jordan peace treaty excluded Pallys.

Hurt feelings?
What !!!! The Jordanians do not like Palestinians?
Is that why from 1948 to 1967 Jordan kept Judea and Samaria all to themselves and did not encourage the Arab residents to build their own country?

Say it isn't so.
During last month’s conflict between Israel and the Hamas terror group, a number of Malaysian anti-Israel groups carried out a massive campaign on major social media and messaging platforms to aggressively spam pro-Israel content and attempt to suspend or block accounts, according to a report conducted by the Israel-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC).

The efforts targeted thousands of Israelis, including prominent figures such as former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Hollywood actress Gal Gadot.

(full article online)

On the other hand, I have started to note its director Ken Roth's obsession with posting things about Israel by creating this graphic this past weekend to respond to every time he mentions Israel:

That is trolling - but it is trolling Roth, not Human Rights Watch.

No matter what the reason, this is not a good look for an organization that pretends to care about freedom of expression. Roth once thanked PA prime minister Shtayyeh for his "pledge" that the PA will no longer arrest people for political speech, a transparent lie as we've seen in recent weeks where the PA has arrested numerous critics. Yet HRW has no compunction to try to limit my own criticisms of them.

It appears vindictive, not dispassionate.

In other words, Human Rights Watch is acting the way it falsely accuses Israel of acting.

HRW often uses shallow analysis that assumes that since it cannot figure out a legitimate military target that Israel attacked, there was no such target and Israel acts like an animal, lashing out with multi-million dollar weapons just for spite. Anyone who has actually studied the IDF knows that there are multiple layers of decision-making for every airstrike, and the IDF tracks virtually every bullet. Yet HRW pretends that Israel acts capriciously and that the army acts reflexively and without consideration.

It turns out that HRW - or at least whoever is in charge of their social media - is the one that makes decisions based on emotion and not on facts.

It would be nice if we lived in a world where a human rights organization, that often accuses others of acting with impunity, would be open to criticism and not act with impunity itself. While even the most anti-Israel newspapers will issue corrections for errors of fact, NGOs like HRW never do. They promote the myth that they are objective observers and that their opinions have more moral weight than anyone else's, that their research is objective, that their rulings are inviolate.

(full article online)

Finally, it bears noting that the anti-Israel ideas above did not arise spontaneously, but are products in part of state-sponsored antisemitic campaigns run over the decades by the Vatican Czarist Russia, Nazi Germany, the USSR, and various Arab and Muslim states. The USSR’s propaganda rejecting Israel as an illegitimate colonialist state founded by “Zionists” who have no claim to represent the Jewish people has had especially long-lasting impact on world opinion. Young leftists today repeat slogans from Soviet propaganda organs Izvestia and Pravda of fifty years ago without even being aware of their provenance.

The most important conclusion from all this is that criticism of Israel’s use of military force cannot easily be reduced by Israel “behaving” differently. It’s not how Israel uses force that is the primary source of criticism, but ideologically based repulsion at Jews collectively exercising military power via their sovereign state, at all. This is why, in my experience, when critics of Israel claim that Israel is using “disproportionate” force, one can never pin down what level of force these critics would accept. If the IDF’s very existence is repulsive to them, and Israel is deemed inherently illegitimate, no amount of force can be acceptable.

(full article online)

I find this rather interesting:

Without Likud, the Jews Are Licked

The predatory Islamic beasts will see that as a sign of weakness and a signal to attack.
A Jewish fascist or a zionist fascist
The Neanderthals Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

Cowardly weakling traitors know that a society that defends itself to the ultimate measure needed to get the job done will also totally reject the faint-hearted and make them lonely and confused outcasts. To cover up their depressing shame, the unfit wimps use buzzwords like "fascist" to try to make the pain of their miserable self-hatred go away. This escapism doesn't work; the only cure is to force yourself to man up and face the eternal human condition of our common survival of the fittest being at stake unless the evolved races exterminate the sub-human beasts. "Racist" is also such a pathetic and deficient buzzword.
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