All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong?: Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad, by Professor Richard Landes, is a hard but important book to read.
Landes does no less than directly taking on the orthodoxy of the liberal world that regards Israel as one of the worst human rights violators, that regards supporting the Palestinian cause as the archetype of progressive values, that regards the West as Islamophobic and institutionally racist. He challenges the reader - what if everything you have read is wrong, and I am right?

The first part of the book goes into some detail on four episodes from the early 2000s.

It is no surprise that one of those episodes is the Al Dura affair, which Landes is one of the world's experts in. It was indeed the first blood libel of the new millenium, where the media unquestioningly accepted and promoted the idea that Israeli forces murdered the child Al Dura on TV and in cold blood. The French reporter, Charles Enderlin, who spread the libel wasn't there and he trusted the reporting of a Palestinian cameraman. Hours of footage from the same scene showed it was essentially a soundstage, where Palestinians were play-acting injuries. Yet almost no Western reporters questioned the story, as the Arab media ran the footage non-stop for days.

Occuring only two days after Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount in 2000, the incident inflamed the Palestinians and the Arab world. Indeed, it would not be inaccurate to call the second intifada the "al-Dura intifada," as it almost certainly was the spark that kept the brand new riots going.And it was all a lie - it is impossible that the IDF could have shot the child from their position.

The other incidents that Landes examines from the early part of the millenium are 9/11, the Jenin "massacre" that wasn't, and the Muslim world's reactions to the Danish cartoons of Mohammed. Landes uses each of these incidents as springboards into examining the West's reactions, which often were, as he notes repeatedly, stupid. On page after page, Landes gives scores of examples of this stupidity: the reluctance by media to use the term "terrorism," the constant repetition that Islam is peace, the bending over backwards to find fault with Western and specifically Israeli actions and ascribing them the responsibility for Islamist violence.

It is easy to forget the early aughts of this century, but Lndes reminds us that just as today we will see Western progressives justify Hamas rockets by asking "what choice do they have?," the reaction to the tsunami of suicide bombing attacks in Israel during the bloody years of 2000-2004 prompted the exact same justifications by the same crowd.

(full article online)

Despite decades of inactivity, the Commission still exists.

Which, I suppose, one can say about the UN altogether.

In fact, it is one of only seven Commissions that report to the General Assembly - two of which have "Palestine" in their titles.

What would it take to become a member? I'd love to have a full time salary, with benefits and pension, for doing literally nothing for the next few decades.

I cannot figure out how many members it has now - the UN isn't very transparent about this - but by definition a commission must have more than one member, right? How hard can it be to join? What possible disqualifications do I have to copy and paste last year's report to this year's?

I have great plans for the UNCCP. I would create a Twitter account for it, and proudly report on that accomplishment. I would email to the PLO and Jordan asking how they are implementing Paragraph 7. I would ask Lebanon and Syria how they are resettling Palestinian "refugees."

I would do more in an hour than the UNCCP has done in 22 years.

If any existing members retire or die, I want to be at the top of the list. Who can I talk to?

(full article online)

The same month, the IDF said that the Lebanese terrorist group had established an intelligence-gathering outpost on the Israeli border disguised as an environmental protection facility.
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan demanded in July that the U.N. take action against Hezbollah over military posts the group had recently erected along the border.
The flag of a supposed Lebanese civil organization, “Green Without Borders,” flies over the posts, but the IDF has exposed this as a fictitious group founded by Hezbollah back in 2018.

In a letter to the Security Council and U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, Erdan warned that the “new reality on the Israel-Lebanon border points to a clear escalation that could ignite the entire region” and argued that the true objective of the posts is intelligence gathering.

“Under the guise of the so-called ‘Green without Borders’ environmental organization, Hezbollah is expanding its terror footprints on a daily basis, just mere meters from Israel’s northern border, and from within UNIFIL’s area of operations,” he said.

“The use of this organization as a front for Hezbollah’s malign activities has been recognized by the U.N. and described in several periodic reports of the secretary-general. As has been flagged by several U.N. reports and noted in relevant U.N. resolutions, this perverse tactic, of terror organizations hiding behind non-profits and NGOs, is a growing phenomenon that is not only employed by Hezbollah but by many other terror groups across the globe as well,” stated the letter.
“These are military outposts for all intents and purposes, established and maintained by Hezbollah terrorists and not innocent Lebanese environmentalists. This is part of the broader picture of Hezbollah’s growing presence in southern Lebanon and yet another example of its ongoing hostile activity in the area,” the letter continues.

“Israel continues to stress that the responsibility for Hezbollah’s expansion lies squarely on the shoulders of the Lebanese authorities, and expects the Lebanese government to take immediate action to curb Hezbollah’s advancements and military buildup,” wrote Erdan.

(full article online )

In 2022, United Nations officials and reports, many countries and their representatives, and the Palestinian Authority continued to perpetuate the lie alleging that Israel has applied a “blockade” on the “besieged Gaza Strip.”

While the lie was commonplace and even often embellished by claiming that “Gaza is the biggest prison in the world,” statistics released by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the so-called “occupied Palestinian territory” (OCHA) reveal the truth.

According to the OCHA statistics, in 2022 there were 424,417 exits via the Erez crossing from Gaza into Israel. 14,909 exits were for Gazan patients, who were accompanied by 10,930 people, entering Israel to receive medical treatment. There were also 573 entries into Israel to visit imprisoned terrorists.

[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]​
Alongside the entry of the Gazans into Israel, OCHA also reported that 74,096 truckloads of commodities entered Gaza from Israel via the Kerem Shalom crossing in 2022. According to the statistics, only 5% of the truckloads were carrying humanitarian products.


[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]​
In addition to the 74,096 truckloads of commodities, thousands of trucks entered Gaza from Israel carrying fuel:


[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Accessed Jan. 18, 2023]
While statistics released by the Israeli Defense Ministry showed that from 2017-2021 Israel - incredibly - allowed 11,499 new vehicles into Gaza, the number of new cars that entered Gaza from Israel in 2022 has not yet been released.

The OCHA website further revealed that in 2022, in addition to the 424,417 exits from Gaza into Israel, there were an additional 245,145 exits from Gaza, via the Rafah crossing, into Egypt.


[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]
In addition to the movement of people, 32,353 truckloads of commodities also entered Gaza from Egypt through the Rafah crossing. All the commodities that entered Gaza from Egypt were for commercial use. No humanitarian goods entered Gaza from Egypt.


[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]
Fuel also entered Gaza from Egypt via the Salah Ad-Din crossing.

[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]​
While Gaza is controlled by the internationally designated terror organization Hamas, which continues to hold in captivity the bodies of 2 Israeli soldiers - Lt. Hadar Goldin and Staff Sergeant Oron Shaul - and 2 mentally impaired Israeli citizens - Avera Mengistu and Hisham A-Sayed - in complete breach of humanitarian law, the OCHA statistics reveal that 100% of the humanitarian commodities and 100% of the industrial fuel enter Gaza via Israel.

Liberated from the illegal 1948-1967 Egyptian occupation, Israel administered the Gaza Strip until it entirely withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, uprooting Jewish settlements and over 8,000 Jews who had made Gaza their home. Since that withdrawal, Israel has no commitment to Gaza. In contrast, since the 2005 withdrawal, terrorists from Gaza have fired and launched tens of thousands of missiles and other incendiary devices at Israel, indiscriminately targeting Israel’s civilian population. In the month of August 2022 alone, terrorists from Gaza launched 1,233 missiles into Israel.

Since the UN's own statistics clearly debunk the false claim that Gaza is under "blockade" or "seige", and since these statistics are widely available, the question that begs is why, nonetheless, this lie persists.

In 2022, United Nations officials and reports, many countries and their representatives, and the Palestinian Authority continued to perpetuate the lie alleging that Israel has applied a “blockade” on the “besieged Gaza Strip.”

While the lie was commonplace and even often embellished by claiming that “Gaza is the biggest prison in the world,” statistics released by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the so-called “occupied Palestinian territory” (OCHA) reveal the truth.

According to the OCHA statistics, in 2022 there were 424,417 exits via the Erez crossing from Gaza into Israel. 14,909 exits were for Gazan patients, who were accompanied by 10,930 people, entering Israel to receive medical treatment. There were also 573 entries into Israel to visit imprisoned terrorists.

Alongside the entry of the Gazans into Israel, OCHA also reported that 74,096 truckloads of commodities entered Gaza from Israel via the Kerem Shalom crossing in 2022. According to the statistics, only 5% of the truckloads were carrying humanitarian products.

In addition to the 74,096 truckloads of commodities, thousands of trucks entered Gaza from Israel carrying fuel:

While statistics released by the Israeli Defense Ministry showed that from 2017-2021 Israel - incredibly - allowed 11,499 new vehicles into Gaza, the number of new cars that entered Gaza from Israel in 2022 has not yet been released.

The OCHA website further revealed that in 2022, in addition to the 424,417 exits from Gaza into Israel, there were an additional 245,145 exits from Gaza, via the Rafah crossing, into Egypt.

In addition to the movement of people, 32,353 truckloads of commodities also entered Gaza from Egypt through the Rafah crossing. All the commodities that entered Gaza from Egypt were for commercial use. No humanitarian goods entered Gaza from Egypt.

Fuel also entered Gaza from Egypt via the Salah Ad-Din crossing.

While Gaza is controlled by the internationally designated terror organization Hamas, which continues to hold in captivity the bodies of 2 Israeli soldiers - Lt. Hadar Goldin and Staff Sergeant Oron Shaul - and 2 mentally impaired Israeli citizens - Avera Mengistu and Hisham A-Sayed - in complete breach of humanitarian law, the OCHA statistics reveal that 100% of the humanitarian commodities and 100% of the industrial fuel enter Gaza via Israel.

Liberated from the illegal 1948-1967 Egyptian occupation, Israel administered the Gaza Strip until it entirely withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, uprooting Jewish settlements and over 8,000 Jews who had made Gaza their home. Since that withdrawal, Israel has no commitment to Gaza. In contrast, since the 2005 withdrawal, terrorists from Gaza have fired and launched tens of thousands of missiles and other incendiary devices at Israel, indiscriminately targeting Israel’s civilian population. In the month of August 2022 alone, terrorists from Gaza launched 1,233 missiles into Israel.

Since the UN's own statistics clearly debunk the false claim that Gaza is under "blockade" or "seige", and since these statistics are widely available, the question that begs is why, nonetheless, this lie persists.

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: The Blockade
⁜→ Sixties Fan, P F Tinmore, et al,

As a means of supporting "Sixies Fan" commentary, anyone who reads is (Posting #3090) that he made no attempt at all to conceal any relevant fact in the progression of our discussion.

As I have said before, Israel appears to be conducting the establishment of the blockade IAW the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea (Section II : Methods of Warfare • Paragraphs 93 thru 101).

In 2022, United Nations officials and reports, many countries and their representatives, and the Palestinian Authority continued to perpetuate the lie alleging that Israel has applied a “blockade” on the “besieged Gaza Strip.”

The anti-Israelis and pro-Arab Palestinians use this tone and innuendo because they know that most of their followers are not going to "Fact-Check."


Most Respectfully,
During the State Department briefing yesterday, Said Arikat badgered spokesperson Vedant Patel trying to get him to condemn Israel, and in part of his diatribe he said, "Now, who guarantees that equality? Who will guarantee that Palestinians and Israelis can actually have the same equal measures, as you keep repeating? It’s not the Palestinians that keep going day after day into Israeli villages and towns and so on and attack them during night raids..."

Actually, Palestinians attack Jews literally every day.They brag about it. They keep detailed statistics, is this poster of last week's attacks shows:

Today, Islamic Jihad issued a press release: "The Al-Quds Brigades - Jaba Groups announced, this morning, Friday 27-1-2023, that they were able to target the Homesh settlement with dense and successive salvoes of bullets."

What exactly does that look like?

On January 15, another division of the Al Quds Brigades published a similar statement saying they attacked the village of Hermesh. This time they included a video showing automatic machine gun fire aiming at random Jewish homes.

Do the residents of Hermesh deserve to live in peace, without worry that they would be subject to automatic gunfire randomly shot at their houses?

Does any human rights group ever say that?

Do any of the reporters at the State Department even know that this happens every day?

(vide video online)

During the State Department briefing yesterday, Said Arikat badgered spokesperson Vedant Patel trying to get him to condemn Israel, and in part of his diatribe he said, "Now, who guarantees that equality? Who will guarantee that Palestinians and Israelis can actually have the same equal measures, as you keep repeating? It’s not the Palestinians that keep going day after day into Israeli villages and towns and so on and attack them during night raids..."

Actually, Palestinians attack Jews literally every day.They brag about it. They keep detailed statistics, is this poster of last week's attacks shows:

Today, Islamic Jihad issued a press release: "The Al-Quds Brigades - Jaba Groups announced, this morning, Friday 27-1-2023, that they were able to target the Homesh settlement with dense and successive salvoes of bullets."

What exactly does that look like?

On January 15, another division of the Al Quds Brigades published a similar statement saying they attacked the village of Hermesh. This time they included a video showing automatic machine gun fire aiming at random Jewish homes.

Do the residents of Hermesh deserve to live in peace, without worry that they would be subject to automatic gunfire randomly shot at their houses?

Does any human rights group ever say that?

Do any of the reporters at the State Department even know that this happens every day?

(vide video online)

Illegal settlement.

Path to Peace​

These words about Israel are extremely important to interanlize. It explains the path to peace. Peace will not come by giving up our land, as Shlomo Carlebach pointed out and as we have seen . Look at what happened when Israel gave up all of Gaza. It is now a factory for terrorism. We need to have a strong Jewish state with Jewish values, and we need to pray to G-d to bring the ultimate peace – to bring the final redemption.

The Jewish people are happy to live peacefully with their Arab neighbors, as long as the Arabs do not want to destroy them. It’s that simple. Jews do not want to kick out all the Arabs from Israel, despite what the media wants you to think. The Jewish nation is a peaceful nation who just wants to live in its ancient, ancestral homeland. The Jewish people do not want war. But Israel WILL defend itself if it has to.

The world doesn’t realize that many Arabs prefer to live under an Israeli government with Israeli control. Because Israel is a democracy! Israelis treat humans with dignity. They love peace not war. They love life not death. Arabs are given rights as citizens of Israel. Go ask a Palestinian Arab what rights they have living under the Palestinian Authority.

At the end of the day, peace will not come by giving into the requests of terrorists and giving up land. So the world should stop demanding that of Israel.

And hopefully, this new Israeli government will bring about the true path to peace.

The Jordanian Foreign Ministryissued a statement that condemned the attack at the Jerusalem synagogue in the middle of a "both-sides" warning against escalation:

Amman, January 28 - Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs stressed the need to take urgent and effective steps to stop the dangerous and condemnable state of escalation, which has claimed the lives of Palestinian and Israeli civilians, and threatens to erupt into cycles of violence for which everyone will pay the price..

Today, the official spokesman for the ministry, Ambassador Sinan Majali, said that Jordan condemns the attack that targeted civilians in a synagogue in East Jerusalem, as well as all acts of violence targeting civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories..

He added that Jordan condemns violence against civilians in all its forms and stresses the need to respect the sanctity of places of worship.

Majali stressed the need for immediate action to prevent the escalating cycle of violence from worsening, to intensify efforts to restore calm, and to stop all unilateral and provocative measures that push for further escalation and tension..

Majali stressed the need to stop the dangerous deterioration that perpetuates despair and fuels extremism by joining efforts to restore confidence in the feasibility of the peace process by resuming serious and effective negotiations to achieve a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution so that everyone can enjoy security and peace.

When it was posted on Twitter, it was strongly condemned - and in fact, the tweet was "ratioed," a rare tweet where there were more comments against it than "Likes." Typical was this comment, "30 martyrs since the beginning of the year, we haven't heard anything from you, and when 10 pigs [Jews] died, it became necessary to calm things down..." Many pointed out that this may be the official government statement but most Jordanians support murdering Jews.

In Amman, Jordan, sweets were handed out in celebration of the attacks.

The Egyptian condemnation of the attack was stronger than Jordan's:

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday morning, January 28, 2023, the Arab Republic of Egypt expressed its total rejection and strong condemnation of the attack that took place in East Jerusalem on Friday, January 27, which resulted in the death of 7 people and a number of injuries, stressing its condemnation of all operations targeting civilians.

Egypt warned of the severe risks of the ongoing escalation between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, calling for the exercise of the utmost restraint, and an end to aggression and provocative measures in order to avoid falling into a vicious circle of violence that worsens the political and humanitarian situations and undermines de-escalation efforts and all chances of reviving the peace process.
Moreover, Egypt offered its sincere condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a speedy recovery for the injured.

This drew hundreds of angry reactions on Facebook and expressions of joy at the Jerusalem massacre.

Similarly, an Egyptian businessman with nearly 8 million followers, Naguib Sawiris, tweeted that both the Israelis in Jenin and the murderer in Jerusalem were terrorists. Thousands of Egyptians denounced his statement.

Interestingly, Saudi Arabia issued a "both-sides" statement that included a general condemnation of targeting civilians without saying anything about the Jerusalem attack. It did not get nearly the amount of angry responses as Egypt or Jordan did.

Incidentally, both Turkey and the UAE described the Jerusalem attack as "terrorist," angering Hamas.


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