All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

This is the Sheikh Ajleen wastewater treatment plant which serves approximately one third of all Gazans.

It treats 75,000 cubic meters per day and its solar array not only ensures that it will remain operative without relying on unreliable Gaza electricity but it also sends much of its generated electricity into the Gaza power grid to help everyone.

And it isn't the only one. The Gaza Central WWTP is currently treating 60,000 cubic meters of water a day with plans to expand to triple that number - and to provide 8500 MWh of electricity. The Bureij WWTP also currently treats 60,000 cubic meters of water a day and plans to double that number.

Remember how Gaza was supposed to be uninhabitable by 2020? People still talk as if it is. But there is drinkable water in Gaza thanks to these plants - which somehow got built despite the "Israeli siege" of Gaza.

I follow Gaza pretty closely, and do not recall any articles about these wastewater treatment plants except in passing. The reasons are obvious: if people know about them, then Gaza is not in "crisis" as everyone pretends, and the world's attention would go to real crises. There are a lot of people, both Palestinians and the entire NGO network, which do not want that to happen.

This video is instructive. It shows a young man who left Gaza and he explains why - no jobs, no future. But he says clearly in the beginning of the video that no one leaves Gaza because of a lack of food or water - there is plenty to go around.

This is the news that you are not reading in the New York Times or seeing on CNN.

Why do Gazans really leave Gaza?
A young man who left Gaza answers frankly.
English translation.
Many thanks to the wonderful @MoranT555 for her invaluable contribution to the translation.

Cool, now all they need is trade and tourism.
Palestinian researcher on official PA TV:

  • “Jews are arrogant by nature, don't accept the other”
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion teach Jews they are “masters” over mankind
Palestinian journalist on official PA TV:

  • The Zionists cooperated with Hitler to advance their state
  • The Holocaust was “truly fabricated”

At least 3 times this year, official PA TV has chosen to broadcast an interview with a “researcher” to spread the PA’s antisemitic ideology about the “racism” of Jews:

  • “The Jews are arrogant by nature”
  • “They don’t accept the other”
  • “They always stick to themselves”
  • Their [Jewish] thinking is based on racism”
  • "The Zionist thinking is based on them being ‘God’s chosen people"
  • Jews live according to ”outlook” that they will be “masters” over man
According to PA ideology and fundamental world view, it was because Europe suffered so much from the Jews that they decided to get rid of them and established the state of Israel. As the researcher explained:

  • “The Europeans hated them and wanted to get rid of them… so the idea started of establishing a Jewish state for the Jews.”
During an edited interview, PA TV broadcast this hate speech of Muhammad Al-Yahya, who stressed that these views are part of Judaism. As proof he cited the antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as if it were a true document by which Jews live and are guided to be “masters” over all mankind:

(full article online)

Stories like the Guardian's emphasize that Iraqi Jews were reluctant to leave. This is emphasized in this article from Philip Toynbee, from the London Observer Foreign News Service, published in US newspapers December 30, 1950:

The Jewish community of Iraq is the oldest in the world, its origin traceable to that small remnant of the Captivity which never returned to Israel. Two and a half millennia later, the greater part of this antique community---they have been here at least 1,100 years longer than their Arab masters—have decided to reverse the decision of their ancestors. ...
Those who leave with, comparatively speaking, the blessings of the Iraqi government, are stripped of their belongings, even down to a spare new suit of clothes, and allowed to take only 50 pounds with them for each adult emigrant. They are also, and not unnaturally, deprived of their Iraqi passports and nationality. The temptation to slip across the frontier isito Iran, where Jewish emigrants to Israel are treated with far more tolerance and generosity, is naturally a strong one. Yet another 75.000 Iraqi Jews have made official applications to leave, in spite of the hardships and uncertainties which this change must involve.

Even during the Palestine war of 1948 there was little in Iraq which we, by our bitter standards, would call persecution. Once, a prominent Jew, accused of sending material to Israel, was summarily hanged and his body dragged on a rope's end through the streets of Basra. Three hundred boys and young men were arrested without trial, and kept for 18 months in sufficiently brutal captivity. But physical violence has not been widespread. The tragedy of the present situation is that for so many centuries Jews and Arabs lived here in peace together, mutually respectful of each other's religion, mutually unconscious of any subtle racial effluvia. The Jews of Iraq are Arabic-speaking. and, to an outsider, quite indistinguishable in appearance from their Arab neighbours. Only religion distinguishes the two groups.

Yet today, though at least 50 per cent of the Baghdad retail trade is still in Jewish hands. life in Iraq has become so difficult and painful for the Jews that more than half of them have elected to face the known austerities of life in Israel.

It would be quite unjust to see in this development a wanton aggression on the part of the Arab majority. Since the prelude and aftermath of the Palestine war, Iraq's Jews have been regarded as a potential fifth column, a group whose prime loyalty must be to the new, hated state which has been established in Zion.

The tragic process is a spiral. Being so regarded, it is natural that the Jews of Iraq, however devoted they may have been to their ancient place of settlement, should come to see themselves primarily as Jews, not as Iraqis.

By now the wound has been cut too deep to be easily healed. Iraq's remaining Jews live in huddled and self-conscious communities, apprehensive that they and their children may be mocked or slighted in the streets, rapidly developing that spirit of suspicious introversion which has been long imposed on the Jews of Europe.

...Meanwhile, the Jews of Iraq are being quickly squeezed out of all official positions in the country. The board of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, which was one-third Jewish two years ago, is now without a single Jewish member. Jews have been summarily dismissed from government positions, and life in Iraq is becoming daily more difficult for all of them. No doubt they are right to choose hardships which will at least be suffered among their own people and without any accompanying indignity.

Again, I don't know Shlaim's "undeniable proof" so I cannot say with certainty that no Zionists were behind some of the 1950 bombs. It is certainly true that some resentful Iraqi Jews, who did not want to leave Iraq and were not Zionist, blamed Zionists for the bombings, without any proof. We know that a 1960 Mossad inquiry requested by David Ben Gurion - whose results remained secret until 1996 - found "that no entity in Israel gave an order to perpetrate such acts of sabotage."

What is clear that Iraqi Jews didn't leave Iraq because of these bombings. They left because there was no future for them in Iraq.

Some of them remained bitter at being forced out, and that seems to include Shalim's own wealthy family. This book must be read through the prism of resentment towards Israel that Avi Shlaim clearly harbors, because the facts do not support his thesis that Israel was responsible for the Iraqi Jewish exodus.

UPDATE: The excellent Adin Haykin has written extensively about this.

(full article online)


Once again, @AmnestyUK lies about Israel

Amnesty-UK has embarked on what I believe is at least its fourth campaign to get the UK to ban any Israeli goods from communities across the Green Line.

As far as I can tell, Israel is the only country in the world whose consumer products are targeted for boycotting by Amnesty branches.

The current campaign makes claims that are simply false:

Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria have either been built on empty areas that hadn't had any Arab residents or they were built where Jews lived before 1948 (Gush Etzion and parts of Jerusalem and Hebron.)

Israel haters love to paint a picture of Israel depopulating Palestinian communities in the West Bank and replacing them with Jewish communities - and it is simply a lie.

I tweeted Amnesty-UK asking for a list of these communities - certainly, someone must have made such a list like there are lists of communities that Arabs fled from in 1948. But no one has been able to provide the name of even one.

Because it is a lie. And the "human rights" community is not bothered by lies as long as they are lies that demonize Jews.

Iran’s recent gleeful boasting that it has successfully developed a new hypersonic missile that takes just “400 seconds to [strike] Tel Aviv” did not go unnoticed by the global media last week.

CNN, for example, opened its report by noting how unusual it is to see Hebrew written on adverts in the streets of Tehran, referencing the ominous billboards that appeared in the Iranian capital last week signaling Iran’s unconcealed desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Meanwhile, The Guardian — frequently criticized for its unalloyed attacks on the Jewish state — also led with the warning to Israel and detailed at length the unhinged threats made by Iran’s leaders.

However, when it came to Michael Jansen over at the Irish Times, it appears there was something exciting — tantalizing, even — about the prospect of Tel Aviv being razed to the ground by an Iranian missile.

In the piece in which the new weapon is cavalierly described as a “game-changer,” Jansen presents the very construction of the missile as borne out of some defensive need to safeguard against Israeli threats while the Iranian nuclear program is viewed through the lens of Israeli aggression towards Iran with no mention of the latter’s desire for nuclear weapons:

If the hypersonic missile is as effective as Iran claims, the weapon could boost Iran’s deterrence and give it a military advantage over international and regional foes. A substantial number of hypersonic missiles could mount devastating counter strikes if Iran is attacked and could be a game changer in the Middle East […]
Israel has repeatedly called for military action against Iran’s nuclear programme and has carried out strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities and assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists. Israel was blamed for a drone attack on an Iranian military factory in January of this year.”
There is also no mention at all of the frequent Iran-linked threats against Israel via the many Iranian proxies in the Middle East, including Hezbollah and Hamas.

Failing to Consider the Obvious​

Referring to Western anti-missile systems, including Israel’s Iron Dome and Arrow, Jansen writes, “Iran’s Fatah, apparently, seeks out and destroys these anti-missile systems which were in service before the emergence of hypersonic missiles.”

This invites the question of why the Iranians would need to take out purely defensive systems unless they needed to eliminate the one thing preventing their ballistic missiles from reaching their targets. But Jansen is so convinced that Iran needs a hypersonic missile for defense alone that she doesn’t consider the obvious.

If she had, she would have included the headline-grabbing billboards that appeared on Tehran’s streets last week and dominated coverage of the missile in other international media outlets. Instead, these are not mentioned once in the Irish Times piece, save for one reference in a photo caption.

Indeed, Michael Jansen’s implicit defense of Iran makes it seem as though the Irish Times doesn’t want its readers to know about the regime’s genocidal ambitions.

(full article online)

We have just begun the Muslim month of Dhul Hijjah, considered the holiest month of all, the month where Muslims go on Hajj to visit Mecca.

The first ten days of the month are considered especially auspicious, and one tradition is to ask for specific requests in prayers, known as dua.

Egyptian newspaper El Balad News helpfully prints a number of duas for each day of Dhul Hijjah, and the first one is interesting:

O Allah, we ask You for all good in this year, and do not deprive us of doing acts of worship, and help us to remember You, thank You, and worship You well, O Most Generous. O God, we ask that this year be a year of goodness and peace, and that the Holy Land be purified from the hateful Jews, for they do not fail you. O children of the Jews, we have a great God. Take revenge on them, O Subjugator, O God, O God, O God.
Not "Zionists" - Jews.

The newspaper includes the exact same text in its otherwise completely different set of duas for the second day of the month aa well. It will probably publish the prayer for all ten days this years, as it did last year.

Jordan's Khaberni published this dua last year.

Cairo24 published this same dua, but for the month of Rajab of last year, and repeated it this year.

I found the same text as a dua for the first day of Muharram in 2010.

Jordan's Albawaba lists a very similar dua for the second day of the Dhul Hijjah - and since Albawaba get syndicated with MSN network, we have Microsoft spreading prayers for Allah to kill Jews.

I am not certain who originated these antisemitic supplications, but this article appears to say that Egypt's Dar al Iftaa - governmental Islamic fatwa authority - approved them for another occasion last year.

I could be wrong about that, but if an Egyptian governmental organization has any hand in writing or approving a prayer demanding Allah destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews, it should be raised and addressed diplomatically.

Al Jazeera published this graphic to illustrate who has been a refugee for the past 75 years.

Notice that the Palestine stream is the only one (besides "Others") that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Every other individual refugee situation either disappears eventually or, in the case of Afghanistan, cycles to an extent.

The UNHCR annual report gives all the proof we need to show how UNRWA should be dismantled.

Of course, if we would apply the Refugee Convention definition of refugee to Palestinians, there wouldn't be 5.9 million. There wouldn't be 30,000.

And even if you include descendants of refugees, the number would still be roughly one million, since nearly 5 million are either full citizens of another country (Jordan - 2M), they live in British Mandate Palestine (West Bank/Gaza- 2.2M) or they have already moved to other countries (most from Lebanon ~300K and many from Syria ~200K.)

Instead of 17% of world refugees being Palestinian, it is between 0-3% by any sane definition.

When statistics are subjective with different rules for different people, they are meaningless. And when they are weighted to damn only the Jewish state, they are antisemitic.

Al Jazeera published this graphic to illustrate who has been a refugee for the past 75 years.

Notice that the Palestine stream is the only one (besides "Others") that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Every other individual refugee situation either disappears eventually or, in the case of Afghanistan, cycles to an extent.

The UNHCR annual report gives all the proof we need to show how UNRWA should be dismantled.

Of course, if we would apply the Refugee Convention definition of refugee to Palestinians, there wouldn't be 5.9 million. There wouldn't be 30,000.

And even if you include descendants of refugees, the number would still be roughly one million, since nearly 5 million are either full citizens of another country (Jordan - 2M), they live in British Mandate Palestine (West Bank/Gaza- 2.2M) or they have already moved to other countries (most from Lebanon ~300K and many from Syria ~200K.)

Instead of 17% of world refugees being Palestinian, it is between 0-3% by any sane definition.

When statistics are subjective with different rules for different people, they are meaningless. And when they are weighted to damn only the Jewish state, they are antisemitic.

The UNRWA is an aid agency only. It has no authority to settle refugees. That is the job of the UNCCP.

Title English:
United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine
Definition English:
The United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) or Palestine Conciliation Commission (PCC) was created by UN-resolution 194 of 11 December 1948, in order to mediate in the Arab–Israeli conflict. The Commission consisted of France, Turkey and the United States. Its official headquarters was set up in Jerusalem on 24 January 1949. The commission met from 12 to 25 February 1949 separately with Israeli and Arab governments, from 21 March in Beirut with Muhammad Nimr al-Hawari of the General Refugee Congress (GRC), the Palestinian Arab refugee delegation, and on 7 April in Tel Aviv with Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion. Then, it proposed the Lausanne Conference of 1949. After the failure of that conference, the Conciliation Commission continued for some more years, but did not achieve any significant success.

The horrors of Ramallah's and Gaza's "occupation" in TikTok videos

Here is a TikTok video, via the incomparable Imshin, unfortunately not translated, from an Egyptian tourist visiting Ramallah. He's mostly complaining about the high prices of everything from groceries to gasoline, claiming it is the most expensive Arab city in the world, even more than cities in the Gulf.

But the luxury he shows is commensurate with the expenses.

He features luxury mansions and apartments, the construction constantly going on, and the gorgeous Birzeit University (2:50) as well as the large amount of empty space and breathtaking scenes of the hills surrounding Ramallah.

This is luxury that Egyptians only see on TV. And it is all under "occupation."

(vide online)

This is a slight detour from Imshin's usual beat of showing "The Gaza You Don't See" such as this video posted also today of a luxury Gaza holiday chalet that can be rented .

Somehow, these parts of Ramallah and Gaza City have escaped the attention of the hundreds of western reporters on the scene. You never see these scenes from Reuters, CNN and the New York Times.

The UN Human Rights Council issued a document last week by its reliably anti-Isrsel team of "experts" demanding that Palestinian "refugees" have the right to "return" under international law.

Right of return of Palestinian refugees must be prioritised over political considerations: UN experts
2022 marked the largest ever increase in the number of forcibly displaced persons worldwide, with over 108 million people across the globe uprooted from their homes, more than half are women and girls....

This reality is all too familiar for the Palestinian people, 75 years since the Nakba - the event that shattered Palestinian lives and severed their ancestral connection to their land during the establishment of the State of Israel. Since then, they have endured forced displacement, dispossession, and disenfranchisement, with their rights to self-determination, restitution, and compensation repeatedly denied. For 75 years, their cry for justice, embodied in the demand for the right to return, has resounded with unwavering determination.

For Palestinians, forced displacement has become part of their life for generations, tracing back to 1947-1949 when over 750,000 Palestinians were forced to flee massacres and mass expulsions and forcible transfers during the birth of the State of Israel. The majority, along with their descendants, are still in neighbouring Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, while 40 per cent of them remain under occupation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 1967. Progressively, Palestinian exile has scattered them across various nations globally.

Since 1948, both the General Assembly and the Security Council have consistently called upon Israel to facilitate the return of Palestinian refugees and provide reparations. Despite these repeated appeals, Palestinian refugees have been systematically denied of their right to return and forced to live in exile under precarious and vulnerable conditions outside the borders of Palestine.

The thing is, even the UN admits that these Palestinian Arabs are not legally considered refugees.

The UNHCR's Refugee Survey Quarterly in 2010 has an article by Riccardo Bocco, a professor at the University of Geneva, looking at the history of UNRWA. It is hosted at the UNRWA website, today. ASnd it admits what we have been writing here for years: the UNRWA working definition of "Palestine refugee" has nothing to do with international law.

In looking at who is a Palestinian refugee, there is no definitive response. The definition and the number of Palestinian refugees can differ according to the approach (administrative, juridical, political) used to define Palestinian refugees and also according to the social context of interaction between Palestinians (registered refugees or not) and others and the actors defining them. UNRWA, particularly at the beginning of its mandate, lacked a fixed definition; this changed mainly due to a need to delimit the number of relief recipients. When the Agency began its activities, it inherited a legacy of inflated registration: the United Nations Economic Survey Mission recorded approximately 720,000 people, while the number of recipients on the ration rolls of the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees (UNRPR) surpassed 950,000. It is the 1952 definition that has become the accepted one and has remained virtually unchanged: “a Palestine refugee shall mean any person whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period June 1, 1946 to May 15, 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict”.

Some remarks should be noted.... [T]he descendants of original registered refugees inherited UNRWA’s administrative title independently of the fact that they may have obtained a nationality and/or left the Agency’s fields of operation.

It is important to emphasize that the UNRWA definition of a Palestine refugee is an administrative one and does not translate directly into recognition by international law. Furthermore, a tacit understanding seems to prevail:UNRWA’s continued existence (and the associated Palestine refugee status) is directly linked to the realization of a permanent resolution to the Palestine refugee issue.

Four crucial facts are listed here:

1. Over 30% of the original "refugee" population UNRWA registered were not refugees, and took that status illicitly. They have never been purged.

2. The UNRWA definition of "refugee" is administrative, not legal, and has nothing to do with the legal definition of refugee under international law and the Refugee Convention.

3. UNRWA "refugees" and their descendants are still considered "registered refugees" even if they move away from UNRWA areas, even if they obtain citizenship elsewhere - not only Jordan but also EU countries and the US. This is a truly absurd situation that is impossible for any real refugee; it is axiomatic that one cannot be a refugee while simultaneously being a citizen of a state. But millions of Palestinians are. So we have an absurd situation where American multi-millionaire supermodels (whose father's family voluntarily walked away from their home in Safed in 1948) are still considered "Palestine refugees."

4. UNRWA has a conflict of interest between staying in business and a sane definition of "refugee." . This is a major reason why it does not have any cessation clauses as UNHCR does. "Palestine refugees" are forever.

All of these facts are damning,. And they are on UNRWA's own website, today.

[ How much the world cares about children. A "summer camp" which does not exist anywhere else in the world where children are mentally abused until they go and die for the "cause". ]

Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

As they do every year, terror groups in the Gaza Strip are operating summer camps for the Palestinian enclave’s youth that includes military-style training in preparation to fight against Israel.
As part of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s activities, young Palestinians parade and train with fake rifles and are instructed on jihad against the “Zionist enemy.”

In previous years, children were taught to stab and stone Israeli police in order “to liberate Al-Aqsa,” while instructors lionized those who fall as “martyrs” against the enemy.

“These boys are trained in various ways to defend their rights in their territory and homeland,” PIJ official Darwish al-Gharabli told AFP. “Hundreds have participated in the camps of the al-Quds Brigades, the camps of glory and pride, ensuring that jihad and resistance will continue.”


Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Rockets are displayed as Palestinian youths parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Women watch as Palestinian youths parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Rockets are displayed at a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

The dumbest Republicans in the House are those who voted to impeach President Joe Biden, despite representing Biden districts. Their political fate already in jeopardy, they just threw away their reelection chances for a meaningless Boebert gesture.

Eighteen Republicans currently represent districts carried by Biden in 2020. They were either beneficiaries of low turnout in California and New York, or sitting incumbents who pulled off reelection thanks to midterm dynamics. In a sane world, they would be finding ways, the way Blue Dog Democrats do, to cast key votes against their leadership, thus building a narrative of “independence” they could sell to voters come election time.

Here are those 18 House Republicans that represent districts won by Biden, with the president’s margin of victory, courtesy of Daily Kos Elections:

(full article online)


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