All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

When the Mufti planned to build settlements on the West Bank

From The New York Times, September 17, 1951:

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Sept. 16— Haj Amin el Husseini, the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, and his Arab Higher Committee have started. a move to create a solid belt of Palestine Arab settlements around Israel and prevent-the moving of refugees away from Israel borders.

This change of front has come with the present evident collapse of the. former insistence by the Arab League, the Arab Higher Committee -and the Arab governments on the return of Palestine Arab refugees to their original homes under the terms of a 1948 United Nations resolution.,

The Arab Higher Committee was the last to demand that the refugees must return to the territory now under Israeli control. This demand not only has been abandoned. for practical, as opposed to political, purposes but the Arab Higher Committee and certain Arab statesmen now are opposed to. any return of Palestine Arabs to Israel territory. This change has been brought about by the fact that Israel will accept only a few Arabs into their old home, and that it is better to avoid the impression that the Palestine case has been settled. by agreement for a few to return.

...Strongly nationalist elements apparently are rallying around the Mufti and the Arab Higher Committee’s program for a belt of thickly settled Palestinians surrounding Israel.

...‘The shift in. the Mufti’s policy was apparently connected with the enthusiasm which Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria displayed for the preservation of the independent Kingdom of Jordan, and their strong opposition to its unification with Iraq. The Palestinian element is becoming increasingly predominant in Jordan in which it constitutes not only some two-thirds of the. population but is an educated and trained element that is pushing the original Jordanians, largely of Bedouin stock, into the background.

At the time, UNRWA was actually trying to solve the problem: it was pushing hard for Palestinian Arabs to be resettled in areas of Syria and Lebanon where they would be given plots of land and could become financially independent. And Israel had agreed to allow tens of thousands of Arabs to return but only in conjunction with the Arab world naturalizing the rest.

But the Mufti did not care about what was best for the Palestinian Arabs. He wanted to destroy Israel. If he couldn't flood Israel with hundreds of thousands of refugees, he intended to turn Jordan into a temporary Palestinian state whose only purpose would be to destroy Israel - and that included building settlements surrounding Israel where they could be used as a means to attack Israel from a short distance.

While his entire plan was not realized, during the 1950s and 1960s Israel suffered numerous terror attacks from Palestinian "fedayeen" who lived in nearby communities in Syria, Jordan and Gaza.

The Mufti's plan still lives, though. The PA, with the EU, are building their own settlements non-stop in Area C specifically to block Israel from controlling the land it is supposed to control in the Oslo Accords. Hundreds of illegal structures and ramshackle communities have been built, and Palestinians moved in from Areas A and B, daring Israel to tear them down in front of the cameras.

It is an updated version of the Mufti's plan for settlements being built in Judea and Samaria not to benefit Palestinian Arabs but to hurt Israel.

In mid-June, the British government introduced a bill that, if passed by Parliament, would ban local councils across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales from passing anti-Israel boycott resolutions. The bill has received support from the British government’s Jewish community but is being actively opposed by anti-Israel groups, who are pressuring their local Members of Parliament (MPs) to oppose the legislation.

Despite opposition, the legislation marks an important step in holding local councils accountable for anti-Israel campaigns and is a step that Canada should follow.

Watch, share, and like our latest video to help spread awareness and make it go viral!

More than 850,000 Jews from across the Middle East left Arab countries under threatening conditions or were expelled following Israel’s independence in 1948, leaving behind millennia of history as well as huge amounts of assets, which they gave up in exchange for safety.

To help us unpack why, and explain what needs to be done to raise awareness for this important issue, we speak to Sylvain Abitbol. Born in Morocco, he is a Montreal businessman who currently serves as Co-President for the organization Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, and previously served as co-president of the Canadian Jewish Congress from 2007 to 2009.

[ The Religion of Peace is at it again]

The roots of the ongoing riots in France are in areas where antisemitism, among other hatreds, are rampant, French-Israeli lawmaker Meyer Habibwarned on Saturday.

“This looks like an Intifada in the heart of France,” Habib said. “France is on fire, with 249 police officers injured. Nothing, not even the dramatic death of a young man justifies this chaos.”

According to Habib, “in these lost areas of the republic, for years there has been an undisturbed growth of hatred of France, white people and Jews.”

Habib contrasted the response to the killing of a 17-year-old by a police officer, which sparked the riots, to the murder of 65-year-old Jewish woman Sarah Halimi, who was murdered in her home in 2017 by a man who shouted “Allahu Akbar” while attacking her.

Sarah Halimi was beaten for 20 minutes in front of 20 police officers. Her murderer is practically free and no one rioted or burned anything,” said Habib, who holds a seat in parliament representing French expats living in the Eastern Mediterranean region, including Israel.

(full article online)

Rarely a day goes by that the name “Breaking the Silence” does not appear in the media in some capacity.

Indeed, a Google search for the controversial Israeli group brings up thousands of results and HonestReporting’s own data reveals the NGO was featured in the international media more than 2,300 times in 2022.

The organization, which was founded in 2004 by former IDF soldiers who are highly critical of Israel, claims to “expose the public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories” using testimonies that are purported to be “meticulously researched” while “all facts are cross-checked with additional eyewitnesses.”

However, as its critics have repeatedly alleged, the group appears to frequently rely on “either fabricated or exaggerated” testimonies from former soldiers — some of whom received a salary from Breaking the Silence — and are “motivated by financial and political concerns to further a pro-Palestinian agenda.”

Breaking the Silence’s latest big media blitz came in the form of a contribution to an “investigation” by CNN (subsequently covered by other media outlets) about the February 26, 2023 settler attack on the Palestinian village of Huwara, in which a number of properties and vehicles were set alight.

Featured prominently in CNN’s largely fact-free piece is the conjecture of an anonymous soldier — provided by BtS — who alleges that police did nothing to intervene during the rampage through Huwara and that the IDF is unsure of how to deal with what he terms “settler terrorism.”

As is par for the course with Breaking the Silence, there is no way of probing the veracity of the unidentified soldier’s account nor are there any corroborating testimonies from any of the multiple other soldiers who were on the scene.

(full article online )

Overnight on July 3, the IDF launched what it described as a contained and precise operation to foil terrorist activity in the Jenin area, which consisted of surprise attacks on terrorist infrastructure in a West Bank city that has been dubbed the Palestinian “terror capital.”

In total, the operation saw approximately 2,000 soldiers deployed, as well as drones which were used to carry out precision strikes designed to clear a path for forces on the ground.

At least eight Palestinians — seven of whom have been claimed by terror groups — were killed in the raid at this time of writing.

Predictably and depressingly, HonestReporting was forced to call out many international media outlets where their coverage of the Jenin raid fell short.

Operation vs. Attack​

The New York Times, BBC, Washington Post and CNN all failed to highlight the nature and scope of the Israeli operation in Jenin in their headlines, variously referring to it as a series of “strikes,” an “assault” and a “deadly raid,” while the fact that Jenin is a hotbed of terrorist activity was noted in just one headline by the Associated Press (describing Jenin as a “militant stronghold”).

Such headlines give readers the false impression that Israel has indiscriminately targeted Palestinians in Jenin, as opposed to launching a counterterrorism operation designed at destroying infrastructure and apprehending armed suspects.

The BBC fell short of its duty to report the full, unbiased facts when it aired footage of the Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh claiming Israel was trying to “erase [Jenin] refugee camp completely” and failed to challenge or contextualize the obviously false assertion.

Several outlets, including the Associated Press and the Daily Mail, sought to cast doubt on whether the operation was indeed for the purpose of destroying terrorist infrastructure, with the former suggesting the IDF may have struck a “crowded area” and the latter adding an air of ambiguity by using inverted commas around the word “counterterrorism” in its headline.

(full article online)

Palestinian Media Watch Director Itamar Marcus spoke about PA Antisemitism at several events last month. One was a panel discussion “From East to West: The Export of Antisemitism from Arabic Media,” hosted by PMW and CAMERA Arabic at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. Marcus also spoke at a live-streamed conference organised by Pulse of Israel called “Unmasking Jew-hatred within the Palestinian national movement.”

The following are excerpts of two articles summarizing Marcus’ talks and his and PMW’s findings on PA Antisemitism:

The Jewish News Syndicate:

How antisemitism in Arab media infiltrates the West
English language editors are often unaware of the hate their platforms publish in Arabic

By Rachel Avraham​

Palestinian schools, mosques, media outlets and social media have long been hotbeds of antisemitic discourse. The same has been true in much of the Arab and Muslim world.
In the West, many still believe that the Palestinian Authority is a partner for peace. However, the official Fatah Facebook page tells a different story.
According to Palestinian Media Watch, the page proclaims that “the Jews allied with Nazis to accumulate wealth,” “the Jews established ghettos in order to separate from other people out of arrogance and disgust of non-Jews” and “Jews were hated because of their racism and filthy behavior.” The list goes on.
Furthermore, P.A. chairman Mahmoud Abbas once proclaimed: “The Jews who migrated to Eastern and Western Europe were subjected to massacres by some state every 10 to 15 years from the 11th century until the Holocaust. Ok, but why did this happen? The hatred of the Jews is not due to their religion, but rather due to their social role that was connected to usury and banks and so forth.”

P.A. ideology
PMW director Itamar Marcus said on June 13 that one of the fundamentals of Palestinian antisemitism is the assertion that the Jews are not only hated by Palestinians but by “all of humanity, and for good reason. They refer to ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ as an accurate, authentic document.”
Marcus was speaking at a panel discussion titled “From East to West: The Export of Antisemitism from Arabic Media,” hosted by PMW and CAMERA Arabic at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem.
According to Marcus, the P.A. leaders and media outlets claim that the Europeans supported the establishment of the State of Israel “because the Jews are so terrible” and they did not want them in their borders.
“This is central to Palestinian Authority ideology. They believe that Jews brought antisemitism onto themselves,” he explained.
Furthermore, he noted that the P.A. media outlets claim that Jews around the world today continue to play the same negative role that “caused Europe to vomit them out. Thus, Israel exists because Europe vomited us out because of our negative political, economic and social role, and we deserved to be kicked out, so they sent us here. That’s why Israel exists. That is why Israel has no right to exist, because we are a colonial invention. These are the messages coming from the Palestinian Authority,” he said.
Marcus noted that Abbas’s adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, the P.A.’s top Islamic legal authority, Mahmoud al-Habbas, claimed: “Jews are humanoids. They are creatures that Allah created in the form of humans. They are cursed descendants of apes and pigs.”
Marcus asked, “Could you imagine what would be the reaction if the chief rabbi of Israel had gone on TV and told Israelis that the Palestinians are not human? All of the media all over the world would have gone crazy. But here you got Abbas’s adviser on Islam telling his people on official P.A. TV that Jews are not humans but humanoids.”
When Jews are dehumanized in this manner, it is very easy to call upon the Palestinian people to wage jihad against the “thieving Jews,” he said.
According to Marcus, this leads to the justification of killing civilians. He referred to a Palestinian terrorist attack in April, in which Lucy Dee and her daughters Rina and Maia were murdered: “A month after they were killed, the terrorists were tracked down and killed by Israel. Then, the P.A.’s Prime Minister [Mohammad Shtayyeh] wrote on his Facebook page, ‘Glory and eternity to our righteous martyrs.’ So, the people who did these murders are heroic jihad fighters,” he said.
[The Jewish News Syndicate, 18 June, 2023 ]​
The South African Jewish Report on PMW lecture “Unmasking Jew-hatred within the Palestinian national movement”, a conference of Pulse of Israel:

Palestinian antisemitism is systemic
and should be exposed

By Steven Gruzd
“The image that Palestinians portray in the English media is very different from the messages they send to their own people in Arabic,” Itamar Marcus said. “Incidents of Palestinian antisemitism aren’t isolated examples; they are systematically disseminated by the Palestinian Authority (PA).” Jewish leaders have been criticised for not bringing enough attention to this reality, and Western governments have been castigated for continued support for the Palestinians in spite of their Jew-hating racism.
Marcus is the founder of Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli non-governmental organisation that monitors incitement and extremism – usually in Arabic – in Palestinian media and schoolbooks. He was speaking at “Unmasking Jew-hatred within the Palestinian national movement”, a live-streamed conference organised by Pulse of Israel on 25 June.
Marcus showed several examples, including from PA President Mahmoud Abbas, of Palestinian political antisemitism that propagates the myth that Jews are evil, threaten humanity, and have brought hatred on themselves by their actions and character. The PA also posits that Israel is an illegal, alien, settler-colonial implant in “Palestine” with no right to exist, created by Europeans who wanted to solve their own “Jewish problem”. Abbas has claimed that Zionists fabricated the Holocaust, and were in cahoots with the Nazis.
Marcus also gave examples of Palestinian religious antisemitism. Leading Palestinian Muslim clerics have declared on television that Jews are apes and pigs, cursed, and subhuman. Those who murder Jews are celebrated as heroes, martyrs, and role models.
[The South African Jewish Report, June 29, 2023]

[ Why is this news? Fatah, PA, PLO, Hamas, when have they not been on the side of destroying Israel? ]

As Israel attacks in the Palestinian city of Jenin to root out the central command of the terror cells that have launched dozens of terror attacks murdering over 50 Israelis in the last year, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah has announced that they have joined the terrorists to counter the Israeli offensive.

Fatah announced on one of its Telegram channels today:

“The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s military wing) – Jenin:
With Allah’s help and might, our fighters are waging serious armed confrontations with the Zionist occupation forces in the surroundings of the Jenin [refugee] camp, and they are aiming large barrages of gunfire at them.”
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, July 3, 2023]
In a second post today, Fatah declared that the conflict is a religious war for Allah, by applying a quote from the Quran to today’s battle:

“The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (i.e., Fatah’s military wing) – Jenin
‘Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory’ [Quran 22:39, Sahih International translation].
Almighty Allah’s words are true. The battle has begun, and its end will be victory or Martyrdom.
Allahu Akbar (i.e., “Allah is greatest”), and victory for the resistance – the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine the occupied land”
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, July 3, 2023]
Mahmoud Abbas’ spokesman condemned Israel’s fighting the terror cells as a “war crime”:

“The Palestinian Presidency said today that the Israeli army assault on the northern West Bank city of Jenin is another war crime and that it will not bring security and stability to the region… He stressed that the Palestinian people will not surrender or raise the white flag, but ‘will remain steadfast on their land in the face of this brutal aggression until the occupation is defeated and freedom is achieved.’… He called on the international community ‘to break its shameful silence and take serious action to compel Israel to stop its aggression against our Palestinian people, and to hold it accountable for all these crimes.’”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, English edition, July 3, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch has reported in recent months that Fatah has been bragging that it has joined the terror war against Israel.




These are pictures of 3 of the 10 terrorists who died during Israel's anti-terror raid in Jenin yesterday. Significantly, each of the 3 children belongs to one of the 3 dominant Palestinian terror organizations: Fatah’s terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

Majdi Ar’arawi, age 16, is wearing the headband of Islamic Jihad (upper left).

Ali Al-Ghoul, age 17, is wearing the headband of Hamas (upper right).

Nur Marshud, age 17, Fatah’s Commission of Information and Culture announced he is one of Fatah’s members. (bottom)

17-year-old Ali Al-Ghoul was killed participating in “an ambush of the occupation soldiers while they were trying to enter the Jenin camp.” [Telegram of Hamas in the West Bank, July 4, 2023] The details of the others’ actions leading to their deaths have not yet been released.

Palestinian Media Watch has been alerting governments and parliaments in recent years, and especially in recent months, about the PA’s successful indoctrination of children to aspire Martyrdom death for Allah instead of life.

These are the 3 latest victims of the Palestinian Authority’s child abuse.


Amnesty and HRW won't say a word about this Jenin war crime

Times of Israel reported on Monday:

The Israel Defense Forces says troops located hidden underground storage sites with weapons and explosives inside a mosque in the West Bank city of Jenin.

After lengthy gun battles with armed Palestinians who were holed up inside the mosque, Israeli forces managed to break in, the IDF says.

The IDF says that on the ground floor, troops found two underground storage sites containing explosives, weapons, and other military equipment.
Using a mosque as a military site is a war crime.
Article 53 of the 1977 Additional Protocol I says:

Without prejudice to the provisions of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 14 May 1954, and of other relevant international instruments, it is prohibited:

(b) to use such objects [historic monuments, works of art or places of worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of peoples] in support of the military effort

Additional Protocol II has identical language.
It was Hamas and Islamic Jihad that turned a mosque into a military target by firing from it and storing weapons within.

The fact that most Muslims are not upset at Palestinian terror groups for treating their mosques that way indicates that hate for Israel is more important to most Muslims than the sanctity of the mosque.

I don't see any fatwas on the topic, but my guess is that the Islamists pretend that this is a case of "defensive jihad" - defending Islam as a whole from destruction - which gives them wide latitude to even violate normative Islamic principles of war. It appears to be the justification for suicide bombings, and female suicide bombers, for example. Under that mindset, using mosques for war transforms from something reprehensible into an obligation.

[ Right ! Why are any of them still called refugees, living in "refugee" camps, and some who move out and become citizens of other countries, Still are considering themselves refugees? Wait......don't tell me........... ]

Why is there a "refugee camp" in Jenin to begin with, anyway?

Today's raid by the IDF on terror targets in Jenin is revealing a huge terrorist infrastructure, with large arms caches and command and control centers, in the heart of the Jenin "refugee camp."

Why is there a "refugee camp" in Jenin?

The city has been under Palestinian Authority control for nearly three decades. The residents live in "Palestine, so they aren't refugees or even the grandchildren of refugees. They live in the land they claim as their own, under Palestinian rule. There is no definition of "refugee in the world that would call these people refugees.

Yet they live, rent free, in a cramped "refugee camp" and the world pays for their housing, as well as their schooling and their medical care - all services way beyond what real refugees receive.

One can see from a satellite image the clear outlines of the Jenin camp. The structures are much smaller than in the surrounding town and the roads, such as they are, are narrow.

In 2002, after the IDF went into Jenin and destroyed the terrorist infrastructure in fierce fighting with heavy casualties on both sides, the Israeli housing minister offered to rebuild the camp elsewhere where residents could have larger houses and wider roads - to live like normal people in their land.

The idea was vehemently rejected.

One of the self-appointed leaders of the camp said that the Israeli offer to rebuild everything better was really a plot "to erase the camps from existence, because these camps as a political reality constitute living testaments to the Nakba of the Palestinian people." (source, page 128)

That's exactly it. The camps are considered an important symbol of "resistance," not a place where human beings actually live. When UNRWA wanted to rebuild the camps and widen the roads, the same self-appointed leaders again opposed the plan, because wider roads meant the IDF could more easily enter. UNRWA and the committee remained at an impasse for months before the actual camp residents got their own committee together and said they wanted the UNRWA plan. The residents committee head said:
If we left it to debate we would have needed another five years. We agreed with the UNRWA plan. The families I meet now are happier and they are happy with the roads. If the Israeli army uses the road once (a day), we use it 100 times a day.
This is the way things have been since 1948. Ordinary Palestinians are stuck with leaders who actively want to use them as "symbols" of misery - by keeping them miserable.

These leaders choose to keep hundreds of thousands of people in "camps" - places that are ideal for terrorists to flourish, where the leaders can cry to the TV cameras about how Israel is bombing these densely populated areas and where they really, really hope that civilians die.

Real leaders would have demolished these camps decades ago and told UNRWA that their services are no longer needed because Palestinians are a proud people who take care of their own. Leaders whose main goal is the end of Israel would grasp any opportunity to make Israel look bad - and therefore they keep so many residents miserable in camps where terrorists build huge caches of explosives near children's bedrooms.

While Israel fiercely combats terrorist organizations like those in Jenin, it goes the extra mile by investing tremendous efforts in the wellbeing of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Unlike the terrorists who inflict harm on Israelis and even their own people, Israel’s commitment extends to improving the lives of all, aiming for peace and prosperity in the region.

Check out how Israel never stops doing what it can to help the Palestinians while fighting terrorists who are hell-bent on destruction.



These are pictures of 3 of the 10 terrorists who died during Israel's anti-terror raid in Jenin yesterday. Significantly, each of the 3 children belongs to one of the 3 dominant Palestinian terror organizations: Fatah’s terror wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

Majdi Ar’arawi, age 16, is wearing the headband of Islamic Jihad (upper left).

Ali Al-Ghoul, age 17, is wearing the headband of Hamas (upper right).

Nur Marshud, age 17, Fatah’s Commission of Information and Culture announced he is one of Fatah’s members. (bottom)

17-year-old Ali Al-Ghoul was killed participating in “an ambush of the occupation soldiers while they were trying to enter the Jenin camp.” [Telegram of Hamas in the West Bank, July 4, 2023] The details of the others’ actions leading to their deaths have not yet been released.

Palestinian Media Watch has been alerting governments and parliaments in recent years, and especially in recent months, about the PA’s successful indoctrination of children to aspire Martyrdom death for Allah instead of life.

These are the 3 latest victims of the Palestinian Authority’s child abuse.

17-year-old Ali Al-Ghoul was killed participating in “an ambush of the occupation soldiers while they were trying to enter the Jenin camp.”
He was killed fighting off a military invasion?

That's good to know.
[ Stop calling Jenin and any other place a Camp. They are cities, people live in them, work and go to school. Refugee Camps are tents. And no, they are not refugees.]

The Israeli military’s operation in the northern West Bank city of Jenin was set to continue Tuesday following a mostly uneventful night that saw Palestinian gunmen choosing not to fight Israeli forces, potentially signaling an approaching end to the campaign, now in its second day.

Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said the military had some ten sites in the city’s restive refugee camp that it aimed to search in the coming hours.

He said the IDF had intelligence information that the sites were being used to manufacture explosives and other weapons.

Israel launched the major operation early Monday to crack down on what it says is a hotbed of terror in the city. A number of attacks on Israelis in recent years have been carried out by Palestinians from the area, and observers say the Palestinian Authority has little control on the ground.

Over 1,000 IDF troops were involved in the campaign, which appeared to be the largest in the West Bank in some 20 years.

(full article online)


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