All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Palestinian Authority on Monday rejected Israel’s demands for helping prevent the collapse of the PA.

PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh vowed to continue the legal-diplomatic effort against Israel in the international arena and rejected the demand to stop payments made by the PA to the families of Palestinians killed or imprisoned while carrying out attacks against Israelis.

The Security Cabinet decided on Sunday that Israel will take steps to prevent the collapse of the PA, while advancing the demand that the Palestinians cease their activities against Israel in the international legal-diplomatic arena, end incitement, and stop payments to families of terrorists and illegal construction in Area C.

(full article online)

None of those BBC reports provides any clue as to why those noticeably mostly young male “protesters” were located specifically outside that hospital.

Later on the evening of July 4th, after the BBC cameras had apparently moved on, shooting took place outside a hospital in Jenin as reported by the Jerusalem Post:

“But Tuesday night, the IDF was drawn into an extended gunbattle surrounding Jenin’s hospital.

In many past rounds of fighting in the West Bank and Gaza, terrorists have systematically used hospitals to obtain a place of refuge during fighting with the IDF, sometimes even firing rockets from hospitals in Gaza.

Around 8:00 p.m., significant IDF forces were seen suddenly pulling up to the hospital on social media, with the expectation that they had arrived to try to arrest dozens of injured terrorists.

As they were arriving, social media showed they were already greeted with a significant exchange of fire.”

A Gaza Strip based social media account noted that not all the terrorists located in the Jenin government hospital were there because of injuries:



The topic of terrorists hiding in hospitals – and therefore using staff and patients as human shields – clearly did not interest the BBC’s international editor (or any of its other journalists on the ground) as he presented his report from outside the government hospital’s front door.

As the BBC’s record of reporting from hospitals in the Gaza Strip that are similarly used by terrorists shows, that should not come as much of a surprise to members of its funding public in the UK relying on information provided by the BBC in order to understand this story.

(full article online)

Why do we have a Federal Reserve. We don't need it. We are paying all of that interest for nothing.
This question is not the subject of this forum.

But what is it when you suggest the question,
to frame an ethnic minority with conspiracy?
Amazingly, in this entire essay, Palestinians simply never kill anyone. They just engage in "armed and unarmed forms of resistance." Murdering Jews with axes and bombs are simply a form of protest, and a quite understandable one.
Like Jenin, the Gaza Strip also has a history of resistance against Israeli occupation.
Shooting tens of thousands of rockets towards Israeli civilian targets, killing many, is again merely "resistance against Israeli occupation." To Baconi, and the New York Times editors who approved this essay, there is no distinction between the two sides of the Green Line - all of Israel is "occupied."

Beneath this evolving context is a singular constant: Israel’s ability to sustain its settlement of Palestinian territory without accountability, while equating Palestinian resistance to terrorism. That this framing has long been accepted among the major Western powers is particularly galling for Palestinians in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where resistance to illegal occupation is hailed as heroic and supported by Western weapons and military training.
Here the sheer immorality of Baconi and the New York Times comes into sharper focus. Not only do they dehumanize all Israelis as mere "settlers," which is sickening enough - they show no differentiation between attacking an army and targeting civilians. That principle of distinction is the entire basis of the Fourth Geneva Convention, but to apologists for murder like Baconi, Palestinians butchering rabbis while praying are equivalent to Ukrainians defending themselves from Russian soldiers and mercenaries.
Residents of the Jenin camp, some of whom had fled from their homes in what is now Israel in 1948, are refugees once again. And some of the toddlers who were in the camp in 2002 are now the young men of the Palestinian resistance. As the history of other struggles against apartheid and colonial violence have taught us, today’s children will no doubt take up arms to resist such domination in the future, until these structures of control are dismantled.
This essay is the intellectual equivalent to handing out sweets after a terror attack.
Baconi is not only justifying but actively cheering terrorism against Jews. He portrays the most despicable and disgusting murderers as heroic "resistance" - and he is doing it under the pretense of caring about human rights.

Any real human rights activist should be horrified at this paean to murdering civilians. But instead of condemning the twisted, immoral essay of Baconi, the "human rights" community is tweeting it.

(full article online)

[ Stop child abuse to those born in Gaza and the PA]

Most of the coverage of the IDF drone strike on June 21 says that one of the victims, from Islamic Jihad, was 17-year old Ashraf Murad Saadi. Islamic Jihad's own press release for the attack said that their heroic martyr Saadi was 17, and most of the world's media accepted that as his real age.
But Saadi wasn't 17. He was 15.

Electronic Intifada mentioned his real age. And so did an article in Al Ayyam a week after his death, where it was clear that his mother knew that Saadi was a member of a terror organization.

She said, "When Ashraf went out of the house in the evening hours, I felt a lump in my heart, and I watched him until he passed out of my sight, and I said to myself that I would not see him again."

But, of course, she is proud of him. She doesn't say a word about trying to seriously stop him or forbid him from getting mixed up with militants, the way a normal, caring parent would.

Both that article, and a newer obituary in the Al Quds Brigades website, say that his birthday was April 14, 2008. That means that Saadi turned 15 only two months before.

If you ever had any doubt that Islamic Jihad recruits children barely out of puberty, this is proof positive.

But it turns darker than that.

Saadi was killed in a car along with two much older terrorists. They were 27 and 28.

Why would any older terrorists want to plan activities with a 15 year old? Why would they be hanging out together at nighttime?

Being a child soldier might not be the only child abuse that Ashraf Murad Saadi was subjected to.

Comparing 1921 Zionists with 1994 Palestinians

On Sunday, I saw a tweeter quoting a 2019 Hanan Ashrawi tweet:

This is a ridiculous theory, so I responded:

Somehow, between 1921 and 1948, under full British control, Zionists managed to build a prosperous economy and effective governance.

Palestinians have had since 1994 with more autonomy than Jews had. And yet they blame Israel for their failures.

As usual when I strike a nerve, I got a lot of angry responses , nearly all of which are the usual mindless anti-Israel drivel. But a few people made one reasonable point.

So I answered that point and elaborated on my initial tweet.

The only reasonable response to this has been that the Zionists had large amounts of capital from the Jewish diaspora.

This is true - and it proves my point. Jews didn't depend on anyone else to build their nation. They funded it themselves, they drained the swamps themselves, they built their government themselves, they built cities from scratch themselves, they built an economy themselves. They had no foreign aid, no NGOs giving advice, and the British didn't allow them to do a great deal.

Now let's look at Palestinians since 1994.

They've received tens of billions of dollars - from the EU, from the Arab world, from the US. They have more NGOs advising them than anyone else on Earth does. They have an automatic UN majority for political support. They got the world to recognize their "state" before it exists.

And yet they haven't built squat. Three decades later they are dysfunctional, corrupt, divided, and immature. All those billions were wasted instead of invested. Instead of working to build, they are spending all their political capital to fight Israel in international fora.

The most honest Palestinian government comes from the Hamas terrorists. At least they don't pretend - they want Palestine to be a stage towards a pan-Islamic ummah. The PA tells the world it wants peace but it admires and financially supports terrorism.

Neither Hamas nor the PA have shown the slightest interest in building a real independent nation - only the trappings of one. Neither have shown any interest in making the lives of their people better. Their goals are the same: blame everything on Israel and work to destroy it.

Everyone knows all of this. But it is a convenient fiction for the West to pretend that the PA actually cares about its people and actually wants an independent state. The PA focus on "return" shows that its goals lie elsewhere.

So, no, Israel isn't the reason the Palestinians have a dysfunctional and corrupt statelet.

The Jews built Israel despite the difficulties, the Palestinians avoid building a state despite the financial and political support of nearly the entire world.

Adults take responsibility for their actions. Palestinians do not. Instead they blame all their problems on others.

Any objective observer can see that they are the ones who have architected their own problems by making poor decisions for decades and never abandoning Arafat's "stages" program to destroy Israel.

If the Palestinians were serious about peace and building a nation, they'd have no better partner than Israel.

But leaders that responded to a peace plan in 2001 with a terror spree that they remain proud of today are not leaders.

They are antisemites.

On Monday, Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, presented her latestanti-Israel report to the UN Human Rights Council.

In the entire report, not one word was mentioned about Palestinian terror attacks. Not one word about incitement or glorification of terror in Palestinian media and schools. In fact, in a two year period when more Israeli civilians are being murdered than at any time since 2008, their deaths are utterly absent from Albanese's report.

There is not even a pretense of impartiality - no paragraph buried inside the report sayin, oh by the way, armed militias are popping up in Jenin and Nablus and Hebron, or a pro-forma declaration that Israel has the right to defend itself. Nothing,

Jews are simply not human to the UN Human Rights Council.

So naturally, Hamas has heartily endorsed this report.

Hamas issued a press release:
We hail the speech of Francesca Albanese, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories at the UN Human Rights Council.

In her speech, Albanese shed light on the Israeli crimes and violations against the Palestinian people that have turned the occupied Palestinian territories into an open-air prison where all forms of discrimination and apartheid are exercised against the Palestinian people.

Yes, an internationally recognized terror group fully supports the work of the UN Human Rights Council and its Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese. And why not? She has nothing negative to say about Hamas, or Islamic Jihad, or the Lion's Den. On the contrary, she says they have the "right" to "resist." All of her criticism is towards the only state in the region that actually prioritizes human rights.

The phrase "human rights" has become self-parody.

On Monday, Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, presented her latestanti-Israel report to the UN Human Rights Council.

In the entire report, not one word was mentioned about Palestinian terror attacks. Not one word about incitement or glorification of terror in Palestinian media and schools. In fact, in a two year period when more Israeli civilians are being murdered than at any time since 2008, their deaths are utterly absent from Albanese's report.

There is not even a pretense of impartiality - no paragraph buried inside the report sayin, oh by the way, armed militias are popping up in Jenin and Nablus and Hebron, or a pro-forma declaration that Israel has the right to defend itself. Nothing,

Jews are simply not human to the UN Human Rights Council.

So naturally, Hamas has heartily endorsed this report.

Hamas issued a press release:

Yes, an internationally recognized terror group fully supports the work of the UN Human Rights Council and its Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese. And why not? She has nothing negative to say about Hamas, or Islamic Jihad, or the Lion's Den. On the contrary, she says they have the "right" to "resist." All of her criticism is towards the only state in the region that actually prioritizes human rights.

The phrase "human rights" has become self-parody.

The Palestinian Authority has been trying to walk a tightrope between publicly supporting terror to its people and quietly doing a small part to retake police control over the parts of the West Bank that have become fully subjugated to terror groups.

The local terror groups complained loudly after Israel's Jenin operation last week that the PA had reportedly intercepted terrorists en route to the camp to fight Israeli forces.

Abbas was humiliated when one of his senior Fatah officials, Mahmoud Aloul, was expelled from Jenin while attending a funeral for some of the terrorists killed during the operation.

Today, the PA arrested a member of Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades, a 17 year old who was transporting bombs in his car in Nablus.

The "Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Youth for Revenge and Liberation" group called on the PA to release their member, stating, "We direct our words to the security personnel and whoever may be concerned, that what was seized is an honorable weapon, and it is on its way to our soldiers in the camp."

And they warned the PA, "Do not deviate from the proper direction, and do not be a helping hand for those who want to kill us and want to arrest us. Do not be like our enemies, we are one people, do not sow the fuse of sedition."

The statement concluded, "We still speak the language of dialogue, and we do not want to start to use methods that we do not want to reach."

Sources said that the PA police seized five homemade explosives, along with wires, a battery and switch for detonation inside the vehicle driven by a child.

Protesters against the arrest closed Al-Quds Street, adjacent to Balata refugee camp, with burning rubber tires.

At this point it is unclear how much of the PA's arrest spree is due to pressure from Israel, or pressure from the US and Arab countries, and how much is just because it does not want to lose what power it has left in the face of the proliferation of terror groups in the West Bank.

PCHR reported on July 3 that Israeli forces shot Ali Hani Al-Ghoul in the chest, killing him. It admitted that he was a member of an armed group and said he was 20 years old.

Later, the Israel/Palestine Timeline site said that al-Ghoul was shot in the head, and that he was 17 years old.

His mother was interviewed:

His mother brought back some of her memories with her little Ali, which she will never forget; She says, "About two years ago, Ali used to come home at night, with his clothes dusty and his eyes red, and he was suffering from severe pain, which was caused by the explosive materials he was using."

"Ali was one of the resistance fighters who made explosive devices in the Jenin camp from primitive materials, but their impact was great and effective by damaging many Israeli military vehicles," according to his mother, who expressed her pride in what her son did and what his friends say about his actions that are beyond his age.

That means that Ali al-Ghoul had been building bombs since he was 15 years old.

Now, the Jenin Brigades division of Islamic Jihad have issued a video celebrating Al-Ghoul's "martyrdom" - showing him building IEDs together with other children.

It doesn't show anyone else's faces, but you can see that the hands that are stuffing explosive powder into IEDs are not those of full grown adults.

Jenin's bomb-makers are children.

Ali's mother continues: “Before Ali left the house, he carried a sack full of explosive devices on his shoulder, and later he planted them in the streets and alleys of Jenin camp with the help of his friends, who confirmed that Ali participated with them in a confrontation with the occupation from zero distance."

Palestinian terror groups recruit children to build bombs.

They encourage kids to turn their homes into bomb depots.

They instruct children to plant these bombs in the roads of Jenin where they can kill not only the children but anyone who happens to come by.

And they freely and proudly admit this.

This is not just child abuse: this is systemic and widespread child abuse that is a source of pride to Palestinians.

Now listen to the silence from UNICEF, the UN Human Rights Council, Defense for Children-International, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

The very Islamic terrorists who stole from the Pallys are made their heroes.

It’s the upside down world of 7th century throwbacks.

[Islamist Supremacy at its best ]

Roy2a is a Qatar-based website whose audience is mostly Egyptian, Algerian and Saudi.

It says its goal is "to raise the level of Arabic content to a level befitting the Arab user, in order to become an accurate reference for the Arab user to refer to all the fields he needs with accurate information."

It's values statement says it is "committed to ethical and societal values in all of its articles in order to respect all religions, sects and cultures, as it places great emphasis on the need for mutual respect for all different points of view and adherence to information professionalism in order to contribute significantly to the achievement of an informed and educated Arab society.

On Wednesday, it published a selection of suggested supplications for Muslim worshipers to add to theyir prayers.

They are not exactly respectful of Jews.

[Palestinians] pray to God to protect their homeland and their beloved holy relic from the evils and immorality of the Jews:

Oh God, make the Mujahideen among our brothers steadfast in Jerusalem. Oh God, direct their shooting. Oh God, make their feet firm and tie their hearts and strike terror into the hearts of their enemies. Oh God, make Jerusalem a cemetery for the Jews. Oh God, shake the earth from under their feet.
O our Lord, open for us the path of jihad and martyrdom....

...Oh God, grant victory to Al-Aqsa Mosque anddestroy the criminal usurping Jews. Oh God, protect Al-Aqsa Mosque and return it to the Muslims, and prepare for it your loyal soldiers, ...Oh God, the sons of Zion, disperse their gathering and separate them, and cut off their offspring, and take them, take the Mighty, O God. O God, enable us to secure their necks and shoulders, O God, make them and what they possess spoils in the hands of the mujahideen in your way...

...Oh God, eliminate all your enemies and the enemies of your religion, separate from the people of Palestine the plot of the Jews, remove them from Palestine and prepare it for its people, and do not make the Jews have authority over it or any of your servants. Send down upon the Jews your might, shake all their feet and deflate their knowledge. O Allah Amen.

You know how Palestinians love to warn the West that Israel is trying to make this into a religious war? Not exactly. This has been a Muslim religious war - a jihad - for over a century.

In 1921, Herbert Samuel, the British high commissioner of Mandatory Palestine, appointed Haj Amin al-Husseini grand mufti of Jerusalem. It would prove to be a mistake. Husseini would spend his career fomenting violence against the Jews of Palestine and promulgating a reading of the Koran that was genocidally antisemitic.

Husseini became the undisputed leader of the Palestinian national movement and his main ally would be Nazi Germany. The after-effects of that alliance continue to this day.

Husseini spent the 1920s forming a militant network based on Islamism and Arab nationalism. Along the way, he became an admirer of Hitler. After Husseini launched the 1936 Arab revolt in Palestine, the British had enough and stripped him of his position. He then fled to Lebanon and later Iraq. In Baghdad, he started a pro-Axis revolt and a pogrom against the Jews.

In January 1941, Husseini wrote his first letter to Hitler. Husseini claimed that British imperialism was “pitting” Arab countries “against the Jews of the entire world.” He proposed an alliance that would defeat the Zionists and end their support for Great Britain. Together, he said, the Arabs and Germans would solve “the question of Palestine.”

Later that year, Husseini travelled to Berlin and met with Hitler, seeking German help in exterminating the Jews of the Arab world. Hitler agreed and, on that basis, they formed an alliance.

Husseini then became the leading purveyor of Nazi propaganda to the Arab world. As historian Jeffrey Herf documented in his book Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, this included millions of leaflets and thousands of hours of radio broadcasts. The central theme of these efforts is captured in Husseini’s repeated exhortations to “kill the Jews wherever you find them.”

At the same time, Husseini aggressively silenced moderate Arabs, often by having them assassinated. (His successor, Yasser Arafat, would adopt the same practice.) In this way, he ensured that there could be no compromise with the Zionists.

• • •

The Nazis also financed, armed and collaborated with the violently antisemitic Muslim Brotherhood, which continued to admire the Nazis after World War II. In 1946, the Brotherhood’s founder Hassan al-Banna lauded Husseini as a “hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone, but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle.”

Husseini did just that, his reputation burnished by his Nazi collaboration. According to historian Bernard Lewis, pro-German sentiment was so strong in the Arab world “that even after the final defeat of the Third Reich it did not fade away and—what is perhaps more significant—it was not concealed. On the contrary, a pro-Nazi past was a source of pride, not shame.”

That pride was still alive in 2015, when the grand mufti of Jerusalem laid a wreath at Husseini’s grave. In 2019, Mahmoud al-Habbash, a former Hamas official who was appointed by Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas as an advisor on religious affairs, marked the anniversary of Husseini’s death by praising him as a “great Palestinian national leader” and a “role model.”

Now, nearly half a century after his death, the PA preserves Husseini’s memory for the next generation at the “Amin Al-Husseini Elementary School” in El Bireh.

In their seminal book Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East, Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz noted, “While the Nazi ideology collapsed in 1945 and virtually vanished from German and European life, the radical Arab nationalist and Islamist ideologies flourished thereafter.”

This was the legacy of the Nazi-Arab alliance. Thus, wrote Rubin and Schwanitz, “the profoundly doctrinal hatred for Jews and the belief in the necessity of destroying them remained the core reason for the Arab-Israeli conflict’s enduring and irresolvable nature.”

As Rubin and Schwanitz documented, Husseini ensured that Axis-style ideology would continue within the Palestinian movement by making Yasser Arafat his successor in 1968: “The movement would be directed by these two sequential leaders and their similar philosophy and methods for an astounding 83 years, from al-Husseini’s becoming grand mufti in 1921 to Arafat’s death in 2004.”

• • •

Under Arafat, the Nazis served as an inspiration for Palestinian terrorists. As Rubin wrote in a study of the PLO, more than 25 activists “chose a nom de guerre such as Hitler or Abu Hitler.” These included Fawzi Salim Ali Mahdi, who served in Force-17, a terrorist group “under Arafat’s direct command.” Ian Michael Davison, another notable Force-17 member, was a British neo-Nazi. In 1985, he helped murder three Israelis while attacking a yacht in Cyprus. The PLO group al-Fatah trained German neo-Nazi groups in Lebanon.

Having moved to Palestine after the Oslo Accords, Arafat took control of the content of Friday sermons at the al-Aqsa mosque, making them a tool of incitement. As Efraim Karsh wrote, the sermons became particularly extreme after the beginning of the second intifada in 2000. For example, in one such sermon the preacher instructed his listeners, “Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them.” The echoes of Husseini’s wartime exhortations were unmistakable.

Rubin and Schwanitz stated, “Organizational links to the Axis-era past continue to the present day. The West Bank is ruled by the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, created by Arafat, al-Husseini’s heir and a former Muslim Brotherhood activist.”

Gaza is ruled by Hamas, an uncompromising and deeply antisemitic branch of the Muslim Brotherhood “whose worldview is indistinguishable from that of al-Husseini and the Brotherhood in the 1930s and 1940s.” Thus, the radical forces encouraged and funded by the Nazis continue to dominate Palestinian politics.

Even Abbas, a supposed non-violent moderate, has adopted Nazi-inspired propaganda. For example, in his doctoral dissertation, he repeated the Nazi claim that a Jewish “declaration of war” on Germany caused the Holocaust. In a 1983 book based on his dissertation, Abbas claimed that Zionists colluded with the Nazis to promote immigration to Palestine. In 2018, Abbas suggested that Jews brought the Holocaust upon themselves with their “social function,” including “usury and banking and such.” Last year in Berlin, he accused Israel of inflicting “50 Holocausts” on the Palestinians. Thus, much to the embarrassment of his host, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Abbas engaged in the kind of Holocaust inversion popular on the German far-right.

It wasn’t always this way. As Lewis wrote, “European antisemitism, in both its theological and racist versions, was essentially alien to Islamic traditions, culture and modes of thought. But to an astonishing degree the ideas, the literature, even the crudest inventions of the Nazis and their predecessors have, so to speak, been internalized and Islamized.”

The legacy of this Nazi-style ideology is what Jeffrey Herf called a “tradition of absolute and uncompromising rejection of Zionism and, later, the State of Israel.” Therefore, Herf wrote, “One precondition for a peaceful end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in an Arab and Palestinian rejection of the reactionary Islamist political theology that Husseini did so much to create. A frank and well-grounded coming to terms with the history of his collaboration with Nazi Germany should be part of that reckoning.”

Whoever replaces Mahmoud Abbas might want to think about that.


ARAB CRIME WAVE VIDEO: The moment a man was shot dead at the entrance to the city
The incident took place at a gas station at the entrance to the city.

The footage shows the shooter getting out of a vehicle, approaching the road and shooting at the victim's vehicle at close range as it drives by.

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