All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Their constitution says the source of legislation is Sharia,
what more do you need to know about Arab imperialism?
What else does their constitution say?

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, color, religion, or sex.

Freedom of religion.
[ They are Muslims who found themselves stuck in the struggle of Islam to destroy Israel. All of them should have been made citizens of the countries they live in, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, etc. They are Muslims. Islam should treat their people better, rather then use them and abuse them for their learned hatred of Jews ]

From Naharnet on Sunday:

Clashes renewed Sunday in the Ain al-Helweh Palestinian refugee camp near Sidon between the secular Fatah Movement and hardline Islamist groups.

TV networks said the fighting resumed after a senior Fatah commander was killed in an ambush.

An Islamist had been killed and six people including children had been injured in overnight clashes in the camp.

Key Sidon highways were closed to traffic on Sunday as stray bullets and shells landed in various areas of the major southern Lebanese city.

Clashes between rival groups are common in Ain al-Helweh, which is home to more than 54,000 registered Palestinian refugees who have been joined in recent years by thousands of Palestinians fleeing the conflict in Syria.

By long-standing convention, the Lebanese Army does not enter Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, leaving the factions themselves to handle security.

That has created lawless areas in many camps, and Ain al-Helweh has gained notoriety as a refuge for extremists and fugitives.

The Palestinian Authority and its sycophants claim that they would take care of law and order, but Israel's raids of Palestinian areas makes the PA security forces look weak and they lose respect of the populace, which is what cause many armed militias to arrive on the scene to fill the vacuum. If only Israel would leave Area A alone, the claim goes, the Palestinian Authority would be able to enforce law and order.

Ain el-Hilweh is a social experiment that proves this thesis false.

Lebanese troops do not enter. All security is provided by Palestinians. This is the situation that Palestinians want to see in PA-controlled areas - no outsiders, and security provided exclusively by Palestinians.

The result? They cannot govern themselves effectively. They cannot live in peace with each other. They regularly endanger their own people. Two UNRWA schools were damaged and children have been injured in the fighting;UNRWA is suspending all services and operations so the people will suffer even more.

This is how Palestinians treat each other without any outside interference.

And they cannot use the excuse of being in dire straits - which they are - because that should make a people want to work together even more, not use deadly force on each other.

If you want to see what a Palestinian state would look like, look at Ain el-Hilweh.

Mahmoud Abbas:

  • The US and Britain are colonialist states
  • The PA is planning legal action against the United States and Britain
  • The Jews had “no right” to a state
  • The fate of the “hated Israeli occupation of our homeland" is to “pass.”


The Palestinian Authority often translates Mahmoud Abbas’ important speeches into English and publishes them on the website of its official news agency WAFA. Abbas' speech this week in Cairo was also translated but one striking theme was left out: All the anti-American and anti-British hate speech.

The parts of Abbas' speech at the meeting of the secretaries-general of various Palestinian factions, that were not publicized in English, demonized the US and Britain as “colonialist” states that illegally created Israel. He condemned the Balfour Declaration, which recognized the right of the Jewish people to establish a state in their homeland, as a “conspiracy” to “promise to one [the Jews] who has no right”:

Abbas: “Western colonialism – and the US and Britian in particular – conspired to issue the ominous Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration) in 1917, in which one who has no ownership gave a promise to one who has no right.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 31, 2023]​
Abbas further criticized that “the colonialist states” - especially the US - persist in their misconduct by continuing to sponsor Israel who Abbas compared to apartheid South Africa:

“We are also especially focusing on creating changes in public opinion in the colonialist states that have sponsored Israel and are still sponsoring it to this very day, and especially in the US(in this context, we have South Africa as a model) [parentheses in source].”
Abbas’ climax on this issue is that because of all these crimes, the PA is planning legal action against the United States and Britain:

“We also will submit lawsuits against the US and Britain for their responsibility for the Balfour Promise and its implementation through the British Mandate for Palestine.”
Finally, since Palestinians - according to Abbas - have existed “on its historical homeland… on this land for thousands of years,” and Israel's history is “false Zionist and Israeli claims and narratives,” Israel is therefore an illegal occupation that is destined to “pass”:

“We will certainly triumph, we will defeat the occupation (i.e., Israel)… for every occupation passes in the end, and this will be the fate of the hated Israeli occupation of our homeland."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 31, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch has exposed numerous anti-American statements and statements against Western countries by Abbas and other PA leaders and officials, and documented that PA loyalties lie with other states like Russia and China.

The following are the two reports on Abbas’ speech at the meeting of secretaries-general of the Palestinian factions held in Egypt on July 30, 2023.

The first is the translation in Arabic in the official PA Daily, for Palestinian consumption, followed by the translation in English of the official PA news agency WAFA, for foreign consumption:

(full article online)

What else does their constitution say?

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, color, religion, or sex.

Freedom of religion.

What freedom of religion when Sharia is the sole source of legislation?

Israel is the only country where the Christian community grows,
and it diminishes everywhere under Arab rule.
[ One of the many Muslim/Christian Arabs who have come to believe the education given to them by the PA and all the anti Israel education in Gaza, Areas A and B, in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, you name it.

No different than the revised history of other people and places in the world, where the invader becomes the indigenous and the indigenous is the invading enemy if they ever dare to take back any part of their homelands.
So, are they renouncing their ancestors homelands in order to call Israel their land? ]

A young American woman posts online about her summer vacation in Israel.

She visits Jerusalem, Haifa and Acre. She goes on a pleasant cruise along the Mediterranean Sea.

Nothing about this would be particularly noteworthy except that the tourist in question is Nerdeen Kiswani, one of the most radical anti-Israel activists in the United States today.

Why is Nerdeen Kiswani in Israel?​

As someone who once condemned a “normalizing trip” to Israel, what is Nerdeen Kiswani doing gallivanting around the Jewish state?

Kiswani is one of over 2,000 Palestinian-Americans who have taken advantage of a recent loosening of border restrictions by Israel as it bids to qualify for a US visa waiver program.

Under the new regulations, Palestinians with American passports can apply to enter sovereign Israel through Ben Gurion Airport and West Bank crossing points.

Kiswani, who was previously denied entry due to her anti-Israel activities, told reporters that she “decided to use the opportunity” to visit her family.

However, this has not stopped her from continuing to demonize the Jewish state.

In the Instagram posts detailing her travels, Kiswani tags Israeli cities like Haifa, Acre (or, per Kiswani, Akka), and Jerusalem as being in “Palestine.”

While she basks in the Mediterranean sun, Kiswani explains to her followers that she is visiting “historic Palestine” and that it’s important to visit these places in order to know “what we are fighting for.”

After the hypocrisy of a radical boycott activist visiting the Jewish state was highlighted on social media, Kiswani sought to have her cake and eat it too by claiming that “it is not normalization or crossing a boycott line for Palestinians to visit every single inch of our homeland.”

Despite her attempt to besmirch the Jewish state, Kiswani actually did it a favor. By showcasing her ability to visit the sights and sounds of Israel in peace, she has provided a more nuanced picture of the state to those who otherwise would not be exposed to it.
In 2022, HonestReporting profiled vocal anti-Zionist Linda Sarsour’s quiet trip to Haifa while she visited with family in the West Bank.

We can only wonder which “avowed” anti-Israel activist will enjoy a visit to Haifa, Jerusalem or Jaffa next year, all while gaslighting their followers into believing that it is in line with their boycott of the Jewish state.

(full article online )

This week marks the anniversary of the August 9, 2001 Palestinian suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizza restaurant in central Jerusalem. Sixteen people, including eight children, were killed in one of the deadliest attacks of the Second Intifada. Another 130 were injured.

As of 2021, Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority had rewarded the perpetrators and their families with almost $1.2 million, as part of Ramallah’s “Pay-for-Slay” policy that critics argue incentivizes terrorism against Israelis.

Ahlam Tamimi, who chose Sbarro as a target and drove the bomber there, is currently living in Jordan, after being released from an Israeli jail in a prisoner swap deal with Hamas. Tamimi never expressed any regret. On the contrary, she has continued to boast about how many innocents she helped murder.

When anti-Israel protesters in Brooklyn chant, “From New York to Gaza, globalize the Intifada,” they are encouraging actions that mimic Tamimi’s.

To learn more about the Second Intifada, check out the following resources:

In all the coverage of Israel's operation to root out terrorists from the Jenin refugee camp, did anyone ask the question: Why is there a refugee camp in an area controlled by the Palestinians?

During those years, Jordan could have created an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank but had gone to war to expand its territory. The Palestinians, falsely portrayed as having always dreamed of statehood, never demanded independence. The international community, including the United States, did not propose a two-state solution, partitioning Jordan to create Palestine, which might have spared the world the subsequent decades of debating the Palestinians' fate and making Israel the scapegoat for their statelessness.

The Oslo Accords gave the responsibility for Jenin to the Palestinian Authority, which might have been expected to ameliorate the suffering of the residents by dismantling the camp and moving the "refugees" into permanent housing. Neither Yasser Arafat, head of the PLO, nor Mahmoud Abbas, current head of the Palestinian Authority, had any interest in helping them. It was not for lack of money, as the international community showered billions of dollars on the PA over the years, much of which has been lost to corruption. Even today, instead of allocating funds to eliminate the camp, Abbas pays hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorists in Israeli jails and the families of suicide bombers.

The PA, not Israel, keeps more than 12,000 people in the Jenin camp and nearly 1.4 million in 25 others under its control. Why? Because it allows them to be portrayed as victims of Israeli "occupation" as part of the broader propaganda campaign to demonize Israel. Confining them in wretched conditions also serves the interests of the PA and Hamas in maintaining breeding grounds for terrorists.

Recent events have demonstrated the effectiveness of this strategy. Terrorists from the Jenin camp were responsible for more than 50 terror attacks, prompting Israel's counterterror operation. Though it was conducted with textbook efficiency, Israel unsurprisingly attracted international condemnation, and journalists found no shortage of Palestinians with tales of woe to obscure the justification for the actions of the Israel Defense Forces.

(full article online)

When a group of Israeli vigilantes attacked a number of Palestinian towns in mid-June, torching homes and cars in an unprovoked attack, outrage was expressed across Israeli society.

The Israeli military unequivocally condemned the attacks, labeling them as “serious incidents of violence and destruction of property.” Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu strongly reprimanded the attackers, reminding them that “The State of Israel is a state of law. The citizens of Israel are all obligated to respect the law,” and said that Israelis were forbidden from attempting to “grab land illegally.”

The country’s senior military leaders, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, released a joint statement where they described the attack as “nationalist terrorism,” and pledged to fight it, including widening arrests.

Israel’s response was not just limited to rhetoric; the country’s security services also arrested a number of Israelis in relation to the attacks.

Similarly, in early August, Israeli Police arrested two Israelis and detained five others, after a Palestinian man was killed in “West Bank” in a violent altercation that is under disputed circumstances.

And while Israel as a whole cannot be judged based on the violent actions of a small minority of extremists, Israel can be judged based on its response, which was swift, unequivocal and clear-headed.

Tragically, the same cannot be said for when Palestinian terrorism, which is a far deadlier menace, takes the lives of innocent Israeli civilians.

On June 20, four Israelis were gunned down in an unprovoked attack, when a Palestinian terrorist shot at Israelis at a roadside gas station and restaurant outside the town of Eli. Two of the victimswere under the age of 20.

Following the attack, Hamas claimed responsibility, saying that it was mourning “the martyr Muhammad Shehadeh,” and saying that it was a “clear message” to Israel.

Hamas is more than just a terrorist organization; it is also the de facto government in the Gaza Strip, overseeing the lives of two million Palestinians.

While Hamas may be a fundamentalist Islamist group, compared to the Palestinian Authority (PA), which oversees much of Judea & Samaria (referred to as the “West Bank” by the news media), the PA has not made a serious attempt to stamp out Palestinian terrorism in its midst, evidenced by Israel’s needs to conduct raids in July in Jenin to root out the city’s terror infrastructure.

Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, frequently tells global audiences that his government condemns Palestinian terrorism, but his actions speak far louder than his words.

Israeli soldiers have had to regularly enter Palestinian villages under the control of the PA in attempts to arrest terrorism suspects, while Palestinian terrorism has not just arisen in a vacuum; much of it is actively encouraged by the Palestinian leadership. As per Palestinian Authority policy, the families of terrorists receive a monthly stipend from the Palestinian government. The family of Khairy Alkam, the Palestinian man who murdered seven Israelis outside a Jerusalem synagogue in early 2023, would be entitled to an initial payment of more than $2,000 (CAD), part of a larger remuneration which has been labeled “pay for slay.”

The Palestinian Authority leadership, which actively incites its population against Israel, whether in school textbooks or state-approved media outlets, has effectively brainwashed generation after generation to see Israel not as a partner for peace, even grudgingly, but as a foreign imposition onto the Middle East, and a tumour to be excised.

Palestinian leaders frequently praise dead Palestinian terrorists, sending an unmistakeable message to their people that violence against Israel is not only tolerated, but in fact encouraged.

Such incitement is not limited to low-level Palestinian leaders. Mahmoud Abbas has not hesitated to call on Palestinians to commit violence when he sees it as politically expedient.

In early 2022, following an Israeli operation which killed three Palestinian terrorists, Mahmoud Abbas spoke at a memorial event for the three decedents, where he said that Palestinians “won’t continue to wait patiently any longer,” and called on Palestinians to “dish out to them (Israel) twice as much as we’ve received,” constituting an explicit invitation for Palestinians to attack Israelis. Recently, Abbas laid a wreath for Palestinian terrorists and combatants killed by Israeli forces in Jenin and while the media may describe Abbas with the moniker of “moderate,” in reality, he’s an extremist supporter of terrorism.

These factors – the Palestinian leadership’s failure to rein in terrorism, its active incitement of violence against Israel, and its ‘pay for slay’ regimen – together represent a clear agenda of hatred and willful promotion of terrorism against Israel.

When extremist Israelis commit violence against Palestinians, they are rightfully condemned across the strata of Israeli society, and held to account. But Palestinian terrorism against Israel is not only tolerated, it is actively encouraged. This fundamental difference in how Israel and the Palestinian leadership address violence tells a great deal about the prospects for future peace in the region, and unless the news media can recognize this fundamental difference, it is failing to adequately cover an extremely important element in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

When a group of Israeli vigilantes attacked a number of Palestinian towns in mid-June, torching homes and cars in an unprovoked attack, outrage was expressed across Israeli society.

The Israeli military unequivocally condemned the attacks, labeling them as “serious incidents of violence and destruction of property.” Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu strongly reprimanded the attackers, reminding them that “The State of Israel is a state of law. The citizens of Israel are all obligated to respect the law,” and said that Israelis were forbidden from attempting to “grab land illegally.”

The country’s senior military leaders, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, released a joint statement where they described the attack as “nationalist terrorism,” and pledged to fight it, including widening arrests.

Israel’s response was not just limited to rhetoric; the country’s security services also arrested a number of Israelis in relation to the attacks.

Similarly, in early August, Israeli Police arrested two Israelis and detained five others, after a Palestinian man was killed in “West Bank” in a violent altercation that is under disputed circumstances.

And while Israel as a whole cannot be judged based on the violent actions of a small minority of extremists, Israel can be judged based on its response, which was swift, unequivocal and clear-headed.

Tragically, the same cannot be said for when Palestinian terrorism, which is a far deadlier menace, takes the lives of innocent Israeli civilians.

On June 20, four Israelis were gunned down in an unprovoked attack, when a Palestinian terrorist shot at Israelis at a roadside gas station and restaurant outside the town of Eli. Two of the victimswere under the age of 20.

Following the attack, Hamas claimed responsibility, saying that it was mourning “the martyr Muhammad Shehadeh,” and saying that it was a “clear message” to Israel.

Hamas is more than just a terrorist organization; it is also the de facto government in the Gaza Strip, overseeing the lives of two million Palestinians.

While Hamas may be a fundamentalist Islamist group, compared to the Palestinian Authority (PA), which oversees much of Judea & Samaria (referred to as the “West Bank” by the news media), the PA has not made a serious attempt to stamp out Palestinian terrorism in its midst, evidenced by Israel’s needs to conduct raids in July in Jenin to root out the city’s terror infrastructure.

Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, frequently tells global audiences that his government condemns Palestinian terrorism, but his actions speak far louder than his words.

Israeli soldiers have had to regularly enter Palestinian villages under the control of the PA in attempts to arrest terrorism suspects, while Palestinian terrorism has not just arisen in a vacuum; much of it is actively encouraged by the Palestinian leadership. As per Palestinian Authority policy, the families of terrorists receive a monthly stipend from the Palestinian government. The family of Khairy Alkam, the Palestinian man who murdered seven Israelis outside a Jerusalem synagogue in early 2023, would be entitled to an initial payment of more than $2,000 (CAD), part of a larger remuneration which has been labeled “pay for slay.”

The Palestinian Authority leadership, which actively incites its population against Israel, whether in school textbooks or state-approved media outlets, has effectively brainwashed generation after generation to see Israel not as a partner for peace, even grudgingly, but as a foreign imposition onto the Middle East, and a tumour to be excised.

Palestinian leaders frequently praise dead Palestinian terrorists, sending an unmistakeable message to their people that violence against Israel is not only tolerated, but in fact encouraged.

Such incitement is not limited to low-level Palestinian leaders. Mahmoud Abbas has not hesitated to call on Palestinians to commit violence when he sees it as politically expedient.

In early 2022, following an Israeli operation which killed three Palestinian terrorists, Mahmoud Abbas spoke at a memorial event for the three decedents, where he said that Palestinians “won’t continue to wait patiently any longer,” and called on Palestinians to “dish out to them (Israel) twice as much as we’ve received,” constituting an explicit invitation for Palestinians to attack Israelis. Recently, Abbas laid a wreath for Palestinian terrorists and combatants killed by Israeli forces in Jenin and while the media may describe Abbas with the moniker of “moderate,” in reality, he’s an extremist supporter of terrorism.

These factors – the Palestinian leadership’s failure to rein in terrorism, its active incitement of violence against Israel, and its ‘pay for slay’ regimen – together represent a clear agenda of hatred and willful promotion of terrorism against Israel.

When extremist Israelis commit violence against Palestinians, they are rightfully condemned across the strata of Israeli society, and held to account. But Palestinian terrorism against Israel is not only tolerated, it is actively encouraged. This fundamental difference in how Israel and the Palestinian leadership address violence tells a great deal about the prospects for future peace in the region, and unless the news media can recognize this fundamental difference, it is failing to adequately cover an extremely important element in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel is the source of aggression.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Unfounded Perception
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and the associated anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Factions that are promoting and furthering the Armed conflict, are a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting parcels of information that lead to the advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination or violence. They use perceptions based on corrupted logic, that solely promote their viewpoint; but, not reality. They are not interested in the truth or the pathway that would arrive at any peace arrangement.

Proof #619.png

In Palestine the Palestinians are the natives. In Lebanon they are foreigners.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and the associated anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Factions that are promoting and furthering the Armed conflict, find themselves entangled in a condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They pretend to be superior to the Israelis by virtue of a picture they paint of themselves which does not in any actual way, shape, or form, resemble their actual image as seen in a mirror. Their mantra is: "Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine." Empathy for others of their own tribal kind is not a component of their personality. They will sacrifice their own, then parade the remains in a public dance to arouse an anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian fervor. They will blame the Israelis for the blood sacrifice by intentionally placing the innocent in harm's way.

There is just no reasoning with them. It is very true, the HoAP, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian Faction need a greater measure of protection amid the rise in violence. But, the protection they need is the inverse of what they require. The HoAP, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian Factions need protection from themselves. They intentionally harm themselves to arose sympathy for their cause. Yes, there is a partial truth to the claim that the Arab Palestinians have been natives of the territory for more than a thousand years (
in one form or another). But during that time, the Arab Palestinians never exercised territorial sovereignty. That is the unspoken truth. The HoAP, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian Factions portray themselves as victims → and in a sense, they are → victims of their own incompetence. Like children, they need protection from themselves.


Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2
SUBTOPIC: Unfounded Perception
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and the associated anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Factions that are promoting and furthering the Armed conflict, are a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting parcels of information that lead to the advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination or violence. They use perceptions based on corrupted logic, that solely promote their viewpoint; but, not reality. They are not interested in the truth or the pathway that would arrive at any peace arrangement.

View attachment 813542


The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and the associated anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Factions that are promoting and furthering the Armed conflict, find themselves entangled in a condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They pretend to be superior to the Israelis by virtue of a picture they paint of themselves which does not in any actual way, shape, or form, resemble their actual image as seen in a mirror. Their mantra is: "Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine." Empathy for others of their own tribal kind is not a component of their personality. They will sacrifice their own, then parade the remains in a public dance to arouse an anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian fervor. They will blame the Israelis for the blood sacrifice by intentionally placing the innocent in harm's way.

There is just no reasoning with them. It is very true, the HoAP, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian Faction need a greater measure of protection amid the rise in violence. But, the protection they need is the inverse of what they require. The HoAP, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian Factions need protection from themselves. They intentionally harm themselves to arose sympathy for their cause. Yes, there is a partial truth to the claim that the Arab Palestinians have been natives of the territory for more than a thousand years (in one form or another). But during that time, the Arab Palestinians never exercised territorial sovereignty. That is the unspoken truth. The HoAP, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian Factions portray themselves as victims → and in a sense, they are → victims of their own incompetence. Like children, they need protection from themselves.


Most Respectfully,
Have you ever considered writing fiction novels?

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