All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎”​

― Benjamin Netanyahu
Last night, a mob of Hamas members entered a Gaza mosque and attacked Islamic Jihad officials there.

Hamas militia and the militants from the Al-Qassam Brigades attacked two members of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Jihad Movement, in the city of Rafah.

Eyewitnesses reported that Hamas members stormed the Al-Awda Mosque, which is affiliated with Islamic Jihad, and assaulted the PIJ officials there. One of them, Yahya Mansour, had his hand broken and several other injuries, and another was injured as well.

Islamic Jihad issued a statement saying that they had met with Hamas on Tuesday morning to discuss some apparent (but unspecified) problems they are having with each other, and they thought the meeting went very well. They say they were surprised at the large numbers of Hamas members attacking the mosque.

According to Islamic Jihad's statement, Hamas members assaulted Mansour with chairs, knives and their bare hands, severely beating him. An elderly official was also attacked by them as he tried to defend Mansour, and he sustained serious injuries as well.

There are clearly tensions between Hamas and Islamic Jihad that no one is talking to the media about. And they are both trying to keep their differences quiet. Islamic Jihad's statement ended off with:
Brothers, the sons of this struggle, our weapons are pure, we advise you to restrain your anger and not pay attention to the problems created by some suspicious people and pay attention only to the direction of the Zionist enemy. Our guns are pure, our direction is known, and the compass can only be diverted by the enemies of the resistance.
The only thing that Palestinian groups can agree upon is hating Jews.

But notice how the media simply doesn't want to cover a story about major differences between the two largest armed groups in Gaza. It is almost like they agree with the terror groups that it is better to keep these things private and only attack Israel.

Maria Maalouf is is a Lebanese Christian journalist and writer.

She has been outspoken in her criticism of Hezbollah and Hassan Nasrallah, and she is living in exile in the US.

She just attended the Christians United for Israel conference in Virginia, and posted selfie videos on her Twitter and Instagram, angering many Lebanese and other Arabs on social media.

They were especially angry at her singing a Hebrew song on video at the conference - Hevenu Shalom Aleichem.

Her recent posts prompted the Lebanese commissioner to the military court, Judge Fadi Akiki, to accuse Maalouf of crimes violating the law boycotting Israel and of making statements that would stir up sectarian and sectarian strife.

The controversy caused her to become a trending topic in Twitter. So Maalouf tweeted about that too, writing, "Thank you to my followers from Hezbollah. Thank you to all my enemies. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be trending today #ماريا_معلوف."

Poking Islamists in the eye is something we can all agree is a wonderful thing.

At first glance, PBS’ two-part series on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict appears to be the picture of balance: The July 10 broadcast sets out to capture the Palestinian experience in the West Bank city of Nablus (“Cycle of violence and economic turmoil pushes young Palestinians to take up arms“), while the July 13 episode ostensibly approaches the conflict from the Israeli viewpoint (“Israelis describe living with the threat of violent attacks“).

But a closer look at special correspondent Leila Molana-Allen’s broadcasts unmasks a skewed account obscuring the driving forces behind Palestinian terrorism, along with a faux balance encapsulated by what she misleadingly terms a “cycle of violence.”

Molana-Allen in her July 13 broadcast
Like her 2020 debacle of coverage deflecting UNRWA’s responsibility for its own failures, Molana-Allen’s twin broadcasts redirect, turning the lens on domestic Israeli matters as the culprit for escalating Palestinian violence while completely overlooking Iran’s role and downplaying Palestinian Authority responsibility.

Thus, the segment purportedly focusing on the threat of Palestinian terrorism facing Israelis is a rather bizarre and clumsy melding of largely unrelated topics: namely Israel’s domestic upheaval around the government’s highly controversial judicial overhaul, and to a lesser degree, plans to extend Israeli settlements, with growing Palestinian violence. The broadcast opens with her muddled analysis:

(full article online)

Every month or so, Jewish pilgrims go to visit Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus).

Under the Oslo Accords, Jews should have free access to the holy site. But Palestinians would rather kill them.

So the IDF has to go in to protect the worshipers, and the worshipers go in the middle of the might, to cause as little of a disturbance to the nearby residents as possible.

Fat chance. Terror groups are hell-bent on blocking the Jews from visiting their holy spot, so they try to stop the pilgrimage - with bullets, with IEDs, and generally turning the city into a mini-war zone.

Every month.

On Wednesday night, one mujahid was killed as he tried to prevent Jews from visiting the site.

Terror-linked media gleefully brag about how much firepower they use to be active Jew-haters:

The Al-Quds Brigades - the Nablus Brigade responded to the storming of the occupation forces and settlers,by firing heavy salvoes of bullets at them and detonating a number of explosive devices in more than one area in the vicinity of Joseph's Tomb.
Islamic Jihad issued a press release saying that they successfully repelled the Jews:

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, confirmed that its mujahideen in the Nablus Battalion repelled, tonight, the occupation forces' incursion into the eastern region of the city and the vicinity of Joseph's Tomb, with heavy salvoes of bullets and explosive devices.

The Saraya said in several military reports, "The soldiers of the Al-Mayamin Battalion targeted the occupation vehicles on Al-Hisba Street with heavy bullets, and they were also able to detonate a number of explosive devices in the occupation vehicles on Amman Street and Al-Hisba directly.
They appear to be lying.

The terrorists up the ante to bury IEDs in the road. Israel brings in armored bulldozers to detonate them.

The only reason there is escalation on the Palestinian side is a burning desire to stop religious Jews - they type they claim that they don't hate - from worshiping.

The only reason there is escalation on the Israeli side is to continue to protect the Jewish worshipers, and not to knuckle under to terror.

The PA should be the ones protecting the Jews under signed agreements. Obviously, they cannot. And almost certainly some members of the Al Aqsa Brigades are there, shooting at and trying to bomb the Jews, who are also members of PA security forces during the day.

These are the facts around Joseph's Tomb. It is all antisemitism. But no media has the guts to report that.

Depicting Israelis and Jews as animals is one of the Palestinian Authority's practices in its cartoons. The depiction of Israel as a crocodile has appeared a few times recently in the official PA daily. In the above cartoon Israel – the crocodile with an Israeli flag on its snout - is opening its jaws to reveal rows of houses with red roofs characteristic of Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 20, 2023]

Last month, the PA daily printed this cartoon below, also showing Israel as a crocodile, this time with fangs protruding from its mouth with Stars of David on them, and houses with red roofs on its head and back.


Text on cartoon in English and Arabic: “Settlement”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 15, 2023]​

The crocodile image is not new. Palestinian Media Watch has documented similar cartoons in the past like this one of a crocodile closing its jaws on buildings that have an Israeli security wall in front of them:


Text on cartoon in English and Arabic: “State of Palestine”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 5, 2021]​

PMW documented a cartoon 20 years ago in which a crocodile with a Star of David is swallowing up a Palestinian man:


[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 9, 2003]​

For over almost 3 decades PMW has exposed the PA’s demonization and animalization of Israel in cartoons and images. Other repeating comparisons include Israel as a poisonous snake, a shark, a scorpion, a black raven killing the dove of peace, and even as COVID.

Click to play

  • While the Iranian-backed Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups in the Gaza Strip use summer camps to train children how to become combatants and murder Jews, the Palestinian Authority, through its education system, effectively does the same thing. It poisons their hearts and minds through incendiary material in its school textbooks.
  • Even the European Parliament condemned the Palestinian Authority over the "hateful" content of its textbooks. The European Union, for the past two-and-a-half years, withheld assistance from the Palestinian Authority while demanding political reforms and the purging of incitement to violence from Palestinian textbooks. A resolution passed this year by the European Parliament went so far as to directly link the content of the textbooks with Palestinian terrorism... The resolution also acknowledged that there is antisemitism in the textbooks and demanded that it be removed.
  • The Palestinian Authority, however, has not removed from its textbooks material that promotes violence or loathing Jews.
  • Nevertheless, despite repeated talk by the European Union on the need to change Palestinian textbooks, it is apparently resuming unconditional financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced last year during a visit to Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians, that EU funds will be resumed "rapidly."
  • This sudden burst of generosity raises questions about the EU's seriousness when it talks about the need to remove the "hateful material" from the textbooks.
  • The announcement by the European Commission president shows that the Europeans do not honestly care if the Palestinian Authority continues to incite violence and promote Jew-hatred in its schools. In fact, by resuming unconditional financial aid to the Palestinians, the EU is signaling that it approves of the hateful material in the textbooks and actually encourages the Palestinians to continue their Jihad against Israel and Jews.
  • A review conducted by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education... shows that... the Palestinian Authority textbooks that glorify the use of violence for the "liberation of Palestine," a term referring to the entire territory between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea -- and constituting all of Israel. The review also found that the tests forthrightly incorporate themes of hatred, incitement and violence.
  • Questions in the Arabic Language exam, for instance, include a poem that praises Jerusalem's "knights" who "go to their death with a smile," and the importance of preparing for violent Jihad against Israel.
  • The blood of the Palestinian children who will be killed in this Jihad will be on the hands of not only the leaders of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad; it will also, to a large degree, be on the hands of those Europeans who continue to pour hundreds of millions of euros into the Palestinian Authority without demanding an end to its "pay-to-slay" jobs program that incentivizes and rewards murder; the Palestinian Authority's non-stop incitement to violence, and the runaway religious intolerance – all of which continue to flood through Palestinian universities and schools.

(full article online)


How many Palestinians are being sexually abused by aid workers?

The UN's OCHA issued a press release listing the humanitarian activities implemented in Jenin after Israel's raid earlier this month.

As you would expect, the text discusses topics like providing water, food, shelter and psychological support to residents of the camp affected by the fighting.

Some of the support they are sending, however, indicates that the media reporting on Palestinian issues in the territories is very skewed.

For example:

A mine action expert has conducted two training sessions on explosive ordnance risks (EOR), targeting 30 UNRWA staff in Jenin camp to reduce community exposure to UXO threats and promote safety.
Outside of my own, I have not seen a single article in the media that discusses how Palestinian terrorists are endangering their own people by burying huge IEDs in the ground for IDF vehicles.

But aid workers know. Which is why reports like this can be used to glean a lot of information that the media choses to downplay or ignore.

The report implies that there is an uptick in violence against women and sexual abuse in the wake of the raid: (GBV is "gender based violence".)
Partners specializing in GBV response have, on average, provided medical services and psychosocial support (PSS) to 50 women per day.
One partner has sent social workers to Jenin to reinforce the provision of PSS.
A hotline based in Nablus is receiving daily calls and has provided online PSS.
UNRWA is ensuring ongoing safe identification and referral of cases needing more specialized counselling and follow-up (including for people exposed to GBV or sexual exploitation and abuse).
Partners responding to GBV have sent psychosocial support teams to Jenin camp, to assess the needs and provide services. Two nationwide hotlines are available to support women who seek support in response to GBV. The GBV Sub-Cluster has informed women and girls of available services.
If 50 women are being counseled on gender based violence every day, that indicates that hundreds of Palestinian women may be subject to violence and sexual abuse.

We know this is true, NGO reports have mentioned - although rarely highlighted - the huge amount of violence that Palestinian women endure from their fathers and husbands. A 2019 survey showed that 29% of Palestinian married women had experienced some form of GBV by their husbands in the previous twelve months, including 18% being subjected to physical violence and 9% to sexual violence.
Palestinian Arab men use an Israeli raid as an excuse to abuse their wives.

But even that is not the most troubling fact to emerge from reading between the lines of this report. It also says:

In coordination with UNRWA, SAWA ...has been actively educating the affected population about the importance of accessing confidential reporting channels. This effort aims to empower people to report any misconduct or wrongdoing by humanitarian workers, ensuring a safe and accountable environment for everyone.
Misconduct by medical workers is rampant enough to prompt NGOs to pro-actively educate people on how to report it? They are paying for commercial spots on the radio.

What kinds of misconduct could this be?
UNRWA publishes this poster about its zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse by its staff.

In other contexts, sexual abuse by humanitarian aid workers have been well reported. But finding specific statistics on how often this happens in the territories is not easy. The Palestinian and international media is clearly not interested in reporting about it.
What we do know is that a lot of NGOs are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and assigning scores of workers and "focal points" to fight this abuse against Palestinian women and children - that no one is talking about.

Clearly, there is some serious sexual abuse by UN and other aid workers against Palestinian women and children. The extent of that abuse is not being compiled and reported anywhere as far as I can tell. But these organizations wouldn't be putting this much money and effort into fighting this abuse if it was only a marginal, rare concern.

From the San Diego Union-Tribune:

The meeting was supposed to focus on recent controversial remarks on Israel by one member of San Diego County’s Human Relations Commission. Instead, they were overshadowed when another commissioner made new, inflammatory false comments about Jews.

Now, local Jewish leaders are calling for dramatic changes to the commission they believe are needed to ensure it improves human relations, and doesn’t incite hate.

While coming to the defense of a fellow commissioner who had drawn outrage for earlier comments on Israel, Khaliq Raufi made offensive remarks of his own, falsely asserting that Judaism teaches Jews to kill.
Raufi said he’d read a few verses in Deuteronomy, the fifth book of both the Torah and Christian Old Testament. “It states ‘Go kill Palestinians. Wipe them all out,’” Raufi said Tuesday. “So it’s a teaching that they, on a daily basis, teach their followers in their synagogues.”

Audible surprise came from those in the audience. Among them was Sara Brown, regional director of the American Jewish Committee of San Diego, who could be heard saying, “Are you serious right now?”

He then went on to supposedly quote Deuteronomy, where he said that God commanded the Israelites to wipe out all of the residents of Canaan.

You can see the meeting here.

The meeting was discussing an earlier statement by another commission member, George Khoury, who in May described Israel as a "racist, fascist state."

The purpose of the human relations commission is "to promote positive human relations, respect, and the integrity of every individual regardless of gender, religion, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or citizenship status."

But Jews are fair game - even for those whose very job is to promote tolerance.

The official response from the local ADL, AJC and Federation said, "This statement is representative of the historical and false accusation of modern blood libel/antisemitic tropes, which have led to horrific violence, destruction, persecution, and massacres of Jewish people and communities."

There were some Jewish representatives there. I bet that none of them could effectively answer either the "racist, fascist" state slur nor the slander from the Torah.

Jews need to educate our own leaders so they con confidently and quickly demolish these slanders.

A new poll from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research of both Israelis and Palestinians finds that while both sides have hardened their positions towards the other, the Palestinians are far more rejecting of any framework that allows Jews to have any rights in the land.

An absurd 84% of Palestinians say that "the suffering of Palestinians is unique throughout the human history." Clearly no one teaches history in Palestinian schools. (80% of Israeli Jews say this about Jews, but they have a couple of thousand years of evidence behind that opinion. The worst event in Palestinian history wouldn't make it into the top 10 of the worst things in Jewish history.)

90% of Palestinians say "Since Palestinians are the victims of ongoing suffering, it is their moral right to do anything in order to survive." To Palestinians, "anything" means even the most immoral crimes against humanity. While 68% of Israelis felt the same way about Jews, I am certain that they interpreted the question differently than Palestinians do: Jews would not include genocide against others in that "anything," but I am fairly sure that Palestinians do.

The moral divide is stark in the responses to the question of whether each group wants to promote good relations with the other. Most Israelis do; the vast majority of Palestinians do not.

Israelis want to co-exist with Palestinians; Palestinians do not want to co-exist with Israelis. How much more obvious can it be that Palestinians do not support any sort of peace with Israeli Jews?

The Palestinians' idea of their "vital goals" is also something instructive - and largely unreported. While 36% said an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines and a Palestinian state were vital goal, nearly as many said the "right of return" of Palestinians to the hated Israel is a "vital goal" - meaning they don't want their own people to live in their own state, and would prefer that they are used as a means to destroy the Jewish state.

But beyond that, 19% said that building a state based on "religious values" was a vital goal - more than double the mere 9% who said that democracy is a vital goal. Meaning that more than twice as many Palestinians want a state based on the Quran than one based on democratic values.

These extremist, rejectionist positions are always swept under the rug in Western reporting and "expert analysis," which still claims that most Palestinians want a two state solution.

Is that the Palestinian's version of religious values or the West's version of Palestinian's religious values?

Their constitution says the source of legislation is Sharia,
what more do you need to know about Arab imperialism?

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