All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Every year, Lynn Hastings, the UN Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, issues a press release before the school year discussing how Israel and Jewish settlers have been awful to Palestinian children.

This year, as far as I can tell for the first time, the press release also mentions a couple of ways that Palestinian terror groups are endangering Palestinian children..
Physical barriers placed by Palestinians in refugee camps, some rigged with explosive materials, are threatening the safety of children and making it harder for them to reach their classrooms. And reports continue of children being enrolled in “summer camps” by armed groups, increasing their risk of being exposed to violence or military content.
I've mentioned that the IEDs that Palestinian terror groups have been placing on the roads of camps in order to blow up Israeli vehicles are a danger to ordinary Palestinians, but this is the first time I have seen any NGO mention the danger, even if it downplays the danger.

Similarly, even though these "summer camps" have been run by terror groups for decades, this is the first time I have seen the UN say anything negative about them. The sentence is comical: "increasing their risk of being exposed?" That is the entire purpose of the camps, and there are lots of videos and photos showing the children with real or mock weapons!

Hastings fails to mention that most of the "children" killed by Israel this year were either child soldiers recruited by terror groups or were actively engaged in attacks.

Perhaps the UN felt forced to mention Palestinian responsibility towards the children's welfare because it has had to admit that it couldn't open up schools in the Lebanese Ein el-Hilweh camp because of terror groups that have taken over the schools.

Although there is plenty wrong with this press release, it is a slight improvement over the obsessively one-sided anti-Israel propaganda of the past.

Haaretz writes:

More than 12,000 Palestinians with American citizenship residing in the West Bank have entered Israel in the past few weeks, since Israel was forced to ease travel restrictions for them in order to be accepted into the United States visa waiver program.

The estimate was provided by Israeli defense sources who believe that the number of Palestinians in the West Bank with American citizenship is in the tens of thousands.

The article goes on to say that there are also hundreds of American citizens living in Gaza.

This is far more US citizens living in the territories than I was aware of. With that number, it seems like many of them are living a regular Palestinian citizens with American passports, meaning that they receive the benefits of Palestinian citizenship - for example, medical benefits and public schools.

It is also a surprisingly high percentage of Palestinian Americans - perhaps as many as one in five Palestinian Americans live in the territories and not in the US.

But how many of them are considered "registered UNRWA refugees" and are receiving UNRWA benefits? How many live in UNRWA camps in the West Bank and Gaza? How many go to UNRWA schools and receive UNRWA medical benefits?

How many American citizens are considered "refugees" to UNRWA?

It could be that there is a whole other category of fake "refugees" that UNRWA provides benefits for - citizens of other countries (besides Jordan)!

Here are the Hamas website articles in English over the past several days:

Hamas condemns obstacles to humanitarian aid on World Humanitarian Day
Statement on the Israeli Prison Service’s attacks against Palestinian detainees
‘Israeli occupation cabinet sponsors settlement expansion,’ Hamas official says
'Israeli occupation bears responsibility for attacks on Palestinian detainees,’ Hamas spokesperson says

In English, Palestinians are victims and Israel is the aggressor.

But in Arabic,things are a bit different:

Taha: The occupation and its settlers deal with the Palestinians with a fascist and racist tendency

Hamada: Our people are capable of putting an end to the settlers' folly and crimes

Qasim: The Hawara operation is an affirmation of the continuation of our people's revolution

Meshaal: Al-Aqsa Mosque today is in the heart of danger, and we have to take the struggle to a new level

Hamas blesses the heroic operation in Hawara and confirms that it is a response to the crimes of the occupation

Hamas mourns the martyr Abu Asab and affirms that the occupation's plans will fail in the face of our people's steadfastness
Hamas calls on humanitarian organizations to continue supporting our people and their legitimate rights

Al-Qanou': The prisoners score a new victory and thwart the occupation's plan

Hamas praises the prisoners' achievement in defeating the occupation and achieving victories against the jailer

Hamas mourns the martyr Hamza Abu Sneineh from Jerusalem

Hamas: The battle of the prisoners will not take place inside the prisons

Hisham Qassem calls for the escalation of resistance to confront the settlement encroachment in the occupied West Bank

This happens in other publications too, but Hamas in English is a completely different organization than it is in Arabic.


Palestinian antisemitism, illustrated

Gaza-based cartoonist Bahaa Yaseen published this yesterday, the anniversary of the burning of Al Aqsa Mosque by a mentally ill Christian.

A Muslim woman prays "O Allah, protect our al-Aqsa" on a prayer mat with a pile of stones next to it.

A snake dressed as a Jew, with Stars of David on his skin, wearing a black hat, tallit and tefillin, with a flamethrower shofar, hisses at her.

Another snake, holding a Temple menorah and machine gun, is next to him.

Both of them are dreaming of burning down the mosque.

This is the same artist who, in 2015, published a cartoonshowing a religious Jewish man raping a Palestinian woman and shooting a baby while a nearby PA soldier does nothing. Palestinians were scandalized - not by the Jew-hatred, but by the depiction of rape.

Usually the Western Israel haters deny any Palestinian antisemitism. When shown things like these, they often retreat back to "Can you blame the Palestinians for hating Jews?"

And from there is only a small step to "Can you blame us for hating Jews?"

Saudi Arabia assigns the role of general emissary to Jerusalem,
and PA government - with the Jordan

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Israeli Arab activist Yoseph Haddad was attacked Friday as he and his family were boarding a flight to Israel from Dubai.

Haddad, 37, wrote in a tweet following the incident that he was attacked by Arabs who oppose his activities on behalf of the Jewish State, and who recognized him on the plane prior to departure.

“My family and I were violently attacked on the way to the flight from Dubai to Israel by several people from my community who recognized me and attacked us just because of who I am, because of my views and my actions for the State of Israel. [It was] a verbal and physical attack, as a result of which my mother’s hand was injured (see photo),” Haddad wrote in Arabic and Hebrew language tweets.

(full article online)

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency reports:

The President of the Palestinian National Council, Ruhi Fattouh, welcomed today, Thursday, the final statement of the fifteenth BRICS summit, which was held in the Republic of South Africa.

Fattouh said that this position is a victory for the justice of the Palestinian cause, and an expression of standing with the Palestinian people in their defense of their legitimate national rights, condemnation and rejection of the fascist occupation and its criminal practices in the occupied territories, the orgy and crimes of settlers against Palestinian civilians, and their continuous violations.

The actual BRICS declaration issued at the end of this week's summit has 94 paragraphs. Only one paragraph is about the Middle East, and the Palestinian issue is not even in the top three issues it addresses:

17. We welcome the positive developments in the Middle East and the efforts by BRICS countries to support development, security and stability in the region. In this regard, we endorse the Joint Statement by the BRICS Deputy Foreign Ministers and Special Envoys for the Middle East and North Africa at their meeting of 26 April 2023. We welcome the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran and emphasize that deescalating tensions and managing differences through dialogue and diplomacy is key to peaceful coexistence in this strategically important region of the world. We reaffirm our support for Yemen’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, and commend the positive role of all the parties involved in bringing about a ceasefire and seeking a political solution to end the conflict. We call on all parties to engage in inclusive direct negotiations and to support the provision of humanitarian, relief and development assistance to the Yemeni people. We support all efforts conducive to a political and negotiated solution that respects Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity and the promotion of a lasting settlement to the Syrian crisis. We welcome the readmission of the Syrian Arab Republic to the League of Arab States. We express our deep concern at the dire humanitarian situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories due to escalating violence under continued Israeli occupation and the expansion of illegal settlements. We call on the international community to support direct negotiations based on international law including relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, towards a two-state solution, leading to the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine. We commend the extensive work carried out by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and call for greater international support for UNRWA activities to alleviate the humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people.
The Palestinian situation is barely a footnote. Haiti gets its own paragraph.

This is a far cry from how things were ten years ago, when the Palestinian issue was consistently put forward in every non-aligned venue as being the pre-requisite to Middle Eastern peace and stability.
The Joint Statement by the BRICS Deputy Foreign Ministers and Special Envoys for the Middle East and North Africa referred to in the declaration had a more expansive section on the Palestinian issue, but it is remarkably even-handed:

8. They expressed their deep concern at the deteriorating situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as a result of continued occupation and the expansion of settlements. They noted with concern that there is neither a proposal being currently discussed for a permanent solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict nor any perspective of resuming negotiations in the foreseeable future. They shared the view that the mere “management of the conflict” does not constitute an acceptable way forward towards peace and stability in the Middle East. They also acknowledged with great regret the current escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, which underscores the pressing need to advance towards a politically just and lasting solution for the conflict. They stressed that the question of Palestine must be resolved through direct negotiations based on International Law. They reaffirmed the position that the two-state solution achieved through such direct negotiations without preconditions remains the internationally recognized basis for the peaceful resolution to the conflict. They reiterated their support for the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate rights including but not limited to their right to self-determination. They reaffirmed their call for greater solidarity among all parties of Palestine to achieve internal reconciliation. They encouraged Palestine and Israel to resume peace talks based on a negotiated two-state solution. They called on the international community to intensify its efforts in support of UN-led effort with a view to achieving a comprehensive, lasting and just settlement that allows Israel and Palestine to live side by side in peace, security and stability while recognising the legitimate security needs of Israel and Palestine. They stressed that efforts should be made to leverage respective strengths, actively promote peace talks, and to help Palestine develop its economy, ease its humanitarian situation, and improve its people’s welfare. They commended the extensive work carried out by UNRWA to alleviate the humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people. They reiterated the call for the international community to provide developmental assistance to support UNRWA activities to increase its reach amongst the Palestinian community.
There is not a word here that could not have been expressed by the US State Department:

Almost certainly the Palestinians - who want to join BRICS - lobbied for a much stronger anti-Israel statement, using the language of :"apartheid" and "racism." That verbiage is now common in the UN. Yet even in venues where the US and Western democracies are absent, BRICS is almost completely in alignment with the West in their stated position towards the conflict.

The Palestinians might be publicly calling this a victory, but these statements are not at all what they wanted to see.


Google launches program to actually help Palestinians more than all the NGOs combined

What does it mean to be "pro-Palestinian?"

To most people who define themselves that way, it means to be anti-Israel.

Even though NGOs spend tens of millions of dollars in their anti-Israel efforts, writing yet another report finding yet another way Israel is supposedly the worst abuser in the world doesn't help Palestinians one bit.

Google just announced an initiative that will help more Palestinians improve their lives than anything Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, B'Tselem, the UN and the EU does - combined.

Apply to Palestine Launchpad with Google
Future-proof your skills for the digital economy

In our dynamic world, time and technology are vital. The digital and gig economies transcend borders, leveling opportunities for talent and ideas. The Palestine Launchpad with Google equips you with the skills, knowledge, and network to enter the global tech talent pool and become a top earner.

• Fully funded scholarship for a Nanodegree Programme
• Line-by-line code review with personalised project feedback
• Flexible self-paced learning schedule
• Live virtual sessions with top-tier mentors
• Career workshops (resume building, interview preparations, etc.)
• Exposure to freelancing and career growth opportunities
• Networking with local and international employers

💻 Become a Web Developer
🤖 Become an AI Engineer
📊 Become a Data Analyst

You are eligible for this programme if you are

• Currently residing in Palestine
• Looking to be part of tomorrow’s tech-powered economy
• Recently graduated from a computer science related field (or are in your final years of study)
• Want to upskill, reskill, or specialise in the various fields shaping this economy, this programme is your springboard.
They are offering free scholarships for 6,000 Palestinians to learn cutting edge skills where they can make money working for companies worldwide without leaving home.

I have been mystified that the EU and USAID have not prioritized this sort of training - training that would actually help Palestinians more than their other initiatives. The average Palestinian salary is now about $20,000 a year - imagine the impact from thousands making Western high tech salaries quintuple that.

The supreme irony is that while Google is doing more to help Palestinians than any other organization in the world, it is being targeted by BDS because it also does work with Israel.

We've shown that BDS actually opposed Cisco doing a similar program to promote high tech jobs among Palestinians.

Israel doesn't mind Palestinians getting high paid tech jobs. But "pro-Palestinian activists" do!

Which again goes to prove that the anti-Israel crowd really doesn't give a damn about helping Palestinians.

[ This is Islam's main thinking, the Arab leaders thinking, the Palestinian leaders thinking. Destroy Israel, bring the Jews back to their second citizen status ]

You might have heard of Quora – this is a website where anyone can pose any question (usually related to politics), and anyone who feels qualified to give an answer can do so. This particular question, by one Anne Frank, caught my eye: Are most Palestinian families originally from Palestine? A former schoolteacher named Muhammad Ibrahim Hussein, who lives on the West Bank, came up with this fascinating answer:

Map of the British Mandate for Palestine 1921
The British mandate of Iraq adjoined that of Palestine

No. My ancestors originate from near the Iraqi / Jordanian border. While part of my family started settling in what used to be called British Mandate Palestine, other parts of my family moved east to Baghdad.

As children and young teenagers my paternal grandfather would tell me and my sister all kinds of lovely stories about his life, adventures, and businesses he used to own in Baghdad.

One recurring topic was the exodus of Iraq’s Jewish communities, which he always called a great national catastrophe and personal tragedy. Iraq’s Jewish communities were one of the main import / export trading backbones and so when these communities disappeared their excellent trading connections and business relationships disappeared with them as well, as did much of the wealth they had generated and that helped sustain much of Iraqi society.

This had the rather unfortunate side effect and consequence that many Arab companies, including my grandfather’s companies, slowly but surely went out of business, because they depended to a large extent on the excellent trade relationships Iraq’s Jewish communities had established and maintained for generations.
My grandfather never had a bad word to say about the Jewish families with whom he did business. In fact he always told us they were the most fair, reliable, and trustworthy business people one could hope to call ones friends.
To this very day my father and mother maintain that opinion and memory, because they are both old enough to remember Jordan’s iron fist occupation of the West Bank and every subsequent conflict since then.

They used to tell us stories about the nationalistic lunacy that spread like wildfire throughout the West Bank and eventually resulted in the creation of the PLO, which of course wasn’t merely happy waging its ridiculous and bloody war of attrition against Israel, but also thought it wise and clever to publicly call for the overthrow of Jordan’s Hashemite Monarchy.

Thanks to the excellent, fair, and honest experiences my grandfather had enjoyed with the Jewish communities in Iraq, our grandparents and parents always trusted Israeli leaders more than our own, which is why we never fled and have always remained in more or less the same part of the West Bank in which our ancestors settled.

Since I and my family believe in peaceful coexistence and normalisation with liberal and pluralist Israel, we don’t see any reason why we should have to return to Jordan. However, we can understand why many Israelis think that way.

Our Arab and Palestinian leaders have steadfastly refused to accept anything and everything ever offered to them that didn’t first and foremost include the eradication of all the Jews in what used to be known as British Mandate Palestine.

When Anwar Sadat eventually and very bravely made peace with Israel he was assassinated by Muslim fanatics who later on went on to attack the USA in the first World Trade Center bombing of 1993.

Our Palestinian leaders have never been interested in peace with Israel or the West for that matter. As already mentioned above, the PLO even thought it a good idea to try and topple and wage war against Jordan’s Hashemite Monarchy in 1970, which didn’t exactly work out too well for us either.

While our Arab leaders were either fighting each other or trying to exterminate Israel, Israelis made the desert bloom, fought off countless attacks against overwhelming odds, and have made their country into the world’s most successful, liberal and pluralist high-tech startup nation.

Meanwhile history has spoken and we Palestinians still keep running full speed ahead and fully armed towards the wrong side of history, which these days is nothing more than an impenetrable concrete wall / wire fence that wouldn’t need to divide anything or anybody, if it were not so necessary and successful keeping Israelis safe from our relentlessly murderous Palestinian terrorist attacks.

Over the past couple of weeks Palestinian and Israeli women have marched together for peace only to be denounced by both Hamas and the BDS movement (that ironically enough always claims to be in favour of peace and against terrorism, yet clearly prefers siding with murderous Islamic terrorists instead of harmless female peace activists).

It’s time for Israeli and Western liberals to realise Israeli politicians on both the right and left side of the political spectrum can continue offering peace to our Palestinian leaders as much and often as they like, safe in the knowledge our Palestinian leaders will always and forever turn down every single offer, regardless of how generous it is, unless it includes the destruction of the State of Israel and the exodus of all Jews.

That said, hope dies last, as they say. For what little it’s worth, I and my wife hope for the sake of all children and grandchildren on both sides of the divide that peace is in the offing - sooner rather than later.

The most glittering wedding in the Middle East

Ahmed Tarek al-Nashta, the eldest son of a well-known businessman, married Dr. Rim Fetiah from Jerusalem last week, in a particularly magnificent event that has already been dubbed "the most glittering wedding in the Middle East."

The son of a businessman, who ranks as the third richest in the PA, married a woman from Jerusalem in a particularly glittering event • Hundreds secured and the guests enjoyed exceptionally large quantities of food

According to a report by Sapir Lipkin in News 12, more than 50,000 guests were invited to the luxury wedding that took place in the village of Beit Ur a-Hattha in the Ramallah area and almost 2 million dollars were invested in it. Hundreds of security guards were present to secure the event.

The happy bridegroom's father, businessman Tarek al-Nishta, is ranked third in wealth in the territories of the Palestinian Authority. He owns a group of companies, including a company that specializes in fuel and energy.

The wedding ceremony was held in the presence of senior officials from the Palestinian Authority, including Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Ashtia who greeted him with "a thousand blessings".

There were also those who took care of the atmosphere and the joy of the crowds: six extremely popular singers.

The food at the wedding was also in large quantities: the guests had at their disposal about 6 tons of fruit, a ton and a half of meat, and as a side dish - no less than a ton of sweets.

The celebration was accompanied by a fireworks show that cost tens of thousands of dollars, and they also invested in a dedicated complex for children that included attractions.

Since the glittering event, videos from the celebrations continue to spread on social networks in the Arab world.

There are those who congratulate and participate happily, but the criticism of the event was not slow to arrive either.

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Iran and its Palestinian terror proxies are now openly stating that their goal is not only to eliminate Israel, but also to thwart efforts to normalize relations between Israel and Arab countries.​

(full article online)


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