All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

[ An endless generation and generations of lost lives. And all for Allah, and Islam ]

[ Put an end to Oslo, put an end to fear ]

This is Part 7 of a 10-part series exposing the underreported joint European and Palestinian program to bypass international law and establish a de facto Palestinian state on Israeli land.

While Israel’s Civil Administration (COGAT), which governs Area C of the West Bank, technically receives orders from the defense minister, on a day-to-day basis it operates with unchallenged autonomy.

Israeli laws mandate that attempts to trespass and commandeer land must be intercepted, but COGAT commanders are wary of action and weary of global condemnation. They have learned to expect international headlines, along with formal complaints, threats and lawsuits from the Europeans, when they so much as remove a corrugated roof from an illegal structure, which the European Union will likely rebuild anyway. For every razed structure, five new ones take its place.

That Palestinians are legally permitted to bring grievances against COGAT to Israel’s Supreme Court further undermines enforcement. Both foreign and Israeli NGOs receive millions of euros every year to “protect” the Palestinians in the court system, which is backed up with appeals.

In the meantime, the Palestinians build and build, engaging in a brilliant strategy of setting Israel’s own system against itself.

(full article online)

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

BTW. Oslo is dead.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Shyster :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Israel’s independence would thus appear to fall squarely within the bounds of circumstances that trigger the rule of uti possidetis juris. Applying the rule would appear to dictate that Israel’s borders are those of the Palestine Mandate that preceded it,​

The problem with this is that the Mandate had no borders. The Mandate worked within Palestine's international borders. Palestine's international borders remained intact after the Mandate left and after the 1948 war.
Where did you get your law degree from? He got his from U Chicago. I think I'll defer to him over you when it comes to applying law. Though I also like how your insulting him is in the form of an anti-Semitic slur. Way to be consistent and on brand!
Where did you get your law degree from? He got his from U Chicago. I think I'll defer to him over you when it comes to applying law. Though I also like how your insulting him is in the form of an anti-Semitic slur. Way to be consistent and on brand!
You didn't address my issue.
You didn't address my issue.
Your issue is based on your rejection of a claim made by an expert in the field
Unless you show more standing so your opinion can be stacked up against said expert, your opinion is valueless. So what are your bono fides again?
Your issue is based on your rejection of a claim made by an expert in the field
Unless you show more standing so your opinion can be stacked up against said expert, your opinion is valueless. So what are your bono fides again?
My post was true.

Look it up.

Arab antisemitism, 1956

It is always interesting to trace the history of Palestinian "anti-Zionism" from the beginnings of Zionism, when its antisemitism was explicit, to today, when it is hidden behind multiple layers of pretense.of not having any problem with Jews at all.

So this from an article in June 1956, by syndicated columnist John B. Crane, before the Suez campaign, is instructive.

He interviewed Palestinian refugees in Lebanon:

ACTING as spokesman, 28-year- old camp leader Mahmoud Rashid, a former railway employee in Palestine, told us with an intensity often found among inmates of concentration and refugee camps: "

If things keep on as at present and war should break out, the Arabs will fight on the side of Russians.

"You Americans are not neutral, as your government claims, but you are pro-Israel and are giving more aid to tiny Israel than all Arab countries combined.

"Do you think it wise for America to lose the friendship of 70 million Arabs and 400,000,000 Moslems to secure the friendship of 10 million Jews scattered all over the world?"

Another Palestinian refugee at the same briefing session, a former commando leader in Israel- Arab war, declared:

"The fight against Israel is not just a fight of the Moslem Arabs against the Israeli. I am a Christian Arab and I say it is the of all Christians everywhere to drive the Jews from the Holy Land, for we must not forget that it the Jews who crucified Christ.".

At the end of the article, we read:

HERE ARE some popular beliefs among the Arabs and it is these beliefs which are likely to determine future Arab behavior, whether the beliefs have any basis in fact or not:
Israel Is out to build a modern Jewish empire stretching from Baghdad to Alexandria. This is the reason for their subsidizing thousands of Jews from all over the world to come to Israel when the country is already too small to support the Jews already there.
America is determined to see that Israel survives and prospers because the millions of Jews in America--(1) control the press, (2) control the radio, (3) control the movies, (4) control the government, and (5) control the United Nations.
Most Arabs believe the above they cite these convictions to explain why their side of the Arab- Israel conflict is not given more publicity in the American press and over the American radio and why America gives far more aid to Israel than to the Arab countries. The anti-Zionism of the Arabs is as intense as the earlier anti-semitism of the Nazis.


Palestinians reject open letter against Abbas' antisemitism

As mentioned yesterday, a group of Palestinian expatriates issued an open letter over the weekend condemning Mahmoud Abbas' antisemitic statements. but really their letter was more anti-Israel than anti-Abbas, as they accused him of toeing the Zionist line.

We the undersigned, Palestinian academics, writers, artists, activists, and people of all walks of life, unequivocally condemn the morally and politically reprehensible comments made by President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas about the Holocaust. Rooted in a racial theory widespread in European culture and science at the time, the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people was born of antisemitism, fascism, and racism. We adamantly reject any attempt to diminish, misrepresent, or justify antisemitism, Nazi crimes against humanity, or historical revisionism vis-a-vis the Holocaust.

The Palestinian people are sufficiently burdened by Israeli settler colonialism, dispossession, occupation, and oppression without having to bear the negative effect of such ignorant and profoundly antisemitic narratives perpetuated by those who claim to speak in our name. We are also burdened by the PA’s increasingly authoritarian and draconian rule, which disproportionately impacts those living under occupation. Having held onto power nearly a decade and a half after his presidential mandate expired in 2009, supported by Western and pro-Israel forces seeking to perpetuate Israeli apartheid, Abbas and his political entourage have forfeited any claim to represent the Palestinian people and our struggle for justice, freedom, and equality, a struggle that stands against all forms of systemic racism and oppression.
This letter, signed mostly by American and British citizens, was not meant for Palestinians to read. It was not translated into Arabic. It was meant for the West, as the signatories could self-righteously pretend to oppose antisemitism while at the same time attack Abbas, since they prefer Hamas and Islamic Jihad as more reflective of adhering to the Palestinian will.
The are just as antisemitic as Abbas is, but some of them try a little harder to hide it. (Some don't!) Many of them have engaged in Holocaust inversion themselves.

However, we do live in an online age, and it was inevitable that Palestinians would see this letter. And their reaction was anger at opposing antisemitism:

A statement issued by a number of expatriate Palestinian academics and activists, regarding what President Mahmoud Abbas mentioned during a recent meeting of the Fatah Revolutionary Council about the Holocaust, sparked disapproval and condemnation from various Palestinian circles, especially since the statement was fragmentary and consistent with the Israeli and Zionist campaign, and without reference to the occupation, its positions and policies announced by his senior leaders, which are based on the idea of denying the existence of a Palestinian people, in addition to the massacres committed against them.
Former Minister Hassan Asfour commented on this statement by the academics and wrote: “In a strange and surprising way, a group of Palestinian figures, including the names of ‘academics,’ ‘experts,’ and analysts, most of whom hold foreign American and British nationalities, issued a statement attacking the president’s speech about ‘Ashkenazi Jews’ and Germany...a revealing statement. Ignorance of history is not limited only to those who do not read it, but it seems that “understanding has become without teaching from the beginning of the line... Be ashamed and apologize to your people, you pretenders of knowledge.”
Notice that both the letter and the reaction by Palestinians accused their opponents of being on the same side as the Jews.

It is all theatre.

But it points to a rarely mentioned fact: the Palestinian academics in the West are eager to write papers and speak at panel discussions where they pretend to represent the majority of Palestinian. They claim to support progressive, liberal standards, but they most definitely do not. Their speeches about the Palestinian cause being liberal begin and end with the Jews; they really don't care when the Arab world shows its bigotry or when Palestinians themselves show their illiberal beliefs - anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-environment, anti-animal rights.

Like Yasir Arafat before them, they tailor their message to the audience, lying as easily as they breathe, and hoping the world won't see their hypocrisy.


The photo is a Photoshop, showing the twin threats that Palestinians see: Zionists and religious Jews.

The poster gives a description of how Jews supposedly celebrate their holidays, some of which are mysteries to me. They know some amazing things about Judaism.

Jewish holidays
An imminent danger that violates the sanctity of Al-Aqsa

Hebrew New Year's Day
From September 15-17, includes major raids with the participation of occupation leaders, during which the trumpet is blown.

Yom Kippur
From September 24 - 25, it includes massive raids into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, during which bird sacrifices are offered.

Throne Festival
From September 30 to October 5, massive raids take place, plant sacrifices are made, and a canopy of palm trees is set up.

Eid Simchat Torah
On October 7, the Torah scrolls are brought into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa and circulated around them

Feast of Isru Hag
On October 8, its most prominent pillar was the dining table, which is a Talmudic ritual performed by settlers in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa.

The feast of Hosea, our Lord

On October 10, the settlers hold a Talmudic ritual in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa

The Feast of Prostration
is on November 13, during which Al-Aqsa is stormed and Talmudic prayers are performed

From 8 to 12 December, Al-Aqsa is stormed in large numbers, and lit by candles with huge candlesticks

Interestingly, they do not mention the tens of thousands of Jews who have gone to the Kotel every day this Hebrew month to say Selichot prayers.

It is clear that to Palestinian Muslims, a Jew worshiping at the Kotel is just as offensive as one worshiping on the Temple Mount.

[ Why are there STILL Palestinian refugees ? Because the Muslims must fight to the end until Israel is destroyed. Peace, just an excuse for the waiting time while the leaders do NOTHING but to continue to educate and incite the Palestinians against Israelis and all Jews ]

  • New testimony that Arafat never intended to make peace with Israel, by PA member of Parliament
  • Arafat planned “the two-state solution as a first stage”
  • Arafat: “You will see the Jews fleeing from Palestine like mice fleeing from a sinking ship”
(full article online)

[ This has been the case since 1920 ]

On September 11, 2001, the world was shaken by the acts of terrorism perpetrated by al-Qaeda on American soil. Those terror attacks served as a reminder of the destructive power of religious terror and the need for global action against religious-based terror.

The UN recognized that religious-based terror is significant, dangerous, and unique enough to be put in a category by itself, and designated August 22 as the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.

This week, as the world remembers the victims of Islamist al-Qaeda terror, it is important to recognize that one of the longest ongoing terror campaigns in history – the PLO/PA’s terror against Israel – is likewise a religious war for Allah against Jews.

How is Palestinian terror against Israel an Islamic war against Jews?

While the Palestinian Authority tells the international community that it fights and kills Israelis on nationalistic grounds, it tells its own people that killing Israelis and Jews is for Allah. It is therefore critical that the UN recognize Palestinian terror as terror “based on religion” and condemn it along with all the religion-based terror that it condemns worldwide.

Some recent announcements by Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party make it clear that not only Hamas but even the presumed secular Fatah see murder of Israelis as a religious act.
After the Israeli kindergarten teacher and mother of three, Batsheva Nagari, was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist while driving in a car with her daughter, Fatah publicized, on one of its official Telegram channels, that its al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades took credit for the killing as an Islamic religious act, opening the declaration with a quote from the Quran: “‘Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them.’ [Quran 9:14] With Almighty Allah’s help, the al-Aqsa Martyrs… announces its responsibility for carrying out the self-sacrificing operation in Hebron… in which a female Zionist settler was killed and another was seriously wounded” (Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, Aug. 21, 2023).

Two days later, the terrorist who committed the attack was captured and turned out to be a Hamas member. Hamas posted a video of the murderer Muhammad Al-Shantir speaking just before being arrested, showing that he likewise sees his murdering of Israeli civilians as an act for Allah:

“Allahu Akbar (Allah is greatest), victory for Islam and the Muslims. Those who have come to arrest me, by Allah they will be defeated, Allah willing they will retreat from this land” (Quds News Network, Telegram channel, August 23, 2023).

OTHER STATEMENTS posted in recent months by Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, define both killing Israelis and dying as a Martyr as directives of the Quran: “And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you,” and “they fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed,” (Fatah, Telegram channel, July 16, 2023 August 28, 2023)

The explicit confirmation that the Palestinian Authority also sees the killing of every Israeli as an act for Allah, is the PA’s use of the term shahid (a martyr who died for Allah) to categorize every terrorist who dies fighting Israelis, including suicide bombers who murder children. Shahada (Islamic martyrdom) can only be achieved if the action is positive for Allah. The Quran defines this death as “killed in the cause of Allah” (Quran 3:169).

And whereas many Muslims will not apply this Quran quote to Palestinian terrorists, the Palestinian Authority does 100% of the time. This means that according to the PA, when any Palestinian murders Israelis, including suicide bombers, those murders are, to use the UN’s words, an “Act of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.”

Moreover, the PA’s religious leadership, for over 20 years, has openly called for the murder of Israelis and Jews in the name of Islam and has done this on official PA TV. Abbas’s adviser on Islam, Supreme PA Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash, publicly quoted from the Quran: “‘Kill them… .’ Allah does not like transgressors.”

He then cited 10 “transgressions” he attributes to Israelis, informing Palestinians that the Quran’s “kill them” applies to all Israelis. He added another quote from the Quran at the end: “Kill them wherever you find them.” (Official PA TV Feb 2, 2020).

The Director of the PA Ministry of Religious Affairs Preacher Training, Sheikh Majed Saqr taught that: “Allah willing, the end of the Jews and America that supports the Jews will be in Palestine.” (Official PA TV, May 9, 2021). PA TV’s Prayer for Ramadan was: “Master of the Universe. Allah, delight us with the extermination of the evil Jews.” (Official PA TV, April 17, 2022).

ONE OF the clearest and most horrific portrayals of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a war for the extermination of all Jews also came from a PA religious figure, Sheikh Osama Al-Tibi on PA TV. He preached that “Allah wrote in His book... they are cursed,” “Humanity will never be able to live together with them,” “These malignant genes and cursed characteristics continue... they inherit it from father to son,” and therefore “at the end of time the Muslims will fight the Jews,” and kill them. He ended with the prayer “count them and kill them one by one, and do not leave even one,” (Official PA TV, December 14, 2018) – a Palestinian prayer for the extermination of the Jews.

Presenting the conflict with Israel as a religious war for Allah is actively being transmitted to the next generation of Palestinian youth. For example, Fatah’s educational magazine for children aged 6-15, Waed, doesn’t leave the child any choice but to fight Israelis because instructions are said to be coming from Allah himself: “Almighty Allah commands that al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings remain under our [Muslim] guardianship forever… Therefore, the Arabs always rush to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Zionist thieves, those who stole our land… [to] defend our Jerusalem and our land, our mosques, and our churches, and we will redeem them with our blood.”

Moreover, the children are taught that because it’s for Allah, all Muslims must join the religious war against Israelis: “We say to [the Islamic nation]: [Come] to Jerusalem, to the direction of prayer of the religion, to the war that will crush the injustice, kill Zion, and wave the Palestinian flags in the skies of the world.”

The UN states that on May 28, 2019, the General Assembly adopted the resolution titled “‘International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief,’ strongly condemning continuing violence and acts of terrorism… on the basis of or in the name of religion or belief.”

Since the PA, Fatah, and Hamas, all present their acts of terror and murder of Israelis as religious acts for Allah, the UN must recognize the thousands of Israeli victims of Palestinian terror as “Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief” and highlight and condemn the PA’s violence and terror along with its condemnation of all religious violence around the world.

For more on this topic see - The UN must recognize the 1000's of Israelis murdered by Palestinians as victims of religious violence | PMW Analysis

This week, UNRWA in Gaza (and maybe elsewhere) demanded that employees sign a Code of Conduct. It was several pages long. One section said:

UNRWA views gender equality in accordance with the views of the United Nations and as a result describes gender equality as including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender colleagues (UNRWA employees) and beneficiaries (service recipients - the refugee population).
It simply says that UNRWA employees must treat all people equally and with respect, in accordance to UN policies.

The reaction in Gaza was, predictably, fierce. And every single organization that commented argued that UNRWA should discriminate against gays.

The Joint Committee for Refugees in the Gaza Strip issued a statement saying, “This code violates the moral system of our Palestinian people.... blatantly violates the feelings of refugees and employees, calls for vice, and disdains all the customs, traditions, struggle, and history of our Palestinian people, and is in violation of to the laws of the host country....So-called gay rights are completely rejected and have no place in our Palestinian society, and the claim that they are among human rights are false claims."

The Joint Committee of the Employees’ Unions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip at UNRWA denounced the code, saying, "We call on UNRWA management to respect our values, our common sense, and our Islamic morals, and not to spread such ideas." They told union members to return the booklet unsigned.

The head of the Hamas government media office, Salama Maarouf, said, "We clearly declare that this matter is unacceptable to us, and we see it as a clear violation by the agency's management of its internal regulations and its founding work protocol, which requires it to adhere to the values, customs, and laws of the communities to which it provides services."

The Democratic Assembly of UNRWA Workers "called on the UNRWA administration to retract the bulletins and immediately investigate who placed them in the bulletins, and to apologize to the great Palestinian people for this incident, which is considered a dagger in the side of the Palestinian refugee." It also said that the Code "calls for immorality."

The Association of Palestine Scholars said that UNRWA was "glorifying obscenity and vice, and targeting the moral and humanitarian values of Palestinian society.”

You know, the moral and humanitarian values that celebrates murdering Jews.

A recent archaeological find deep in the Judean Desert, announced in early September, was a boon for the archaeological profession: four well-preserved Roman swords dating from the second century CE.

The swords, thought to have been hidden by Jewish rebels, potentially during the Bar Kochba Revolt, serve as a living history to the Jewish population in the region nearly two thousand years ago.

Despite ongoing attempts to erase Jewish history, archaeological finds such as this one demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt the Jewish People’s ancient connection to the land of Israel.

(vide video online)


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