All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Hopefully there will be agreements like this with other Arab nations making the Middle East a little be safer.

Morocco, Israel sign first-ever defence agreement in Rabat​

A memorandum of understanding has formalised security cooperation between Morocco and Israel after the Abraham Accords.
This week we saw Israel and Morocco signing a security deal, Israel's former defense minister “Bogie” Ya’alon announced a new Israeli-owned venture capital fund in the UAE, American Jewish leaders are openly visiting Gulf leaders, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem wrote an op-ed in the Khaleej Times, and Qatar reached an agreement with Israel for the diamond trade, allowing Israeli companies to open there.

Any one of these would have front page news two years ago. Now they are happening every day.

Palestinians are alarmed at losing their Arab patrons, who for so many years they were able to bully in the name of "Arab unity."

This cartoon in Felesteen shows this antipathy with an illustration that would be considered very positive for Israel and very negative for Palestinians.

The caption says "Security and economic agreements with the occupation."

(full article online)

Israel's previous President Reuven Rivlin also visited Hebron, also to protests.

Hamas and the Leftist protesters agree: Jews should not be allowed to visit their holy places unless the Muslims generously allow them to.

Historically, Jews were never allowed to enter the Tomb of the Patriarchs (or the Temple Mount) when they were under Muslim rule. Jews had a pay an annual protection payment to ensure that Muslims wouldn't destroy Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and that they would be allowed to visit the Western Wall. Right now, the only way Jews can visit places like the synagogue in Jericho or Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) is under permission from the PA and IDF protection.

That is what these groups want the status quo to return to.

According to these groups, freedom of religion is not a human right - but Muslim antisemitism is.

UPDATE: All Palestinian media headlines at this moment say "Herzog stormed the Ibrahimi mosque."

(full article online)

Last week, the Church of Sweden held a meeting where it agreed to a motion that it should investigate whether Israel is an apartheid state.
No other countries are being scrutinized for any other crimes.

Mathias Bred writes in Göteborgs Posten:

Just in time for Advent , we are reminded of the anti-Semitic tendencies in the Church of Sweden. The church meeting last week approved a proposal from the church board member Daniel Tisell (C), Gothenburg diocese, where the church scrutinizes whether Israel is an apartheid state.

One may wonder why a religious community should investigate other countries. Will the Church of Sweden then continue to investigate China, Venezuela or any of the Arab dictatorships in the same region as Israel?

Of course it will not. As several debaters at the church meeting pointed out, this is a one-sided fixation on Israel.

It is about a form of anti-Semitism. Trying to describe Israel as a racist state and demanding that the country be treated differently from other democracies are among the definitions of modern anti-Semitism that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, IHRA, has developed, and which Sweden has supported.

And here's the kicker:
Two days after the decision to investigate apartheid in Israel, the same church council rejected a motion from the Christian Democrats that the church should pay attention to Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Social Democrats were against the proposal.
The Church is trying to defend itself, saying that it isn't accusing Israel of apartheid, but it merely raising the issue. I suppose the Church wouldn't mind if a group in, say, Canada raises the issue of child molestation in the Church of Sweden - and only the Church of Sweden (which indeed has a history of being soft sexual abuse of children by clergy.)
Archbishop Antje Jackelén wrote an open letter to the Jewish community insisting that the Church really is against antisemitism, but, hey, Human Rights Watch and B'Tselem do say Israel is guilty of apartheid, so it is really so bad to investigate this?

(full article online)

This tweet is from an Iraqi with the Twitter handle of Sufian Al-Samarrai. He has almost 100,000 followers.


I reached the Wailing Wall in Israel. I was imagining that the Jews are savages who will stand in my way and say to me, O Muslim, do not approach or storm [here.]
I found visitors from Muslims, Christians and all religions there
I did not find racism and Jewish hatred as they claim
But I found it in the Palestinians' dealings with the Arabs!
My family and grandparents supported their cause dearly.

There are dozens of articles in Arab media over the past two days that have the identical headline (and mostly identical text): "Settlers perform provocative dances in the Old City" of Jerusalem.

Jewish settlers continued, this evening, Wednesday, their provocative dances on Bab Al-Wad Road in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.
And Jerusalem sources reported that settlers stormed the Old City in groups, and performed provocative dances on Bab al-Wad Road for the fourth consecutive day.

Here are the "provocative" dances:

(vide video online)

They are singing a Chanukah soong.

It is worth reiterating what these headlines mean.

Palestinian media thinks that Jewish celebrations are not just celebrations, but are deliberately done to provoke Palestinian Arab feelings. This is a combination of antisemitism (Jews only use their holidays to hurt people) and egocentrism (Jews spend all their time thinking about Palestinians.)

But also they say that all these Jews are "settlers," meaning that they do not belong in Jerusalem or in the Middle East to begin with.

This Jew-hatred is so pervasive that people don't even bother to call it out. But the pervasiveness is the point: Palestinians are brought up with antisemitism, from their media, their schools, their families.

Saying that Jewish celebrations are really excused to hurt others is antisemitism. And it is the headline in dozens of Palestinian news sites, today.

Facebook has removed four networks from “Palestine,” Poland, Belarus, and China during November for violating its policy on Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB), including a Hamas-linked network, the social media company stated Wednesday.

“Each of these networks targeted people in multiple countries at once,” Facebook noted.

In “Palestine,” Facebook removed 141 accounts, 79 Pages, 13 Groups and 21 Instagram accounts operating from the Gaza Strip that primarily targeted “people in Palestine, and to a much lesser extent in Egypt and Israel.”

(full article online)

This is brilliant analysis, describing how the Left uses the additional conspiracy theory that Jews are defining antisemitism to discredit critics as a way to make modern antisemitism palatable - and immune to criticism itself!

The entire campaign against the IHRA definition of antisemitism is based on the idea that the Zionist establishment is conspiring to define antisemitism to allow Israel to act in sinister ways.

When "criticism of Israel" crosses the line into the idea that Israelis - the most argumentative, contentious people around - unite to embrace evil, that is no longer criticism of Israel. It is Jew-hatred, and it is something that Jews recognize quite well.

(full article online)

At every session of the UN General Assembly, more than a dozen resolutions are passed to demonize Israel — more than are passed against all other countries combined. All of them are preposterous in their bias, one-sidedness and counter-productivity. Most are simply declaratory and, while deplorable, are of limited practical consequence.

The world and the Middle East have changed drastically since 1968. But at Turtle Bay, time apparently stands still. The Abraham Accords have created dynamic partnerships between Israel and visionary, forward-looking Arab countries. They have created hope for all the people of the Middle East, including the Palestinian people. Isolation of Israel and the fetishization of Palestinian victimhood is not conducive to peace, which can only come about through direct, good-faith, unconditional negotiations between the parties.

(full article online)

In his column in the Qatari daily Al-Sharq, 'Abdallah Al-'Amadi, former media advisor to the Qatari education minister, wrote about the importance of preaching good and forbidding evil. As a "point of departure," and in order to "clarify the approach," he discussed at length the well-known Islamic tale, mentioned in the Quran and the Hadith, according to which Allah transformed the Jews into apes and pigs as punishment for violating their Sabbath.

The story of the divine punishment of turning the Jews to apes and pigs is mentioned in the most important Islamic sources. The Quran mentions it in three verses: "... They are those whom Allah has cast aside and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made some as apes and swine..." (5:60); "...You have surely known the end of those from amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, in consequence of which we condemned them: Be ye like apes, despised" (2:65); and "when, instead of amending, they became more persistent in the pursuit of that which they were forbidden, we condemned them: Be ye as apes, despised" (7:166). In addition, the story is also mentioned in the reliable collections of hadiths Sahih Al-Muslim and Sahih Al-Bukhari.[1]

In his article in the Qatari daily, Al-'Amadi presents the story in which Allah transforms a group of Jews into apes after they disobey him by fishing on the Sabbath despite the prohibition on it. He adds that according to tradition, two other groups of Jews obeyed the Lord's decree and refrained from fishing on the Sabbath; the first group actively advised the rebellious ones to heed Allah, while the second group remained indifferent. Al-'Amadi states that the first group, that exhorted the wrongdoers to heed Allah, was spared punishment, and that this underlines the importance of and obligation to counsel and preach good and forbid evil.

The Islamic trope of the transformation of the Jews, or their distant forefathers, into apes and pigs features prominently in Arab antisemitism in the modern era. The reference to this traditional tale in the Qatari daily
Al-Sharq demonstrates its prevalence.[2]

(full article online)

On Thursday evening The Mideast Beast sat down for an interview with Dr. Omer Rashida-Cortez, Director of the Anti-Israel Addicts Anonymous group, who has developed a 12-step program not just for “Israel = apartheid” addicts but specifically tailored for addicts who get every. fucking. thing. wrong. about Israel. Rashida-Cortez noted, “At least drunks can be fun and a potential source of hook ups, whereas netizens who have become meme-educated historians are factually annoying. We believe that this carefully-designed 12-step program may help with their serious affliction.”

  1. Admit you are an addict, and that “apartheid”, “Zio-Nazi”, and out-of-context map memesturn you on more than alcohol and porn. This is something that may cause you to feel shame…but you’ll eventually get over it. Probably. Possibly.
  2. Admit that you’ve never stepped foot in Israel. (*Having an Israeli or Palestinian friend doesn’t count.)
  3. Confess that you don’t really understand what Zionism means or the difference between the varying types of Zionism, and of course that you don’t understand the difference between the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. It’s probably best to be totally honest and confess that you don’t understand the Middle East at all.

(full article online)


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