All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.
You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.
20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.
You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.

Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.
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20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.
You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.

Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.
20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.
You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.

Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.

Arabs target Jews, Jews emigrate.
Why not call that ethnic cleansing?
There goes Your whole argument...:itsok:
20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.
You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.

Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.

Arabs target Jews, Jews emigrate.
Why not call that ethnic cleansing?
There goes Your whole argument...:itsok:
20,000 Palestinian immigrants from Judea and Samaria each year
Former head of the Government Press Office and member of the American-Israeli demographic research team, Yoram Ettinger, reveals the truth about the demographic threat.

Yoram Ettinger, former Israeli Consul in Washington and head of the Government Press Office, participated in the "Investors in a Solution" conference held last night in Elkana at the initiative of economist Erez Tzadok.

Ettinger referred to a number of issues on the political and economic level, reviewed the economic successes of the Americans in Israel and the West Bank, and stated that "the American aid money to Israel is a profitable investment for everything that generates 600-700% profits for the Americans."

In the framework of the demographic review, Ettinger rejected the reports of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the population registry and immigration, noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.

He explained how the PA inflated the number of Arabs from Judea and Samaria from 1.8 to 3 million, and expressed disappointment at the lack of effort on the part of Israeli officials to reveal the truth about immigration figures.
noting that the PA has the right not to expose the fact that 20,000 Palestinians emigrate from Judea and Samaria every year.
You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.

Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.

Arabs target Jews, Jews emigrate.
Why not call that ethnic cleansing?
There goes Your whole argument...:itsok:

Stupid mode already on?
Your whole argument shredded in 2 posts.

Now go promote another Jihadi'stan.
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You would think they would report that ethnic cleansing.

Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.

Arabs target Jews, Jews emigrate.
Why not call that ethnic cleansing?
There goes Your whole argument...:itsok:

Stupid mode already on?
Your whole argument shredded in 2 posts.
So how many Jews have the Palestinians run out of Israel?
Would You use the same term referring to Jewish emigrants, or does it only work for Arabs and their special Aid agencies?

Cause it does seem You guys are trying to claim there's an ethnic cleansing while at the same time presenting record numbers of Arab population since ever.

Arabs target Jews, Jews emigrate.
Why not call that ethnic cleansing?
There goes Your whole argument...:itsok:

Stupid mode already on?
Your whole argument shredded in 2 posts.
So how many Jews have the Palestinians run out of Israel?

16,700 in 2015.
It's an ethnic cleansing.

Would You say there're less Arabs inhabiting the land than before Israel?
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Arabs target Jews, Jews emigrate.
Why not call that ethnic cleansing?
There goes Your whole argument...:itsok:

Stupid mode already on?
Your whole argument shredded in 2 posts.
So how many Jews have the Palestinians run out of Israel?

16,700 in 2015.
It's an ethnic cleansing.

Would You say there're less Arabs inhabiting the land than before Israel?
Really? Expound.
The Israeli Foreign Ministry chastised the Cable News Network (CNN) over the weekend, after the network released a news brief which appeared to reverse the order of events in the latest clashes between Israel and the Hamas terror organization.

On Friday, terrorists operating out of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip opened fire on Israeli soldiers stationed on the border, killing 20-year-old Givati Brigade Staff Sergeant Aviv Levi.

In response to the terror attack, Israeli fighter jets pounded Hamas positions inside the Gaza Strip, hitting roughly 60 different terror targets in the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave. A day later, Gaza-based terrorists breached the Israeli border fence, prompting the IDF to shell a Hamas observation post in the Strip.

But a news brief by CNN International on Saturday presented the events in reverse order, and made no mention that the Israeli airstrikes had been in direct response to the Hamas attack.

(full article online)

Israel blasts CNN's coverage: 'Stop your manipulation'
If when you woke on the morning of Sunday 15 July, you made the error of watching the ABC television news bulletin, you would have seen that the lead item began: ‘The Israeli military has launched a wave of airstrikes against dozens of militant targets in the Gaza Strip.’ The bulletin included video clips of bombs exploding buildings, narrated as Israel’s targets in Gaza, and went on to describe ‘the operation is one of Israel’s broadest since the 2014 war.’ Anyone not informed about events in the region could be forgiven for concluding Israel had just initiated a war and had done so with no clear provocation.

Omitted completely by the ABC was the critical contextual information that in the previous 24 hours Israeli citizens in the south of the country had been targets of over 170 rockets and mortars which in turn followed weeks of fire bombs delivered by kites, balloons and inflated condoms. These attacks were orchestrated against Israel by the proscribed terrorist organisations Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Hardly a trivial oversight.

The ABC did mention that three Israelis had been injured by a (singular) rocket in Sderot but failed to mention the sequence or anything of the scale and timeframe of the attacks against Israel. Or even who was to blame for their injuries.

Indeed, the ABC reporting was so biased and one-sided it could have been scripted by Hamas. Imagine, if you will, a meeting in the Hamas command-and-control centre which is actually located in the basement of Al-Shifa hospital – a gross example of terrorists using human shields. In the room made smoky by nagilas are large signs with slogans ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’. The only way to enter the doorway is to walk on flags of the USA and Israel painted on the floor.

(full article online)

Dancing to terror’s tune | The Spectator Australia
Every Israeli knows the IDF can very swiftly wipe out hundreds of Gazans, bomb the hospitals where the "brave" terrorist leaders hide and turn apartment buildings housing terrorists into rubble. The IDF, however, in accordance with its values and legacy, will never act like our enemies. True, this comes with a price, but on the day the fighting ends we will have to look at ourselves in the mirror and we will want to see an ethical and moral reflection staring back at us – for the sake of future generations.

I sincerely doubt whether European countries – hypocritical by nature – can appreciate the significance of this rescue operation. A few days ago, Germany castigated Israel for its conduct against incendiary kite launchers, and is now hailing the rescue operation. This gratitude is certain to be short-lived, and soon the failing and collapsing EU will take its customary one-sided stance against Israel.

(full article online)

These are Israel's core values - Israel Hayom
Attorney Ben-Gvir said tonight his client intends to take proceedings against both the foreign observers and the Foreign Ministry, which has allowed extended presence of foreign observers. "It's inconceivable that the Foreign Ministry allows people who not only write distorted and offensive reports on Israel to stay in Hevron, but that these 'foreign observers' commit hate crimes against settlers and the Jews in Hevron are once again being abandoned. We will not accept this phenomenon. The time has come for the Israeli government to decide to expel them."

(full article online)

Video reveals: Foreign observer punctures tire in Hevron
If when you woke on the morning of Sunday 15 July, you made the error of watching the ABC television news bulletin, you would have seen that the lead item began: ‘The Israeli military has launched a wave of airstrikes against dozens of militant targets in the Gaza Strip.’ The bulletin included video clips of bombs exploding buildings, narrated as Israel’s targets in Gaza, and went on to describe ‘the operation is one of Israel’s broadest since the 2014 war.’ Anyone not informed about events in the region could be forgiven for concluding Israel had just initiated a war and had done so with no clear provocation.

Omitted completely by the ABC was the critical contextual information that in the previous 24 hours Israeli citizens in the south of the country had been targets of over 170 rockets and mortars which in turn followed weeks of fire bombs delivered by kites, balloons and inflated condoms. These attacks were orchestrated against Israel by the proscribed terrorist organisations Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Hardly a trivial oversight.

The ABC did mention that three Israelis had been injured by a (singular) rocket in Sderot but failed to mention the sequence or anything of the scale and timeframe of the attacks against Israel. Or even who was to blame for their injuries.

Indeed, the ABC reporting was so biased and one-sided it could have been scripted by Hamas. Imagine, if you will, a meeting in the Hamas command-and-control centre which is actually located in the basement of Al-Shifa hospital – a gross example of terrorists using human shields. In the room made smoky by nagilas are large signs with slogans ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’. The only way to enter the doorway is to walk on flags of the USA and Israel painted on the floor.

(full article online)

Dancing to terror’s tune | The Spectator Australia
Timeline: The occupation came first.
  • The armies of ISIS came right up to the villages on the Syrian side along the borders of the Golan. There, they were able to bring that form of peace-through-barbarism which the world has come to know well. If ISIS had triumphed in the Syrian conflict rather than suffering repeated set-backs, would the UK Foreign Office have handed them the territory by way of reparational justice, or victor's prize?

  • The painful irony of this situation should be clear to all observers. If the Israelis did not lay claim to the Golan, there would have been no means to have got the White Helmets and their families out of Syria. Had Israel not made the Golan the peaceful and thriving area it is, it would simply be another part of Syria in which different sectarian groups were slaughtering other sectarian groups.

  • The British Foreign Office will have to back out of its self-imposed corner regarding the Golan at some point and accept the reality on the ground. How much better it would be if it did so now in a spirit of goodwill and reciprocity, rather than later on in a spirit of inevitable and grudging defeat.
(full article online)

The Great British Foreign Office Fantasy
Prime Minister Netanyahu inherited a situation in which: (a) Hamas holds the reins of power in Gaza, spends precious funds on digging tunnels to attack Israel, flies kites to set extensive fires in Israel, and teaches kids to aspire to “martyrdom”; (b) Hezbollah is continuing to gain strength in Lebanon, thanks to Iranian largesse, and has tens of thousands of missiles and rockets in its arsenal; (c) the Palestinian Authority has been AWOL from the negotiating table; and (d) Iran continues to call for Israel’s destruction while enhancing its military capability, entrenching itself in Syria, and funding Hamas.

So before Israel gets any further lectures on what needs to be done, perhaps we should take stock of what’s transpired — and why.

There have been at least three bold Israeli efforts since 2000 to create a breakthrough — and three successive failures. And that’s not to mention Netanyahu’s 10-month settlement freeze and the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to seize this opportunity to break the stalemate.

The vast majority of Israelis yearn for peace, and understand the considerable price the country will have to pay in territory and displaced population. Poll after poll proves their readiness, but only if they are assured that lasting peace, not new phases in the conflict, will be the outcome. Tellingly, few see that possibility on the horizon anytime soon.

Israelis don’t have to be pushed, prodded, nudged, cajoled, or pressured to seek a comprehensive peace beyond the current treaties with Egypt and Jordan. More than any other nation on the planet, they have lived with the absence of peace for 70 years, and know full well the physical and psychological toll it has inflicted on the country.

Rather, they must be convinced that the tangible rewards justify the immense risks for a small state in a tough area. Those rewards begin with its neighbors’ acceptance of Israel’s rightful place in the region as a Jewish and democratic state within secure and recognized borders. And that, far more than settlements, checkpoints, or any of the other items on the IOI bill of particulars, gets to the essence of the conflict.

(full article online)

The ‘If Only Israel’ Syndrome
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