All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Most Americans have never had the experience of being woken in the middle of the night by a Tzeva Adom (“Code Red”) siren, rushing to the closest bomb shelter, and hiding in the shelter while listening for the explosion of a Palestinian missile. I recently had this experience and am writing to share it with non-Israelis.

(full article online)

Musings from a bomb shelter
Gaza University Professor Abdul Samee' Al-'Arabeed on Hamas TV: The Jews Are Human Garbage, Behind Every Conspiracy

Something of an example of what passes for education in the Islamic Death Cult.
I don’t know enough about the Yemeni incident to comment on Jones’ criticism of the Saudis. But as for Israel, I have five thoughts:

1. Using casualties as some kind of moral barometer is perverse. Jones simply strips the numbers of all context to sling his mud.

If the number of dead Israelis isn’t equal to (or greater than) the number of dead Palestinians, it’s not for lack of Palestinian effort. We don’t apologize for surviving years of suicide bombings, drive-by shootings, stabbings, rock throwings, firebombings and now incendiary kites and balloons. If Hamas was capable of producing more precise rockets or outgunning Iron Dome, it would.

2. Israel’s battle with Hamas is a battle with Hamas. Sorry, Jones, but the nearly 200 rockets fired on Wednesday night aren’t objects you frame (or spin or whitewash).

3. If Gaza is indeed “open-air prison camp,” it’s not because Israel is throwing its weight as a “regional military superpower.” It’s because Hamas is trying smuggle weapons into Gaza by sea and by land. When the Gaza terror threat ends, so will the blockade. For now, Hamas is remarkably persistent.

But Israel is too.

Deal with it.

(full article online)

Casualty Counts as a Moral Barometer and Virtue Signalling | HonestReporting

It is because Palestinians think like Palestinians. And when Israel retaliates the Palestinians & supporters like you bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. Do you think maybe it would be wise for the Palestinians to not think like Palestinians?
Ha, the Palestinians have Israel up a tree and they don't know what to do about it.

It is because Palestinians think like Palestinians. And when Israel retaliates the Palestinians & supporters like you bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. Do you think maybe it would be wise for the Palestinians to not think like Palestinians?
Ha, the Palestinians have Israel up a tree and they don't know what to do about it.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?

How many dead and wounded Arabs-Moslems have fallen out of the
gee-had tree at the failed Tire Burning Riots?
What’s far more telling is that the organizers also banned Israeli flags at the protest, arguing that they would make Arab demonstrators uncomfortable (here, too, some people disobeyed). They did this knowing that it would undermine their goal of strong Jewish participation since many Jews opposed to the nation-state law would still feel uncomfortable at a protest where Israeli flags were unwelcome. And this wasn’t a decision by a few rebellious protesters; it was made by the Arab community’s most representative body—the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, which consists of elected mayors, Knesset members and other community leaders.

In other words, the organizers believed that Israeli flags were unacceptable to most of their community. So they informed Jews that no partnership was possible, even over an ostensibly major shared concern, unless the Jews agreed to forgo even the most basic symbol of their Israeli identity.

(full article online)

The message of the missing Israeli flags
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