All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In all of the Middle East, Israel is the only country with citizens of any living faith, including Muslim Palestinians with equal voting rights in the Knesset.

I heard last week that there is not one Jew left in Egypt.
Good riddance. These words are the proper sendoff for Maj. Gen. Michael Beary, the commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, who is about to complete his four-year term.

Beary had one job: to prevent Hezbollah from spreading south of the Litani River. He consistently refused to enforce this prohibition, insisting that the terrorists moving south of the river were actually shepherds and hunters. Even during his farewell interviews, he could not utter the word Hezbollah.

(full article online)
So good to see our financial aid to Israel helping to make a better world. Just curious, what does our financial aid to Palestinians result in?
Israel Kills Two Hamas Commandos in Response to Fire From Gaza

Incident comes as Egypt brokering Hamas-Israel cease-fire deal ■ Palestinians report another Israeli strike targeting Gazans at the border; none injured

Jack Khoury

Aug 07, 2018 4:52 PM


The Israeli military said it fired at a Hamas facility in northern Gaza Wednesday morning in response to fire from the Strip aimed at Israeli security forces.

The tank fire killed two 23-year-old members of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades' al-Nukhba elite unit and wounded six others, reports in Gaza said. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. The two killed are Abd al-Hafez al-Silawi and Ahmad Murjan.

IDF video documenting Tuesday's attack

According to the reports, the Israeli attack hit a graduation ceremony of al-Qassam fighters at Hamas' Askelan base. Senior Hamas figures were reportedly in attendance. The Gaza Health Ministry confirmed the two deaths.

Later Tuesday, Palestinian media outlets reported that another Israeli strike took place in Gaza in the afternoon, targeting a group of Palestinians at Israel's border with the Strip.


People carry the body of a Palestinian Hamas militant who was killed in Israeli tank shelling, at a hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, August 7, 2018. \ MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS

Read more: Israel kills two Hamas commandos in response to fire from Gaza
All of us know, deep down, that hatred, for instance Jew-hatred, is bad. It’s part of our moral fiber. So when we want to indulge in a little xenophobia, we have to find an excuse that gives us permission to act in a way we know is wrong.

Hating Jews, for example, requires the antisemite to build a moral foundation for hate, a tautology that makes Jew-hatred not only acceptable, but a virtue. Antisemites build the moral foundation for their hate through the dehumanization of the Jews. Because if Jews aren’t human, it’s okay to hate them.
If Jews are not human, hating them becomes exactly like hating Brussels sprouts. A choice completely divorced from morality. It’s not immoral to hate Brussels sprouts, therefore it’s not immoral to hate the Jews, who, after all, are not human, much as Brussels sprouts are not human.

Of course, Jews are clearly living beings, even if not human. Killing them, therefore, would still be deemed as cruel and inhumane as killing animals, according to societal norms and the bylaws of PETA. For this reason, building a moral foundation or tautology for Jew-hatred necessitates a foundational belief that Jews are not just not human, but subhuman: untermenschen.

(full article online)

“Hath Not a Jew Eyes?”: The Dehumanization of the Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But remember, Arabs-Moslems will insist that they are victims; victims of oppression, victims of poverty and their poverty comes despite a UN welfare agency dedicated to their exclusive abuse.

PA has paid $294,332 to the Sbarro bombers

PA has paid $294,332 to the Sbarro bombers - PMW Bulletins

  • 17 years after the suicide terror attack that left 15 dead, the bomb-builder and the suicide bomber's family continue to be rewarded with monthly payments from the PA
  • PA terror payments to them and a third participating terrorist have reached more than $294,332 (1,020,570 shekels)
  • PA law conditions any peace agreement with Israel on the release of all the terrorist prisoners, among them the bomb-maker of the Sbarro bombing, Abdallah Barghouti, who in total murdered 67 people.
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus
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180 rockets lobbed at Israel in a 24 hour period.

Could say more, but won't.

Pali's attack Israel. Israel retaliates. And then the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
If I attacked someone who then retaliated by kicking the shit out of me, I don't think I would care to attack him again. But then, I don't have a Palestinian mentality.
Australia denies citizenship to terrorists:
"Citizenship requires loyalty"

The Australian government announced on Thursday that it had denied citizenship to five Muslim citizens who had joined the DAESH terror organization in Syria and Iraq.
The five Muslim citizens join another Muslim terrorist - Khaled Sharouf - whose citizenship was revoked after he made headlines by posting a horrifying picture of his little son waving a Syrian soldier's head.
"I can confirm that five more people will no longer be Australian citizens because of their activities abroad," said Australian Interior Minister Peter Dutton, "citizenship requires loyalty to this country. The five, with dual citizenship, acted against Australian interests when they were involved in terrorism and chose to leave the Australian community. "

Source: channel 20.
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