All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Yes but let us not forget Israel's brutal treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do. No complaints from the Pali's & their supporters about that.

Yes but let us not forget Israel's brutal treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do. No complaints from the Pali's & their supporters about that.

"Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do.."

...I know you don't mean:


or Yemen

All that goes on in those places is constant islamic in-fighting. Terrorist vs terrorist-gov't. Sunni vs Shia, Tribal Group A vs Tribal Group B. Rebel vs "the other rebels." Everyone vs....everyone....

Did you have ONE particular Arab-love-country in mind.....?​



Yes but let us not forget Israel's brutal treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do. No complaints from the Pali's & their supporters about that.

"Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do.."

...I know you don't mean:


or Yemen

All that goes on in those places is constant islamic in-fighting. Terrorist vs terrorist-gov't. Sunni vs Shia, Tribal Group A vs Tribal Group B. Rebel vs "the other rebels." Everyone vs....everyone....

Did you have ONE particular Arab-love-country in mind.....?​


For one reason or another, mainline Protestant peacemakers find it difficult, if not impossible, to speak openly and directly about Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians. In particular, they can’t say the word “Hamas,” the name of an antisemitic terrorist organization that seeks Israel’s destruction and which has launched thousands of rockets into Israel.

Hamas, the group that mainliners cannot name, does a lot of really bad things and causes a lot of suffering. It hides its rockets in schools and hospitals, teaches children to hate Jews, and has encouraged Palestinians to gather at Gaza’s boundary with Israel to give cover for armed terrorists seeking to penetrate the security barrier. It recruits people to serve as human shields, steals food and fuel from rank-and-file Palestinians to give to its leaders, and takes cement allowed into Gaza to rebuild peoples’ homes and uses it to build attack tunnels into Israel. But because mainliners can’t — or won’t — say the word “Hamas,” mainliners have a tough time confronting the bad things it does.

Because of the mainline refusal to speak about Hamas’s bad acts, the peacemaking narrative offered by mainline activists and the churches that support them is profoundly distorted. In the mainline narrative about violence in the Holy Land, anti-Jewish violence is mostly unremarkable, while Israel’s efforts to protect Jewish lives and welfare is inherently blameworthy. Hamas terrorists get a pass for terrorizing Israelis and Israelis are condemned for fighting back.

The overall effect of Christian peacemaking rhetoric is to give license to Palestinian violence while blunting Israel’s ability to protect the lives of its citizens.

(full article online)

Lutheran Peacemakers Use Passive Voice to Give Hamas a Pass, Demonize Israel | CAMERA
The Arabic Wikipedia page on the fire also claims that Israel cut the water supply to fight the fire.

None of this is true. Here's an accurate account from YNet:

In a matter of minutes, hundreds of the old city's Muslim residents, including many children and teens, arrived at the temple mount. The masses of people began yelling and screaming, and whether intentional or not, interfered with the firefighters attempts to control the flames. The crowd managed to shut off the fire truck's water hoses. One individual went as far as breaking the only fire hydrant on the temple mount.

In a matter of minutes the six Jerusalem based fire trucks exhausted their water supplies, with the lack of immediate water sources at hand, the crews were forced to cease fighting the fires for a matter of time. As a result, the fire spread towards other wooden areas within the mosque.

Soon after the fire began spreading, the screams of the masses of Muslim worshippers reached a fever pitch, with some of the youths yelling curses against the "Jews who burned our shrine," while others yelled "Arab Palestine." At 8:30 AM a thunderous sound was heard from within the mosque, followed by a rising black cloud of smoke. A large portion of the wooden roof had collapsed as a result of the fire, falling onto the mosque floor. The crash led to yet another wave of hysterical screaming, as it was described, followed by a wave of pushing and violent outbursts.

The fury reached its peak when then Jerusalem mayor, Teddy Kollek entered the burning mosque. Police officers rushed to protect him from any possible injury, but where quickly repelled by the angry crowd, who began raising their fists to ward off the officers. Furious Muslim youths also managed to push high ranking military officials from the temple mount. The officers chose to not to push into the mount, preferring to leave through the Mugrahbi Bridge, and avoid sparking another outbreak of violence. Kollek followed the officers in leaving the compound. One of the officers barely managed to escape the wrath of an angry woman, who raised her shoe above her head, intending to hit the officer.
The firefighters finally managed to subdue the fire at 10 AM.The crazed Muslim crowd ended up impeding firefighting efforts, and some of the damage to the mosque can be attributed to them.

(full article online)

Arabic media continues to lie about 1969 Al Aqsa arson ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Amazing how the Russians have so much to do with Arab/Muslim hatred of Israel/Jews. They created the "Palestinian" nationalism. They continue to work against Israel one way or another. All because Israel would not turn Communist? Or what is the real reason? ]

The best illustration of this is the very same argument that Almond chooses to defend from the charge of antisemitism; namely, that Israel is the outcome of a “racist endeavor,” a favorite theme of the Corbynite left. This argument has historically been the preserve of anti-democratic ideologies and regimes. As early as 1965, Soviet diplomats at the United Nations were bracketing Zionism with Nazism; a decade later, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution spearheaded by a coalition of communist and authoritarian member states that equated Zionism with “apartheid” and “racism.” Publishing houses in Moscow pumped out cheap booklets that often ended up on Western university campuses in which the reader would learn that Zionism was a natural extension of the “Jewish exclusivism” fostered by the Talmud. Similar propaganda appeared in the Arab media, usually accompanied by lurid cartoons of hook-nosed Israeli soldiers driving innocent Palestinians from their homes in Nazi-like fashion.

One might counter that not everyone who presents Israel as a “racist endeavor” is driven by the same motives — strategic, diplomatic, ideological — that the USSR was when it adopted antisemitism in the name of anti-Zionism. Perhaps. But to make the case, one is still forced to rely on the same arguments. If Israel should, as Almond astonishingly advocates, be presented as a “settler-colonial” project to school students encountering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the very first time, how is that to be done in a way that doesn’t jeopardize attitudes to local Jewish communities? If Israel is to be portrayed as a rogue state of global proportions, whose inhabitants have essentially fabricated their historic and spiritual links to the territory which they now occupy at the expense of the indigenous Arabs, how can such an argument possibly avoid antisemitic tropes about Jewish wealth, Jewish political influence, and ingrained Jewish exclusivism? And if the Palestinians are to be portrayed as ongoing victims of ethnic cleansing by Jews (and Jews alone), then how can one neatly separate the opposition to Zionism from the antisemitism?

(full article online)

How to Misread Antisemitism
Here’s a short list of the themes and concerns that are the essential cutting edge of what hasbara activity should be dealing with and putting forth arguments and facts about:

  1. There was never an Arab Palestine. Quite simply, it never existed in all of history. On the other hand, in the 1922 League of Nations mandate decision, the Jewish historic national home is to be “reconstituted” having existed first as a tribal federation, then the First Monarchy and the Second Temple Commonwealth.
  2. Almost until the 1930s, the major demand of the Arabs of Palestine was that the territory of Palestine be joined to the French Syria and Lebanon mandate as they considered the area Southern Syria.
  3. A Palestinian Arab nation never existed. They considered themselves as Southern Syrians (see #2 above). All attempts to claim, for example, that Jesus was a Palestinian or that today’s Arab Palestinian population is an ancient resident group in this area, is incorrect.
  4. The Arab conflict with Israel and Zionism has always been and continues to be not one over territory or borders, but rather over Israel’s right to exist.
  5. Israel is not a colonialist project. Jews are the indigenous population. Arabs themselves are the true colonialists and imperialists, having come out of the Arabian Peninsula in the first third of the seventh century, conquered and occupied the Jewish homeland whose name the Roman occupiers had altered from “Judaea” to the new province of “Palaestina.” Any Arab claim to being “Canaanite” or “Jebusite” is pure unsubstantiated myth.
  6. The British Mandate decision, supported unanimously by more than 50 countries, recognized the Jewish right of “close settlement” on all the land west of the Jordan River. Jewish settlement rights to the lands east of the river were, for the time being, postponed but never proscribed.
  7. Jewish settlement in the historic Jewish homeland can never be “illegal.” In fact, the activity of rejuvenating a Jewish presence throughout the territory should be termed “resettlement.”
  8. If there is to ever be a “two-state solution,” it cannot be one in which there are two Arab states in the area of the former Palestine without Jews and one which is Jewish but is also populated by Arabs. A fair population distribution is warranted.
  9. An ethnic-cleansing campaign carried out through violent terror operations including murder, pillage, and destruction of homes, property, and fields, was accomplished by Arabs between 1920-1948. Some 20,000 Jews were expelled from their homes in locations such as Hebron, Jerusalem, and environs, including Gaza, Nablus/Shechem, Jenin, Jericho, Tul Karem, Gush Etzion, and other sites.
  10. Arabs have always rejected any diplomatic or political agreement, as well as any compromise, including the removal of Transjordan from the Mandate for the Jewish National Home, an Arab Legislative Assembly, several partition schemes in 1937-39, the 1939 White Paper which reneged on the original Mandate intention that deigned to establish not a Jewish national home but a “Palestine State,” as well as the 1947 UN Partition Plan. Afterwards, they refused the offer of Israel to return all the territories except for Jerusalem at the infamous “Three No’s” 1967 Khartoum Conference, the Dayan Functional Plan, the Allon Plan, the Begin Autonomy Plan, the Camp David II offer and subsequent Clinton Parameters of 2000-01, the Olmert/Livni Offers, the Netanyahu Construction Moratorium of 2009-10, and more.
  11. The Palestinian Authority is a non-democratic dictatorship ruled by a variety of competing terrorist warlords. The political, human, and civil rights of its Arab residents are virtually non-existent. It promotes terror and intransigence, does not encourage peace and coexistence with Jews and Israel, while religiously promoted anti-Jewish prejudices are ingrained through its educational system from the lowest grades up.
  12. The Palestinian Authority had adopted a “pay to slay” policy that motivates its populace to murder Jews so their families can receive money.
  13. If any peace arrangement is to be explored, it can come only after there is full peace between the PLO/Fatah and Hamas for a number of years and then after a deprogramming process of the terror and anti-Jewish educational content of the schools’ curriculum as well as the PA’s sponsored media outlets has been in force for a decade.
This is not an exhaustive list, but one that includes the necessary elements for defending Israel and offering the possibility for a future relationship with Israel and Zionism’s enemies based on coexistence and peace.

(full article online)

Thirteen Hasbara Essentials

Yes but let us not forget Israel's brutal treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do. No complaints from the Pali's & their supporters about that.

"Why can't Israel treat the Palestinians with the same love, justice & respect their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries do.."

...I know you don't mean:


or Yemen

All that goes on in those places is constant islamic in-fighting. Terrorist vs terrorist-gov't. Sunni vs Shia, Tribal Group A vs Tribal Group B. Rebel vs "the other rebels." Everyone vs....everyone....

Did you have ONE particular Arab-love-country in mind.....?​


Have you ever heard a single Palestinian or Pali supporter complaint against surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? When will those Zionists in Israel ever learn how to make peace from Palestinians?
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation,
What is the clunker in their negotiations?
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation,
What is the clunker in their negotiations?

Competition for the UNRWA welfare fraud money they steal.
Here’s a short list of the themes and concerns that are the essential cutting edge of what hasbara activity should be dealing with and putting forth arguments and facts about:

  1. There was never an Arab Palestine. Quite simply, it never existed in all of history. On the other hand, in the 1922 League of Nations mandate decision, the Jewish historic national home is to be “reconstituted” having existed first as a tribal federation, then the First Monarchy and the Second Temple Commonwealth.
  2. Almost until the 1930s, the major demand of the Arabs of Palestine was that the territory of Palestine be joined to the French Syria and Lebanon mandate as they considered the area Southern Syria.
  3. A Palestinian Arab nation never existed. They considered themselves as Southern Syrians (see #2 above). All attempts to claim, for example, that Jesus was a Palestinian or that today’s Arab Palestinian population is an ancient resident group in this area, is incorrect.
  4. The Arab conflict with Israel and Zionism has always been and continues to be not one over territory or borders, but rather over Israel’s right to exist.
  5. Israel is not a colonialist project. Jews are the indigenous population. Arabs themselves are the true colonialists and imperialists, having come out of the Arabian Peninsula in the first third of the seventh century, conquered and occupied the Jewish homeland whose name the Roman occupiers had altered from “Judaea” to the new province of “Palaestina.” Any Arab claim to being “Canaanite” or “Jebusite” is pure unsubstantiated myth.
  6. The British Mandate decision, supported unanimously by more than 50 countries, recognized the Jewish right of “close settlement” on all the land west of the Jordan River. Jewish settlement rights to the lands east of the river were, for the time being, postponed but never proscribed.
  7. Jewish settlement in the historic Jewish homeland can never be “illegal.” In fact, the activity of rejuvenating a Jewish presence throughout the territory should be termed “resettlement.”
  8. If there is to ever be a “two-state solution,” it cannot be one in which there are two Arab states in the area of the former Palestine without Jews and one which is Jewish but is also populated by Arabs. A fair population distribution is warranted.
  9. An ethnic-cleansing campaign carried out through violent terror operations including murder, pillage, and destruction of homes, property, and fields, was accomplished by Arabs between 1920-1948. Some 20,000 Jews were expelled from their homes in locations such as Hebron, Jerusalem, and environs, including Gaza, Nablus/Shechem, Jenin, Jericho, Tul Karem, Gush Etzion, and other sites.
  10. Arabs have always rejected any diplomatic or political agreement, as well as any compromise, including the removal of Transjordan from the Mandate for the Jewish National Home, an Arab Legislative Assembly, several partition schemes in 1937-39, the 1939 White Paper which reneged on the original Mandate intention that deigned to establish not a Jewish national home but a “Palestine State,” as well as the 1947 UN Partition Plan. Afterwards, they refused the offer of Israel to return all the territories except for Jerusalem at the infamous “Three No’s” 1967 Khartoum Conference, the Dayan Functional Plan, the Allon Plan, the Begin Autonomy Plan, the Camp David II offer and subsequent Clinton Parameters of 2000-01, the Olmert/Livni Offers, the Netanyahu Construction Moratorium of 2009-10, and more.
  11. The Palestinian Authority is a non-democratic dictatorship ruled by a variety of competing terrorist warlords. The political, human, and civil rights of its Arab residents are virtually non-existent. It promotes terror and intransigence, does not encourage peace and coexistence with Jews and Israel, while religiously promoted anti-Jewish prejudices are ingrained through its educational system from the lowest grades up.
  12. The Palestinian Authority had adopted a “pay to slay” policy that motivates its populace to murder Jews so their families can receive money.
  13. If any peace arrangement is to be explored, it can come only after there is full peace between the PLO/Fatah and Hamas for a number of years and then after a deprogramming process of the terror and anti-Jewish educational content of the schools’ curriculum as well as the PA’s sponsored media outlets has been in force for a decade.
This is not an exhaustive list, but one that includes the necessary elements for defending Israel and offering the possibility for a future relationship with Israel and Zionism’s enemies based on coexistence and peace.

(full article online)

Thirteen Hasbara Essentials
This guy never read the Mandate. He is just running on Israeli talking points.
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation,
What is the clunker in their negotiations?

Competition for the UNRWA welfare fraud money they steal.
Stupid post of the day. They don't get money from UNWRA.
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation,
What is the clunker in their negotiations?

Competition for the UNRWA welfare fraud money they steal.
Stupid post of the day. They don't get money from UNWRA.

Do you support financial aid to Palestinians funding Palestinians terrorists?
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation,
What is the clunker in their negotiations?

Competition for the UNRWA welfare fraud money they steal.
Stupid post of the day. They don't get money from UNWRA.

I'm afraid your ignorance needs to be resolved.
The UN issued a report whose very raison d'etre was to bash Israel, with the title "Tenth emergency special session/Agenda item 5/Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Protection of the Palestinian civilian population/Report of the Secretary-General

But buried within the lies and half-truths, the UN grudgingly admits that Hamas and the PA don't always act like angels either.
In Gaza, in addition to the closures imposed, 2 million Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas and its increasingly separate legal and administrative system. To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation, which has exacerbated the dire humanitarian and economic situation and undermined stability. Hamas and other militant groups have previously used civilians as covers for militant activities, carried out extrajudicial executions and used the death penalty, in contravention of Palestinian and international legal obligations.

The shrinking space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders remains a cause for concern. There have been incidents where the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have taken actions that have resulted in limits on freedom of expression and, in some cases, arbitrary arrests and the violent suppression of protests.
The biggest irony in this report by the Secretary General is that - within a report whose very title presupposed only Israeli guilt in a special session dedicated to Israel alone - he writes how he wants to be objective:

(full article online)

UN reluctantly admits that Palestinians sometimes hurt their own civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To date, Fatah and Hamas have failed to demonstrate the necessary commitment to advancing reconciliation,
What is the clunker in their negotiations?

Competition for the UNRWA welfare fraud money they steal.
Stupid post of the day. They don't get money from UNWRA.

Do you support financial aid to Palestinians funding Palestinians terrorists?

seems like they do...
(support Palestinian terrorists)​

how weird is that ?

oops. wrong group of terrorists (but they're the same)... know what I mean....?
It's just shameful that the international community does not react to the glorification of islamic terrorism with a purposeful halt to the UNRWA welfare fraud that ultimately funds this nonsense.

New Head of PLO Commission of Prisoners
visits notorious Terror-Mom

New Head of PLO Commission of Prisoners visits notorious Terror–Mom - PMW Bulletins

  • Qadri Abu Bakr visited home of Terror-Mom Latifa Abu Hmeid, mother to six terrorist murderers
  • With 4 sons serving life sentences for multiple murders, a "Martyr" son who also was a murderer, and now a sixth son on trial for murder, the Terror-Mom's family has received the most pay for terror from the PA: Over $1,000,000
  • The Head of the PLO Commission of Prisoners is directly responsible for these payments of the salaries to terrorist prisoners
  • Abu Bakr reiterated that he will ignore "American and Israeli pressure on everything connected to the salaries," and continue paying them
  • PMW has already submitted a recommendation to the US Treasury that the US "blacklist" Issa Karake, the previous Head of the Commission, for his responsibility of the terror payments
  • While Karake was recently deposed, his replacement Qadri Abu Bakr is clearly continuing his footsteps, and should also be put on the US blacklist
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus
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