All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Border Disputes
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

And again, these implications you make are a false statements deliberately intended to deceive the reader.

Palestine already had territory defined by international borders.
What International borders are you referring???

Who says that Palestine has no borders?
Who declared the territories for boundaries? I have never heard of a "Palestinian" border marker for the State of Palestine.,

Who says that Palestine has no borders?
Who said Palestine has borders? Please show me one.


Most Respectfully,
What facts?

You remind me of my kids. I would walk into their room and be half way up to my knees in books, papers, toys, clothes, and I would say: "You need to clean up this mess."

They would look around and say: "What mess?"
You remind me of my kids. I would walk into their room and be half way up to my knees in books, papers, toys, clothes, and I would say: "You need to clean up this mess."

They would look around and say: "What mess?"
That's quite a sidestep. You remind me of someone who makes specious claims and then sidesteps when tasked with supporting those claims

What facts?
That's quite a sidestep. You remind me of someone who makes specious claims and then sidesteps when tasked with supporting those claims

What facts?
Like the claim that there is a Palestine, like there are Palestinians, like Palestine has international borders.

All documented, of course.
Like the claim that there is a Palestine, like there are Palestinians, like Palestine has international borders.

All documented, of course.
Just odd that you make these specious claims about some imagined ''country of pally'land'' but you can't identify any boundaries for this invented country.

The near-daily reports of Palestinian gunmen opening fire on soldiers and Israeli civilians come as the IDF continues with its crackdown on terrorism and weapons flood the streets and as the Palestinian Authority loses more and more control.

Thousands of counterterrorism operations have been carried out by the IDF, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the Israel Police. The wave of violence has since subsided, with no deadly attacks since May. Nevertheless, a shooting attack on a bus carrying troops in the Jordan Valley on Sunday could have easily ended with casualties.

Instead, Palestinians have focused their sites on targets close to home: soldiers guarding roads and checkpoints or who enter West Bank cities to detain wanted suspects.

The near-daily reports of Palestinian gunmen opening fire on soldiers and Israeli civilians come as the IDF continues with its crackdown on terrorism and weapons flood the streets and as the Palestinian Authority loses more and more control.

Thousands of counterterrorism operations have been carried out by the IDF, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the Israel Police. The wave of violence has since subsided, with no deadly attacks since May. Nevertheless, a shooting attack on a bus carrying troops in the Jordan Valley on Sunday could have easily ended with casualties.

Instead, Palestinians have focused their sites on targets close to home: soldiers guarding roads and checkpoints or who enter West Bank cities to detain wanted suspects.
Odd that the pallys are not guarding the borders of the ''country of pally'land''

Can't they find the borders? Usually there are signs or markers.. or something.

Perhaps an international surveyor could be called in to find the international border marking the ''country of pally'land''?
Written by Ahmad Mansour, a Palestinian-German psychologist with close ties to the Israel lobby, and Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, a former German justice minister, the report accused the journalists of anti-Jewish bigotry because of comments and views critical of Israel.

Mansour’s anti-Muslim, anti-Arab and pro-Israel views have made him a darling of German media and state-funded institutions, as he offers them cover for their own racist perspectives.

“It is a relief that the judge ruled in Farah’s favor and held Deutsche Welle accountable for this illegal dismissal,” ELSC director Giovanni Fassina said. “We hope this sends a clear message that they should stop their censorship practices.”

Fassina added that the case illustrated how institutionalization of the so-called IHRA definition of anti-Semitism – which the report relied on – “can lead to severe infringements upon freedom of expression and freedom of the press.”

Promoted by Israel and its lobby, the IHRA definition conflates criticism of Israel, on the one hand, with anti-Jewish bigotry, on the other. It has become the Israel lobby’s key weapon in North America and Europe to enforce censorship about Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.
Like the claim that there is a Palestine, like there are Palestinians, like Palestine has international borders.

All documented, of course.
Indeed, like the claim that there is an invented ''country of pal'istan'', like that somehow invented pal'istanians, like that invented imaginary borders of the ''country of pal'istan''

Indeed, all an invention. Odd how ''All documented, of course'', is lacking any documentation.

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