All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Condemnation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

These last couple of questions in which the questioner demands a YES -NO Answer.

I am quite sure that any nation - IF and only IF the Palestinian Terrorist mover the battlefield away from said children - OR - IF the Palestinian Terrorist move the children away from the conflict away - will condemn targeting the children moved away from the hostile acts.
This is in accordance with RULES #23 and #24 of the Customary and International Humanitarian Law.​
IF the Palestinian Terrorist use the children, as implied by the questioner, as shield and hostages to protect hostile operations the Palestinian Terrorist become a criminal under the War Crimes Act ...​

The fact that these questioners were allowed to present questions on this subject matter is a travesty.

Anyone who gives one micro unit of trust, confidence and attention to these questioners is simply not examining the evidence at hand.
The question is: Do the Palestinian Terrorist support the use of children at cover and concealment for their hostile actions?

Most Respectfully,
IF the Palestinian Terrorist use the children, as implied by the questioner, as shield and hostages to protect hostile operations the Palestinian Terrorist become a criminal under the War Crimes Act ...
Do you mean like when Israel attacks Palestinians in their own neighborhood?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Condemnation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Do you mean like when Israel attacks Palestinians in their own neighborhood?

IF the Palestinians set up and launch rockets from an civilian populated area, the Palestinians have marked that area combat launch site and it becomes a legitimate target for which it can respond. The Palestinians cannot come back in protest and claim the Israelis the legitimate military target. That would be the use of civilians as human shields.

It is not so different from other criminals hiding behind a hostage to elude safety.

Most Respectfully,

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Condemnation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


IF the Palestinians set up and launch rockets from an civilian populated area, the Palestinians have marked that area combat launch site and it becomes a legitimate target for which it can respond. The Palestinians cannot come back in protest and claim the Israelis the legitimate military target. That would be the use of civilians as human shields.

It is not so different from other criminals hiding behind a hostage to elude safety.

Most Respectfully,
IF the Palestinians set up and launch rockets from an civilian populated area,
Like in Janine?

Only now, though, it is not just about Palestinians involved in resistance activities or those affiliated with political parties whose policies are completely different from those of Fatah, which dominates the PA. The economic crisis and the PA's lack of funds have contributed to a simmering discontent which may well give way to collective anger on the streets. Abbas will then find it hard to blame a select group of Palestinians involved in resistance when most of the population shares similar grievances. The US is equally conscious of this fact, and would not desire a situation where the masses recognise their own power against the illegitimate government in Ramallah which still refuses to hold democratic elections. Hence, Washington's repeated insistence that Israel takes steps to stabilise the PA.
Seems silly. Expecting Islamic terrorist franchises to stop acting like islamic terrorist franchises?

Palestinian terror groups have effectively been given a green light to operate against Israel, in blatant violation of signed peace agreements.
Palestinian terror groups have effectively been given a green light to operate against Israel, in blatant violation of signed peace agreements.

(TPS) On Wednesday morning Israel’s Minister of Defense Benny Gantz visited the IDF’s Intelligence Division (IDFDI) to hold a situation assessment regarding various challenges including Iran, the northern arena, and the Palestinian arena, where he slammed the Palestinian Authority (PA) for failing to do more to stop terrorism based within its areas.

A Jewish group in Germany has filed criminal charges against Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid and defense minister Benny Gantz over the bombardment they ordered in Gaza this summer.

The Israeli surprise attack from 5-8 August left some 50 Palestinians dead, including 17 children. At least 360 people were injured.

“This was a supposed preemptive strike that was carried out without a concrete threat,” Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East said on Sunday.

A Jewish group in Germany has filed criminal charges against Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid and defense minister Benny Gantz over the bombardment they ordered in Gaza this summer.

The Israeli surprise attack from 5-8 August left some 50 Palestinians dead, including 17 children. At least 360 people were injured.

“This was a supposed preemptive strike that was carried out without a concrete threat,” Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East said on Sunday.

Why should anyone have to wait for a gee-had attack and retaliate after the damage is done?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Condemnation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The question is: Do the Palestinian Terrorist support the use of children at cover and concealment for their hostile actions?

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Condemnation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


IF the Palestinians set up and launch rockets from an civilian populated area, the Palestinians have marked that area combat launch site and it becomes a legitimate target for which it can respond. The Palestinians cannot come back in protest and claim the Israelis the legitimate military target. That would be the use of civilians as human shields.

It is not so different from other criminals hiding behind a hostage to elude safety.

Most Respectfully,

Notice, the response is predominantly emotional racket.

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