All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Jared Kushner: “Peace Envoy” & Funder of Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine

While Jared Kushner is working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a controversial West Bank settlement.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution. Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

Guests posed for pictures with a smiling John Bolton, the former Bush administration ambassador to the United Nations. A short film set to action-movie music showed high-school-age youth training in the settlement’s military academy.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

"At a standard review of Israel’s human rights record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Tuesday, a South African official said the term formerly used to describe black disenfranchisement in South Africa could now be applied to Israel because of its policies toward the Palestinians and other non-Jews."

South Africa levels apartheid charge at Israel, drawing seething response

South Africans are certainly the best judges as to what Apartheid is.

“Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state,” diplomat Clinton Swemmer said. “We remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people, in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed.”
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I asked you first.

And I answered, there was nothing new that wasn't already argued here on a daily basis.
If You have a valid point You can stand by and prove -welcome, let's discuss.
So you have nothing, huh?

I guess if You had anything of substance You'd bring it up instead of these infantile remarks.
You are the one who claimed she was wrong then you ducked.

I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.
Jared Kushner: “Peace Envoy” & Funder of Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine

While Jared Kushner is working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a controversial West Bank settlement.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution. Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

Guests posed for pictures with a smiling John Bolton, the former Bush administration ambassador to the United Nations. A short film set to action-movie music showed high-school-age youth training in the settlement’s military academy.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

The Israelis don’t operate an apartheid state.

Your mindless slogans simply serve to reinforce your ignorance regarding terms and definitions you don’t understand.
Jared Kushner: “Peace Envoy” & Funder of Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine

While Jared Kushner is working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a controversial West Bank settlement.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution. Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

Guests posed for pictures with a smiling John Bolton, the former Bush administration ambassador to the United Nations. A short film set to action-movie music showed high-school-age youth training in the settlement’s military academy.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

"At a standard review of Israel’s human rights record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Tuesday, a South African official said the term formerly used to describe black disenfranchisement in South Africa could now be applied to Israel because of its policies toward the Palestinians and other non-Jews."

South Africa levels apartheid charge at Israel, drawing seething response

South Africans are certainly the best judges as to what Apartheid is.

“Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state,” diplomat Clinton Swemmer said. “We remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people, in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed.”

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state.

Yes! Push those Arab terrorists into the sea. Or into Syria, I hear there's room.
Jared Kushner: “Peace Envoy” & Funder of Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine

While Jared Kushner is working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a controversial West Bank settlement.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution. Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

Guests posed for pictures with a smiling John Bolton, the former Bush administration ambassador to the United Nations. A short film set to action-movie music showed high-school-age youth training in the settlement’s military academy.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

"At a standard review of Israel’s human rights record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Tuesday, a South African official said the term formerly used to describe black disenfranchisement in South Africa could now be applied to Israel because of its policies toward the Palestinians and other non-Jews."

South Africa levels apartheid charge at Israel, drawing seething response

South Africans are certainly the best judges as to what Apartheid is.

“Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state,” diplomat Clinton Swemmer said. “We remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people, in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed.”

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state.

Yes! Push those Arab terrorists into the sea. Or into Syria, I hear there's room.

The non-Jews aren't aren't going to be pushed anywhere.
Jared Kushner: “Peace Envoy” & Funder of Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine

While Jared Kushner is working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a controversial West Bank settlement.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution. Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

Guests posed for pictures with a smiling John Bolton, the former Bush administration ambassador to the United Nations. A short film set to action-movie music showed high-school-age youth training in the settlement’s military academy.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

"At a standard review of Israel’s human rights record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Tuesday, a South African official said the term formerly used to describe black disenfranchisement in South Africa could now be applied to Israel because of its policies toward the Palestinians and other non-Jews."

South Africa levels apartheid charge at Israel, drawing seething response

South Africans are certainly the best judges as to what Apartheid is.

“Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state,” diplomat Clinton Swemmer said. “We remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people, in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed.”

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state.

Yes! Push those Arab terrorists into the sea. Or into Syria, I hear there's room.

The non-Jews aren't aren't going to be pushed anywhere.

Their track record isn't too good in Israel.
Jared Kushner: “Peace Envoy” & Funder of Illegal Israeli Squatters in Palestine

While Jared Kushner is working on a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a controversial West Bank settlement.

The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to a donor book distributed at the group’s annual gala Sunday evening.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state, are one of the main obstacles to a two-state solution. Bet El, which was built on private Palestinian land seized by the Israeli military in the 1970s, is considered one of the most politically radical settlements.

Guests posed for pictures with a smiling John Bolton, the former Bush administration ambassador to the United Nations. A short film set to action-movie music showed high-school-age youth training in the settlement’s military academy.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

"At a standard review of Israel’s human rights record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Tuesday, a South African official said the term formerly used to describe black disenfranchisement in South Africa could now be applied to Israel because of its policies toward the Palestinians and other non-Jews."

South Africa levels apartheid charge at Israel, drawing seething response

South Africans are certainly the best judges as to what Apartheid is.

“Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state,” diplomat Clinton Swemmer said. “We remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people, in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed.”

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state.

Yes! Push those Arab terrorists into the sea. Or into Syria, I hear there's room.

The non-Jews aren't aren't going to be pushed anywhere.

Their track record isn't too good in Israel.

But, the rest of the world is wise to Israel now, after the expulsion of non-Jews in 1948.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which eat away at any future Palestinian state

If the "Palestinians" don't get their act together, the only state they'll have is an ever smaller part of Gaza.

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state. The Israelis will just continue to operate an Apartheid state.

"At a standard review of Israel’s human rights record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Tuesday, a South African official said the term formerly used to describe black disenfranchisement in South Africa could now be applied to Israel because of its policies toward the Palestinians and other non-Jews."

South Africa levels apartheid charge at Israel, drawing seething response

South Africans are certainly the best judges as to what Apartheid is.

“Israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state,” diplomat Clinton Swemmer said. “We remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of self-determination to the Palestinian people, in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed.”

Exactly. There will never be a Palestinian state.

Yes! Push those Arab terrorists into the sea. Or into Syria, I hear there's room.

The non-Jews aren't aren't going to be pushed anywhere.

Their track record isn't too good in Israel.

But, the rest of the world is wise to Israel now, after the expulsion of non-Jews in 1948.

Expulsion? LOL!
And I answered, there was nothing new that wasn't already argued here on a daily basis.
If You have a valid point You can stand by and prove -welcome, let's discuss.
So you have nothing, huh?

I guess if You had anything of substance You'd bring it up instead of these infantile remarks.
You are the one who claimed she was wrong then you ducked.

I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.

An attempt at ridicule by presenting a false argument.
Basically it's a symptom of fear of opposing views, inability to argue.

With all that, 99% of "debates" coming from pro- Palestinian media are like that -a one sided panel, a set up . If they do allow an opposing voice they make sure it's in the minority.
As much as in politics they just can't stand opposition. Not in Israel, and that's another reason why Jews and Israeli Arabs chose to go their separate way.

I'd like to see what happens to the average girl in Gaza who posts a video talking about Israel other than in the context of its' destruction...can find ONE?
So you have nothing, huh?

I guess if You had anything of substance You'd bring it up instead of these infantile remarks.
You are the one who claimed she was wrong then you ducked.

I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.

An attempt at ridicule by presenting a false argument.
Basically it's a symptom of fear of opposing views, inability to argue.

With all that, 99% of "debates" coming from pro- Palestinian media are like that -a one sided panel, a set up . If they do allow an opposing voice they make sure it's in the minority.
As much as in politics they just can't stand opposition. Not in Israel, and that's another reason why Jews and Israeli Arabs chose to go their separate way.

I'd like to see what happens to the average girl in Gaza who posts a video talking about Israel other than in the context of its' destruction...can find ONE?
I know what straw man means. That wasn't the question.
I guess if You had anything of substance You'd bring it up instead of these infantile remarks.
You are the one who claimed she was wrong then you ducked.

I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.

An attempt at ridicule by presenting a false argument.
Basically it's a symptom of fear of opposing views, inability to argue.

With all that, 99% of "debates" coming from pro- Palestinian media are like that -a one sided panel, a set up . If they do allow an opposing voice they make sure it's in the minority.
As much as in politics they just can't stand opposition. Not in Israel, and that's another reason why Jews and Israeli Arabs chose to go their separate way.

I'd like to see what happens to the average girl in Gaza who posts a video talking about Israel other than in the context of its' destruction...can find ONE?
I know what straw man means. That wasn't the question.
People usually like their own singing when they're alone in the shower ;)

Basically the whole video.
She failed to address any opposing arguments, claiming someone ELSE is biased.

Quiet self defeating.
Last edited:
You are the one who claimed she was wrong then you ducked.

I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.

An attempt at ridicule by presenting a false argument.
Basically it's a symptom of fear of opposing views, inability to argue.

With all that, 99% of "debates" coming from pro- Palestinian media are like that -a one sided panel, a set up . If they do allow an opposing voice they make sure it's in the minority.
As much as in politics they just can't stand opposition. Not in Israel, and that's another reason why Jews and Israeli Arabs chose to go their separate way.

I'd like to see what happens to the average girl in Gaza who posts a video talking about Israel other than in the context of its' destruction...can find ONE?
I know what straw man means. That wasn't the question.
People usually like their own singing when they're alone in the shower ;)

Basically the whole video.
She failed to address any opposing arguments, claiming someone ELSE is biased.

Quiet self defeating.
You are still being to vague for me to address your concerns.

I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.

An attempt at ridicule by presenting a false argument.
Basically it's a symptom of fear of opposing views, inability to argue.

With all that, 99% of "debates" coming from pro- Palestinian media are like that -a one sided panel, a set up . If they do allow an opposing voice they make sure it's in the minority.
As much as in politics they just can't stand opposition. Not in Israel, and that's another reason why Jews and Israeli Arabs chose to go their separate way.

I'd like to see what happens to the average girl in Gaza who posts a video talking about Israel other than in the context of its' destruction...can find ONE?
I know what straw man means. That wasn't the question.
People usually like their own singing when they're alone in the shower ;)

Basically the whole video.
She failed to address any opposing arguments, claiming someone ELSE is biased.

Quiet self defeating.
You are still being to vague for me to address your concerns.

Your madrassah has not prepared you for anything resembling connecting words into meaningful sentences, hence, your inability to respond with anything beside cutting and pasting YouTube videos.
I simply explained how Your video didn't match the thread title, since we discuss these issues in Israel on a daily basis and here on the forum.

You're welcome to prove one of her straw men arguments with a balanced presentation.
I don't know what you consider to be straw man.

An attempt at ridicule by presenting a false argument.
Basically it's a symptom of fear of opposing views, inability to argue.

With all that, 99% of "debates" coming from pro- Palestinian media are like that -a one sided panel, a set up . If they do allow an opposing voice they make sure it's in the minority.
As much as in politics they just can't stand opposition. Not in Israel, and that's another reason why Jews and Israeli Arabs chose to go their separate way.

I'd like to see what happens to the average girl in Gaza who posts a video talking about Israel other than in the context of its' destruction...can find ONE?
I know what straw man means. That wasn't the question.
People usually like their own singing when they're alone in the shower ;)

Basically the whole video.
She failed to address any opposing arguments, claiming someone ELSE is biased.

Quiet self defeating.
You are still being to vague for me to address your concerns.



She doesn't even let people comment on what she said, what does it tell You?
Ridiculous beyond any measure...

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