All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

What was he doing in Israel's war zone? Not too bright.

Seems You use that term as codeword for Jewish presence.
The length You lunatics will go to defend Islamists' murder of Americans is telling.

Q.Was Munich as well a "war-zone" for Your Islamists heroes?

Israel attacks Palestinians all over the world.

So Munich is a Palestinian WAR ZONE - got it.

Q.Where also do Palestinians feel entitled to murder athletes?

What was he doing in Israel's war zone? Not too bright.

Seems You use that term as codeword for Jewish presence.
The length You lunatics will go to defend Islamists' murder of Americans is telling.

Q.Was Munich as well a "war-zone" for Your Islamists heroes?

Israel attacks Palestinians all over the world.

Every Jihadi mother should know - Israel sends Jihadis to their brides.

You have a problem with that?
Yes, San Antonians do have a stake in Gaza events

“U.S. taxpayers are slated to give Israel an astonishing $38 billion of weapons over the next 10 years. San Antonio alone will be responsible for over $15 million of that money.”

This use of military aid violates U.S. laws. As citizens, we should take note — our wealth is being squandered and our laws broken.

Yes, San Antonians do have a stake in Gaza events
Yes, San Antonians do have a stake in Gaza events

“U.S. taxpayers are slated to give Israel an astonishing $38 billion of weapons over the next 10 years. San Antonio alone will be responsible for over $15 million of that money.”

This use of military aid violates U.S. laws. As citizens, we should take note — our wealth is being squandered and our laws broken.

Yes, San Antonians do have a stake in Gaza events

What laws are being broken by Americans?
Yes, San Antonians do have a stake in Gaza events

“U.S. taxpayers are slated to give Israel an astonishing $38 billion of weapons over the next 10 years. San Antonio alone will be responsible for over $15 million of that money.”

This use of military aid violates U.S. laws. As citizens, we should take note — our wealth is being squandered and our laws broken.

Yes, San Antonians do have a stake in Gaza events

The protestors are refugees, trapped in Gaza, for whom life under a devastating, decadelong siege has become unbearable.

Refugees from where?
View attachment 139432

The old Mosque, Tiberias, Palestine, 1900-1920

Yeah, awkward...
Since 60s Fan started a propaganda thread where he posts links to Hasbara sites, I thought that there should be a thread that does the same thing from the opposite perspective. Articles from Electronic Intifada, Arab news sources, Muslim news sources are acceptable for this thread.

Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?

Israeli soldiers harass students on US campus


:eek-52: "Here is one that is astonishing. Israeli soldiers in uniform are attacking American students in the U.S. :disbelief: This is unbelievable. Can you imagine any other country's soldiers going on an American university campus to harass Americnas?"

- astonishing
- unbelievable

i know, this is old thread/post. but nothing has changed - everywhere you look [in the muslim world] is piles and piles of @#$! rubble.

terrorists, [hamass, al Q, icehole, ETC, need i list them all---takes too long, LoL, pretty sick there's a looong list of muslim terrorists] --- blown-up buildings, burned-out buildings, tons&tons of Rubble, chemical weapons being used, suicide bombers galore, primitive 7th-century living....women-folk all covered up from head-to-toe walking around like lobotomized zombies....

boom, boom, boom, rubble, rubble, rubble [all or what?]. :cuckoo:
OK, infidels. We got a fatwa for ya’. The latest fatwa comes from none other than the former Grand Mufti™️ (drum roll, please), of Lebanon. You remember Lebanon. It’s a quasi-state that hosts an Islamic terrorist franchise sponsored by the Iranian mullocrats. The fatwa is a gritty, revealing inside look at the belly of the islamist beast.


"Fmr. Grand Mufti of Lebanon Mohammed Qabbani Issues Fatwa: It Is an Islamic Duty to Wage Jihad to Liberate Palestine; All Peace Agreements with Them Null and Void"
Israeli generals sued in Dutch court for killing Gaza family

A Palestinian-Dutch citizen is suing two senior Israeli military commanders for the bombing of his family’s home during Israel’s 2014 attack on the Gaza Strip.

On 20 July of that year, without warning, an Israeli airstrike destroyed the house in the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, killing six members of Ismail Ziada’s family and a seventh person who was visiting them.

Ziada, who lives in the Netherlands where he is married to a Dutch citizen, could not attend the funerals of his family members due to Israel’s blockade on Gaza.

He lost his mother, 70-year-old Muftia Ziada, three brothers, a sister-in-law and a 12-year-old nephew.

In Ziada’s case, Gantz and Eshel have been summoned to appear on 27 June. If they don’t show up or send attorneys, the court could enter a default judgment in Ziada’s favor.

Ziada is suing the Israeli generals for more than $600,000 in damages plus court costs.

Israeli generals sued in Dutch court for killing Gaza family
U.N. sets up human rights probe into Gaza killings, to Israel's fury

GENEVA (Reuters) - Israel railed against the U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday as it voted to set up a probe into recent killings in Gaza and accused Israel of excessive use of force.

The resolution to send a commission of inquiry to investigate was rejected by the United States and Australia, but backed by 29 members of the 47-state U.N. forum. Another 14 countries, including Britain, Germany and Japan, abstained.

Israeli forces had killed 106 Palestinians, including 15 children, since March 30, he said. More than 12,000 were injured, at least 3,500 by live ammunition. Israel was an occupying power under international law, obliged to protect the people of Gaza and ensure their welfare, he said.

U.N. sets up human rights probe into Gaza killings, to Israel's fury
Israeli generals sued in Dutch court for killing Gaza family

A Palestinian-Dutch citizen is suing two senior Israeli military commanders for the bombing of his family’s home during Israel’s 2014 attack on the Gaza Strip.

On 20 July of that year, without warning, an Israeli airstrike destroyed the house in the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, killing six members of Ismail Ziada’s family and a seventh person who was visiting them.

Ziada, who lives in the Netherlands where he is married to a Dutch citizen, could not attend the funerals of his family members due to Israel’s blockade on Gaza.

He lost his mother, 70-year-old Muftia Ziada, three brothers, a sister-in-law and a 12-year-old nephew.

In Ziada’s case, Gantz and Eshel have been summoned to appear on 27 June. If they don’t show up or send attorneys, the court could enter a default judgment in Ziada’s favor.

Ziada is suing the Israeli generals for more than $600,000 in damages plus court costs.

Israeli generals sued in Dutch court for killing Gaza family

Israel should sue for rocket expenses.

First the rockets that were used by Iron Dome to disable the rockets fired by Hamas,
second those used to disable the launchers.
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