All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Hamasā€™ ā€˜Large Dogsā€™ Beat Israeli Canine Soldiers In Gaza: 17 IDF Military Dogs Killed | Report​

Hamas won't like the comparison...

Ah, "in Palestine." That is the root of the problem.

Not only that it was foreign intervention by colonial powers. Israel still is a foreign entity in Palestine.

Once Arab imperialists conquer a land

it can never return back?

apparently stabbing someone is just the local way of saying "hello". It is wrong to punish people for practicing their cultural norms.
There is no universally accepted definition for "indigenous people." Yet this term is applied as if it should be taken for granted that the people who are self-identified as "Palestinians" are indigenous to the region.
Even the Zionists called the Palestinians the natives.
It should be noted that the Jewish People of today are the Indigenous Peoples are just as much the ā€œinheritorsā€of unique cultures (dating back the time of King David and King Solomon) and ways of relating to people and the environment.


You just proved my whole point for me...

The only "evidence" you have of european Jews being natives of Palestine is the fact that they practice a religion originated in Palestine. They are otherwise indistinguishable from their fellow christian europeans:

The same racial features and a complete inability to trace back their ancestry to the Middle East region, let alone, ancient Israel.

Your catholic ancestors from Italy also practiced a religion created in Palestine, Rocco. So following your line of reasoning we can safely say that if european converts to Judaism are natives of Palestine so are you.

You are a native of Israel-Palestine just like Askhenazis.

The fact that the jewish religion, unlike Christianity, comes with an embedded notion of peoplehood and therefore every convert to Judaism starts automatically considering themselves as part of the jewish people does not change the reality that european Jews and european Catholics like your italian family are about as natives of Palestine as Sitting Bull.

Religious convertion does not confer native status to anyone even when an "identity" as a people is part of the religion. This new "identity" that european converts to Judaism adopted is PURE THEOLOGY, it was created as part of the JEWISH RELIGIOUS MYTH, and it does not mean INDIGENEITY TO THE LAND OF THE BRITISH MANDATE, by any stretch of a sick imagination.

Have you ever thought about yourself as a native of Palestine, Rocco?

If not, you should start doing so, because your italian ancestors converted to a palestinian religion just like the ancestors of european Jews.

That's how absurd your "argument" really is.
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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Response to the Meaning of "Palestine"
ā€»ā†’ P F Tinmore, et al

I guess there needs to be a refresher course.

Ah, "in Palestine." That is the root of the problem.

Not only that it was foreign intervention by colonial powers. Israel still is a foreign entity in Palestine.

I suppose I should have expected this response. The bandwidth of the Posting #7058 is severely limited.

The meaning of Palestine is explained in the Order in Council.

1. This Order may be cited as ā€œThe Palestine Order in Council, 1922.ā€
The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

So I suppose that the phrase to which you take exception should read:
Posting #7058 said:
with respect to the decision of the Principal Allied Powers to establishment, in the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, of a national home for the Jewish people, it does not justify the criminal acts the HoAP have taken since that time.​

Most Respectfully,
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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Response to the ad Hominem (2)
ā€»ā†’ Jose, et al

Have you ever thought about yourself as a native of Palestine, Rocco?

If not, you should start doing so, because your italian ancestors converted to a palestinian religion just like the ancestors of european Jews.

That's how absurd your "argument" really is.

Just as a matter of full disclosure, My heritage is "Sicilian."

The Islamic Emirate of Sicily - Arab America

The Normans would conquer Palermo in 1072 C.E. and soon the last stronghold of the Muslims on the southside of the island in 1091 C.E. However, despite this, there are likely some Sicilians that still have an Arab ancestry and this Islamic Emirate is one chapter in the long story of the island of Sicily.

Derived from the Arabic word​

Interestingly enough, even though ā€œmafiaā€ has become synonymous with organized crime, itā€™s actually not an Italian word. Itā€™s derived from the Arabic word ā€œmahyas,ā€ which means disputes or arguments.

So next time you hear someone use the word ā€œmafia,ā€ you can be sure theyā€™re not referring to just any old argumentā€”theyā€™re talking about one of the most notorious criminal organizations in history!

(āˆ‘ Ī©) Conclusion
So there you have it: the origin of the word ā€œmafia.ā€ Contrary to popular belief, it is not a Sicilian word. It is actually derived from an Arabic word meaning ā€œbravery.ā€


Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Response to the Meaning of "Palestine"
ā€»ā†’ P F Tinmore, et al

I guess there needs to be a refresher course.


I suppose I should have expected this response. The bandwidth of the Posting #7058 is severely limited.

The meaning of Palestine is explained in the Order in Council.

1. This Order may be cited as ā€œThe Palestine Order in Council, 1922.ā€
The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.

So I suppose that the phrase to which you take exception should read:

Most Respectfully,
The Order in Council was in 1922 when Palestine was British occupied Ottoman territory.

Palestine became a state in 1924. Different set of rules.

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