All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Brave Gazan Imam Kidnapped for Defying Hamas

First reported in The Free Press, the gripping and distressing narrative of Imam Mohammed Mushtaha's abduction, his son, Ala Mohammed Mushtaha, recounts the stark reality of defying Hamas in Gaza. The imam, a respected figure with a doctorate in sharia from Al-Azhar University, was known for his unwavering principles and deep faith.

On December 30th, 2023, his home was violently invaded by twenty masked men. This abduction was a direct result of Imam Mushtaha's refusal to comply with Hamas's stringent directives, including the exploitation of his mosque as a hidden weapons arsenal and the propagation of sermons dictated by the group.

His family, deeply rooted in Gaza for generations, had endured persecution from Hamas long before October 7th, marked by arrests, beatings, and intimidation for refusing to toe their line. In a poignant and defiant statement, Ala Mohammed Mushtaha shared his father's last words, a testament to his courage and integrity: "It was his last request to us, literally as he was being carried out of the door, that should he die, we should publicize the real reason for his death, and it is this: He wouldn’t preach what Hamas told him to. He refused to tell Gazans that violent resistance, and obedience to Hamas, is the best way out of our current hell."

NYPD, KKK, IDF their all the same.

How much money did NYC piss away arresting peaceful protesters?

Pro-Palestine Protests Leader ARRESTED at Heavy Clashes Mass Arrests at Pro-Palestine Rally at AIPAC​

Peacefull rally attacked by NYPD goontards.

LIVE From PROTEST For Palestine Outside AIPAC Headquarters in NYC​

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Indigenous People
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

When a presentation on any given topic is (
so completely and totally) one-sided, then the presentation cannot help but sound authoritative. This is a case of the only alternative view to the presentation is completely ignored.

This is a beautiful example of both an informational fallacy and that of a formal logical fallacy.

Journalist Rips Palestinian ‘Terrorism’ Narrative to Shreds

Human civilization did not start out to become compliant with 21st Century Human Rights and Humanitarian protocols. What we see today is (globally) a result of social and societal evolution.

Of course, when the presentation looks back in history, the stronger and more advanced civilizations generally triumph over the weaker civilizations. The fallacy here is that decisions made relative to weaker civilizations are very near always made to serve the stronger (
not weaker) civilization. Most nations of today, that have historically advanced militarily, politically, economically, and socially, have territorially belonged to some weaker people.

Another weakness is the use of authoritative language in a fashion that sounds logical at first, by cannot stand against any serious examination. For instance:

There is no universally accepted definition for "indigenous people." Yet this term is applied as if it should be taken for granted that the people who are self-identified as "Palestinians" are indigenous to the region. And that this idea of an "indigenous" population was a consideration that was in play looking back centuries.

And then there is this phrase that "every single law or treaty that is supposed to protect them is constantly violated" is used over and over again as if it were true. When in point of fact, nearly all of the adopted resolutions pertaining to this one conflict were never binding in any legal fashion. In fact, most of them were adopted after the fact.

Then there is the application of this status described as "colonialism." When it was never actually applicable to the conflict. There are only four Colonial Powers (
France, UK, US, and New Zealand) that have been identified as Administering the C-24 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (GA resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), on this Special Committee on the Situation, on the matter of decolonialization and this issue of the Non-Self-Governing Territories. "Palestine" or the occupied territory (whatever you want to call them) is NOT listed as a Non-Self-Governing Territory. It is presented as if it were a prominent cornerstone in the prosecution of the State of Israel (it is not mentioned once by the Special Political and Decolonization Committee.

The entire presentation is riddled with discrepancies and false assumptions that can actually pick apart this video.


Most Respectfully,

The Palestinians have lived there forever. At no time did they all leave to be replaced by a whole new people.

Those greedy Arab imperialists,

who cannot even pronounce 'P - alestine'...?

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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Skunk Spray
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so much bull...

chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapon — A fully engineered assemble designed for employment to cause the release of a chemical or biological agent or radiological material onto a chosen target or to generate a nuclear detonation. Also called CBRN weapon. (JP 3-11)

chemical weapon — Together or separately,
(a) a toxic chemical and its precursors, except when intended for a purpose not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention;​
(b) a munition or device, specifically designed to cause death or other harm through toxic properties of those chemicals specified in (a), above, which would be released as a result of the employment of such munition or device;​
(c) any equipment specifically designed for use directly in connection with the employment of munitions or devices specified in (b), above. See also chemical agent; chemical warfare; riot control agent. (JP 3-11)​

sen-sa-tion-al-ism /sen'sasHanl.izam/ n. (esp. in journalism) the use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, in order to provoke public interest or excitement: media sensationalism. —sen-sa-tion-al-ist n. & adj. —sen-sa-tion-al-is-tic /sen.sasHanl'istik/ adj. —sen-sa-tion-al-ize v. sense /sens/ n. la faculty


This is the use of a headline to sensationalize something that did not happen. It is not uncommon for the anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian Movments to subvert the truth through "sensationalizing" the headlines.


Most Respectfully,

Professors Slam Columbia's Response to Chemical Skunk Attack on Students at Pro-Palestine Protest​

Rocco tries and blur the distinction between natives and settlers in a vain, futile effort to deny a reality that's in front of his eyes:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is your classic, textbook case of an ethnocratic conflict: A conflict where foreigners from another continent invade the historic homeland of the native people and start creating an entirely separated society whose sole aim is to displace and replace the native society.

A separated society complete with a separated language, customs, government, currency, economy, press, army, religion, schools, civil associations, etc...

Rocco knows perfectly well, even though he won't admit it, that the fact that the invaders praticed a religion that arose in the invaded area didn't make them any less invaders in Palestine than Rocco's own italian family who also practices a religion that arose in Palestine.

Rocco would love to be able to say the european invaders of Palestine were the offspring of the ancient people who lived in Palestine, but he's too knowledgeable and shrewd to fall into this trap. He's intelligent enough to realize this claim is a pathetic joke and if he uses this argument he'll be exposing himself to ridicule.

So the best he can do is try and erase the distinction between the arabized natives of Palestine and the european invaders who just like Rocco's family also praticed a religion created in the Middle East.
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Rocco tries and blur the distinction between natives and settlers in a vain, futile effort to deny a reality that's in front of his eyes:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is your classic, textbook case of an ethnocratic conflict a conflict where foreigners from another continent invade the historic homeland of the native people and start creating an entirely separated society whose sole aim is to displace and replace the native society.

A separated society complete with a separated language, customs, money, economy, press, army, religion, civil associations, etc...

Rocco knows perfectly well, even though he won't admit it, that the fact that the invaders praticed a religion that arose in the invaded area didn't make them any less invaders in Palestine than Rocco's own italian family who also practices a religion that arose in Palestine.

Rocco would love to be able to say the european invaders of Palestine were the offspring of the ancient people who lived in Palestine, but he's too knowledgeable and shrewd to fall into this trap. He's intelligent enough to realize this claim is a pathetic joke and if he uses this argument he'll be exposing himself to ridicule.

So the best he can do is try and erase the distinction between the arabized natives of Palestine and the european invaders who just like Rocco's family also praticed a religion created in the Middle East.


it's the Arab imperialists trying to blur the identity of any non-Arab/Muslim minorities in the MENA region, only to promote further slavery and violence, as means to exclusive Arab domination over the entire Middle East and North Africa.

Rocco tries and blur the distinction between natives and settlers in a vain, futile effort to deny a reality that's in front of his eyes:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is your classic, textbook case of an ethnocratic conflict: A conflict where foreigners from another continent invade the historic homeland of the native people and start creating an entirely separated society whose sole aim is to displace and replace the native society.

A separated society complete with a separated language, customs, government, currency, economy, press, army, religion, schools, civil associations, etc...

Rocco knows perfectly well, even though he won't admit it, that the fact that the invaders praticed a religion that arose in the invaded area didn't make them any less invaders in Palestine than Rocco's own italian family who also practices a religion that arose in Palestine.

Rocco would love to be able to say the european invaders of Palestine were the offspring of the ancient people who lived in Palestine, but he's too knowledgeable and shrewd to fall into this trap. He's intelligent enough to realize this claim is a pathetic joke and if he uses this argument he'll be exposing himself to ridicule.

So the best he can do is try and erase the distinction between the arabized natives of Palestine and the european invaders who just like Rocco's family also praticed a religion created in the Middle East.

textbook case of an ethnocratic conflict: A conflict where foreigners from another continent invade the historic homeland of the native people and start creating an entirely separated society whose sole aim is to displace and replace the native society.

You're right, the muslim invaders should be ejected.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
SUBTOPIC: Response to the ad Hominem
※→ P F Tinmore, et al


Attacking my character is simply unbecoming of a person trying to defend their position. The arguments I present are sound, and my character does not change that.

Addressing my motive is in no way relevant. Anytime is a good time to speak the truth. My motive does NOT affect the validity of the truth.

“P F Tinmore” said:
Rocco tries and blur the distinction between natives and settlers in a vain, futile effort to deny a reality that's in front of his eyes:

The status of a conflict between the native ‘vs’ the settlers does not obfuscate the consequences of the decisions made by either. Nor does the status of the conflict affect the validity of the decisions that what were made by the “Principle Allied Powers” a century ago. They are what they are. And criminal nature, the terrorist actions, and the acts of aggression do not justify any of the actions committed by the self-identified Jihadists. The adverse consequences of the opposing terrorist forces (
and subsequent actions taken over the last century) by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) as a whole have become the detonator for several subconflicts since the time of Izz ad-Dinal-Qassam. It should be noted that it was British-led Forces after they killed a Moshe Rosenfeld “Palestine Police Constable” which started the largest anti-terrorist manhunt against HoAPs up to that time. These are consequences.

“P F Tinmore” said:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is your classic, textbook case of an ethnocratic conflict: A conflict where foreigners from another continent invade the historic homeland of the native people and start creating an entirely separated society whose sole aim is to displace and replace the native society.

No matter what trademark the HoAP might tag the development of the Jewish Agency (
the face of the Jewish People) with respect to the decision of the Principal Allied Powers to establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it does not justify the criminal acts the HoAP have taken since that time.

It should be noted that the Jewish People of today are the Indigenous Peoples are just as much the “inheritors”of unique cultures (
dating back the time of King David and King Solomon) and ways of relating to people and the environment. And, after all this is the first element of the description of legitimate concept of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations. The Arab Palestinians do not hold an exclusive claim to that heritage.

“P F Tinmore” said:
Rocco knows perfectly well, even though he won't admit it, that the fact that the invaders praticed a religion that arose in the invaded area didn't make them any less invaders in Palestine than Rocco's own italian family who also practices a religion that arose in Palestine.

This is the downside to making an ad hominem attack on the character of My Doctorate Degree is in Metaphysics with a specialty in Parapsychology. I (
nor my family) do not hold to any specific religion (particularly any of the Abrahamic Religions) that might have originally out of the Middle East North African (MENA) Region. There is a common spiritual thread in the supernatural, but not in the followings of Abraham.

My family might be described as "agnostic" in that they hold to the concept of the "First Cause," the "Creator," the "Ultimate Power of the Universe," or the "Supreme Being." And in some respects, the Abrahamic Regions have a similar belief system. But that is for another time and another discussion.

“P F Tinmore” said:
Rocco would love to be able to say the european invaders of Palestine were the offspring of the ancient people who lived in Palestine, but he's too knowledgeable and shrewd to fall into this trap. He's intelligent enough to realize this claim is a pathetic joke and if he uses this argument he'll be exposing himself to ridicule.

A century ago (
plus) the “Principle Allied Powers” made a military expedition into the Ottoman Empire as part of the Great War against the Central Powers. The Ottoman Empire had control of most of the MENA Region, which included the general territory of Palestine. Palestine was located in the Vilayets of Syria and Beirut. Within those two Vilayets (between 1259 and 1920) there was no political subdivision known as Palestine.

“P F Tinmore” said:
So the best he can do is try and erase the distinction between the arabized natives of Palestine and the european invaders who just like Rocco's family also praticed a religion created in the Middle East.

This idea of an "invasion" is (
in a word) ridiculous. The only mass Invasion, if you can call it that, (the WWI Landings) was in a conflict between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The agreement between the Principal Allied Powers, on the establishment of the Jewish National Home was made in 1920 (San Remo Accords). And that agreement was well within the accepted practice of the day. The execution of self-determination by the Jewish Leadership was made within the laws and practices accepted in the day.


Most Respectfully,
with respect to the decision of the Principal Allied Powers to establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it does not justify the criminal acts the HoAP have taken since that time.
Ah, "in Palestine." That is the root of the problem.

Not only that it was foreign intervention by colonial powers. Israel still is a foreign entity in Palestine.

Hamas’ ‘Large Dogs’ Beat Israeli Canine Soldiers In Gaza: 17 IDF Military Dogs Killed | Report​


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