All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide

A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”


The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.

Israeli Experts: UNRWA Textbooks Draw Palestinian Children Toward Terrorism


Israeli Experts: UNRWA Textbooks Draw Palestinian Children Toward Terrorism
Julie Stahl


JERUSALEM, Israel – President Trump recently cut funding to UNRWA, the UN body responsible for Palestinian refugees. While there has been uproar over that decision, critics of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) point to its education system, claiming it could be encouraging a new generation of terrorists.

One example is Dalal Mughrabi. She's pictured in textbooks as a harmless, beautiful young woman in a Palestinian headscarf.

"But who is this? Dalal Mughrabi, who led a terrorist attack and murdered 38 people, including 13 children, on the coastal road of Israel in 1978," said David Bedein, founder of the Israel Resource News Agency.
Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide

A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”


The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.

Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide

A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”


The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.

So what ? Palestinians celebrate by naming streets after those who kill Israelis. The Israelis are missing something though; CANDY
Not too long ago I posted a You Tube Video in which Palestinians stated with “ Right of Return “ their goal would be to kick every Israeli out. Common sense should dictate the violence would Be imaginable. Would you care about the Israelis who would be killed ? That’s exactly how I feel about this
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Dutch supplier of Israeli attack dogs compensates Palestinian victim


On 23 December 2014, Abu Hashem suffered serious injuries when he was attacked by two Israeli army dogs.

There had been confrontations between Israeli occupation forces and residents of Abu Hashem’s village of Beit Ommar
in an area where Palestinian youths frequently protested the
seizure of the village’s land for the nearby settlement of Karmei Tzur.

Dutch supplier of Israeli attack dogs compensates Palestinian victim

Considering the source is the electronic gee-had, no information regarding what they describe as a "confrontation".

I guess it's safe to assume that the islamics were harmlessly playing Bingo and eating falafel?
Dutch supplier of Israeli attack dogs compensates Palestinian victim


On 23 December 2014, Abu Hashem suffered serious injuries when he was attacked by two Israeli army dogs.

There had been confrontations between Israeli occupation forces and residents of Abu Hashem’s village of Beit Ommar
in an area where Palestinian youths frequently protested the
seizure of the village’s land for the nearby settlement of Karmei Tzur.

Dutch supplier of Israeli attack dogs compensates Palestinian victim

Hope the Dogs didn’t get sick
Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide

A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”


The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.

Anyone with 2 braincells can see through the Pallywood lame fakery
MintPress probably think their audience is not too smart.
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Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?
Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?
Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?

poor ginmore.....the usual [terrorist] switch-a-roo.....

hamass....puny little mental-midget terrorists................

it's the LoL.....

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?
Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?

Yeah, not going to watch an hour and a half long propaganda video that demonizes Israel.

My POINT was that if the standard is children below 14 years must bear no criminal responsibility, there are dozens of countries which fail that test. Why is only Israel condemned for that? The US is one of the WORST offenders. Where are the Parliamentary Assembly condemnations for that?!
Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?

"Palestinian children are being systematically targeted, arrested and jailed."

Yep. I don't have to watch more than 30 seconds of that one. No, Palestinian children are not being systematically targeted, arrested and jailed. Persons who throw rocks, stab people, run over people with cars and otherwise pose a threat to Israeli citizens are being systematically targeted, arrested and jailed. The fact that Palestinians encourage their children to be part of that defining group is on THEM, not on us.
Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say
The Parliamentary Assembly of Europe voted on a report calling for Israel to stop detaining Palestinian minors.

PACE voted 47-11 to approve a report calling on Israel to work with UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross to “change laws, practices and attitudes so as to fully protect the rights of Palestinian minors in the Israeli justice system.”

Israel must stop arrests, 'abuse' of Palestinian minors, European MPs say

Hypocrites. Does the report also condemn Canada, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the US, as well as a dozen or so other countries who have criminal responsibility for children under 14?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Unconstitutional: South Carolina Representative Blocks Palestinian-American on Twitter
October 17, 2018

Today, Palestine Legal sent a letter to South Carolina State Representative Alan Clemmons, a right-wing Zionist, warning him to unblock a Palestinian-American graduate student on Twitter. Clemmons blocked Dana Al-Hasan from his official Twitter account in February 2018 after she tweeted at him, criticizing US financial support for Israel.

A federal court recently ruled that government officials who communicate with constituents through Twitter may not block users due to their views. “Clemmons can’t censor students like Dana because they’re critical of Israel’s human rights abuses,” said Palestine Legal Senior Staff Attorney Radhika Sainath. “This practice is unconstitutional, individuals supporting Palestinian freedom have the same right as everyone else to hear what elected officials say – and criticize them when they disagree.”

Unconstitutional: South Carolina Representative Blocks Palestinian-American on Twitter

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