All these self-hating "Browning of America" threads


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Just a thought to toss out:

I'm Portuguese, Spanish and Austrian. Darker skin, black hair (well, okay, some graying along the edges, shit). I could pass for any number of "Brown" ethnicities. My wife is half Mexican. Father in law is straight from Mexico, lovely man, love him like he's my own. Big extended family. Huge, Mexican-tinged holiday parties, holy crap.

Our two beautiful kids are darker skin, dark hair, and kicking ass. The world is theirs, and they make us more proud with each passing day.

If someone doesn't like me or do business with me, or doesn't like my brothers, or doesn't like my wife or her family or our kids because of the color of our skin and/or hair, they can pretty much just fuck right off. It would be completely out of our thought processes within about two minutes and we will have moved on. Their problem, not ours.

Anyway, here's the actual point: When I see all these celebratory "Browning of America" threads, I don't think about that per se, because I really don't give a crap. What I think about is the anger and hatred and self-loathing in which these people must be stewing. And I think about all the "leaders" who are egging them on for their own self-aggrandizement.

So while I do get a little temporarily annoyed by the latest self-loathing thread, I just remember that the poster is suffering because of their own anger and hatred. They figure if they can spread their own misery around, and poke and those they despise, maybe they'll feel a little better about themselves and their skin color for a while.

Meh. Whatever. Life is short, and I'm just glad me and mine don't think like you. Can't imagine that.

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Being happy that we are, as a nation, "turning more brown" isn't bad and I don't understand where the "self loathing" comes in. I don't think it's coming from those celebrating the "browning"...
Being happy that we are, as a nation, "turning more brown" isn't bad and I don't understand where the "self loathing" comes in. I don't think it's coming from those celebrating the "browning"...

I suspect the "self loathing" charge is being leveled AT the racists.

I believe the theory is that racists hate people of another race because deep down inside they really hate themselves, and therefore FEAR THE OTHER.

I'm not entirely convinced that is the case, but that IS the theory.

Just a thought to toss out:

I'm Portuguese, Spanish and Austrian. Darker skin, black hair (well, okay, some graying along the edges, shit). I could pass for any number of "Brown" ethnicities. My wife is half Mexican. Father in law is straight from Mexico, lovely man, love him like he's my own. Big extended family. Huge, Mexican-tinged holiday parties, holy crap.

Our two beautiful kids are darker skin, dark hair, and kicking ass. The world is theirs, and they make us more proud with each passing day.

If someone doesn't like me or do business with me, or doesn't like my brothers, or doesn't like my wife or her family or our kids because of the color of our skin and/or hair, they can pretty much just fuck right off. It would be completely out of our thought processes within about two minutes and we will have moved on. Their problem, not ours.

Anyway, here's the actual point: When I see all these celebratory "Browning of America" threads, I don't think about that per se, because I really don't give a crap. What I think about is the anger and hatred and self-loathing in which these people must be stewing. And I think about all the "leaders" who are egging them on for their own self-aggrandizement.

So while I do get a little temporarily annoyed by the latest self-loathing thread, I just remember that the poster is suffering because of their own anger and hatred. They figure if they can spread their own misery around, and poke and those they despise, maybe they'll feel a little better about themselves and their skin color for a while.

Meh. Whatever. Life is short, and I'm just glad me and mine don't think like you. Can't imagine that.


its been Brown out here for quite a while.....i get mistaken for a Mexican myself half Italian and half Sicilian....

The point is that those are creating these celebratory threads are engaging in self-loathing over their skin pigmentation.

Or guilt. Or both.


We will never overcome racism (or at least extinguish most of its prevalence) as long as we demand that race be focused on.

The point is that those are creating these celebratory threads are engaging in self-loathing over their skin pigmentation.

Or guilt. Or both.


We will never overcome racism (or at least extinguish most of its prevalence) as long as we demand that race be focused on.

Right. We must always look the other way. It is much more comfortable that way.

Just a thought to toss out:

I'm Portuguese, Spanish and Austrian. Darker skin, black hair (well, okay, some graying along the edges, shit). I could pass for any number of "Brown" ethnicities. My wife is half Mexican. Father in law is straight from Mexico, lovely man, love him like he's my own. Big extended family. Huge, Mexican-tinged holiday parties, holy crap.

Our two beautiful kids are darker skin, dark hair, and kicking ass. The world is theirs, and they make us more proud with each passing day.

If someone doesn't like me or do business with me, or doesn't like my brothers, or doesn't like my wife or her family or our kids because of the color of our skin and/or hair, they can pretty much just fuck right off. It would be completely out of our thought processes within about two minutes and we will have moved on. Their problem, not ours.

Anyway, here's the actual point: When I see all these celebratory "Browning of America" threads, I don't think about that per se, because I really don't give a crap. What I think about is the anger and hatred and self-loathing in which these people must be stewing. And I think about all the "leaders" who are egging them on for their own self-aggrandizement.

So while I do get a little temporarily annoyed by the latest self-loathing thread, I just remember that the poster is suffering because of their own anger and hatred. They figure if they can spread their own misery around, and poke and those they despise, maybe they'll feel a little better about themselves and their skin color for a while.

Meh. Whatever. Life is short, and I'm just glad me and mine don't think like you. Can't imagine that.


its been Brown out here for quite a while.....i get mistaken for a Mexican myself half Italian and half Sicilian....

My heritage is Welsh and Hungarian.

Maybe that is why all my former girlfriends referred to me as WellHung.

Just a thought to toss out:

I'm Portuguese, Spanish and Austrian. Darker skin, black hair (well, okay, some graying along the edges, shit). I could pass for any number of "Brown" ethnicities. My wife is half Mexican. Father in law is straight from Mexico, lovely man, love him like he's my own. Big extended family. Huge, Mexican-tinged holiday parties, holy crap.

Our two beautiful kids are darker skin, dark hair, and kicking ass. The world is theirs, and they make us more proud with each passing day.

If someone doesn't like me or do business with me, or doesn't like my brothers, or doesn't like my wife or her family or our kids because of the color of our skin and/or hair, they can pretty much just fuck right off. It would be completely out of our thought processes within about two minutes and we will have moved on. Their problem, not ours.

Anyway, here's the actual point: When I see all these celebratory "Browning of America" threads, I don't think about that per se, because I really don't give a crap. What I think about is the anger and hatred and self-loathing in which these people must be stewing. And I think about all the "leaders" who are egging them on for their own self-aggrandizement.

So while I do get a little temporarily annoyed by the latest self-loathing thread, I just remember that the poster is suffering because of their own anger and hatred. They figure if they can spread their own misery around, and poke and those they despise, maybe they'll feel a little better about themselves and their skin color for a while.

Meh. Whatever. Life is short, and I'm just glad me and mine don't think like you. Can't imagine that.


its been Brown out here for quite a while.....i get mistaken for a Mexican myself half Italian and half Sicilian....

My heritage is Welsh and Hungarian.

Maybe that is why all my former girlfriends referred to me as WellHung.

It couldn't be any other reason, right?

The point is that those are creating these celebratory threads are engaging in self-loathing over their skin pigmentation.

Or guilt. Or both.


We will never overcome racism (or at least extinguish most of its prevalence) as long as we demand that race be focused on.

Right. We must always look the other way. It is much more comfortable that way.

No, it’s not more comfortable at all. It is far easier to do what you and those like you do. To blame anything that you can on circumstance rather than your own actions. To find an external racial element as the source of your woes. To demonize those that do not agree with you as less because they are ‘racists’ simply because they don’t buy into the bullshit cries.

No, it’s not easier or more comfortable but it is damn sure better. We are not born haters of particular races. That is a taught response and it is taught through the constant viewing of all isses through some asinine PC colored lens.
We are not born haters of particular races. That is a taught response and it is taught through the constant viewing of all isses through some asinine PC colored lens.

Once the Left discovered the political advantage of PC, they grabbed on to it like a lifeline. They won't let it go until they've squeezed the last drop out of it.

And if that means injecting race into every opportunity, no matter HOW asinine, they're gonna do it, while denying that they're doing it.

And they'll do it even knowing damn well that they're diluting and trivializing the word "racism". It's not about racism, it's about political advantage.

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