All three towers collapsed by controlled demolition on 9/11 .

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See how he takes my general statement about the structure of the World Trade Center out of context.....

We're not allowed to ask questions about 9/11.
I see now why you continue to ignore this post below. You have no desire to have your questions answered. When someone DOES try to answer/engage you, you turn around and sling insults and say the information is prepared or made up. All you want to do is push your misinformation without a care if it's right or wrong. All you care about is that the information gets people to join you in your views.
You are saying the columns, highlighted in yellow below:
View attachment 515307

Should have stopped the entire mass of the falling upper section highlighted in yellow below:
View attachment 515309
I see now why you continue to ignore this post below. You have no desire to have your questions answered. When someone DOES try to answer/engage you, you turn around and sling insults and say the information is prepared or made up. All you want to do is push your misinformation without a care if it's right or wrong. All you care about is that the information gets people to join you in your views.
You don't try to answer the divert away from the distract from the change the questions you redirect questions back at me... but you don't answer them.
So you don't want answers to your questions? You don't want to discuss anything?
My original post speaks for itself but you haven't addressed that yet, aside from some diversionary tactics like how box columns are made.
You don't try to answer the divert away from the distract from the change the questions you redirect questions back at me... but you don't answer them.
Ok, Mr. "loads created by hurricane winds, airplane impacts, and earthquakes are the same as gravity driven loads". You think since the towers were designed to stand up to those, they should have stood up against a gravity driven load like the top section falling down on the lower section?

Isn't that correct?
My original post speaks for itself but you haven't addressed that yet, aside from some diversionary tactics like how box columns are made.
Oh I have addressed it. You're just to stupid to realize it.

I've been taking apart your OP piece by piece. I've been showing people here that your OP is based on ignorance because you have no idea about how the towers were constructed, how different loads affect structures differently, how you claiming that the supports below the upper section were all removed to provide no resistance yet the upper section fell a 64% of free fall is ridiculous...

Just too many claims you've brought that have been shown to be pure idiocy, all of which add to your OP's demise.

Like I said. It's based on ignorance. Keep posting Angelo and be sure to continue to insult everyone who answers you. It's do WONDERS to bring people to your side and believe what you are spewing here.
My 'side' is the truth, whatever that turns out to be.
That couldn't be further from the "truth. Like I said, your claims are based on ignorance which leads you and other truthers to believe what you do. It'll never "turn out to be" what you believe is all garbage. 20 years of nothing from you truthers proves that.
Judging by your nazi like tactics yes.
Going forward, I'm going to ignore idiotic comments like these in addition to off topic comments. I'll just continue to hit you with facts and knowledge when you post more of your ignorant claims that you deem as fact, which I'm sure you'll continue to do.

What a sad life you must have..
If you weren't such a traitor to this country I'd almost feel sorry for you.
Let's see how the truth deniers and trolls respond to my new approach, without the usual diversion and disruption tactics.

Record I'm posting this in conspiracy theories because I know the administrators are required to anyway. You're welcome moderators.

Once you become aware as many of us how the World Trade Center towers were constructed with 47 --2 in thick massive steel columns in each twin tower......from the ground floor to the top...... as Illustrated in this animation:;

Then you know the way of the towers collapsed couldn't have happened any other way without the use of controlled demolition charges- in place before they let 9/11 happen.

View attachment 512337View attachment 512339

Do some homework danielpalos .
Pop quiz tomorrow or monday.
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