All we need to do is wake up.


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
39° 44 mins 21 secs N, 104° 59 mins 5 secs W
The title to this thread is inspired by a statement included near the end of the video.

Remember the OWS movement that conservatives roundly mocked and ridiculed? Well, they woke up already. They woke up to a bad economy, heavy student debt, and seemingly no hope of ever getting the kind of job they would need in order to pay that debt back and move into the increasingly economically squeezed middle class.

But the economy isn't bad for everyone. In fact, the economy has been great for some people for a long time. These people are not only making more than ever. More of what IS being made is being made BY them even as more Americans than ever are falling further and further behind. Ever wonder why that may be? Think it's a fluke? An aberration? A temporary imbalance? Or is it a trend? Possibly an accelerating trend? One that was NOT an accident?

So, before you spend your free time fighting the latest conservative/liberal confrontation du jour about much ado about nothing, maybe you ought to pinch yourself to see if you're literally awake. If you are literally awake, watch this video. Then after watching this video, ask yourself if you're spending your time worrying about the right things, or if you're just possibly being distracted by things that aren't really as important as you're being led to believe they are.

Video Showing the Huge Gap Between Super Rich and Everyone Else Goes Viral - DailyFinance
In the early 1900's the income tax was created for just this reason. The gap between rich and poor was huge and growing fast. The poor were angry and desperate. To prevent rioting and to quiet some of the anger, they created the income tax to say "See, the rich are paying their share".

The inflation adjusted gap now is far bigger than it was then.
The title to this thread is inspired by a statement included near the end of the video.

Remember the OWS movement that conservatives roundly mocked and ridiculed? Well, they woke up already. They woke up to a bad economy, heavy student debt, and seemingly no hope of ever getting the kind of job they would need in order to pay that debt back and move into the increasingly economically squeezed middle class.

But the economy isn't bad for everyone. In fact, the economy has been great for some people for a long time. These people are not only making more than ever. More of what IS being made is being made BY them even as more Americans than ever are falling further and further behind. Ever wonder why that may be? Think it's a fluke? An aberration? A temporary imbalance? Or is it a trend? Possibly an accelerating trend? One that was NOT an accident?

So, before you spend your free time fighting the latest conservative/liberal confrontation du jour about much ado about nothing, maybe you ought to pinch yourself to see if you're literally awake. If you are literally awake, watch this video. Then after watching this video, ask yourself if you're spending your time worrying about the right things, or if you're just possibly being distracted by things that aren't really as important as you're being led to believe they are.

Video Showing the Huge Gap Between Super Rich and Everyone Else Goes Viral - DailyFinance

Let me guess, we should hate the fortunate guys who have made the best of living in the greatest country in the world?

I'm sorry your life sucks so bad. Get up off your ass, quit making excuses, and go make your fortune. You too can become rich as that is the beauty of living in America!!!
True, anyone can get rich in America. That is 100% true.

But, wouldnt you argue it is much harder now than before? There have been so many barriers created to stop the regular Joe from getting rich. Some still do, yes. But the corporate partnerships, quasi-monopolies, crippling government restrictions (yep, remember, Im not a liberal), and globalized economy have made it MUCH harder to get rich in America.
True, anyone can get rich in America. That is 100% true.

But, wouldnt you argue it is much harder now than before? There have been so many barriers created to stop the regular Joe from getting rich. Some still do, yes. But the corporate partnerships, quasi-monopolies, crippling government restrictions (yep, remember, Im not a liberal), and globalized economy have made it MUCH harder to get rich in America.

Just more excuses for failure. You look like a lib to me!

whining about how it isn't fair instead of getting up off your ass and taking your share.
True, anyone can get rich in America. That is 100% true.

But, wouldnt you argue it is much harder now than before? There have been so many barriers created to stop the regular Joe from getting rich. Some still do, yes. But the corporate partnerships, quasi-monopolies, crippling government restrictions (yep, remember, Im not a liberal), and globalized economy have made it MUCH harder to get rich in America.

Just more excuses for failure. You look like a lib to me!

whining about how it isn't fair instead of getting up off your ass and taking your share.

I never said it wasnt fair. I said it is hard, and getting harder. Making an NFL roster in camp is HARD, but not unfair.

I did take my share, Im quite content in my middle class existence. But I've seen a lot of people in my life who worked very hard, did everything right, and didnt make it. And some are calling them lazy, stupid, entitled. And they aren't any of that. They just didnt make it. Its hard for me to say "fuck those people" when I've met them and interacted with them. Im not advocating handouts for all by any means. I just think a FEW people in our country have an incredibly greedy attitude, almost spiteful.
The title to this thread is inspired by a statement included near the end of the video.

Remember the OWS movement that conservatives roundly mocked and ridiculed? Well, they woke up already. They woke up to a bad economy, heavy student debt, and seemingly no hope of ever getting the kind of job they would need in order to pay that debt back and move into the increasingly economically squeezed middle class.

But the economy isn't bad for everyone. In fact, the economy has been great for some people for a long time. These people are not only making more than ever. More of what IS being made is being made BY them even as more Americans than ever are falling further and further behind. Ever wonder why that may be? Think it's a fluke? An aberration? A temporary imbalance? Or is it a trend? Possibly an accelerating trend? One that was NOT an accident?

So, before you spend your free time fighting the latest conservative/liberal confrontation du jour about much ado about nothing, maybe you ought to pinch yourself to see if you're literally awake. If you are literally awake, watch this video. Then after watching this video, ask yourself if you're spending your time worrying about the right things, or if you're just possibly being distracted by things that aren't really as important as you're being led to believe they are.

Video Showing the Huge Gap Between Super Rich and Everyone Else Goes Viral - DailyFinance

Let me guess, we should hate the fortunate guys who have made the best of living in the greatest country in the world?

I'm sorry your life sucks so bad. Get up off your ass, quit making excuses, and go make your fortune. You too can become rich as that is the beauty of living in America!!!

If capitalism had ANYTHING to do with patriotism, then American jobs never would have been shipped overseas merely to make American corporations more profitable.

With that said, I find it to be the height of arrogance for anyone to suggest that drawing attention to the widening economic disparity between the very few and the still increasing many is somehow a manifestation of a lack of fidelity to the America in days of yore.

Here are the facts of the matter whether people want to believe it or not. What has kept America stable for decades are two basic truths.

1. We have been a nation of laws and not men. And when we failed to live up to those ideals, we worked hard and long to correct those mistakes.

Recent decades have shown a widening gulf in the 'justice' meted out to the rich and powerful compared to everyone else.

2. Economic opportunity, if not equality, made it possible for everyone to succeed with ability, effort, and hard work.

If our economic system becomes so skewed as to make that possibility increasingly unlikely (and that's where the trend lines are going), then political instability is likely to be a result because domestic tranquility will no longer be a guarantee.

Take a look at a history book some time to see what happens when the interests of a ruling class or caste and the interests of the masses diverge.

As Samuel Johnson once said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
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True, anyone can get rich in America. That is 100% true.

But, wouldnt you argue it is much harder now than before? There have been so many barriers created to stop the regular Joe from getting rich. Some still do, yes. But the corporate partnerships, quasi-monopolies, crippling government restrictions (yep, remember, Im not a liberal), and globalized economy have made it MUCH harder to get rich in America.

not true. It's a myth.
The title to this thread is inspired by a statement included near the end of the video.

Remember the OWS movement that conservatives roundly mocked and ridiculed? Well, they woke up already. They woke up to a bad economy, heavy student debt, and seemingly no hope of ever getting the kind of job they would need in order to pay that debt back and move into the increasingly economically squeezed middle class.

But the economy isn't bad for everyone. In fact, the economy has been great for some people for a long time. These people are not only making more than ever. More of what IS being made is being made BY them even as more Americans than ever are falling further and further behind. Ever wonder why that may be? Think it's a fluke? An aberration? A temporary imbalance? Or is it a trend? Possibly an accelerating trend? One that was NOT an accident?

So, before you spend your free time fighting the latest conservative/liberal confrontation du jour about much ado about nothing, maybe you ought to pinch yourself to see if you're literally awake. If you are literally awake, watch this video. Then after watching this video, ask yourself if you're spending your time worrying about the right things, or if you're just possibly being distracted by things that aren't really as important as you're being led to believe they are.

Video Showing the Huge Gap Between Super Rich and Everyone Else Goes Viral - DailyFinance

Let me guess, we should hate the fortunate guys who have made the best of living in the greatest country in the world?

I'm sorry your life sucks so bad. Get up off your ass, quit making excuses, and go make your fortune. You too can become rich as that is the beauty of living in America!!!

If capitalism had ANYTHING to do with patriotism, then American jobs never would have been shipped overseas merely to make American corporations more profitable.

With that said, I find it to be the height of arrogance for anyone to suggest that drawing attention to the widening economic disparity between the very few and the still increasing many is somehow a manifestation of a lack of fidelity to the America in days of yore.

Here are the facts of the matter whether people want to believe it or not. What has kept America stable for decades are two basic truths.

1. We have been a nation of laws and not men. And when we failed to live up to those ideals, we worked hard and long to correct those mistakes.

Recent decades have shown a widening gulf in the 'justice' meted out to the rich and powerful compared to everyone else.

2. Economic opportunity, if not equality, made it possible for everyone to succeed with ability, effort, and hard work.

If our economic system becomes so skewed as to make that possibility increasingly unlikely (and that's where the trend lines are going), then political instability is likely to be a result because domestic tranquility will no longer be a guarantee.

Take a look at a history book some time to see what happens when the interests of a ruling class or caste and the interests of the masses diverge.

As Samuel Johnson once said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

Capitalism is patriotism --- We are Americans!!!!

China liked Rodman - they may take you too. I know they would approve of your ideas on patriotism!
True, anyone can get rich in America. That is 100% true.

But, wouldnt you argue it is much harder now than before? There have been so many barriers created to stop the regular Joe from getting rich. Some still do, yes. But the corporate partnerships, quasi-monopolies, crippling government restrictions (yep, remember, Im not a liberal), and globalized economy have made it MUCH harder to get rich in America.

not true. It's a myth.

Try the lottery. Even a person with no specific skills :eusa_whistle:can become a multi-millionaire over-night.
True, anyone can get rich in America. That is 100% true.

But, wouldnt you argue it is much harder now than before? There have been so many barriers created to stop the regular Joe from getting rich. Some still do, yes. But the corporate partnerships, quasi-monopolies, crippling government restrictions (yep, remember, Im not a liberal), and globalized economy have made it MUCH harder to get rich in America.

Just more excuses for failure. You look like a lib to me!

whining about how it isn't fair instead of getting up off your ass and taking your share.

I never said it wasnt fair. I said it is hard, and getting harder. Making an NFL roster in camp is HARD, but not unfair.

I did take my share, Im quite content in my middle class existence. But I've seen a lot of people in my life who worked very hard, did everything right, and didnt make it. And some are calling them lazy, stupid, entitled. And they aren't any of that. They just didnt make it. Its hard for me to say "fuck those people" when I've met them and interacted with them. Im not advocating handouts for all by any means. I just think a FEW people in our country have an incredibly greedy attitude, almost spiteful.

I think the word "content" is the operative here. People today confuse wealth with riches. Riches with happiness.
Just more excuses for failure. You look like a lib to me!

whining about how it isn't fair instead of getting up off your ass and taking your share.

I never said it wasnt fair. I said it is hard, and getting harder. Making an NFL roster in camp is HARD, but not unfair.

I did take my share, Im quite content in my middle class existence. But I've seen a lot of people in my life who worked very hard, did everything right, and didnt make it. And some are calling them lazy, stupid, entitled. And they aren't any of that. They just didnt make it. Its hard for me to say "fuck those people" when I've met them and interacted with them. Im not advocating handouts for all by any means. I just think a FEW people in our country have an incredibly greedy attitude, almost spiteful.

I think the word "content" is the operative here. People today confuse wealth with riches. Riches with happiness.

...but it's not fair, your car is newer than mine!!!! Throw me a $50 every week and we can call it good. You know, since you are better off than me!

I tease the ER doctor at my hospital - tell him just to cut me a check for an extra grand every month and we can cut the gov't out as the middle-man. I promise him I'll vote against the dem next election!

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