All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

How is he mocking blacks? He's spot on that once you are on welfare you do lose your freedom.

And puhleeeeeeeeeeeze trying to make Bundy out to be a welfare queen is laughable. He's got a beef with the BLM and he's not the only one.

Better off as slaves?

Go the fuck away

If you've ever seen a true ghetto it does make one wonder how farther along we have come.

And makes one think how we can allow the ghetto condition to continue without taking a radically new approach to lift anyone out of poverty no matter their skin color.

I've seen Ghettoes all over the world.

And it's NOT far better to be a slave.

awwwwwwww !! let's all pity the poor KNEE-GROES because they have no incentive to do anything, picking cotton, tobacco and melons at least taught them a work ethic.

when i was a kid during the 1940's blacks were really decent people, i played with many black kids and never saw color.

today, for every good hard working decent family black man, there are probably 100 who are a direct opposite. :up:

I grew up in that period also, went to an integrated high school on the south side of Chicago, Englewood. We had racial conflicts, but for me a sad read is to read the hopes and aspirations of the Blacks in the old year-book. The Blacks were going to achieve such wonders, go to the University of Chicago, Michigan and other colleges become successes. The problem was the school had a 75% dropout rate and most of us would never complete high school. I often wondered how long a group could keep those yearbook dreams alive in the face of reality, and is a class graduating from Englewood today still filled with those dreams and ambitions?
here i thought Bundy said something 'horrific'....but all he was talking about was having a WORK ETHIC....

still i guess that's a pretty 'horrific' concept for progressives.....:lol:
awwwwwwww !! let's all pity the poor KNEE-GROES because they have no incentive to do anything, picking cotton, tobacco and melons at least taught them a work ethic.

when i was a kid during the 1940's blacks were really decent people, i played with many black kids and never saw color.

today, for every good hard working decent family black man, there are probably 100 who are a direct opposite. :up:

I hear there are drugs that can help your delusions.

i'm afraid there isn't anything that can cure your ignorance.
this isn't about Bundy. its about an armed Militia that stood up to a illegal socialist regeime. its the Militia I back and if needed ill help supply them with money for more weapons to kill these cockroach's


It's about a racist, tax cheating crimelord and the anti-American terrorists who showed up armed to his ranch.
You also seem to have reading comprehension problems. You are among friends there because it seems to be a problem with you liberals. Your question goes off on an irrelevant tangent. Address the point of my post or have fun arguing with yourself.

in your post you claim that your support of bundy is due to your support of human rights and opposition of 'wildly aggressive government.' since the government waited more than two decades to attempt to remove the cattle from the land i wouldn't in any way call them wildly aggressive, so that just leaves human rights.

so if you're saying your support of this man is due to his human rights being infringed upon i think it only fair that you back up your statement. it does go to the heart of the thread, whether or not bundy is some sort of right-wing hero and why.

Ok, despite what it says in my sig, let me try to get through to you.

The point of my post was that just because we support Mr.Bundy against the aggressive government, it does NOT logically follow that we support everything that he says and does. Unless you can show that the BLM agents were all black people, then the OP's connection from what happened at his ranch to what he said about blacks is bull shit. To imply that because we supported him then means we support his statements about blacks now is illogical and downright ignorant. I don't know how to make it simpler than that.

you left out 'human rights' this time. and i do understand the position. really. you can support someone on one thing and despise everything else about them. that's a simple concept.

you, however, hung your support of bundy on the infringement of human rights and aggressive government. the government took more than two decades to attempt to remove his cattle. that's hardly aggressive.

that leaves human rights - and i'd like to know, if that's the reason you support him, which of his human rights were infringed - or did you mistype when you put that in your post?
I do find it amazing that all the liberals can rant on and on and on about Bundy being a welfare queen, when Al Sharpton owes double if not triple in back taxes a we hear crickets.

Why aren't the same people who think Bundy's cattle, his ranch, his family and his supporters should all be blown away screaming for Al Sharpton and his family to be surrounded by 200 armed men, 9 helicopters and snipers to collect Al's long over due tax debt?

Hypocrisy thy name is liberal.

first, nobody is calling for anyone to be 'blown away'

second, as far as i can tell sharpton has admitted to owing the money (although i believe he disputes the amount) and is repaying. could be wrong. if i am, and he isn't, by all means lock him up.

Hyperbole and diversion.

Btw - if Bundy hadn't called all his militia buddies over to join his "range war" then I doubt the feds would have come in the same amount of force. Freeloading ranchers have had their cattle removed from federal land before - and there wasn't a big brouhaha.

Bottom line is Bundy ginned up an incident and an armed confrontation in order to attract attention. He believes he has a right to government freebies and he's willing to starting shooting if anyone tries to pry him off the government teat.

There are all forms of fraud and waste in federal aid programs in the U.S. - I don't support any of them.
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These statements even if true are as inconsequential as Phil Robertson saying he worked with black people and they were happy.

Do these statements alter the fact that Bundy owes the Government a million dollars and continues to graze his cattle for free? No they don't

Do they call into question why anyone would consider the guy to be a hero? Yes they do
“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Let's pick this apart now, because if you want to avoid Civil War, it's paramount that we discuss the underlying problem.

Many businesses, (in this particular case Ranchers) are being driven out of business by absurd and inane taxation. The amount of people businesses fleeing Blue States like California should give you a hint, even New York State has begone a "StartUp NY" program which makes the first 10 years tax-free for all new businesses.

In Nevada, practically every cattle rancher in Clark County has left, because of shady and unjust codes and taxes being passed by an Army of Unelected Pencil Pushers. What are these taxes for? TO maintain the WELFARE STATE.

Whether it's Too-big-to-fail Corporate welfare, or Buy-minority-vote welfare, the Welfare State, in all it's forms, comprises the overwhelming majority of the US expenses. The Government must find as many revenue sources as it can to keep buy minority votes and keeping the people under control with Government handouts. This mean that they must TAKE from those who WORK and give it to those who DO NOT WORK.

They must print (burrow) money and pass innumerable codes and taxes and regulations in between to make up the shortfall. This drives inflation and makes it so that the "WORKING POOR" cannot even afford to live without welfare. The result is that now the Government must take MORE from those who WORK and re fortunate enough to make ends meet, and give it to those who are also working but cannot --- because of runaway inflation.

However, the difference in lifestyle between the Working Poor and the Welfare-Receiver has become too small for the Welfare-Receiver to go back to work. Thus, the Welfare-Receiver has no incentive to do better. They'd rather sit in front of the Welfare House for days with their whole family.

Their children grow up never learning HOW TO WORK, this is where the "picking cotton" statement comes from. WHITE ranchers and farmers are out there in Nevada literally doing chores as tedious and tiresome as PICKING COTTON, while the Government TAXES THE SHIT OUT OF THEM to steal their money and give it to ABLE BODIED WELFARE-RECIPIENTS.

So if you want to understand why we're in this situation, why there has been a prelude to Civil War over the past two weeks, this is why.

And ask yourselves, are blacks any better off in Chicago, Detroit, Rochester, Camden, etc, then they were before LBJ's Welfare State: "I'll have these ******* Voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

Yes, LBJ will most certainly have them voting Democrat for the next 200 years to STEAL our money unless we put an end to this absurdity --- Civil War.

Are you ready?
If Bundy was a Mexican marijuana grower in a national forest the BLM would have left him alone.
These statements even if true are as inconsequential as Phil Robertson saying he worked with black people and they were happy.

Do these statements alter the fact that Bundy owes the Government a million dollars and continues to graze his cattle for free? No they don't

Do they call into question why anyone would consider the guy to be a hero? Yes they do

He's being prosecuted because he's white and has no relatives working for the government. Otherwise the millions, multi millions, would be collected from all the government employees that refuse to pay their taxes but certainly take their bonuses.
here i thought Bundy said something 'horrific'....but all he was talking about was having a WORK ETHIC....

still i guess that's a pretty 'horrific' concept for progressives.....:lol:

Dont forget that blacks were better at being chattel. Thats kinda important but I can see how you'd want to leave that off. Humans as property isnt very popular and all..
Bundy and his supporters, all American citizens stood up too and brought Reid and this Obama administration's gestapo treatment of an American citizen out into the spotlight and I believe it will hurt Democrats because of because of that, he and his supporters must be the smears, slander, picking about anything he says is right out of the progressive dirty politics playbook

wake up people
awwwwwwww !! let's all pity the poor KNEE-GROES because they have no incentive to do anything, picking cotton, tobacco and melons at least taught them a work ethic.

when i was a kid during the 1940's blacks were really decent people, i played with many black kids and never saw color.

today, for every good hard working decent family black man, there are probably 100 who are a direct opposite. :up:

"i played with many black kids and never saw color."

hahah, what a stupid and dishonest statement.
Look at all the good the Democrat government programs have done for blacks these past 50 years!

Who needs a father when you have a check from the government?

Education? The drop out rate is now 40% and in another generation the Democrats hope to have the majority of blacks dropping out of high school

Let's have the debate, let's look at what Democrats have done to blacks these past 50 years.
Bundy and his supporters, all American citizens stood up too and brought Reid and this Obama administration's gestapo treatment of an American citizen out into the spotlight and I believe it will hurt Democrats because of because of that, he and his supporters must be the smears, slander, picking about anything he says is right out of the progressive dirty politics playbook

wake up people

does he owe the money?
What happened at the Bundy ranch is nothing compared to what's getting ready to go down in Texas.
which quite frankly is about as offensive as you can get[/B]. Bringing up cotton picking is idiotic.

His tone does not imply hatred of black people, nor do his words. It implies an observation of a situation.

Again, though, his choice of words was quite frankly horrific.

The most offensive thing in America is be taxed to death to pay for able-bodied adults who don't want to work.
Look at all the good the Democrat government programs have done for blacks these past 50 years!

Who needs a father when you have a check from the government?

Education? The drop out rate is now 40% and in another generation the Democrats hope to have the majority of blacks dropping out of high school

Let's have the debate, let's look at what Democrats have done to blacks these past 50 years.

This here, let's get real people.

LBJ: "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

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