All You Need to Know About Irrational "Self-Defense" Laws in Three Pictures


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
All You Need to Know About Irrational "Self-Defense" Laws in Three Pictures


That's Ezekiel Gilbert. He was acquitted yesterday in the murder of Lenora Ivie Frago, who had taken $150 from Gilbert for sex and then refused to have sex with him or give him the money back. So he shot her, not wanting to kill her (and it did take her a few months to die). But because Texas allows people to use deadly force in order to retrieve stolen property (and because the sex did not occur, despite prostitution being illegal, the money was considered stolen), Gilbert, for lack of a better phrase, got off.

That's Ralph Wald. He was acquitted last week for the murder of Walter Conley. Conley had been in the middle of having sex with Wald's wife, so, like any reasonable person, Wald claimed that he assumed his wife was being raped and shot Conley dead. His defense was Florida's Stand Your Ground law, which allows anyone who believes that he or she is facing danger in his or her home to use deadly force. Wald said his wife was in danger, so he shot first and asked questions later. Oh, wait, actually he didn't do that last part. He told police he was glad the guy was dead.

That's Marissa Alexander. Last year, in Jacksonville, Florida, she was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a shot in the air to warn her husband, Rico Gray, to back off her. He had been arrested previously for domestic violence against her, beating her when she was pregnant, and on that day in 2010, he "approached her in a rage" when Alexander drove up to their house to get clothes. She was trying to move out and get away from Gray. Before she fired the shot, he had chased her through the house, broken down a door to get at her, and cornered her in the garage. The judge said she should have fled instead of firing twice into the air. At trial, her Stand Your Ground defense was rejected because the jury did not believe she faced imminent danger. She was convicted of aggravated assault and given the mandatory sentence. She is still in prison.

Look at the pictures. Here's your homework assignment. See if you can figure it out: What is different about Alexander?

Update: Several rude readers have pointed out that Alexander was not necessarily the innocent victim her defenders maker her out to be, as if that invalidates the point here. Nope, sorry. She's in jail for 20 years for firing a gun and harming no one. Wald and Gilbert are free after murdering people and using bad laws to shield them from punishment of any sort.

These laws should be repealed.
If you have a beef with our jury system then you need to take it up with the judge. After all the juries heard the evidence and made their decisions. You can always start an appeal fund if you chose.
Obviously life is not fair nor predictable no matter how hard we try. If we knew every single instance of tragedy and injustice we'd probably just give up.
I suppose we should just put all gun owners in jail and be done with it. Those pesky juries do get in the way of justice, don't they?

We need liberals, who are much smarter than we, to decide things for us. Then all will be well.

Face it. We don't deserve to own guns. Only government employees should own them because they work for the government and the government is our friend.
Jusr for fun, what happens when the ONE behaves irresponsibly with weapons of war and kills innocent civilians?

Should we take his guns, planes, battleships, jet fighters, soldiers, secret service palace guard, and other weapons away from him?

What about government agents who burn children? Should we take their guns away from them?
I suppose we should just put all gun owners in jail and be done with it. Those pesky juries do get in the way of justice, don't they?

We need liberals, who are much smarter than we, to decide things for us. Then all will be well.

Face it. We don't deserve to own guns. Only government employees should own them because they work for the government and the government is our friend.

Did this thread have anything to do with taking away people's guns? I'm confused. I thought it had to do with changing what the op considers bad laws. Maybe I misunderstood the op's post.
I suppose we should just put all gun owners in jail and be done with it. Those pesky juries do get in the way of justice, don't they?

We need liberals, who are much smarter than we, to decide things for us. Then all will be well.

Face it. We don't deserve to own guns. Only government employees should own them because they work for the government and the government is our friend.

Yea, I double checked; this thread has nothing to do about taking anyone's guns away. You're off subject. Wake the fuck up.
I suppose we should just put all gun owners in jail and be done with it. Those pesky juries do get in the way of justice, don't they?

We need liberals, who are much smarter than we, to decide things for us. Then all will be well.

Face it. We don't deserve to own guns. Only government employees should own them because they work for the government and the government is our friend.

Did this thread have anything to do with taking away people's guns? I'm confused. I thought it had to do with changing what the op considers bad laws. Maybe I misunderstood the op's post.

Apparently, the 2nd Amendment is a bad law.

Go figure.
I suppose we should just put all gun owners in jail and be done with it. Those pesky juries do get in the way of justice, don't they?

We need liberals, who are much smarter than we, to decide things for us. Then all will be well.

Face it. We don't deserve to own guns. Only government employees should own them because they work for the government and the government is our friend.

Yea, I double checked; this thread has nothing to do about taking anyone's guns away. You're off subject. Wake the fuck up.

I see, we just need to make good laws that suborn the right to bear arns,

Gee, my bad.

Apparently, we can have guns as long as we use them in your properly subscribed manner.

Learn to associate ideas, genius.
All You Need to Know About Irrational "Self-Defense" Laws in Three Pictures


That's Ezekiel Gilbert. He was acquitted yesterday in the murder of Lenora Ivie Frago, who had taken $150 from Gilbert for sex and then refused to have sex with him or give him the money back. So he shot her, not wanting to kill her (and it did take her a few months to die). But because Texas allows people to use deadly force in order to retrieve stolen property (and because the sex did not occur, despite prostitution being illegal, the money was considered stolen), Gilbert, for lack of a better phrase, got off.

He should have been in jail, did he get the OJ jury? I'm curious were there any women on his jury?( I ask because that's a standard liberal question)

That's Ralph Wald. He was acquitted last week for the murder of Walter Conley. Conley had been in the middle of having sex with Wald's wife, so, like any reasonable person, Wald claimed that he assumed his wife was being raped and shot Conley dead. His defense was Florida's Stand Your Ground law, which allows anyone who believes that he or she is facing danger in his or her home to use deadly force. Wald said his wife was in danger, so he shot first and asked questions later. Oh, wait, actually he didn't do that last part. He told police he was glad the guy was dead.

Uh what's wrong with you, dont mess with someone's wife, talk about stupid. I forgot to you marriage is just a benefits exchange!

That's Marissa Alexander. Last year, in Jacksonville, Florida, she was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a shot in the air to warn her husband, Rico Gray, to back off her. He had been arrested previously for domestic violence against her, beating her when she was pregnant, and on that day in 2010, he "approached her in a rage" when Alexander drove up to their house to get clothes. She was trying to move out and get away from Gray. Before she fired the shot, he had chased her through the house, broken down a door to get at her, and cornered her in the garage. The judge said she should have fled instead of firing twice into the air. At trial, her Stand Your Ground defense was rejected because the jury did not believe she faced imminent danger. She was convicted of aggravated assault and given the mandatory sentence. She is still in prison.

Look at the pictures. Here's your homework assignment. See if you can figure it out: What is different about Alexander?

Update: Several rude readers have pointed out that Alexander was not necessarily the innocent victim her defenders maker her out to be, as if that invalidates the point here. Nope, sorry. She's in jail for 20 years for firing a gun and harming no one. Wald and Gilbert are free after murdering people and using bad laws to shield them from punishment of any sort.

These laws should be repealed.

wow how suprising. So three "scientific picks", wow you really dont get much do you?
Uh so the woman shouldnt have had a gun? You think she should have been jailed for what she did? I dont, if that case is true. Other than trying to play the race card, I really dont see how this backs your story, case one is bad, but again it's an illicit underworld, it's best not to get involved. And hey how about we disarm everyone so criminal will stop committing crimes (yeah liberals really believe that!)
So you don't believe in defending yourself? So if someone came up and punched you in the face...You'd call the police after they're done with you??? lol

The only person who attempted to defend themselves was Marissa Alexander.

I do sympathize with Ralph Ward, though. Obviously his wife wasn't being raped, but how can any man say how they'd react if they came home and found their wife was a whore in bed with another man?

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