All You Need to Know About Irrational "Self-Defense" Laws in Three Pictures

Obviously life is not fair nor predictable no matter how hard we try. If we knew every single instance of tragedy and injustice we'd probably just give up.

I agree. All three stories are terrible, but one thing they all probably have in common is idiot jurors. Not saying we couldn't make some adjustments to our self defense laws, but even that won't stop things like this from happening.

Casey Anthony is free, and Marissa Alexander is facing 20 years. Nuff' said. :confused:
I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.

For those that break the law, go to jail.

SO three bad cases (and the third was not a bad case at all. She deserved jail time) mean we ought to repeal all self defense laws.
The crazy runs deep here.
So you don't believe in defending yourself? So if someone came up and punched you in the face...You'd call the police after they're done with you??? lol

The only one involved in defense was the third case.

Look what happened to her.

SO three bad cases (and the third was not a bad case at all. She deserved jail time) mean we ought to repeal all self defense laws.
The crazy runs deep here.

Wait a minute.

She 'deserved' jail time?

I suppose we should just put all gun owners in jail and be done with it. Those pesky juries do get in the way of justice, don't they?

We need liberals, who are much smarter than we, to decide things for us. Then all will be well.

Face it. We don't deserve to own guns. Only government employees should own them because they work for the government and the government is our friend.

Did this thread have anything to do with taking away people's guns? I'm confused. I thought it had to do with changing what the op considers bad laws. Maybe I misunderstood the op's post.

Apparently, the 2nd Amendment is a bad law.

Go figure.

It isn't a law.

And it's been entirely corrupted.
SO three bad cases (and the third was not a bad case at all. She deserved jail time) mean we ought to repeal all self defense laws.
The crazy runs deep here.

Wait a minute.

She 'deserved' jail time?


Yeah. I dont have time to explain it to you. Get an adult to help.

"I don't have the time for it, but I'll post a few more responses in this topic, and others."

Just admit you were talking out of your ass, as usual.
I don't know the specifics of each story, all I know is that Progressives are pathological liars, so there is probably something not entirely accurate about how these stories were portrayed
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I don't know the specifics of each story, all I know is that Progressives are pathological liars, so there is probably something not entirely accurate about how these stories were portrayed

You are correct.
In the case of the prostitute it had nothing to do with self defense laws at all. Texas allows for shooting someone attempting to flee from a burglary at night. He made the case she had stolen his money and was fleeing with it. Since it was at night he was justified. The jury agreed.
Second case I dont know anything about.
Third case, the woman was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm, as witnessed by the fact that she did not shoot the man but shot into the ceiling. If she was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm she could not use deadly force. But she did and put the man in such fear. That constituted assault and so she was rightly jailed.
Third case, the woman was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm, as witnessed by the fact that she did not shoot the man but shot into the ceiling. If she was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm she could not use deadly force. But she did and put the man in such fear. That constituted assault and so she was rightly jailed.

Not knowing much about the laws involved I need to ask:
If you manage to protect yourself from danger without causing bodily harm you are automatically accused of using excessive force?
Third case, the woman was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm, as witnessed by the fact that she did not shoot the man but shot into the ceiling. If she was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm she could not use deadly force. But she did and put the man in such fear. That constituted assault and so she was rightly jailed.

Not knowing much about the laws involved I need to ask:
If you manage to protect yourself from danger without causing bodily harm you are automatically accused of using excessive force?

o damn it really takes 3 pages to say

being white isnt a bad thing but being black is....

come on people.....the white men walked on murder...the black woman got jail for what?
Third case, the woman was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm, as witnessed by the fact that she did not shoot the man but shot into the ceiling. If she was not in fear of death or severe bodily harm she could not use deadly force. But she did and put the man in such fear. That constituted assault and so she was rightly jailed.

Not knowing much about the laws involved I need to ask:
If you manage to protect yourself from danger without causing bodily harm you are automatically accused of using excessive force?


Okay thanks. So the underlined above would actually have nothing to do with the verdict?

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