Allah is dead

MD, I consider your apparent concern for me to be vacuous and selfishly motivated to the point of being categorically insincere. I will not be pleasant about this. I could care less for your ontology of the universe. Jesus nor any god features in mine. You care about me because it will increase your chances of getting saved, because you must do "deeds" in order to get to heaven, depending on which contradictory path to salvation you follow. The reason is not you, but that I find your interpretation of a god figure to be offensive. The fact that I need to be saved from same supposedly omnipotent god that created the conditions for eternal suffering is simply asinine. He could save me from suffering if he wanted to. He never needed to send himself to die for himself to save his creations from a place he created. He is a vindictive, murderous, and childish god, were it exist. There are so many internal contradictions within the ontology your god, the theology of christianity, and the supposed divine revelation that is the bible, as to make the whole system laughable to me. So, consider myself resigned to hell in your theological framework, because Jesus is a myth and so is the Christian god. If you have concern for me on rational grounds, I will accept it. As it stands, you are simply stoking your own ego, and the scary part is, you don't even realize it. So, go ahead and pray for me or whatever it is you need to do to justify my reaction here, but just know that I could care less about this or any religion . They are all fake. No gods or god exists. I am a gnostic atheist with respect to all man-made gods, including the judeo-christian-muslim god, and I am an agnostic atheist with respect to all possible gods.
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MD, I consider your apparent concern for me to be vacuous and selfishly motivated to the point of being categorically insincere. I will not be pleasant about this. I could care less for your ontology of the universe. Jesus nor any god features in mine. You care about me because it will increase your chances of getting saved, because you must do "deeds" in order to get to heaven, depending on which contradictory path to salvation you follow. The reason is not you, but that I find your interpretation of a god figure to be offensive. The fact that I need to be saved from same supposedly omnipotent god that created the conditions for eternal suffering is simply asinine. He could save me from suffering if he wanted to. He never needed to send himself to die for himself to save his creations from a place he created. He is a vindictive, murderous, and childish god, were it exist. There are so many internal contradictions within the ontology your god, the theology of christianity, and the supposed divine revelation that is the bible, as to make the whole system laughable to me. So, consider myself resigned to hell in your theological framework, because Jesus is a myth and so is the Christian god. If you have concern for me on rational grounds, I will accept it. As it stands, you are simply stoking your own ego, and the scary part is, you don't even realize it. So, go ahead and pray for me or whatever it is you need to do to justify my reaction here, but just know that I could care less about this or any religion . They are all fake. No gods or god exists. I am a gnostic atheist with respect to all man-made gods, including the judeo-christian-muslim god, and I am an agnostic atheist with respect to all possible gods.

Why are you so angry?
MD, I consider your apparent concern for me to be vacuous and selfishly motivated to the point of being categorically insincere. I will not be pleasant about this. I could care less for your ontology of the universe. Jesus nor any god features in mine. You care about me because it will increase your chances of getting saved, because you must do "deeds" in order to get to heaven, depending on which contradictory path to salvation you follow. The reason is not you, but that I find your interpretation of a god figure to be offensive. The fact that I need to be saved from same supposedly omnipotent god that created the conditions for eternal suffering is simply asinine. He could save me from suffering if he wanted to. He never needed to send himself to die for himself to save his creations from a place he created. He is a vindictive, murderous, and childish god, were it exist. There are so many internal contradictions within the ontology your god, the theology of christianity, and the supposed divine revelation that is the bible, as to make the whole system laughable to me. So, consider myself resigned to hell in your theological framework, because Jesus is a myth and so is the Christian god. If you have concern for me on rational grounds, I will accept it. As it stands, you are simply stoking your own ego, and the scary part is, you don't even realize it. So, go ahead and pray for me or whatever it is you need to do to justify my reaction here, but just know that I could care less about this or any religion . They are all fake. No gods or god exists. I am a gnostic atheist with respect to all man-made gods, including the judeo-christian-muslim god, and I am an agnostic atheist with respect to all possible gods.

Why are you so angry?

It's not at you, per say, that angers me, . You seem like a nice person who is genuinely convinced that you are doing something morally good. I am angry because I consider Christianity to be completely unnecessary for humans to reach their moral potential. It is a trick, a brainwashing, and its implicit assertions that people are somehow lacking without it, I find very offensive. Christians unwittingly spread this evil around, and that makes me angry. They have so convinced themselves that because they believe hell to be real, that they are doing something good, without ever considering questioning their own beliefs about the existence of heaven, hell, or god. We don't need the concept of god to survive and be good humans. Mostly though, you are attempting to presumptuously push your beliefs onto me, when I have not expressed desire to hear about your beliefs. This presumptive posture is what I think what irritates me the most about some Christians. They are so convinced they are right, about something for which there is ZERO evidence, and from this standpoint, judge others. This act of judging others is infuriating, but then they hide behind "I'm just telling you about god. I'm not judging you, but god will." It's bullshit. You are deferring responsibility of your own judgmental action onto a being that may or may not exist, and which you nor anyone has ever demonstrated to even exist. If Christians were actually better people, maybe it would be convincing, but they are usually worse, using Jesus' forgiveness to justify awful deeds.
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If Jesus were not divine, no more than just a mere man, worshiping Him would indeed be an idolatrous blasphemy. The issue is not whether or not Christians hold Jesus to be God because they wish to avoid idolatry in their worship. The testimony of the Apostles and that of the Holy Spirit are clear: Jesus is the incarnate God Almighty. Period. Christ’s sheep know the Good Sheppard’s voice and follow Him.

Your claims about authorship are nonsense.

Btw, the Talmud records the reason the Sanhedrin condemned Him . . . and His “secret” followers among the Sanhedrin.

the reason Jesus was condemned was he claimed to be a Son of God (as are all living beings), not that he is / was God.

M.D. Rawlings: Jesus Christ, the incarnate God Almighty, is the only way, the only truth and the only life ...

Your claims about authorship are nonsense.

the above is not Idolatry ?

no less nonsense, that a physical proof of authenticity of the bible, the stone slabs chiseled by God - the Ten Commandments can not be provided by either of the 3 Desert Religions.

Allah is dead - not God but the True Religion of Remittance that is dying.

Are you asking a question or making a statement? If a statement, why would the Sanhedrin condemn Him to death for claiming to be a son of God in the sense that you mean, i.e., a mere creature of God? No. Jesus claimed to be God, the Creator. Jesus is the Word of God. He is the divine Son of God. To worship God is not idolatry. To worship Jesus is not idolatry. Of course, we don't have the origin manuscripts or the stones, for example, in which the 10 commandments were written. These are material things that perish over time. The copies that have been handed down are reliable. But, ultimately, God's Word is a Living Being: Jesus Christ. The Word endures forever.

why would the Sanhedrin condemn Him to death for claiming to be a son of God

good question, the same asked by Pontius Pilatus

"My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” - an example of an authentic enactment of the time.

Jesus was loved by God, and chosen ...

KVJ - Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

M.D. Rawlings: Jesus Christ, the incarnate God Almighty, is the only way, the only truth and the only life

there is only one known Commandment from God - to seek Remission or perish.

the makebelieve 10 however have meaning - especially the first and perhaps of the 10 the only one of Divine origin and texturally correct existing before the expulsion and the broad reason for it.

our point is the Bible is an entrapment of the falsehoods that caused the downfall of mankind and a textural basis to restructure its meaning for the purpose of the True Religion and its intent to attain Remission.
the reason Jesus was condemned was he claimed to be a Son of God (as are all living beings), not that he is / was God.

That's a very ignorant claim.

the above is not Idolatry ?

I explained idolatry to you before, which part did you not grasp?

no less nonsense, that a physical proof of authenticity of the bible, the stone slabs chiseled by God - the Ten Commandments can not be provided by either of the 3 Desert Religions.

Allah is dead - not God but the True Religion of Remittance that is dying.

False dichotomy, another logical fallacy. The veracity of Islam has no impact on Judaism. Though if Judaism is false, then by extension both generation of derivative religions also must be false. IOW, if there were no Ten Commandments, both Jesus and the Warlord Muhammad were liars.
MD, I consider your apparent concern for me to be vacuous and selfishly motivated to the point of being categorically insincere. I will not be pleasant about this. I could care less for your ontology of the universe. Jesus nor any god features in mine. You care about me because it will increase your chances of getting saved, because you must do "deeds" in order to get to heaven, depending on which contradictory path to salvation you follow. The reason is not you, but that I find your interpretation of a god figure to be offensive. The fact that I need to be saved from same supposedly omnipotent god that created the conditions for eternal suffering is simply asinine. He could save me from suffering if he wanted to. He never needed to send himself to die for himself to save his creations from a place he created. He is a vindictive, murderous, and childish god, were it exist. There are so many internal contradictions within the ontology your god, the theology of christianity, and the supposed divine revelation that is the bible, as to make the whole system laughable to me. So, consider myself resigned to hell in your theological framework, because Jesus is a myth and so is the Christian god. If you have concern for me on rational grounds, I will accept it. As it stands, you are simply stoking your own ego, and the scary part is, you don't even realize it. So, go ahead and pray for me or whatever it is you need to do to justify my reaction here, but just know that I could care less about this or any religion . They are all fake. No gods or god exists. I am a gnostic atheist with respect to all man-made gods, including the judeo-christian-muslim god, and I am an agnostic atheist with respect to all possible gods.

Why are you so angry?

It's not at you, per say, that angers me, . You seem like a nice person who is genuinely convinced that you are doing something morally good. I am angry because I consider Christianity to be completely unnecessary for humans to reach their moral potential. It is a trick, a brainwashing, and its implicit assertions that people are somehow lacking without it, I find very offensive. Christians unwittingly spread this evil around, and that makes me angry. They have so convinced themselves that because they believe hell to be real, that they are doing something good, without ever considering questioning their own beliefs about the existence of heaven, hell, or god. We don't need the concept of god to survive and be good humans. Mostly though, you are attempting to presumptuously push your beliefs onto me, when I have not expressed desire to hear about your beliefs. This presumptive posture is what I think what irritates me the most about some Christians. They are so convinced they are right, about something for which there is ZERO evidence, and from this standpoint, judge others. This act of judging others is infuriating, but then they hide behind "I'm just telling you about god. I'm not judging you, but god will." It's bullshit. You are deferring responsibility of your own judgmental action onto a being that may or may not exist, and which you nor anyone has ever demonstrated to even exist. If Christians were actually better people, maybe it would be convincing, but they are usually worse, using Jesus' forgiveness to justify awful deeds.

If you go on this way, you will die in your sins and spend eternity in hell. This is not a game. God exists. Your guilt is real. Your "morality" is that of filthy rags next to God's. You must repent and accept Christ as your Savior.
Why are you so angry?

It's not at you, per say, that angers me, . You seem like a nice person who is genuinely convinced that you are doing something morally good. I am angry because I consider Christianity to be completely unnecessary for humans to reach their moral potential. It is a trick, a brainwashing, and its implicit assertions that people are somehow lacking without it, I find very offensive. Christians unwittingly spread this evil around, and that makes me angry. They have so convinced themselves that because they believe hell to be real, that they are doing something good, without ever considering questioning their own beliefs about the existence of heaven, hell, or god. We don't need the concept of god to survive and be good humans. Mostly though, you are attempting to presumptuously push your beliefs onto me, when I have not expressed desire to hear about your beliefs. This presumptive posture is what I think what irritates me the most about some Christians. They are so convinced they are right, about something for which there is ZERO evidence, and from this standpoint, judge others. This act of judging others is infuriating, but then they hide behind "I'm just telling you about god. I'm not judging you, but god will." It's bullshit. You are deferring responsibility of your own judgmental action onto a being that may or may not exist, and which you nor anyone has ever demonstrated to even exist. If Christians were actually better people, maybe it would be convincing, but they are usually worse, using Jesus' forgiveness to justify awful deeds.

If you go on this way, you will die in your sins and spend eternity in hell. This is not a game. God exists. Your guilt is real. Your "morality" is that of filthy rags next to God's. You must repent and accept Christ as your Savior.

You are wasting your time believing in this nonsense. This is the only life you get, you shouldn't waste it on falsities. There is no afterlife. There is no god.
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If you go on this way, you will die in your sins and spend eternity in hell. This is not a game. God exists. Your guilt is real. Your "morality" is that of filthy rags next to God's. You must repent and accept Christ as your Savior.

"You must repent and accept Christ as your Savior".

Atheism is not a sin, Idolatry is.

"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."
If you go on this way, you will die in your sins and spend eternity in hell. This is not a game. God exists. Your guilt is real. Your "morality" is that of filthy rags next to God's. You must repent and accept Christ as your Savior.

"You must repent and accept Christ as your Savior".

Atheism is not a sin, Idolatry is.

"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."

Blind leading the blind . . .
See my opening post for proof the quran says the sun orbits the earth. This proves it cannot be the words of God as Muhammad claimed.
You are wasting your time believing in this nonsense. This is the only life you get, you shouldn't waste it on falsities. There is no afterlife. There is no god.

Well, thanks for clearing that up for everybody. There is no God because newpolitics says so. Its good to know someone as all-knowing as you is around to set us straight.

By the way, can you explain how life was first created from an entirely lifeless universe? Its one of those questions no one has been able to answer. Thought I would take the opportunity to ask since someone as smart and all-knowing as you is around.
You are wasting your time believing in this nonsense. This is the only life you get, you shouldn't waste it on falsities. There is no afterlife. There is no god.

Well, thanks for clearing that up for everybody. There is no God because newpolitics says so. Its good to know someone as all-knowing as you is around to set us straight.

By the way, can you explain how life was first created from an entirely lifeless universe? Its one of those questions no one has been able to answer. Thought I would take the opportunity to ask since someone as smart and all-knowing as you is around.

I don't have to have an explanation for anything to say that no god exists. Your own lack of evidence for your own god claims makes belief unjustified.

I am as good a source on this as anyone who wrote the bible, so why not believe in me? As long as we are guessing... At least scientific claims have some demonstrable evidence behind them, whereas religious claims have NONE.
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There is more known about how the Koran was written than the bible. If anything, the Koran has more credibility than the bible, by this measure. The fact that the Koran borrows mythology should not be a point against it either, considering nearly all the myths in the bible are borrowed from other mythologies, and even within the bible, the NT copies from the OT, so Christianity would be guilty of the exact same thing. You have no case for the Koran not being authentic that doesn't also apply tithe Christian bible, the Torah, or any other supposedly divinely inspired scripture.

I do not believe in a large part of the bible myths, and I am not here to rehash scholarly work that has been done debunking the bible. The truth is I have not even read the bible all through. By that measure I know the quran better than the bible.

But I maintain the quran can be shown to be flawed and plagiarized, and therefore it cannot be a message from God.

You destroy your credibility in the bold. First and foremost judging by how you present yourself here, I am sure you don't speak Arabic. Second, you didn't debunk the Qur'an just because you quote Hadith. Third I haven't read your thread nor do I choose to because you probably use sources from hate sites. Fourth, I know if we debated Islam I'm more than confident I could out debate you on the subject of Islam. I'm sure I know more about Islam than you do. My final and fifth point is until you disclose your religious stance and your goal I wont debate you on the subject.
See my opening post for proof the quran says the sun orbits the earth. This proves it cannot be the words of God as Muhammad claimed.

Yes and in the Bible in Genesis God's spirit hovered over the waters.....How does an incorporeal being have a reflection upon animate objects?
Wrong again. It is a red herring, for the term encompasses the connotation of a fallacy in which one misstates the issue at hand or attributes a false reason to any given conviction or conclusion

If Jesus were not divine, no more than just a mere man, worshiping Him would indeed be an idolatrous blasphemy. The issue is not whether or not Christians hold Jesus to be God because they wish to avoid idolatry in their worship. The testimony of the Apostles and that of the Holy Spirit are clear: Jesus is the incarnate God Almighty. Period. Christ’s sheep know the Good Sheppard’s voice and follow Him.

Your claims about authorship are nonsense. The Bible was written anonymously? We don’t know who the author’s were? One cannot know whether or not Jesus is God Almighty? The biblical testimony is unreliable because its contents were necessarily handed down via successive copies? Extra-biblical evidence? Of what exactly? The biases of those who do not hear His voice?

God is real, newpolitics. Jesus is the Christ. He loves you. Don’t listen to the world. It’s full of lies.

Btw, the Talmud records the reason the Sanhedrin condemned Him . . . and His “secret” followers among the Sanhedrin.

A red herring is a point that is laid down in order to distract from the course of discussion. The term originates from the idea that a red herring, a smelly fish, could be laid down across the path of a hunting dog to confuse his scent. That is not what I did, at least not intentionally.

I dont care for your proselytizing, although I guess I appreciate that in some strange way, you care about my welfare, even if it is predicated upon the existence of a place I don't believe in. I don't believe the bible to be true, in any respect, nor do I believe your god to exist. In fact I believe strongly that your gods existence is a logical and practical impossibly, so you can spare me the references to the bible as if they are going to be convincing. The bible is no more true than the Koran, or the bagavad Gita, etc... The facts about authorship I raised are well known within biblical scholarship. We don't have any signatures. The authors of the gospels are anonymous, and the names ascribed to the gospels are made up by the church. Luke and Mathew were largely copied from Mark. Christianity rests upon a document that does not attest reliably to the events it claims took place.

I'm just letting you know that God is real and you can trust His Word. Jesus loves you.

If Jesus loves us why does he allow wallstreet bankers to fuck the poor over?
You destroy your credibility in the bold. First and foremost judging by how you present yourself here, I am sure you don't speak Arabic. Second, you didn't debunk the Qur'an just because you quote Hadith. Third I haven't read your thread nor do I choose to because you probably use sources from hate sites. Fourth, I know if we debated Islam I'm more than confident I could out debate you on the subject of Islam. I'm sure I know more about Islam than you do. My final and fifth point is until you disclose your religious stance and your goal I wont debate you on the subject.

I do not speak Arabic but I have several translations of the quran to compare, so that I can get the general meaning of the original. In any case even if I could read Arabic it would not be the original Quranic Arabic that had no vowels. Besides the quran is obviously largely copied from the bible, and the bible was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, not Arabic. So when there is uncertainty about an Arabic word, like the word for "day" it does not make any difference, because both the bible and the quran say the heaven and earth were created in six days and a day in the sight of God is a thousand years, so it it obvious the quran is copied from the bible text as they are both wrong.

I know I am using a hadith to debunk the quran but the hadith Bukhari are well reputed to be authentic, and in any case the quran itself says the sun goes to a resting place at verse 36.38

I did not get my ideas on this matter from hate sites, as far as I know I am the only one that has interpreted the Hadith Bukhari volume 4 book 54 number 421 to reach a conclusion that it proves the quran is saying the sun orbits the earth and not the Galaxy as muslims claim.

As for your knowing more about Islam I have no doubt you do, as I know very little about Islam, however I have a fair knowledge of the quran as I have been studying it for ten years.

As for my religious stance, if I am anything I am a spiritualist, and I long ago stopped believing in a God that would burn anyone in hellfire. But the quran is filled with horrible verses about God torturing people for all eternity just because they do not accept Muhammad as a messenger.

My aim it to subject the quran to the same kind of literary critcism that the bible has endured and prove it is not from God, thereby liberating minds from false doctrine.
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How does it matter?

All my life I have searched for what is true, and thrown out everything that is obviously false, I just feel I can pass on some of what I have learned to people who have not had the opportunity or inclination to think about such things. For example I could save people from falling foul of mind bending cults like scientology.

In my view there are 1.5 billion people following a false prophet that teaches them to despise unbelievers and fight in the way of Allah. Not only that they enslave their children with fear of hellfire if they do not follow this false doctrine.

I think it is a tragedy for the human race that Muhammad ever existed, and the time for his lies about God is over.
How does it matter?

All my life I have searched for what is true, and thrown out everything that is obviously false, I just feel I can pass on some of what I have learned to people who have not had the opportunity or inclination to think about such things. For example I could save people from falling foul of mind bending cults like scientology.

In my view there are 1.5 billion people following a false prophet that teaches them to despise unbelievers and fight in the way of Allah. Not only that they enslave their children with fear of hellfire if they do not follow this false doctrine.

I think it is a tragedy for the human race that Muhammad ever existed, and the time for his lies about God is over.

For a non-believer you sure do worry a lot.

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