Allah is dead

For a non-believer you sure do worry a lot.

Who says I am a non believer. I think there very well may be a God, but he is not the monster the quran describes.

What about the God described in the Old Testament?

1.In Genesis 7:21-23, God drowns the entire population of the earth: men, women, children, fetuses, and animals.

2.In Exodus 12:29, God the baby-killer slaughters all Egyptian firstborn children and cattle because their king was stubborn.

3.In Numbers 16:41-49, the Israelites complain that God is killing too many of them. So, God sends a plague that kills 14,000 more of them.

4.In 1 Samuel 6:19, God kills 50,000 men for peeking into the ark of the covenant.

5.In Numbers 31:7-18, the Israelites kill all the Midianites except for the virgins, whom they are allowed to rape as spoils of war.

6.In 2 Kings 2:23-24, some kids tease the prophet Elisha, and God sends bears to dismember them.
Yea, well the fear of hell was an idea Muhammad stole from the bible. I do not say the old testament is the truth, in fact I think it is largely myths.
Yea, well the fear of hell was an idea Muhammad stole from the bible. I do not say the old testament is the truth, in fact I think it is largely myths.

Where does your belief in God come from?

Largely from the feelings I had in my own heart from childhood, but later from having spent several decades getting evidential messages from the spirits of my dead grandparents in spiritualist churches.
Yea, well the fear of hell was an idea Muhammad stole from the bible. I do not say the old testament is the truth, in fact I think it is largely myths.

Where does your belief in God come from?

Largely from the feelings I had in my own heart from childhood, but later from having spent several decades getting evidential messages from the spirits of my dead grandparents in spiritualist churches.

"messages from dead grand-parents" My "God" you're a quack
"messages from dead grand-parents" My "God" you're a quack

Like I said, the messages were evidential. I was told things the mediums could not have known. I studied spiritualism and occultism for thirty years, and my conclusion was there is a spirit world, and the spirit world says there is a God, and they should know.

I once had a message from a dead brother that I did not even know I had. The medium was a stranger to me from out of town and my mother was not a spiritualist and she had never been to the church. Nor had my mother ever told me I had a brother that died in the war.

But the medium told me he died as a baby because there was no equipment in the hospital during wartime, and she even told me his name.

When I went home I asked my mother if she had a baby that died in the war and she said yes. She was shocked because she did not believe in spiritualism.

You can write off spiritualism without knowing anything about it but I have much experience that taught me there is something in it.
"messages from dead grand-parents" My "God" you're a quack

Like I said, the messages were evidential. I was told things the mediums could not have known. I studied spiritualism and occultism for thirty years, and my conclusion was there is a spirit world, and the spirit world says there is a God, and they should know.

I once had a message from a dead brother that I did not even know I had. The medium was a stranger to me from out of town and my mother was not a spiritualist and she had never been to the church. Nor had my mother ever told me I had a brother that died in the war.

But the medium told me he died as a baby because there was no equipment in the hospital during wartime, and she even told me his name.

When I went home I asked my mother if she had a baby that died in the war and she said yes. She was shocked because she did not believe in spiritualism.

You can write off spiritualism without knowing anything about it but I have much experience that taught me there is something in it.

In Islam you were probably experiencing the Djinn, not ghosts....I also don't believe in "mediums." First off, any real medium who has "special powers" would take a scientific test to demonstrate their skill see here:

Calling all psychics: a chance to prove your powers in a scientific test | Michael Marshall | Science |
In Islam you were probably experiencing the Djinn, not ghosts....I also don't believe in "mediums." First off, any real medium who has "special powers" would take a scientific test to demonstrate their skill see here:

Calling all psychics: a chance to prove your powers in a scientific test | Michael Marshall | Science |

Islam is bunk and I ain't afraid of no Jinns.
The theology behind spiritualism is that we are on this earth for experience sake, and we are not given proof of the afterlife because it would interfere with our free choice and make incarnation pointless. This world is just one plane of experience where we are here to work things out for ourselves. In the spirit world we cannot evolve so we need incarnation.
You don't believe in mediums because you have not been going to spiritualist churches since the early 1970's but I have and they convinced me, over the years, that some mediums are genuine.
whats with the parrot ... having a conversation ?

In the spirit world we cannot evolve ... so we need incarnation

you do not incarnate in the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ?
In Islam you were probably experiencing the Djinn, not ghosts....I also don't believe in "mediums." First off, any real medium who has "special powers" would take a scientific test to demonstrate their skill see here:

Calling all psychics: a chance to prove your powers in a scientific test | Michael Marshall | Science |

Allah is just a Djin. Funny though, the idea that a Djin could exist, but not a ghost..

Psychics are bunk.
Ghosts are bunk.
Djin are bunk.
Allah is bunk.
whats with the parrot ... having a conversation ?

In the spirit world we cannot evolve ... so we need incarnation

you do not incarnate in the OuterWorld of the Everlasting ?

The birdy and I loved one another, and she liked to swing on my glasses.
She tried to involve herself in my activities and she would climb down onto the keyboard when I was typing and tap on the keys with her beak. But she died.

Physical incarnation is necessary for our spiritual evolution as in the spirit world we do not have mortal flesh. We do not have emotional feelings or sexual feelings and we do not reproduce. But eventually the spirit finds itself suffering from limitations that cannot be overcome without reincarnation in the flesh, where we are subject to the laws of cause and effect. So we act as we see fit and then face the consequences, over countless lifetimes. Each life is subject to the accumulated karma of previous incarnations until we reach a state of grace, or enlightenment, and until we have paid all karmic debts. After that we do not need further incarnations and our spirit finally goes on as an eternal immortal being.

So say the spirit guides I have listened to in many lectures given by trance mediums.
The birdy and I loved one another, and she liked to swing on my glasses.
She tried to involve herself in my activities and she would climb down onto the keyboard when I was typing and tap on the keys with her beak. But she died.

Sorry for your loss.

My Cockatiel is 24 years of age. Usually birds have very long lives. She is expected to live about 35 years. Some large Conures have a life span of 100 years. Yours looks like it was a Sun Conure.
The birdy and I loved one another, and she liked to swing on my glasses.
She tried to involve herself in my activities and she would climb down onto the keyboard when I was typing and tap on the keys with her beak. But she died.

Sorry for your loss.

My Cockatiel is 24 years of age. Usually birds have very long lives. She is expected to live about 35 years. Some large Conures have a life span of 100 years. Yours looks like it was a Sun Conure.

My Birdy was a lovebird, and she lived about 17 years.

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