Allen West Ousted From NAACP Event Over Communist Remark

Pretty tolerant bunch on the left ain't they. They kick an entertainer out of a concert because they don't like what he says about the president and they kick a Black politician out of the national organization for the advancement of colored people because they don't like what he says about the president. If the brave new world of liberalism has it's way sooner or later they will lock your ass up for speaking ill about any democrat.

yeah but remember, they tell us they are the more tolerant of any people on the planet AND ALL INCLUSIVE under their wittle tent
Of course they are lying thru their clenched teeth.
You don't understand....

It's the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Why would Allen West be invited?

Because it should be called the NAALCP Conservatives are not allowed different points of view are frowned upon The NAALCP is pathetic liberal anti-American group for the most part they are a joke
Ousted for expressing Free Speech? What a Communist thing to do. As usual, Allen West was spot-on. The NAACP is a mere shell of its former self. They've become a haven for racist African American Democrats. They cannot tolerate an honest Conservative African American Republican. They're nothing more than an average Hate Organization as far as i'm concerned. Allen West should wear this as a badge of honor. To hell with the NAACP.
Many African American Democrats have made very controversial comments and were still allowed to speak at NAACP events. This is just political bullshit. If Allen West were a typical racist African American Democrat, he would be allowed to speak. The NAACP is wrong on this. Period, end of story.
This is a pretty silly reason to throw Allen West out, the man is a war hero, they should be honoring him.
He should be secretary of defense! In my dream administration at least. John Bolton as secretary of state, Allen West as secretary of defense. Put him in charge of the Pentagon.
He should be secretary of defense! In my dream administration at least. John Bolton as secretary of state, Allen West as secretary of defense. Put him in charge of the Pentagon.

AH I always liked John Bolton, I liked how when he was at the UN he was slapping those clowns in the mouth letting them know what time it is.
Racist African American Democrats like Spike Lee, have been allowed to speak at NAACP events for many years. The NAACP fears a strong Conservative African American Republican. And that's all this is really about. They cannot tolerate change.

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