Allen West Ousted From NAACP Event Over Communist Remark

Pretty tolerant bunch on the left ain't they. They kick an entertainer out of a concert because they don't like what he says about the president and they kick a Black politician out of the national organization for the advancement of colored people because they don't like what he says about the president. If the brave new world of liberalism has it's way sooner or later they will lock your ass up for speaking ill about any democrat.

yeah but remember, they tell us they are the more tolerant of any people on the planet AND ALL INCLUSIVE under their wittle tent
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Pretty tolerant bunch on the left ain't they. They kick an entertainer out of a concert because they don't like what he says about the president and they kick a Black politician out of the national organization for the advancement of colored people because they don't like what he says about the president. If the brave new world of liberalism has it's way sooner or later they will lock your ass up for speaking ill about any democrat.

yeah but remember, they tell us they are the more tolerant of any people on the planet.
And DON'T dare challange them on the premise...lest you be attacked...:eusa_shhh:
I would like to see Allen West as the VP candidate. Oh, but I forgot that I disagree with Obama's policy's so I have to be a racist.
Being kicked out of the NAACP is a definite plus in West's favor. He had a chance to be American or be Black, he chose to be American. Which is more than we can say for the presidebt. I hope to see the day when Allen West is called Mr. President. If anyone deserves to be Commander in Chief he does.
West? He the one thats running radio ads claiming to be an outsider? LOL

You are so gullible WT. :eusa_boohoo:
The Naacp probably just doesn't want West to see all the commie crap they will be spewing..
Pretty tolerant bunch on the left ain't they. They kick an entertainer out of a concert because they don't like what he says about the president and they kick a Black politician out of the national organization for the advancement of colored people because they don't like what he says about the president. If the brave new world of liberalism has it's way sooner or later they will lock your ass up for speaking ill about any democrat.

Liberals overall as a group are some of the most hateful people that one will come across in life.
Allen West nailed it.... there are communists all thru the Democratic party.

The video clips are out there to prove he is spot on.

Here are a couple to wet the appetite.

[ame=]Maxine Waters Admits She's a Socialist - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama - student of Marxist professors - his own words - YouTube[/ame]
If you notice none of them came out and Denied they weren't communist, they just whined about Mr. West Exposing them..
[ame=]Obama tells Joe the Plumber, I want to Spread the Wealth - YouTube[/ame]

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You don't understand....

It's the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Why would Allen West be invited?
man the right hates black people

Man you are a simple minded, Stereo Typing, Pigeon Holing, Imbecile. It's really very amusing to watch people like you, accuse everyone else of being Bigoted Racists, When you yourself display the Classic Closed Minded, Stereotyping, Bigoted Mind Set as the people you claim to hate.

That's Right sweet heart, Your constant lumping of everyone on the right, and in the Republican Party together and calling them racists, and assuming you know their Motivations, is EXACTLY what your Run of the Mill Inbred Southern White Racist does.

Frankly it's even more Disgusting, because you do it with an Air of superiority, as if you are the Great Noble Person, and everyone else is scum, when As I said you act just like them.


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