Allen West Ousted From NAACP Event Over Communist Remark

John Kerry was a war hero.....look how well the right treated him

John Kerry wasn't a war hero.

And he burned his own bridges.

If he hadn't given false testimony in front of Congress it would have been a non-issue.

John Kerry received a Silver Star......Allen West got kicked out of the Army for being a psycho

John Kerry put himself in for a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and 3 Purple Hearts in the span of 5 months. He went around his chain of command to get them approved. He never spent one hour in a hospital for any wounds received.

In Douglas Brinkley's book Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War, Brinkley notes that Purple Hearts were given out frequently:

"As generally understood, the Purple Heart is given to any U.S. citizen wounded in wartime service to the nation. Giving out Purple Hearts increased as the United States started sending Swifts up rivers. Sailors — no longer safe on aircraft carriers or battleships in the Gulf of Tonkin — were starting to bleed, a lot."
John Kerry wasn't a war hero.

And he burned his own bridges.

If he hadn't given false testimony in front of Congress it would have been a non-issue.

John Kerry received a Silver Star......Allen West got kicked out of the Army for being a psycho

John Kerry put himself in for a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and 3 Purple Hearts in the span of 5 months. He went around his chain of command to get them approved. He never spent one hour in a hospital for any wounds received.
In Douglas Brinkley's book Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War, Brinkley notes that Purple Hearts were given out frequently:

"As generally understood, the Purple Heart is given to any U.S. citizen wounded in wartime service to the nation. Giving out Purple Hearts increased as the United States started sending Swifts up rivers. Sailors — no longer safe on aircraft carriers or battleships in the Gulf of Tonkin — were starting to bleed, a lot."

Kerry IS a self-agrandizing Idiot and gets rewarded for it in holding office. What does this say about his constituiency?
From what I heard Allen West took care of business in Iraq, how is that being a physco?
Like Colin Powell?
Powell is a RINO...NOT Conservative...never has been.


Where is it written that Republicans have to be arch conservatives now?

its written by your msm and your 'leadership' me one black rep. who either a) didn't blow up his own party at one time or another ( in Powell's case several times) , b) spoke their mind and stood for solid rep/con values and didn't get the shit beat out of them......
John Kerry was a war hero.....look how well the right treated him

John Kerry wasn't a war hero.

And he burned his own bridges.

If he hadn't given false testimony in front of Congress it would have been a non-issue.

And throwing his medals over the Whitehouse fence...John F'ing Kerry is a phoney.

No he didn't. Look it up. Kerry threw someone ELSE'S medals over the whitehouse fence.
Powell is a RINO...NOT Conservative...never has been.


Where is it written that Republicans have to be arch conservatives now?

its written by your msm and your 'leadership' me one black rep. who either a) didn't blow up his own party at one time or another ( in Powell's case several times) , b) spoke their mind and stood for solid rep/con values and didn't get the shit beat out of them......

That's a tough one...

Since there have been only six black republicans elected as Congressman, Senator, Governor or President in the last 70 years

Both Condi Rice and Colin Powell were treated respectfully by the left. That doesn't mean they were not held accountable for their poor decisions on Iraq
If asshole racist African American Democrats like Spike Lee are allowed to speak at NAACP events, I don't see any logical reason to ban Allen West from speaking. The NAACP has fallen on hard times. They've become very bigoted & intolerant over the years. Banning Allen West from speaking is a despicable Communist move. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Ahahahaha...Remember West was "considering" leaving the CBC and the repubs hearts were all a flutter. Has he quit yet? Are your hearts still all a flutter? Did he tell you he loved you too?


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