Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

Thousands of injured cops during BLM/Anti-fa protests that continue to occur and you cared nothing about it.


Quoted for truth. No need to read the rest of the thread, it would just be repetitive. This says it all.
you mean knuckle under.

Not fucking happening, you deep state cheerleading cuck.
See what you’re doing here? This is all about winning. It’s not about acknowledging reality.

Anyone who contradicts you is an enemy and can’t be allowed to be considered.

It's about the truth, and your sides attempt to deny any investigation into it, any questioning of it, and any discussion of it beyond things like this message board.
It’s not. If it was you’d actually listen to others who don’t tell you what you what you want to hear.

You are denying any investigation ever happened. You’re pretending that the evidence and allegations aren’t flimsy. You’re pretending the courts didn’t listen.

You’re denying reality.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
And why should the cops be allowed to stop and frisk random people in high crime areas?

Marty will be fine on the stop n frisk thingy. He's white ;-)
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:
Lol, your fake outrage is cute. At this time in Trump's presidency I was talking about what a great president he was. You can't do that with Biden. So bitter of a loon you are.

Your infatuation with Trump is observed and laughed at.
You gonna be missing him soon.
It would be great if they deleted Trump's twitter account and he lost all those contacts he had.
I don't believe Trump has the right to incite any further violence, but I do think his Twitter account should be preserved for its historical and legal significance.

How long he manages to stay out of prison will determine whether or not rich people are (still) above the law:

"In October 2016, The New York Times published some tax documents from 1995.

"Trump claimed on his tax returns that he lost money, but did not recognize it in the form of canceled debts.

"Trump might have performed a stock-for-debt swap.

"This would have allowed Trump to avoid paying income taxes for at least 18 years."

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Right now, the smart money is on Rump being convicted of one or more felonies and spending at least a year in Club Fed.
To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad
Has Trump caused a fundamental political realignment similar to the one that occurred in 1860 when Lincoln brought forth the Republican Party?

Mike Davis seems to think so:

MR Online | ‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’: Mike Davis on the crisis in the United States

"A majority of Republicans in the House, moreover, voted against certifying the election. These Trump diehards now constitute a de facto third party.

"Since Trump thinks only of revenge, there is little chance of reconciling this group with the majority of Republicans in the Senate who voted in favor of accepting Biden’s election.

"The Republican Party is splitting in two even if both wings retain the same brand name.

"The Trump movement indeed has become a genuinely neo-fascist force organised around the myth of the 'stolen election' and tacitly condoning political violence.

"Their rage has become even more incandescent after Facebook and Twitter closed down Trump’s accounts."
It would be great if they deleted Trump's twitter account and he lost all those contacts he had.
We are still here, growing, and will vote in even greater numbers, commie
Twice Impeached Trump split the party and also disenchanted many on the right from voting at all. Good luck getting Republicans elected for a while. Expect more elections that were expected to go to Republicans to go to Democrats. Just like was saw a few weeks ago in Georgia.

Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
The cop that was killed? You mean the one that had a stroke.

I DID ask a communist.
A stroke from a blood clot. Head injuries can cause such blood clots and he was hit in the head.
He wasn't hit in the head. He wasn't hit at all.
It's almost a pity you rightards are so disconnected from reality. Lemme guess... you also believe Twice Impeached Trump won the 2020 election, amirite?


Sicknick, 40, died a day after the insurrection due to injuries he sustained defending the Capitol amid mobs of supporters of former President Trump storming the complex while Congress met.
The family says no.
Communists are doing nothing but swearing to each other's fabrications

Moron, your own article says he suffered injuries. The family says what they don't know, is the direct cause. Maybe you think he beat himself to death? :lmao:

I heard about a video on 4Chan that shows Sicknick in the Capitol basement repeatedly bashing his own forehead with a fire extinguisher. :cool-45:
To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad
Has Trump caused a fundamental political realignment similar to the one that occurred in 1860 when Lincoln brought forth the Republican Party?

Mike Davis seems to think so:

MR Online | ‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’: Mike Davis on the crisis in the United States

"A majority of Republicans in the House, moreover, voted against certifying the election. These Trump diehards now constitute a de facto third party.

"Since Trump thinks only of revenge, there is little chance of reconciling this group with the majority of Republicans in the Senate who voted in favor of accepting Biden’s election.

"The Republican Party is splitting in two even if both wings retain the same brand name.

"The Trump movement indeed has become a genuinely neo-fascist force organised around the myth of the 'stolen election' and tacitly condoning political violence.

"Their rage has become even more incandescent after Facebook and Twitter closed down Trump’s accounts."
It would be great if they deleted Trump's twitter account and he lost all those contacts he had.
We are still here, growing, and will vote in even greater numbers, commie
Twice Impeached Trump split the party and also disenchanted many on the right from voting at all. Good luck getting Republicans elected for a while. Expect more elections that were expected to go to Republicans to go to Democrats. Just like was saw a few weeks ago in Georgia.


Donnie Deutsch was on Morning Joe today. He's a branding genius and his suggestion is this for Dems/ Progs/ Indies/ and REAL conservatives: Do to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert the same thing Republicans did do AOC. IOW, THIS is the new face of the Republican Party. Q-Kooks Marge and Lauren!! If you vote for Republicans, you are ACTUALLY voting for the new -R- err Q Party! :D
To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad
Has Trump caused a fundamental political realignment similar to the one that occurred in 1860 when Lincoln brought forth the Republican Party?

Mike Davis seems to think so:

MR Online | ‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’: Mike Davis on the crisis in the United States

"A majority of Republicans in the House, moreover, voted against certifying the election. These Trump diehards now constitute a de facto third party.

"Since Trump thinks only of revenge, there is little chance of reconciling this group with the majority of Republicans in the Senate who voted in favor of accepting Biden’s election.

"The Republican Party is splitting in two even if both wings retain the same brand name.

"The Trump movement indeed has become a genuinely neo-fascist force organised around the myth of the 'stolen election' and tacitly condoning political violence.

"Their rage has become even more incandescent after Facebook and Twitter closed down Trump’s accounts."
It would be great if they deleted Trump's twitter account and he lost all those contacts he had.
We are still here, growing, and will vote in even greater numbers, commie
Twice Impeached Trump split the party and also disenchanted many on the right from voting at all. Good luck getting Republicans elected for a while. Expect more elections that were expected to go to Republicans to go to Democrats. Just like was saw a few weeks ago in Georgia.


Donnie Deutsch was on Morning Joe today. He's a branding genius and his suggestion is this for Dems/ Progs/ Indies/ and REAL conservatives: Do to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert the same thing Republicans did do AOC. IOW, THIS is the new face of the Republican Party. Q-Kooks Marge and Lauren!! If you vote for Republicans, you are ACTUALLY voting for the new -R- err Q Party! :D
They should be called, the gang.
you mean knuckle under.

Not fucking happening, you deep state cheerleading cuck.
See what you’re doing here? This is all about winning. It’s not about acknowledging reality.

Anyone who contradicts you is an enemy and can’t be allowed to be considered.

It's about the truth, and your sides attempt to deny any investigation into it, any questioning of it, and any discussion of it beyond things like this message board.
It’s not. If it was you’d actually listen to others who don’t tell you what you what you want to hear.

You are denying any investigation ever happened. You’re pretending that the evidence and allegations aren’t flimsy. You’re pretending the courts didn’t listen.

You’re denying reality.

I am saying the "investigations" were merely count audits, nothing more, certified by the same people who did them, who have no reason to admit there were issues in the first place.

The courts didn't listen, if they listened they would have taken the cases on the merits.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
And why should the cops be allowed to stop and frisk random people in high crime areas?

Marty will be fine on the stop n frisk thingy. He's white ;-)

What's the difference between stop and frisk and being pulled over?

In both cases the cops have to have a reason for doing it, stop and frisk isn't random checking.

It's called a "Terry Stop" and has been around for a long time.

Terry stop - Wikipedia
To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad
Has Trump caused a fundamental political realignment similar to the one that occurred in 1860 when Lincoln brought forth the Republican Party?

Mike Davis seems to think so:

MR Online | ‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’: Mike Davis on the crisis in the United States

"A majority of Republicans in the House, moreover, voted against certifying the election. These Trump diehards now constitute a de facto third party.

"Since Trump thinks only of revenge, there is little chance of reconciling this group with the majority of Republicans in the Senate who voted in favor of accepting Biden’s election.

"The Republican Party is splitting in two even if both wings retain the same brand name.

"The Trump movement indeed has become a genuinely neo-fascist force organised around the myth of the 'stolen election' and tacitly condoning political violence.

"Their rage has become even more incandescent after Facebook and Twitter closed down Trump’s accounts."
It would be great if they deleted Trump's twitter account and he lost all those contacts he had.
We are still here, growing, and will vote in even greater numbers, commie
Twice Impeached Trump split the party and also disenchanted many on the right from voting at all. Good luck getting Republicans elected for a while. Expect more elections that were expected to go to Republicans to go to Democrats. Just like was saw a few weeks ago in Georgia.


Donnie Deutsch was on Morning Joe today. He's a branding genius and his suggestion is this for Dems/ Progs/ Indies/ and REAL conservatives: Do to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert the same thing Republicans did do AOC. IOW, THIS is the new face of the Republican Party. Q-Kooks Marge and Lauren!! If you vote for Republicans, you are ACTUALLY voting for the new -R- err Q Party! :D
They should be called, the gang.

Better? The Seditionist Q Gang!! :)
you mean knuckle under.

Not fucking happening, you deep state cheerleading cuck.
See what you’re doing here? This is all about winning. It’s not about acknowledging reality.

Anyone who contradicts you is an enemy and can’t be allowed to be considered.
Were you there condemning Antifa protestors who trie to barricade the police and burn them to death in Portland?

I double it, but if I'm wrong please post a link to your condemnation
you mean knuckle under.

Not fucking happening, you deep state cheerleading cuck.
See what you’re doing here? This is all about winning. It’s not about acknowledging reality.

Anyone who contradicts you is an enemy and can’t be allowed to be considered.
Were you there condemning Antifa protestors who trie to barricade the police and burn them to death in Portland?

I double it, but if I'm wrong please post a link to your condemnation

you mean knuckle under.

Not fucking happening, you deep state cheerleading cuck.
See what you’re doing here? This is all about winning. It’s not about acknowledging reality.

Anyone who contradicts you is an enemy and can’t be allowed to be considered.

It's about the truth, and your sides attempt to deny any investigation into it, any questioning of it, and any discussion of it beyond things like this message board.

It’s not about the truth. If it were about the truth, Trump supporters wouldn’t so devoutly believe it was stolen without the investigation you claim to want.

Nope. The election was stolen. That was decided first. It was decided the second that it was clear Biden was going to catch up in the swing states. Once you decided what the truth is, no investigation that says anything else can be true. That’s when the excuses come out. It wasn’t done the right way. It wasn’t done by the right people. It wasn’t done in the right location. It wasn’t done at the right time.
Right now, the smart money is on Rump being convicted of one or more felonies and spending at least a year in Club Fed.
I hope you're right. Trump didn't get the nickname "Don the Con" by adhering to the rule of law. He has been suspected of criminal activities for decades, but he has also contributed large amounts of money to Democratic politicians over those years; hopefully, he dies in prison after being thoroughly disgraced.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In June 2016, a USA Today article reported that Donald Trump and his companies have been deleting emails and other documents on a large scale,[245] including evidence in lawsuits, sometimes in defiance of court orders and under subpoena since as early as 1973.[246][247][248]

"In October 2016, Kurt Eichenwald published new research findings in Newsweek.

"The findings were first published by Paul Singer[249] on June 13, 2016[250] and gained larger attention[251][252] after a new report in Newsweek on October 31, 2016.

"According to Newsweek, Trump and his companies "hid or destroyed thousands of documents" involving several court cases from as early as 1973."
I guess we are fortunate that the Biden Regime has fortified the Capitol

Actually, the Biden administration took the troop count from 25,000 when they cam eto power a week ago to 5,000 today.

But, do carry on. What else did Rush say?
Helped by states pulling their Guard troops out after Xiden made them sleep in parking garages. Any more shit you want to eat?
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
Let me get this straight, nigga's loot and steal 10 dollar shoes at a local Walmart across the nation last summer during peaceful protest and 40,000 rednecks murder and steal comprimised intel at the state Capital......uhmmm, this is a hard one...which one is worst?
Your ignorance isn’t astounding you racist fuck. Murder? That’s your BLM pals. Say David Dorn‘s name moron. Peaceful protest? Go tell that to the people who lost homes, businesses, or loved ones. Watching you get beaten down after that would be priceless.
Nancy's castle guards will get over it....but the family of a dead woman killed by one of Nancy's guards will not.....
Her family should blame Trump for poisoning her mind.
What did Trump say that caused this?...I guess you think your side should be able to cheat in elections without it again and see what happens....
Nancy's castle guards will get over it....but the family of a dead woman killed by one of Nancy's guards will not.....
How come it’s ok when cops murder black men because they didn’t obey the cops verbal commands but it’s not ok to shoot people in a mob who are attacking the cops and not stopping when the cop said stop?
She was unarmed climbing through a window in a door...she wasn't being restrained and she posed no threat that warranted the taking of her life...should she have been there? she watched riots without consequences all summer long....I'm sure all of those people thought they would be arrested and released just like ANTIFA and BLM.....none of them expected to be gunned down by Nancy's palace guards.....fucking fat lazy rent a cops that couldn't get through a physical to become a real cop.....
May she rest in peace and I hope while in heaven, the laughter cease long enough for her to explain herself....dumb stupid white bitch!!
Once you’re in hell we can laugh as you try to explain your stupidity. Racist stupid black bitch!

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