Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Where is your proof that a cop was killed?
Listen, what you brain dead shit for brains lunatics don't get to ask for nor demand from anybody of rational thought is, not after 4 years of swallowing every drop of con man sperm from Trump's dick, so don't even ask. You want PROOF, than find it.
You dont think proof should be required for convicting someone of murder? :cuckoo:

It's amazing how you ass clowns just predict how someone would have died that day no matter what would have happened.
Im not predicting anything, YOU are. Im asking for proof and you have none, yet you are making declarative statements that he was murdered, without an autopsy or even a trial.

Did you miss where this officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher
Did you miss the part where it barely touched his helmet and didnt harm him in the slightest bit? Have you even seen the video of it? You could take 100 of those "hits" in a row and be completely fine.
While an officer did receive a glancing blow from a thrown fire extinguisher, that officer wasn't the one that died.

Im really glad to hear that no cops were killed after all. Our "republican riot" was a fairly minor event, other than that woman being shot. I did hear that a cop lost an eye, and whoever did that shit should get years in prison, but all in all, this was tame as fuck compared to any of the hundreds of riots we've seen from democrats the past year.
Notice how none of these communists are crying over the 5 Dallas officers ambushed and killed.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Where is your proof that a cop was killed?
Listen, what you brain dead shit for brains lunatics don't get to ask for nor demand from anybody of rational thought is, not after 4 years of swallowing every drop of con man sperm from Trump's dick, so don't even ask. You want PROOF, than find it.
You dont think proof should be required for convicting someone of murder? :cuckoo:
The proof of felony murder is: was someone killed during the commission of a crime. SickNick was injured during the insurrection and died later. But he's not the only one killed. Ashli "Target Practice" Babbitt was also killed. So anyone involved in that seditious insurrection can face charges of felony murder.
Youre just saying stuff. Show me proof that he was killed with a fire extinguisher.
Try reading for clarity, Tory. I didn't say he did. I said he was injured during the insurrection and died later. He died of a stroke, caused by a blood clot. And such a stroke can be cause by a blow to the head. And there are at least 2 other officers who said he was struck on the head with a fire extinguisher. That could be the cause of his death. But no one knows for certain since there's no way of knowing if the blow to the head caused the blood clot. At least not at this time.

And again, his death is not needed to charge those traitors with felony murder. Ashli "Target Practice" Babbitt's death is enough to charge them. And that charge is being considered.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Where is your proof that a cop was killed?
Listen, what you brain dead shit for brains lunatics don't get to ask for nor demand from anybody of rational thought is, not after 4 years of swallowing every drop of con man sperm from Trump's dick, so don't even ask. You want PROOF, than find it.
You dont think proof should be required for convicting someone of murder? :cuckoo:

It's amazing how you ass clowns just predict how someone would have died that day no matter what would have happened.
Im not predicting anything, YOU are. Im asking for proof and you have none, yet you are making declarative statements that he was murdered, without an autopsy or even a trial.

Did you miss where this officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher
Did you miss the part where it barely touched his helmet and didnt harm him in the slightest bit? Have you even seen the video of it? You could take 100 of those "hits" in a row and be completely fine.
Or you can take 1 and die. And not necessarily right away. A blow to the head can cause a blood clot which can lead to a stroke.
Ive seen no proof that a blow to his head caused anything. You do realize he died of a heart attack, right? It wasnt a stroke as your left wing propaganda initially claimed. :laugh:
Let's see your evidence he died of a heart attack...
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Where is your proof that a cop was killed?
Listen, what you brain dead shit for brains lunatics don't get to ask for nor demand from anybody of rational thought is, not after 4 years of swallowing every drop of con man sperm from Trump's dick, so don't even ask. You want PROOF, than find it.
You dont think proof should be required for convicting someone of murder? :cuckoo:

It's amazing how you ass clowns just predict how someone would have died that day no matter what would have happened.
Im not predicting anything, YOU are. Im asking for proof and you have none, yet you are making declarative statements that he was murdered, without an autopsy or even a trial.

Did you miss where this officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher
Did you miss the part where it barely touched his helmet and didnt harm him in the slightest bit? Have you even seen the video of it? You could take 100 of those "hits" in a row and be completely fine.
Or you can take 1 and die. And not necessarily right away. A blow to the head can cause a blood clot which can lead to a stroke.
Ive seen no proof that a blow to his head caused anything. You do realize he died of a heart attack, right? It wasnt a stroke as your left wing propaganda initially claimed. :laugh:
Let's see your evidence he died of a heart attack...
Digging further into this, i find that i cant provide you that evidence. There are tons is incorrect articles, but if you weed through enough, you get a better picture. What i can tell you is, he didnt die until the next day. His family also said this...

While some news reports had said an unnamed officer was in critical condition after being bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher, family members did not have details of his injuries. They say Sicknick had texted them Wednesday night to say that while he had been pepper-sprayed, he was in good spirits.

So the left wing media is saying he died from injuries, yet his own family doesnt even know what happened. They also said he was only pepper sprayed.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Where is your proof that a cop was killed?
Listen, what you brain dead shit for brains lunatics don't get to ask for nor demand from anybody of rational thought is, not after 4 years of swallowing every drop of con man sperm from Trump's dick, so don't even ask. You want PROOF, than find it.
You dont think proof should be required for convicting someone of murder? :cuckoo:

It's amazing how you ass clowns just predict how someone would have died that day no matter what would have happened.
Im not predicting anything, YOU are. Im asking for proof and you have none, yet you are making declarative statements that he was murdered, without an autopsy or even a trial.

Did you miss where this officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher
Did you miss the part where it barely touched his helmet and didnt harm him in the slightest bit? Have you even seen the video of it? You could take 100 of those "hits" in a row and be completely fine.
Or you can take 1 and die. And not necessarily right away. A blow to the head can cause a blood clot which can lead to a stroke.
Ive seen no proof that a blow to his head caused anything. You do realize he died of a heart attack, right? It wasnt a stroke as your left wing propaganda initially claimed. :laugh:
Let's see your evidence he died of a heart attack...
Digging further into this, i find that i cant provide you that evidence. There are tons is incorrect articles, but if you weed through enough, you get a better picture. What i can tell you is, he didnt die until the next day. His family also said this...

While some news reports had said an unnamed officer was in critical condition after being bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher, family members did not have details of his injuries. They say Sicknick had texted them Wednesday night to say that while he had been pepper-sprayed, he was in good spirits.

So the left wing media is saying he died from injuries, yet his own family doesnt even know what happened. They also said he was only pepper sprayed.
He was attacked by the mob and suffered injuries as a result. That's according to Capitol police. There are also reports he was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher. That's also according to Capitol police. There have been claims he died from those injuries. That's also been the claim of Capitol police. But nothing actually confirmed publicly from an autopsy. Though the details will certainly emerge during the trials. And it's reported he died from a stroke caused by a blood clot and depending on the location of a blood clot that leads to a stroke, it can be caused by blunt force trauma to the head.

So what you call information from the "left wing media," is actually the media reporting the information they're getting from the Capitol police.

And again, as far as felony murder charges are concerned, they could still apply even had Sicknick not been killed since Ashli "Target Practice" Babbitt was.
you mean knuckle under.

Not fucking happening, you deep state cheerleading cuck.
See what you’re doing here? This is all about winning. It’s not about acknowledging reality.

Anyone who contradicts you is an enemy and can’t be allowed to be considered.

It's about the truth, and your sides attempt to deny any investigation into it, any questioning of it, and any discussion of it beyond things like this message board.

It’s not about the truth. If it were about the truth, Trump supporters wouldn’t so devoutly believe it was stolen without the investigation you claim to want.

Nope. The election was stolen. That was decided first. It was decided the second that it was clear Biden was going to catch up in the swing states. Once you decided what the truth is, no investigation that says anything else can be true. That’s when the excuses come out. It wasn’t done the right way. It wasn’t done by the right people. It wasn’t done in the right location. It wasn’t done at the right time.

It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
And why should the cops be allowed to stop and frisk random people in high crime areas?

Marty will be fine on the stop n frisk thingy. He's white ;-)
Not if it was happening to him

I've been pulled over plenty of times, not much different than stop and frisk. every time I took it as you should.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.
Communists have been threatening war for quite sometime. Democrat communists are the enemy. If 140 bodies were injured fighting on the enemy's behalf I have no sympathy. No more than I would have for any enemy combatant. If Ashli Babbitt was a righteous kill, so was the dead officer. You won't have a war without dead bodies.

So quit complaining and suck it up.

So when it's right wing, cowards it's ok to kill cops. That is the only time it fits the agenda,
Would you be as mournful if the injured were all white republicans?

Probably about as sad as you would be if they were all black folks.

No cops were killed.

I guess the one cop that was killed really doesn't matter to you, collateral damage.

BUT there is something very wrong when the police are committing suicide. Why? Are they really killing themselves? If you can't blame a white guy do you even care?

That really makes no sense.

Communists wanted a war. How does it feel?

You will have to ask the communists.
Where is your proof that a cop was killed?
Listen, what you brain dead shit for brains lunatics don't get to ask for nor demand from anybody of rational thought is, not after 4 years of swallowing every drop of con man sperm from Trump's dick, so don't even ask. You want PROOF, than find it.
You dont think proof should be required for convicting someone of murder? :cuckoo:

It's amazing how you ass clowns just predict how someone would have died that day no matter what would have happened.
Im not predicting anything, YOU are. Im asking for proof and you have none, yet you are making declarative statements that he was murdered, without an autopsy or even a trial.

Did you miss where this officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher
Did you miss the part where it barely touched his helmet and didnt harm him in the slightest bit? Have you even seen the video of it? You could take 100 of those "hits" in a row and be completely fine.
Or you can take 1 and die. And not necessarily right away. A blow to the head can cause a blood clot which can lead to a stroke.
Ive seen no proof that a blow to his head caused anything. You do realize he died of a heart attack, right? It wasnt a stroke as your left wing propaganda initially claimed. :laugh:

Oh he had a heart attack, yea that makes it so much better. Smfh.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.
Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They were just making America great again, one cop at a time.


I don't ever wanna hear another Republican say they are the "Party of Law and Order". If I do, I'll throw up in my mouth just a little bit. :icon_rolleyes:

One day vs. months of leftist lawlessness you support.

Fuck of and Die in a Fire.
We supported those rioters the same way you support nutjobs every time they shoot up a school.

You support the status quo which allows those nutjobs to obtain guns. No background checks, etc.

We don’t support the rioters we supported the protesters and blm movement.

Please show a post detailing a person supporting a guy shooting up a school, or remove the accusation you fucking pansy.

You gave the rioters a pass and make a big deal of ONE DAY OF UNREST because its being done by people you don't like.

Were the people who just marched to the capitol and didn't go in peaceful protesters?

Were the people who went into the capitol after the police stopped trying to stop people and just walked around peaceful?
You won't pass legislation to stop nuts from shooting up schools. You're guilty. You have blood on your hands.

You want to punish law abiding people who want to own firearms. It's like banning sober people from driving because of alcohol abusers.

Again, point out someone supporting a school shooter or shut the fuck up.
How about breathalizers in every car? Why do we have to wait for you to kill someone?

Because why should I have to take a test to start my vehicle if I don't drink and drive?
And why should the cops be allowed to stop and frisk random people in high crime areas?

Marty will be fine on the stop n frisk thingy. He's white ;-)
Not if it was happening to him

I've been pulled over plenty of times, not much different than stop and frisk. every time I took it as you should.
You got pulled over because you were doing something wrong.

You republicans are such hypocrites. You claim you love freedom and you claim to care about your rights and the constitution but you are so ready to give up your freedoms for security.

Or, you are willing to give up black peoples freedoms so you can be more safe.

Listen asshole. A black guy will be walking down the street doing nothing wrong. It’s late. It’s dark. The cops pull up and four cops rush out of the car, tackle you, search your pockets, then say go ahead boy on your way When they find nothing.

No way you trump voters would put up with this happening to you.


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